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  1. T

    The Best Power Source

    For those that are wondering, the way energy consumption is rounded a recycler or electric furnace with one OC is actually more efficient than one without an OC. (Actually, with recyclers 2 OCs are about equivalent to 0 OCs in terms of power consumption, but due to the cost of OCs, you might as...
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    Max MJ's Per Tick for a Quarry?

    As I have said before, I have tried disabling filler drops before, and found that what happens is that people don't use fillers, period. They don't just just use it for the intended purpose, they don't use them at all. There is no landscape that people don't care about resource-wise, really.
  3. T

    Max MJ's Per Tick for a Quarry?

    As I've said before, this will just mean that people won't use fillers, even for their intended purpose.
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    Mystcraft + Quarry story

    Agreed, if by "unstable" you mean that they put out an inconsistent amount of EU. Agreed. Turbines don't explode... They do drop blades, however. Also, You're forgetting about obstructions in the area - my normal wind tower design has the top wind turbine way above that, but with enough...
  5. T

    A Guide To: Running Your Fusion Reaction Indefinitely (1.4.6/1.4.7)

    I am a little confused as to what you mean by that... So it isn't self-sustaining with resources for 2 operations but is with resources for 1?
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    A Guide To: Running Your Fusion Reaction Indefinitely (1.4.6/1.4.7)

    What type of log pipes are you using for machine inputs?
  7. T

    Mystcraft + Quarry story

    I crunched the numbers, and windmills in an age with consistent weather are better than an advanced solar panel in pretty much everything except for iron/eu/t, and have the advantage of not using any uranium or glowstone. Unfortunately, iron is the thing I tend to be short on.
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    Mystcraft + Quarry story

    Makes sense. I personally don't like plains because of the tall grass, and make a separate age for animals, to transfer over when I get crystals, but to each their own. Running costs now... Although I use a modified DW20 pack at the moment, so it's a moot point. Don't kill the villagers - send...
  9. T

    Why should I start with beekeeping?

    Which uses (800eu + 2eu*drops)/crop, requires additional automation, and requires an (expensive) machine per crop. Yes, it is possible to automate, but it's a lot harder and requires EU to boot. The crossover works, but isn't included in either pack.
  10. T

    Help with getting started with Boilers

    For a large LP boiler, 158.4 fuel units/second I believe. Also, a large fuel supply to start the boiler. A TE sawmill is more efficient - actually, I believe I was the one to popularize that. Yes, but a single aqueous accumulator will supply even a large HP boiler.
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    Why should I start with beekeeping?

    However, IC2 crops don't automate well. Bees do.
  12. T

    Mystcraft + Quarry story

    About the only two things that a Mystcraft world helps with is that the bedrock/surface can be flat and that you can have eternal day. (Although solars still arn't as good as windmills. Dunno about advanced solars though.) I always use a tunnel bore, though. That way I can customize the...
  13. T

    Help with getting started with Boilers

    A couple of things: How much of a fuel supply do you have? (Not fuel stored in chests, but fuel getting mined/chopped down/etc.) How much iron do you have? Bigger boilers are more fuel efficient, but take longer to warm up, and you really don't want a boiler running intermittently.
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    A Guide To: Running Your Fusion Reaction Indefinitely (1.4.6/1.4.7)

    I suggest adding extra capacity throughout - you REALLY don't want to have to restart the reactor.
  15. T

    TBM vs. Natural Cobble Generator

    Dig and immediately move forward (buffer gate, or some other mechanism for delaying a pulse 1 tick). It might take a few tries, but it will bulldoze through.
  16. T

    Gravel Production?

    Looking at NEI, some possibilities: 4 dirt + minium stone = 1 gravel. Seeing as crafty turtles don't use durability from items in crafting, this seems ideal. You can use a pulveriser to turn cobble to sand + gravel, and turn the sand to dirt and then to gravel. Scrapbox has a ~6% chance to...
  17. T

    Anti-Griefing and Trust with Physics: Keeping Order w/out Bukkit Plugins or Whitelists

    Also, what do you do about things like this? (World crashes that persist on reload, that can be done fairly simply if someone intends to grief)
  18. T

    Beekeeping Guide. Yay or nay?

    Why bother with diamond pipes? Just do it the way I do.
  19. T

    Beekeeping Guide. Yay or nay?

    I would definitely be interested in other people's setups - here's mine. About the only real expense is the autarchic gates, and those can be replaced by redstone engines fairly easily.