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  1. K

    Looking for some Fermenter Automation Help

    You don't need advanced golems to supply only mulch. the cheapest clay one will do. yeah when you're using redstone engines, you might just as well live with the redstone signal you need for liquiducts. Some levers around isn't so bad. And the pipes look nicer with fluid in them Diamond pipes...
  2. K

    You know you are playing too much FTB when....

    ... when your family is eating a nice dinner at a restaurant and you're wondering how much energy you could gain if you'd just centrifuge it instead.
  3. K

    Thaumcraft Research Tips (Revised, v3)(spoilers)

    grass floor = lignum high Y = aura, volito no light = dark I recently put a skeleton skull on my research table, because let's face it, what self-respecting wizard doesn't have a skull on his desk. Turns out that gives a boost to Telum and Cognitio!
  4. K

    Brass - Am I the only one who can no longer make it?

    Don't forget you can use the resulting sulphur with lead to make a more efficient battery recipe and save your redstone.
  5. K

    Automated Crafting in Mindcrack pack [Tutorial]

    Oh, so that setup was actually a lot bigger than it looked? I think I'll stay away from factorisation crafting for the moment ;) Except maybe the packager thing, that's nice and simple.
  6. K

    Dark Aura Node + MFFS Wisp Zapper help?

    There you go. This room is part of my thaumcraft tower, which is still a work in progress. I'll record a tour once it's done :) Here you see the turrets: There are 5 of them, in small alcoves with iron bars to let them see. They're high up so that I can walk around the node area without...
  7. K

    Dark Aura Node + MFFS Wisp Zapper help?

    Sure, but that'll be later tonight :)
  8. K

    Witch spawning in Mindcrack

    No idea, there's been no research / code digging to that effect that I'm aware of. I do know that blocking the node would increase the rate. Wisp spawning lowers flux so you wouldn't even see the other stuff if the wisps are being dealt with.
  9. K

    Dark Aura Node + MFFS Wisp Zapper help?

    Wisps spawn pretty much exactly on top of the node, maybe one block away if it's blocked. the minimal sphere could be tiny, a radius of 2 blocks will catch them all. Of course you shouldn't build the machine on top of the node as that will prevent wisp spawning so flux will do other bad stuff...
  10. K

    Witch spawning in Mindcrack

    Yep, that's normal behaviour I'm afraid. the witches aren't spawning because there's a buttload of other mobs underground / on the surface. If you want reliable spawns you'll have to light up all the caves around and make it so that mobs don't spawn on the surface. Interestingly, it might be...
  11. K

    Brass - Am I the only one who can no longer make it?

    That's no difference with the normal recipe, 3 copper + 1 tin gives you 4 brass or 2 bronze. It's only a difference if the forestry bronze recipe is still active, which is probably why TE had to remove it.
  12. K

    Automated Crafting in Mindcrack pack [Tutorial]

    Oh, that's very helpful to explain how it works. So it's paper, then 9 items to fill the recipe? How do you set empty space in a recipe? But it's tricky to use without a computer. I guess you could use that with redpower sorters set to roundrobin to fill the packets up on demand. But then you'd...
  13. K

    Is the pattern for Obsidian from EE3 intended

    Two buckets? You're using the second one to sit on? One is enough for the portal ;) You don't even need a flint and steel, though that's probably faster than waiting for lava to light it.
  14. K

    Automated Crafting in Mindcrack pack [Tutorial]

    Is there any information on how the craftpacket stuff should be used? the minecraft thread is pretty useless. The power of this system is that you can plug it into your existing storage without problems. If you have to carefully supply ingredients to a crafting system, that defeats a large...
  15. K

    Automated Crafting in Mindcrack pack [Tutorial]

    The manager setup is really high end, I agree. But the point of automated crafting is helping in the end-game, so you don't spend so much time crafting all the basic ingredients you need for the advanced stuff. The golem setup is much simpler and can be acquired pretty fast, especially if you...
  16. K

    Automated Crafting in Mindcrack pack [Tutorial]

    Aw man, nobody cares about automated crafting? I thought it was pretty awesome ;) /off to build crafting system tied into existing sorter
  17. K

    Automated Crafting in Mindcrack pack [Tutorial]

    Oh, hello there peasants! I came across this automated redpower crafting system on the forums, and thought it was awesome. So I recorded a small tutorial on how it works as well as an alternative system that I figured out on my own. Logistic pipes might take a long while yet, but we can make do!
  18. K

    Renaming executables in modpack updates

    Can the modpack authors please, for the love of server admin sanity, stop renaming the executable on updates? We're running the mindcrack pack and it's been renamed for like the fourth time already. I don't use the supplied shell script as I have my own which adds functions I need. It's so...
  19. K

    Item Recognition in FTB?

    Thaumcraft golems can do the job as well. As well as factorisation routers with a filter. So many choices!
  20. K

    GregTech's changes and Ore Gen

    Well you're entitled to your opinions of course, but my point was that those aren't generic rules by a longshot ;) I'm going to have fun playing with railcraft and gregtech, if you don't mind!