Search results for query: fuck

  • FTB will be shutting down this forum by the end of July. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord!
  1. A

    Request Full Texture Pack for Modpack

    ...for MindCrack. Started at vanilla and had to stop when I got to Thermal Expansion. Then minecraft changed how it handled textures so I went "fuck this". Also found a job at that point and had no time for the project. The texture pack wasn't that great either. I must say those that spend...
  2. lenscas

    Up to 9000

    851 ok, in other words. Their system is a table fuck. Waaaayyyy too much tables in tables and what not, it is not at all clear which tags are under each other and which are nested
  3. Someone Else 37

    [GAME] Cardwolf III

    ISO time! I'm sorta thinking that Cheese might be an SK. Pretty obviously anti-town, as was pointed out shortly thereafter. Nonsensical reasoning to make it look like he's trying to be helpful. Do note that the SK's win condition requires that *everyone* be dead, save themselves. If Cheese is...
  4. LivingAngryCheese

    [GAME] Cardwolf III

    This is interesting enough that I'm gonna talk about it. I can't argue with pyure because... well he said what I said: So, vote squid. Squid and nojr working together. Interesting. I'll note down nojr as suspicious. So squid, you're wrong, this is an illusion pyure commonly uses these days...
  5. LivingAngryCheese

    [GAME] Cardwolf III

    AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA WHAT THE FUCK THAT'S AMAZING My first reaction was, oh shit there are two serial killers, then I saw who they killed and I was like... can't we just accept them as town members xD. I think we actually killed all of them because there was no night kill. Also, victini, you arse...
  6. Pyure

    [GAME] Cardwolf III

    Vote Fred. Tell me I'm crazy. Fred!mafia!Governor saves self. Fred!mafia!Governor murders dylan Dylan!Town is the TOWN governor. Fred!mafia says fuck.
  7. LivingAngryCheese

    [GAME] Cardwolf III

    Well.. you didn't answer my question.. but fuck it. vote Fred
  8. Pyure

    [GAME] Cardwolf III

    Its not your wording that's sketchy, its your thought process. How does lynching scum!Vike establish more wolves than, say, scum!pyure?
  9. LivingAngryCheese

    [GAME] Cardwolf III

    Oh for fucks sake how is this scummy @VikeStep @Pyure ? Sure the wording is bad, but what that means is: I'm not convinced vike is a wolf, I don't think the reasoning for that is sufficient, but he has shown enough interest towards other people that killing him might be worth it anyway for the...
  10. the_j485


    ...has two problems: it's boring, and it's over powered. Make it so that it actually only lasts a few rounds and has a cooldown. Ice aura is op as fuck, but an easy mistake to make. In this system, many if not most attacks are 1 dmg dealt, so a difference of even 1 is crazy strong. I recommend...
  11. xTicianx

    Infinity Server "Can't keep up" - enough hardware

    ...and greef-protected and stuff like that. I also don't want to have to control everything and Infinity gives a lot of stuff with which you can fuck up a world. Atm there are just 3 people playing, including me and I totally trust them^^ Maybe someday when I have time to play administrator and...
  12. M

    Can't launch server if it has an IP

    Connect to the host? host:port (fuck smileys) is the standard procedure
  13. M


    Yea dunno what the fuck is up with the forums and/or users or something, but there seems to be an incredible amount of duplicate threads nowadays
  14. A

    Is FTB promoting Maoism? seem like the opposite. You'd have an empty farm and just a smeltery and you'd starve if it was Maoist. Also WOW that man was an absolute fuck tard. Never attribute to malace which can be explained by stupidity. In this case it was both. No wonder yanks are so against communists...
  15. erindalc

    Werewolves the matrix. [Game Thread][Championship Practice]

    The fact that you admitted it makes it a little better...not taking my vote off you though.
  16. Pyure

    Werewolves the matrix. [Game Thread][Championship Practice]

    Goodness gracious, how odd. Wait, I lied about mine. Fuck. That's pretty scummy and totally against all proper convention.
  17. LivingAngryCheese

    Beneath the Neon Stars - In Character Thread {MATURE CONTENT}, someone I could depend upon to save my life. I hated her for that, but Jesus, that was brutal. Even if she were to be executed, that was, fucking hell man, why did she, Jesus why didn't she give her a lethal injection or something. I am not getting that mental image out of my head any...
  18. M

    [1.7.10] The Ferret Business [WIP][BQ + HQM, 500+ Quests][v 0.2.6]

    haha my inventor randomly drops things too. like i said, make a backup so nothing goes horribly wrong. i had problems last version with it changing the items in my inventory. so good luck to ya in fixing it. (and what block is it?)
  19. I

    [1.7.10] TerraFirmaPunk 2.0 - TerraFirmaCraft & SteamPunk Adventures

    ah fuck, I can update java on this computer easily enough but my home computer literally doesn't have internet so if something gets fucked, I'm fucked entirely out of minecraft