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  1. N

    Luncher not downloading anything

    Can you upload your complete consolelog to pastebin orso, i'm missing info (md5 check / os / java version in this info so i aint complete)
  2. N

    Windows .exe Generating world won't work

    That aint the error, thats just the message that there where errors. Could you upload the complete console output to pastebin?
  3. N

    Mac MindCrack Pack crashes upon load

    Often this is a cause of an earlier error in the logfile. Can you upload it to pastebin. I suspect a RTS (RealTimeScan of an Anti-virus) is keeping the files in use.
  4. N

    0 FPS. 8000+ Entities. Wrong Location Errors. Mindcrack Pack.

    i'm not entirly sure, i believe forgeessentials has the remove command. This should remove dropped items in a radius around you. eg /remove 1000 removes all drops in a 1000 blok radius It also has the butcher command that does work, the only this is it kills about 30 mobs so you have to...
  5. N

    Windows .exe Apiaries causing massive lag

    never heard about apiaries causing lag, did you just have the apiaries or a certain automation on them aswell?
  6. N

    Minecraft constantly Crashing with this report....

    A thaumcraft repair ability goes wrong on an item by the looks of it, what item i can't see in these lines
  7. N

    Server Crash. Log Included Maybe one of you could help me solve it...

    Can you also upload the consoleoutput?
  8. N

    FTB launcher window doesn't display modpacks

    Does your friend have his launcher installed in a path with special characters?
  9. N

    Magic World will not create or load worlds?

    Could be several things that is causing this, could you copy and paste your consoleoutput on pastebin and link it?
  10. N

    dw20 5.0.1 Thaumcraft

    Pretty simepiple duplicated mods = duplicated mods. I haven't seen an error saying duplicated mods when there where no dublicates. Just list all mods in your mods folder but also don't forget your coremods folder. ps ic2.184-lf.jar is still a duplicate of ic2.jar ;)
  11. N

    Problem Mindcrack v8 IC2 API error causing server to hang on load

    There is no other fix atm, this is a known bug which will be fixed when the ic2 version inside the modpack gets updated with a new modpack. When that will be is unknown atm.
  12. N

    Problem Terrain.png for MC Overviewer

    atm i'm just running it out of the box, offcourse you setup worlds which you want to show / hide / what texturepack / what detail etc you can find alot about the configs
  13. N

    What does this mean?

    This is a debug from ic2, will be fixed in a newwer version of ic2.
  14. N

    Solved changeing configs

    no idea, i guess mojang has to implement this. so who knows :P
  15. N

    Solved changeing configs

    the server can't push anything at this moment. The only way you can do is let all your players edit it manual or edit yours and send them to all players to overwrite theirs
  16. N

    Problem Mod Blocks disappear, Vanilla stays (Tech World)

    Sounds like either your missing a config or you have a config mismatch. Are there any errors showing up when you start the server?
  17. N

    Problem DW20 server crashing

    FML: MCP v7.25 FML v4.6.17.515 Minecraft Forge 57 mods loaded, 57 mods active The actual modpacks run @ forge .515 atm. So atleast the coremods folder aint deleted and extracted afterwards. .489 was the dw20v4 and minecrackv7 i believe Delete the folders ExEvolution mentioned...
  18. N

    Problem Terrain.png for MC Overviewer

    Updated mine to the v1.5 alpha and this one seems to run quiet wel aswell. The possibilities are just to much to miss tbh :P
  19. N


    Your hosting the server on your internet connecting? how is your uploadspeed if you do?
  20. N

    Problem Server Restarting. Please Reconnect.

    Function works nice, although i have it disabled myself aswell. When none is on for a certain time, the server goes to sleep. When 1 connects it boots up only that first player has to wait 30 - 60 sec before he can join (since the server is starting up). Really annoying when you just want to play.