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  1. Q

    Thank you RWTema - I love Ender Quarry

    I like that there are options. If performance is an issue, use the opaque versions, but if you can support the performance cost and want the aesthetics, the transparent ducts are still in the game.
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    Quarry questions

    Did it hit lava? Are the tesseracts chunk-loaded? The quarry loads itself, but you might have placed the tesseracts outside of that range.
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    Using Unleashed pack and I was wondering two things.

    Not to mention forge changed liquids to fluids, so any liquids you had would be destroyed. And fundamental changes to the way minecraft works under the hood means that even if a mod does a direct port, and doesn't change any features, it would still be incredibly difficult to try and keep a...
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    1.6.4 Modpack releases

    It was first said here. Look a few posts down, VikeStep says it.
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    Few questions about 1.6.4 Mods

    2. The pump won't suck lava if it has no place to put it (as in the ender tank is full) 3. I believe it's 10:1, since RF values are essentially MJ values multiplied by 10.
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    Do You Ever Cheat?

    I do this at the very beginning of every world. Fly around until I find a nice place to call home, then drop back into survival and get started for real. I'd much rather be living in a nice environment, and not spend hours finding that environment and moving all my stuff into it.
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    Thermal Expansion 3.0!!! No More Beta! Thanks KL!

    From now on whenever I hook up conduits, I'll have to kneel down, look up at Scotty, and say "energize" in a deep voice.
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    Why don't more mods have sounds?

    I'm not opposed to sounds if they're done right. I actually like the rain sound (I know I must be the only person in existence who finds it comforting.), but cows, nether portals, and villagers are all quite painful and annoying. For the most part I keep sound on, but at a lower volume than the...
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    The next DW20 pack

    RF conduits currently automatically convert into MJ when attached to an MJ machine. The Steam Dynamo can take steam from your Railcraft boiler and turn it into RF, which can be stored in Energy cells. Then want to power a quarry? Conduits automatically convert. Bee machines? Conduits...
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    Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

    Perhaps put the portal on the ground, and have the cart "fall" into it? Then when it links back that linking book goes back to the tracks a couple blocks away, as Henry Link suggested?
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    Thermal Expansion 3.0!!! No More Beta! Thanks KL!

    I'm going to assume FlowerChild has come to his senses and is secretly rejoining the modding community at large. Does that win most outlandish?
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    Direwolf20 1.1.4 question

    Red power was not ported to 1.5, which is what the latest Direwolf pack is running.You could try using Project Red, it's a red power clone mod, or just use other mods included in the pack.
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    Thermal Expansion 3.0!!! No More Beta! Thanks KL!

    Perhaps mekanism universal cables? I think ender io should work though.
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    Where do you get blood to make endstone in tinkers?

    Is it just me or is there no way to solidify liquid emerald?
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    Thermal Expansion 3.0!!! No More Beta! Thanks KL!

    Right as I go out of town TE is going to be released. At least I'll have something to look forward to.
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    Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

    There's been talk of it getting an automateable (is that even a word?) version later, but for now Tristam's right, the unifier is probably your best bet.
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    editing mystcraft Ages

    You can toggle instability (if you have access to commands) but other than that, no. If you specify everything in the writing, though, you are less likely to have the game randomly add in features you don't want. For instance, adding a sky color and night sky color should prevent rainbow skies.
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    Has anybody moved their base yet with the AE rv14 pylons ?

    Hmm, I'm getting an idea that involves mystcraft lava ages...
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    MFR Fertilizer not working with IC2 Fertilizer, Forestry Fertilizer or MFR Fertilizer?

    MFR machines operate in a square, with the machine located on the center of one side. _XXX MXXX _XXX M= Machine X= Area of Operation. In this diagram, the "operating" side of the machine is facing the X's. Exceptions to this are the planter and sewer, which are at the center of their area...
  20. Q

    Was ethanol nerfed?

    So, I'm really glad I read this thread, and figure I might as well add my two cents. As someone who doesn't have a ton of time to play, maybe a couple hours each week, I tend to go for the "easy" path, the "easy" configs, and the "cheaty" power gen methods. I really just don't have the time to...