What's new in modded minecraft today?

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I think this thread has gone far too long without a gif.
*Insert gif here*
*Now insert people saying stop getting off topic*
*Next, insert argument*
5 pages later.... (More or less)
*Insert actual modded news*

I'm gonna skip all of that and head right to the news.
I'm defying the Law of Forums!

Factorization 0.8.87
When will Factorization finally have a 1.0?! said:
Czech localizations by golyalpha!
Work around for another change that made mirrors stackable
Added recycling recipes:
LMPs can be slag-furnaced'd
Instructions can be smelted into blank instruction plates
Logic Matrix <Whatevers> can be smelted into blank logic matrices
Lacerators speed up much quicker
The LMP clicking/shift-clicking a note block with an LMP will adjust the note up/down, and show its name
Jumping off a building and onto a horse will break the lead, if necessary, and give the horse a small speed buff. The buffs will be much more significant if you are jumping off a tall building while holding a weapon or carrying a damsel.[/B

Animated Player 1.5.0
* added simple flying animation
* added compatibility with modded hats/helmets
* attempted to fix armor compatibility issues
* fixed better hats sometimes messing up
* custom textures section for eyes, mouth, etc must not be completely pure white
* simplified some internal code

Better Storage Build 1.0.9
  • Fix dyeing recipes not working (backpacks, cardboard stuff, locks, keys)
  • Fix station crafting not pulling required items in special case
  • Add @Victorious3 to mcmod.info author list

Automagy 0.4
- Added the hungry maw and finical maw.
- Moved mod items/blocks to a new creative tab.
- You can now shift-click on a populated runic whitelist/blacklist to put it into or remove it from a slot in the relevant GUIs.
- You can now right-click with a populated runic whitelist/blacklist instead of a wand to open GUIs where those items can be inserted.
- Fixed a bug where mercurial redcrystal didn't send its signal through the mirror if it received redstone power immediately upon being placed.
- Fixed a crash on dedicated servers related to the configuration GUI of greedy and eager chests.

Torchools 1.0.1, 1.0.25, 1.0.27
Some bugfixes

Added developer sillyness :p + automatic building and maven repo

Fixed issues with things

Bug fix.
Render improvements.
Iron Chest upgrades.

Simply jetpacks 1.0.1
Fixed a bug in jetpack upgrading recipes

Fixed ReCubed crash when drinking from water bottles. http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding/minecraft-mods/1293037-recubed-track-all-the-stats…

Fixed the CraftHeraldry server crash. http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding/minecraft-mods/2165317-craftheraldry-coats-of-arms-in-minecraft-over-1200…
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Just released a hotfix for Santa's Toys- 0.2.1. I'm not exactly sure if an update is necessary for clients, but it definitely is for servers.
  • HOTFIX: Vanilla Render class was being referenced on client and server side. It is now a client-side thing, as it should've been in 0.1/0.2 or whatever version that was. This means that servers can now use this mod without having an NPE.
I think a part of Factorization's changelog didn't get enough attention, so let me direct your eyes here:
NeptunePink said:
  • Jumping off a building and onto a horse will break the lead, if necessary, and give the horse a small speed buff. The buffs will be much more significant if you are jumping off a tall building while holding a weapon or carrying a damsel.
I love Factorization, its just full of awesome stuff. :)
I don't believe anyone posted this from last week, but Edit: I just confused by the Version History page, it was actually today :P Witchery 0.20.4
TWEAK: Rowan Doors will no longer break when the block below them is removed.
TWEAK: Rowan Doors will open so long as the player has the key somewhere in their inventory.
TWEAK: Rowan Doors will break into sticks unless the player has they keys in their inventory.
TWEAK: Changed the witches oven to prevent the insertion of clay jars into the cooking slot, this means it is possible to automate the oven with hoppers now.
TWEAK: Hobgoblin miners will be much less likely to dig down twice now.
TWEAK: Updated all book recipes to use any ore dictionary dyeBlack instead of just ink sacs.
FIX: Hobgoblin miners will no longer mine unbreakable stone/ground blocks.
FIX: Worked around an issue where if another mod creates TileEntities while the Hobgoblins are looking for chests a ConcurrentModificationException occurred.
Breath, breath, BREATH!!!!!!
Ooh, Ah, ooh, ahh, OOH, AAARRGGHHH!

Congratulations, you are now a proud mother of a changelog.
Wait... there's more?
:O Triplets + 1!

VeinMiner 0.17.1
  • Stop Veinminer from sticking on.
  • Fix client Preferred mode comment say "no_sneak" instead of "nosneak".
Enchanting Plus 2.0.4, 3.0.0a2
Removed all instances to hardmode. The feature was completely broken.

Added Patreons to mcmod.info
Made the slot only accept enchantable items
Fixed ArthmeticException due to placing items with 0 enchantability into the table
Re-added ToolTips
Fixed crashing issues on dedicated servers

Electrical Age BETA-1.8_r28, BETA-1.8_r29
  • Better tutorial map with wireless power transmition
  • Fix new forge verssion that refuse electrical age mod
  • Add wireless power transmiter antenna into tutorial
  • Better lamp socket render when light is not maximal
  • Fix capacitor maximal voltage
Now you can provide power to OpenComputer with ELN to Other xxV converter.
  • Add support of OpenComputer for the Energy Converter
  • Add pull down resistor for batteries and solar pannels
  • Fix eln.cfg plumb to lead
  • Fix rubber ore dictionarry

- Update for Minecraft 1.7.10

Requires: Forge 1180+

*Sniff* They are all already for 1.7.10,
They grow up so fast!
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I'd already posted that changelog for OpenComputers a while back
Oops, curseforge said the last updated file was just released.
Turned out OpenComputers wanted to give curse a go.

This is what happens when you live in the future...
You can never tell whats new or old.
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What exactly is that image showing?
Is it solar panels heating water to steam, and then that's driving some form of turbine?
The 1/4 is a automatic way of creating destilled water , this is used in the process of creating steam.
You could use normal water but that leaves you with calcification.

At the water there's a IC² pump pumping water into the IC² pipes , it is power by solar panels.
The pipes are running into solar destillers and pipes underneath the destillers are extracting the destilled water.

EDITTED to be more complete.
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