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  1. K

    GregTech's changes and Ore Gen

    um, wat? If there are any 'cardinal rules for mods', they are: 1) The mod must be fun. 2) The mod should be stable. Any mod by definition changes vanilla, as it modifies the vanilla game. And your second rule is just silly, sacrificing mod compatibility or cross-mod functionality just because...
  2. K

    Resonance Unleashed - [Closed - merged into Resonant Rise]

    for brutality mode, there should really be a mod that turns off infinite water. And if somehow lava from the nether couldn't be used as lava for machines, you wouldn't have to nerf the geothermal so much :(
  3. K

    Magic World, anyone else have golems lighting themselves ablaze?

    consider yourself corrected, it's tallow ;)
  4. K

    Eager beaver

    yes, but afaik it doesn't protect anything behind it right now. So it would be interesting to see if that has been changed.
  5. K

    Out of control Thaumcraft node

    Well that's an overstatement. It's a finite system, but even in a desert without overcharged nodes there's enough vis and infused ores to go around to get you to the point where you can generate your own vis. You just can't throw vis around willy nilly in such a case.
  6. K

    Anti-Mob Solutions in the Mindcrack Pack

    you can still tame a wolf, that should be enough to take care of flies
  7. K

    silver ore in mindcrack

    The silver is from Thermal Expansion, which allows the FTB config to set how much of it spawns. I use the silver mostly for electrum, a little for redpower, but haven't touched the silver part of factorisation yet
  8. K

    Good Looking Blocks

    IC construction foam doesn't look too bad either, and you can easily color it. I'm also partial to the twilight forest mazestone blocks :)
  9. K

    Thaumcraft Research Tips (Revised, v3)(spoilers)

    eggs have 4 permutatio. But seeds was indeed better for me. For some of these I used even cheaper solutions: I used nikolite for machina and potentia, it has two each and there's tons of it to spare anyway. For cognitio and aqua I used paper, tons of it is much easier than making maps. For...
  10. K

    Out of control Thaumcraft node

    Planting trees does increase flux, but because they create pure nodes they clear out the flux again as well, over time. Either flux levels are completely unchanging for small or big nodes, or big nodes do drain flux faster but get a percentage increase in flux on planting trees. Because no...
  11. K

    What To Sort?

    yes, that's what I was talking about. They can do it, but in a broken non-sustainable way. Surplus crafted items clog up the system until it breaks down and you have to manually clean them out.
  12. K

    What To Sort?

    You're talking about automatic crafting systems there, which is far beyond sorting. That's not really practical until Logistic Pipes is included in the packs. Redpower can do it, but in a broken non-sustainable way.
  13. K

    Automating Electrical Engines?

    This is wrong, electrical engines do not explode, they enter a cool down cycle where they stop working for a while, then start going again all by themselves. If you've had problems with electrical engines and explosions you must have been using conductive pipes which do explode if they can't...
  14. K

    A bee wants redstone flowers?

    as far as I know, artificial lightning strikes don't count for the lightning rod. it has to be a storm.
  15. K

    Detailed information of Changes in v5 of Direwolf20, v8 of MindCrack & v7 of Magic World

    It means you should quarantine your gregtech machines if you're afraid of messing up. Stick transformers any place you want it to separate from the rest (even when you keep the voltage the same), they act as barriers.
  16. K

    I'm Obviously Doing BC Power Wrong. How can I improve?

    The infernal furnace does have a couple things going for it: it looks awesome you get experience from smelted items like with a vanilla furnace, but it can be automated. This means you can set up a drop system to dump stuff in, a pickup system to store away the results, and put a brain in a jar...
  17. K

    Compact Automated Alviary without messy pipes?

    The part I was referring to was a diamond pipe's function as an insertion pipe. It's good to know the apiarist's pipe does that as well :)
  18. K

    Compact Automated Alviary without messy pipes?

    so the apiarist's pipe acts like a diamond pipe? Good to know
  19. K

    Quick comment on Thermal Expansion

    Why is that a problem? there are electrical engines for EU power plants and Bluelectric engines for Redpower ones.
  20. K

    s**ts gone wrong [TC3]
