Update git.prop and curseforge.prop, pre curse push
Changes code for a refactored CGOrigin 3.1.0. Also bumps version to 3.0.3 (Same MC Version, some new content, negligible little code basis)
Revert 8e27ac2..4e8fba9
This rolls back to commit 8e27ac2c72f3683970f0a603f010b09b26627c92.
Much updates. Many things have been moved and re-organized.
Moved around age things for correct disposal of angels Fixed corruption on children
Patched todo for morph version. Now we have full Morph compatibility, but abilities will not be active until the 0.10.0 beta release of Morph
Adds functionality for an Angel's Tear: + Can teleport player on right click + Can Set the world time + Uses decremented per use, shown in tool tip they are
+ Decrepit Weeping Angels As Weeping Angels get older, they will begin to crumble, until they expire (die) + Angels can by rejuvenated a little bit by teleporting or, to a lesser extent, infecting, players + A-Cellular Procreation When an angel is near death, it has a chance to reproduce a baby angel, spontaneously + Baby Weeping Angels Double the speed and half the size of a normal angel + Angel's Tear Dropped by a Weeping Angel on death More functionality to come + Angel Arrow Crafted with an Angel's Tear and a vanilla Arrow On hit player, player will be infected with a weeping angel On hit EnderDragon, will turn all Endermen in loaded chunks in the dimension to turn into Weeping Angels + When looked at by a nearby player, angels will try to distract the player by playing a sound behind the player - [Bug] Angels were knocked back when hit - Angel statue removed from decorations and put in own tab
Background utility class modified
Silly Typos

Patch in the AngelPlayerHandler
Fixes incorrect entity registering
Rearranged some torch code
This may, or may not, allow angels to quantum lock one another
Adds a Vault word generation, changes the WeepingAngel's size, and moves 2 files
Patch to fix dependencies
Merge pull request #7 from ViKaleidoscope/patch-1
Create zh_CN.lang
Create zh_CN.lang
Simplified Chinese localization.
Updated for new file format and build.gradle