Next map, I swearNext I'd love to see someone try to do something similar but with pneumaticcraft Drones instead, hmmmm.

Next map, I swearNext I'd love to see someone try to do something similar but with pneumaticcraft Drones instead, hmmmm.
In the case of the iron ingot quest, I'd say that your best option is to hand it in manually. Sometimes you'll have to weigh up when to use the QDS, or use a golem with a precise amount configured to hand it in.
The enemy cell quest is crazy buggy. Maybe 1 in 10 work. Why does that one need to be a qds quest?heyop, Lemmee answer your questions.
1. I know it's a convenience mod, but I feel that if people need it so badly, they can add the mod themselves, I'm cool with people adding mods so long as it doesn't throw the balance of the map.
2. This I know of, other people have reported it. the quests still work as intended, but the display is beyond my control.
3. But that ruins the surprise!
4. I tried with some spawned in energy cells, the quest works when the cell is empty. I'm assuming you're doing the 'select task' syncing correctly, so I'm not sure if you've been charging them before submitting them, or you haven't selected the task and right clicked the QDS.
5. Oh hello! What's this? Thanks for spotting that, I'll work on that asap.
Anyway, thanks for the feedback!
My precise problem is that if you use a precision golem it will still eat your items unless you're staring at the quest book and clicking 'collect reward' as fast as the golem turns the quest in. It won't queue up, I tested.
I'd even be in favor of setting several higher value iron ingot repeatable quest that required more ingots. 150 quicksilver for 640 iron, for instance, to avoid needing to dink around with it as much.
Is there a reason you give such a huge amount of wax and wool? Since we get enough for over 3k candles but only need the 1k to do the quest. The ratio of wool to wax blocks to candles is 9:8:108 so 1000 candles requires 84 wool and 75 wax blocks with a couple of resources left over.
Also what's the ruling on building our own stuff to help us out? Like our own chests, machines, or even building a crucible for crafting our own golems? We can get most of them after all, just greatwood, flesh, clay, and tallow we can't get.
The enemy cell quest is crazy buggy. Maybe 1 in 10 work. Why does that one need to be a qds quest?
I realize the qds system isn't built around automation, but there has to be some way to push an exact amount. Maybe some form of vendor bot from some mod... right now there's too much micro managing. I should be looking at my minions scurry, not he running around myself filling this chest, getting these mats, sending these away. Should be self sufficient. However, as I said, aside from choosing hqm,this isn't your fault.
2) trees: need more room, I tried plant in saplings on the crop area, and threw down a lamp of growth with a jar of green, trees never grew. Maybe you could make a big outdoor fence, and put the tree area out there.
3) I see some people are having issues with the gates, have you tried using tinkers construct drawbridges? Much more efficient, no blockage, and they can be filled with anything.
4)Why not use AE? We don't have to built it, but parts of it could be unlocked via a quest. Maybe some of those me chests, or those planes.
5) Future idea, buildcraft robots. Also drones from pneu
I know that it is against the rules to make TE machines, but are you allowed to make anything from extra utilities or thaumcraft?
Also can you add a book you can buy with information about all of the golems and how to use them?
the trees aren't plantable beause the quest gate system blocks stay. it's the same with top of the machines/ maybe in the farm area only block of the sides and not the top
o yeah and i don't know if you know yet but the problem with the QDS is because of the golems. i hooked a item node from a chest to the QDS and it worked