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  1. N

    Solved Server lag - SOLVED: Forge 490 is incompatible with redpower 2! Update forge!

    I have monitored my uploadrate with my dw20v5 server. It's jumping between a few kb/s till 1Mbit/s per player connected at that point. (good thing i have 100/100mbit connection). Why i have no idea. There are some theories between people on the boards that certain mods are causing this. Which...
  2. N

    Windows .exe Unable to play FTB. Crashes. C:\Users\TheFired3mon\Desktop\FTB\Direwolf20\minecraft\config\XyCraft.cfg (The requested operation cannot be performed on a file with a user-mapped section open) You have an anti-virus / anti-malware / firewall / WIS (Windows Indexing Service) with a real time...
  3. N

    Opti-fine Issue

    I have had contact with the maker of optfine regarding this when he released the D series of optifine The B series work for Dw20 V4 and MindCrack v7 (unknown by head what forge version) The C Series work for DW20v5 and MindCrack v8 (forge 515) The D series only work for Forge 518 and above
  4. N

    Problem How to start the server?

    Do you have java 32bit and java 64 bit both installed by any chance?
  5. N

    Solved Server lag - SOLVED: Forge 490 is incompatible with redpower 2! Update forge!

    Maybe because you want the data to reach the client, so the client also knows that the blocks break / mobs are there ;)
  6. N

    Problem Server Restarting. Please Reconnect.

    Your using MCMA by any chance and have the server sleep function enabled?
  7. N

    Server connection error railcraft mismatch

    The error indicates that there is a difference between the client and server idfiles. (config files)
  8. N

    Problem [Direwolf20] Crash on startup "Exception in server tick loop"

    Is it a clean install of the server or an update of an older server?
  9. N

    Problem Importing Schimatic into FTB server?

    As far as i know there is no way to import "schematics" ïnto minecraft like bukkit used to have back in the days. I do know that there is a mod called schematica which allows you to see ingame the schematic although you still have to build it yourself.
  10. N

    Problem Spawning Mindcrack items in my server issue

    Do you have any additional mods / plugins installed?
  11. N

    Problem java.lang.NullPointerException

    That crashlog is normal cause he can't reach the server. What modpack and version is running on the server atm? MieCrack v7 / v8 or DW20v4 / v5?
  12. N

    Problem DW20 server crashing

    Could you try to remove the mods / coremods and config folder from your server installation and extract the zip file again into the server folder. Something goes wrong with a correupt file or config (or you deleted to much mods :P)
  13. N

    Problem Launcher/Server Problem.. PLEASE HELP!!

    Do you have your launcher and or installation patch set to C:/Users/Public/Documents/ ? Could you move your laucher to a different folder? the Documents map is known to have problems. - Remove the launcher including all subfolders (make a backup if you have a world you want to save) - Make a...
  14. N

    Crashing Issue Mindcrack

    There is a problem with a TrainWorkbench, ask someone who can login to remove it close to your last known position
  15. N

    MindCrack pack v7 Crashes upon joining server

    Sorry for the late response, rather busy with tickets in the supportsystem the last days >.< Damn i need more time in a day if i want to help everyone ^^. The lag your describing can be 2 things, either to up / download is to low due to your IP-TV(ISP's tend to resevate some bandwith from you...
  16. N

    Launcher freezes at creating profile

    Where do you have your launcher installed? Are you using the .jar or the .exe?
  17. N

    Mac Direwolf20 Pack Client Crash

    java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Could not get provider type for dimension 9, does not exist The game thinks the world does not excist. You can move yourself out of this world with NBTExplorer on the server. Just open you playername.dat and change your dimension to 0 instead of 9
  18. N

    crash report

    What version of Optifine are you using?
  19. N

    Windows .exe Inv Lag

    What version of optifine?
  20. N

    noob here, singleplayer terrain generation crash

    I have a feeling what the problem is (optifine B6), could you upload your console output to pastebin and link it here?