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  • FTB will be shutting down this forum by the end of July. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord!
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    [1.7.10] Material Energy^4

    I'm not entirely I should be the one to be posting this, nor am I sure this should be posted her at all, but I feel this needs to be known and seen. Some of you may know this but Parcel is completely stepping away from all minecraft things and is selling his gaming PC, from playing, to...
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    [1.7.10] ImpactFlux Modpack - Version 1.0.0 [HQM, 400+ Quests, Hardcore]

    Don't play this pack, it has been abandoned and everything is about a year out of date.
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    [1.7.10] ImpactFlux Modpack - Version 1.0.0 [HQM, 400+ Quests, Hardcore]

    People still play this pack? The pack is almost a year out of date by now. I suggest moving on because any bugs in this are either gonna have to be fixed by you, or are just never going to be fixed.
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    Request Alpha Testers for WIP Pack

    Cool, do you use teamspeak? I'd like to use it for some communication but first I need to find a server :/
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    [1.7.10 | Unlisted] Obscurity - Jampacked 2 Winner

    You misunderstand him, he means a typo in the ModTweaker scripts.
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    Request Alpha Testers for WIP Pack

    Hey would you mind deleting the two posts of you quoting yourself?
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    Request Alpha Testers for WIP Pack

    For the past few weeks I have been engineering a custom modpack and after a little bit of thought I have decided that the pack's mods are final enough to put out an alpha phase of testing. I am looking for just a few testers to help find bugs, give advice on the quests that are currently still...
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    [Now on Curse!][MotM Unofficial][1.0.2] Checklist Complete: You can do the thing!

    Hooray for a good version of a Botania pack. This combined with all the Garden of Glass work I'm doing, I will have all of the flowers... all of them!!!! MUAHAHAHAHA!
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    [1.7.10] ImpactFlux Modpack - Version 1.0.0 [HQM, 400+ Quests, Hardcore]

    Mystcraft has been out for a long time, so long that XComp actually reworked the gui for the linkbooks by creating a nifty api that allows for the rendering of blocks in other areas. But yeah its been out for months and months...
  10. B

    [1.7.10] ImpactFlux Modpack - Version 1.0.0 [HQM, 400+ Quests, Hardcore]

    Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh dude, this thing has been dead for months... Like the mods in it are so completely out of date, there are tons of bugs, and there are no incoming fixes.
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    FTB Insanity Remake

    There was a remake but from what I saw it was either never finished or just kinda vanished. Now in terms of EE I would go with Project E instead of EE3. While EE3 is a great mod it still is not quite fleshed out, the trans tablet is still pretty buggy as well. Project E is a complete remake...
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    [WIP] Running Red: Descent
  13. B

    Learning Java Through Modding: Auroral Forces

    So I have absolutely no way to explain this but I commented everything out and started re adding the code piece by piece and everything worked. I'm definitely not gonna complain because it's working but that was weird.
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    Learning Java Through Modding: Auroral Forces

    package com.Bearnado123;import cpw.mods.fml.common.Mod;import cpw.mods.fml.common.event.FMLInitializationEvent;import cpw.mods.fml.common.event.FMLPostInitializationEvent;import cpw.mods.fml.common.event.FMLPreInitializationEvent; @Mod(modid="Auroral-Forces", name="Auroral-Forces"...
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    Learning Java Through Modding: Auroral Forces

    I got the error while I ran the project in the IDE, Yeah I saw the thing about java 8 as well which is weird because I have version 8 update 45 on my computer which is the most up to date version.
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    Learning Java Through Modding: Auroral Forces

    So I need a little bit of help. While I've been trying to set up the events, preInit, init, and postInit, in my mod class I can not get the @mod.EventHandler to work like Pahimar does in his tutorials. It just gives me an error saying: Error:(14, 6) java: type annotations are not supported in...
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    Learning Java Through Modding: Auroral Forces

    So over the past week I've learned the basics of Java and have gone through and tried to learn the details of the IDE I'm using and I've decided that it's time to try and apply what I've learned to a larger project. So I'm going to try to make a mod. I might put some minor dev commentary on...
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    [1.7.10] Twisted Realms [Tech/Magic/Over 20 Dimensions/Mystcraft/Nevermine/Aether II]

    I wonder If you realize that people have actual lives going on... StarV just said that he was dealing with graduation stuff and most people have been dealing with end of school stuff for the past few weeks so stop complaining dude. This is a hobby, not a job. Be patient, learn the mechanics...
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    Mod-of-the-Month: June 2015

    I don't mean like just shout them in the thread but maybe form some sort of civilized suggestion system for the first round of voting.