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  1. K

    Chicken farm assistance requested

    back when we didn't have redpower, I made one with an alternating piston dropper. The eggs got dispensed in a chute, and a line of alternate-state pistons would slowly drop the chicks down until they all hatched, at which time they landed on top of a pressure plate attached to a tesla coil...
  2. K

    Defeating the ender dragon

    I thought I read in one of the mod change logs that ender crystals now actually have a use? Was it thaumcraft? In any case, that makes trying to kill the dragon without shooting out the crystals quite the challenge :P
  3. K

    Compressor + transformer = explosion

    if you want round robin you'll have to use RP
  4. K

    Problem with Redstone Energy Cell

    no, it'll output as is. For the energy conduits, make sure the pipe is set to output mode where it connects to the cell
  5. K

    What is this infernal contraption!?

    I approve. Though a portal gun portal would probably make things easier to deploy.
  6. K

    A Guide To: Running Your Fusion Reaction Indefinitely (1.4.6/1.4.7)

    Awesome setup! nice endgame device :) I have to wonder though, why don't you just set the pipes to maintain resources for 2 operations, including the reactor? It'll mean some extra cells present in the system but that should hardly be a problem.
  7. K

    Aura and You: All About Thaumcraft 3 Aura Mechanics

    This is pretty much my aim as well. Although I still need to find the knowledge fragments for the clusters :( 1 aura every 5 minutes from a cluster simply means that the target amount of clusters for me will be 300 :) I may end up quarrying out some areas far away from my base in order to...
  8. K

    Cobble: Keep it or destroy it?

    I keep one igneous extruder connected to a chest. This is enough cobble to serve all my needs. All of my other cobble from automatic mining gets voided as soon as possible. Less entities to worry about.
  9. K

    Why should I start with beekeeping?

    This. If you're on a server where people go their own way, mailboxes really are a game changer.
  10. K

    Am I the only one who likes the gregtech recipes?

    that's a silly ad hominem attack. I based my opinion on direwolf's forgecraft series, where I've personally never seen any hostility towards gregtech. So I assumed this wasn't serious as that is the most likely thing. But if it is true, not liking a mod doesn't equate forbidding a mod or asking...
  11. K

    Am I the only one who likes the gregtech recipes?

    that's a nice find, but that wasn't intended seriously.
  12. K

    Wireless Melee Turtle Program

    you can make the script the startup script for the turtle, that fixes the log problem. For the second you'd need a rednet message check which orders it to reboot.
  13. K

    Am I the only one who likes the gregtech recipes?

    The whole gregtech debate has become moot. During beta there was something to talk about because there was no choice - either you played the beta with gregtech, or you didn't play. But now we're out of beta, there's several modpacks to choose from, and no need to complain. If you like gregtech...
  14. K

    Disable RP2 Volcano generation

    one day? you can already stick their wood in an extractor to get rubber right now.
  15. K

    Magic World - Thaumcraft 3: Best way to create/combine nodes

    uh, that's nonsense. The node increases by 16 to 33 after merging with a silverwood, regardless of crystal clusters and it's not based on percentages. You just have to take care when you're merging with a node that's 250 or below because you can accidentally merge the wrong way and lose aura...
  16. K

    Purifying Aura for ThaumCraft

    Like the others said, growing silverwoods actually increases flux. Besides dumping flux in effects (like wisps), the only other way to lose flux is if the node in question is a pure node (from silverwoods). So you can grow a new pure node and artificially increase it by adding more silverwoods...
  17. K

    Plugin to sweep up ground/floating entities

    Or just put a pool of lava underneath :P
  18. K

    Quick question involving golems and thaumcraft

    It just happened to me five minutes ago, so that's definitely still in. netherrack it is :(
  19. K

    7 Silverwood trees, 2 saplings

    shearing preserves the leaf block, you only get saplings if you break the leaves. You'd need a digging turtle to do that.
  20. K

    7 Silverwood trees, 2 saplings

    my own experience based on chopping down about 50-ish trees is that you get a sapling about half the time. so the wiki would be wrong. But then that could simply be me being unlucky.