What's new in modded minecraft today?

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Applied Energistics 2 got an update:
AlgorithmX2 said:
rv0.alpha build 115
  1. Raised Packet Size Limits Signifigantly.
  2. Fixed some potential crashes.
  3. Added MJ6 Support ( currently disabled ).
  4. Re-named MJ to MJ5 Support.
  5. Added Support for Buildcraft 6.0.12 Builder / Blueprints.
  6. Facades now refrences their blocks by name instead of id.
  7. Fixed visual update when placing facades.
  8. Added Support for BC 6 Facades.
  9. Certus Quartz Ore No longer Renders at random rotations.
I blieve the Old Miner is taking over Iguana tweaks, and has released a beta for 1.6.4 with several changes and additions which are very nice.

Posted Yesterday, 03:05 PM

I have a preview build of the update I'm working on.
Added new Materials from extraTic 0.8
Config to set all stats of most tool Material stats (the rest will be coming with the non beta build)
Expanded config for block harvest levels.
Config to rename and change the number of tool exp levels

HQM just ported to 1.7.2


Silly HQM folks said:
Known issues :
Sometimes the book doesnt sync properly when opened. Open and close the book for it to sync properly, if this doesn't fix it. Please note the part where it doesn't sync and report it to the bug tracker. As all other bugs you may find.
We will try to fix this issue in the next Alpha we release.
guess what I just noticed ;)

A couple of updates today

@Democretes has updated Technomancy to 0.4.1

@Emoniph has updated Witchery to 0.18.3

@joshie has updated Mariculture to 1.2.2

There is also a new mod which was released just yesterday by @theflogat that adds "Super powerful RF power generation". A link for those interested: Here

Hello, there, I thank you very much for the advertising. I am really thrilled that my mod is being seen. I am bringing you a new version today:
1.0.1: Bugfix: really game breaking bug fixed (efficiency and output are now calculated properly)
Compatibility with TE(tested), Blood Magic(tested) and MFR(untested)
Frame work for the "Tome of gearboxing" (is craftable and openable but doesn't provide content
I know that figuring out what goes into the dynamo can be a pain so I will give you the full list (as it will be implemented in-game later):
Combustion: Coal for 20*20 ticks (or 20 seconds), Charcoal for 20*20 ticks (or 20 seconds), Blaze Rods for 60*20 ticks (60 seconds)
Reactants: Blaze Powder for 30*20 ticks (or 30 seconds), Eye Of Ender for 60*20 ticks (60 seconds), Niter (TE) for 20*30 ticks (or 30 seconds), Sulfur (only TE for now) for 20*60 ticks (or 60 seconds), Cooked Meat Nugget (MFR) for 20*10 ticks (10 seconds), Cooked Meat Ingot (MFR) for 20*90 ticks (90 seconds)
Burnable or hot liquids: Lava for 20*20 ticks (20 seconds), Fluid Pyrotheum (TE) for 20*120 ticks (or 120 seconds), Fluid Coal (TE) for 20*60 ticks (or 60 seconds), Blood (BloodMagic) for 20*60 ticks (or 60 seconds), Biofuel (MFR) for 20*80 ticks (80 seconds)
Coolant: Water for 1 tick (efficiency not applicable), FluidEnder (TE) for 20*30 ticks (or 30 seconds), Fluid Cryotheum (TE) for 20*60 ticks (or 60 seconds)
Reacting liquids: Fluid Redstone and Fluid Glowstone (TE) for 20*60 ticks (or 60 seconds), Milk (MFR) for 20*15 ticks (15 seconds), Mob Essence (MFR) for 20*80 ticks (80 seconds)

Now MFR integration isn't tested.
Thanks for reading.
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Buildcraft updated again, he is saying might be first stable so ... woot?

Also he again is saying OpenEye has been super useful. That makes me happy! :)
Also, Also, Note his mention of Forge 1079


SpaceToad said:
BuildCraft Beta Release 6.0.13
Posted by SpaceToad on May 13, 2014
Posted in: Annoucements, Releases.
BuildCraft 6.0.13 downloads
Requires latest Forge (

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Builder-related bug reports
General bug Reports

Good news everyone!

I hope nobody is superstitious, but here we go, release number 13! Which as it stands is the 14th release on the 6.0.x, so it’s not too bad. We’re really getting close to stability BTW. This is still called beta, might as well be called release candidate. Oh yeah
This is an attempt at freezing the API for good too. You can definitely start using it.

Some useful hotfixes, including one server problem that has been raised by a lot of people. It’s actually a fix in Forge, which is why this version of BuildCraft is relying on a non-recommended version (1079) and actually enforces that version.

BTW – keep using Open Eye! That’s really useful to identify the last bugs around!

As always, here’s the complete list of tweaks and fixes:

#1799 fix drain method causing dupe glitches [M3gaFr3ak]
#1794 glass should be considered standalone block [SpaceToad]
#1792 remove unnecessary extends for ISidedBatteryProvider [Prototik]
#1791 refinery doesn’t get emptied in blueprints [SpaceToad]
#1790 blueprints don’t remove liquid from pumps [SpaceToad]
#1789 quarries should not remove bedrock [SpaceToad]
#1786 migrate to Forge’s fake player management [SpaceToad]
Quotes from RWTema.

"I've added a basic form of autocrafting to Extra Utilities.

You don't have to use chests, you can use any inventory. Here smelted smooth stone is extracted to form stone bricks.

They're a bit awkward to use but they are very cheap. A tip is to use item filters to ensure that it crafts the proper item each time.
Yes its basically using them as a 2x2 crafting grid.
Just to clarify, the 9 chests form the slots of a 3x3 crafting grid (and the 4 furnaces form a 2x2 crafting grid.)"
Is the cobblegen in the background via transport nodes a new thing or did I miss something?

Definitely missed. Not only cobble gen but inf water to.
You make the cobble gen with water and lave on ether side of a peace of cobble and the item node on the peace of cobble. Up to 4 one on each side of the cobble.
Water gen pointing to the center of a inf source block of water. 2 source blocks with one space between.
Add mining upgrade to get up to a stack of cobble a tic. It's currently the top cobble gen methed.
new day, new update, starting with @iChun posting a tweet on Twitter asking people what he should do for the upcoming Modjam
iChun said:
Okay guys, what should I do for ModJam? (You can choose 1 or more). http://strawpoll.me/1686865

and @TheDrunkMafia with an update for Thaumic Infusion
Download Link
  • Updated to latest version of forge and Thaumcraft
  • All blocks are now infusable
  • Processing has been moved to the server side to help the client
This is the final update before version 1, this wont be released for some time as I am going to re-working allot of stuff to make things more stable.

and @CrazyPants again with another update for EnderIO
again, no changelog, I'll be posting his tweet again
CrazyPants said:
New 1.6.4 release with a fix for 'stack overflow' crashes with tesseracts. Thanks openeye! http://enderio.com @Eyamaz @OpenMods

and @joshie with another update for Mariculture to fix a few things
joshie said:
Mariculture 1.2.2a
Added localisation + tag to the Blood Magic Ritual
Fixed using the wrong ethanol name for the plastic recipes
Fixed potential fishing/environment related crashes
Fixed Casting Blocks messing up when fluids/items change sometimes

and lastly @bdew with an update for NEI Addons to add compatibility for Ex Nihilo
bdew said:
v1.10.5 – Released 14/05/2014
Added Ex Nihilo addon