1.5.1 Beta Pack-DIY Edition (now with 1.5.2)

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I managed to find my old 1.5.1 files in MultiMc. But I'm frustrated in general so it's probably not a good idea to try to do this right now.
Ars Magica and Metallurgy don't like Thermal Expansion. Metallurgy doesn't like Applied Energistics. A few config changes fix that.
Forgot what Logistics Pipes didn't like.
Does anyone know of a link to NEI for 1.5.1? The thread only has a 1.5.2 link, and when you try to use that, you get an error (this version of Not Enough Items doesn't work for 1.5.1).
if anyone is interested, i have a 1.5.1 custom pack rockin' and rollin' along, and i'd be happy to share my configs and/or point you to the requisite downloads for each mod. finally got all my id conflicts sorted out. this is a pretty all-inclusive pack, relatively close to an ultimate sort of feel. in a way, i feel it's almost a little too all-inclusive. i may remove some mods along the way.

current list of mods is:

forge (last version for 1.5.1)
optifine 1.5.1 u d1

cofh core
immibis microblocks 54.0.9
powercrystalscore 1.1.3-90
treecapitator 1.5.1.r01

applied energistics rv10-m
ars magica 5.50.010
ars magica nei plugin 1.0.0 (latest is 1.1.0 but it creates some terribad lag with nei due to the tooltips for essence)
bibliocraft 1.2.0
biomes o' plenty 0.5.2 (loving this so much more than ebxl, if only i could get this version working with bwg4)
bspkrscore v2.02
buildcraft 3.5.0
computercraft 1.52
enchanting plus
ee3 pre1g
extra bees 1.6-pre6
factorization 0.7.37
forestry 2.2.02
gravigun 1.5.0v02
gravi suite 1.9.1
gregtech 3.05a (i'm a wuss, so i have my configs set to easy mode, although i did leave the mass fab disabled :p)
ic2 1.115-308-lf
ic2 advanced machines 4.9
ic2 advanced solar panels 3.3.7 (deciding whether to keep this or compact solars, but i don't want both)
ic2 compact solars (deciding whether to keep this or advanced solars, but i don't want both)
ic2 nuclear control 1.5.1.c
ichunutil 1.0.1
immibis core 54.0.2
invtweaks 1.54b
iron chests
modular powersuits 0.6.0-444
modular powersuits addon (andrew2448's) 0.2.3-132
mfr 2.5.4
miscperipherals 3.2
natura 2.0
nei bees plugin 1.1.r21
nei mystcraft plugin 1.1
nei plugins
nether ores 2.1.3
openccsensors 0.1.5e
portalgun 1.5.1
power converters 2.2.0
project bench 1.7.4 (only using this because i miss the project table from rp2)
reisminimap v3.3_04
soul shards 1.27
steves carts 2.0.0.a110
thaumcraft 3.0.4c
thaumicbees 1.4.6 - 171
twilight forest 1.17.2
thermal expansion
tinker's construct 1.3
tubestuff 54.0.0
CoFH loads up on my MC 1.5.1 instance and doesn't scream about any incompatibilities /shrug

yeah, the latest cofh stuff (cofh core, te, and omnitools) are all 1.5.1/1.5.2 compatible.
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I am REALLY impressed you've gotten all those mods to play nicely together. I'm so burned out of trying to build my own pack, else I'd take you up on it. Nice job!
well, to be perfectly honest, it may be jumping the gun to say that they're all playing nicely together. i spent so much time tracking down the appropriate versions of each mod, and then resolving id conflicts, that i've only put a few hours into actually playing the game, hah.

so far i haven't run into any game-breaking bugs, but i imagine as i start using more of the mods at once, i'll probably run into a glitch or two. i think i'm at 94 mods in total though, so if i end up with just a few glitches, i can live with that!

i'm betting i'll hit some item conflicts along the way, something along the lines of, "hey now, why did the stack of <insert rare item here> i just spent trying to craft this awesome item turn into water essence?!"
The config I'm not looking forward to filling out are the extra items for forestry backpacks! Not that its hard, the config itself is easy, just adding the extra items is TIME CONSUMING!
well, to be perfectly honest, it may be jumping the gun to say that they're all playing nicely together. i spent so much time tracking down the appropriate versions of each mod, and then resolving id conflicts, that i've only put a few hours into actually playing the game, hah.

so far i haven't run into any game-breaking bugs, but i imagine as i start using more of the mods at once, i'll probably run into a glitch or two. i think i'm at 94 mods in total though, so if i end up with just a few glitches, i can live with that!

i'm betting i'll hit some item conflicts along the way, something along the lines of, "hey now, why did the stack of <insert rare item here> i just spent trying to craft this awesome item turn into water essence?!"
If you are using MultiMC, watch the console as the game loads. Warnings and other important information are highlighted red. Item ID conflicts ahow up nicely, and can be resolved. I do wish Minecraft would actually CRASH on an item ID conflict instead of replacing one item with another, the whole silently swapping one for the other is just plain annoying because if you don't know or aren't paying attention, you can get screwed that way.