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I'm having an odd issue with Direwolf20's 1.6 modpack. I went into the configs and turned off the spawning on some mobs that were kicking my tush on my first day/night, I planed to re-enable them later on when I'm not stuck digging around with stone tools and no armor.

However even with them turned off, say
# Spawn control for different AM mobs.

mobs {

they are -STILL- spawning and kicking my tush around. This goes for every other mob I turned off in other mods as well. I just want to play and not be out right murdered by these strong mobs on my first day/night or be forced to switch to peaceful. Like the one that can fly and knocks you back when you get close dealing high damage making hitting it with a sword a nightmare.

Yes, I closed down minecraft, made the edits and retsrated, yes I switched to peaceful then back to asure all existing mobs were gone, yes even tried a new map.. they are all STILL there. Yes I went back into the configs and see my changes like the bit above are still saved!

I'm hoping for an easy fox to this.
The Railcraft Track "Train boarding Track" has the Text on it "Do not use with loaders".
But i think they are perfect for my needs with 1 Train and 2 Chest Cart and 2 un/loaders combined with an AND Gate.

Why should i not use them with loaders? They are perfect and nothing is Exploded, yet.
Still playing FTB Ultimate here.

I had finally saved up materials for an Industrial Grinder, and was about to create the machine itself after building all the casings required. The key components of the Grinder are the Diamond Grinders, the cutting heads themselves. And those required Industrial Diamonds.

"No problem!" I thought to myself. I had sufficient Coal and Flint, and a couple of Obsidian required to make Coal Chunks, which could be Compressed into Industrial Diamonds in earlier IC2 versions. I ground up the Coal, compressed the Coal Balls, made a Coal Chunk, chucked it into my Compressor...

...and got an ordinary Diamond out. This does NOT work with the recipe for Diamond Grinders.

Checking NEI, it seems like the proposed way to make an Industrial Diamond is through the use of an Implosion Compressor, a monstrous machine which is as expensive to run as it is to craft (where the heck am I supposed to get 120 pieces of Gunpowder?).

Is there no other way to get those Industrial Diamonds, or alternately, Diamond Grinders? It seems like one heck of a chore to construct a 3x3x3 machine, mainly composed of Reinforced Machine Casing, just to get that one single ingredient for a machine that in every single other way is a lot cheaper.

Help would be appreciated!

EDIT: Just tried with the Forge Lexicon. Apparently, it recognizes "Diamond -> Industrial Diamond" as a valid transformation, but the transformation is disabled for some reason.
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Still playing FTB Ultimate here.

I had finally saved up materials for an Industrial Grinder, and was about to create the machine itself after building all the casings required. The key components of the Grinder are the Diamond Grinders, the cutting heads themselves. And those required Industrial Diamonds.

"No problem!" I thought to myself. I had sufficient Coal and Flint, and a couple of Obsidian required to make Coal Chunks, which could be Compressed into Industrial Diamonds in earlier IC2 versions. I ground up the Coal, compressed the Coal Balls, made a Coal Chunk, chucked it into my Compressor...

...and got an ordinary Diamond out. This does NOT work with the recipe for Diamond Grinders.

Checking NEI, it seems like the proposed way to make an Industrial Diamond is through the use of an Implosion Compressor, a monstrous machine which is as expensive to run as it is to craft (where the heck am I supposed to get 120 pieces of Gunpowder?).

Is there no other way to get those Industrial Diamonds, or alternately, Diamond Grinders? It seems like one heck of a chore to construct a 3x3x3 machine, mainly composed of Reinforced Machine Casing, just to get that one single ingredient for a machine that in every single other way is a lot cheaper.

Help would be appreciated!

EDIT: Just tried with the Forge Lexicon. Apparently, it recognizes "Diamond -> Industrial Diamond" as a valid transformation, but the transformation is disabled for some reason.
I assume both types of diamond are registered as something like itemDiamond in the forge ore dictionary. Just add that to Lexicon_Whitelist.txt (in the cofh folder within the config folder) and it should become available. However, I don't recall needing industrial diamonds specifically for making an industrial grinder. It's been a while, though, so I don't remember whether I used normal diamonds or diamond dust.
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You do need Industrial Diamonds specifically. I tested in Creative Mode. No Diamond Grinder with regular Diamonds, but it worked with Industrial ones.

Thanks for the tip with config files, though! However, I'm not very well versed in those files and altering them, so I think I'll just put the two diamonds I made from Coal and Flint in my Incinerator, and spawn in a pair of Industrial Diamonds using NEI. That's somehow ethical, isn't it? I mean, the issue is that GregTech apparently doesn't un-do the "Industrial Diamonds are outdated and made obsolete" setting in IC2, so that only GregTech's way of crafting them actually yields the correct type of diamond.

Anyway, thanks for the help!
Is it possible to disable the huge "forward-drop" on when wearing Modular Powersuits?

I have Boots of the Traveler and when I do a jump i loose all my forward speed due to the powersuit :/
The Railcraft Track "Train boarding Track" has the Text on it "Do not use with loaders".
But i think they are perfect for my needs with 1 Train and 2 Chest Cart and 2 un/loaders combined with an AND Gate.

Why should i not use them with loaders? They are perfect and nothing is Exploded, yet.

The boarding track is designed to hold a cart in place until an entity gets in the cart (mob or player). Once in the cart it is supposed to start moving. I would say that if it is working then go ahead and use it.
Hello, I was wondering if anyone else encountered this glitch on most mod packs, such as DW20 my higlight tips is stuck to being on all the time, i tried disabling them by going through nei options>world>highlight tooltips, and I set them to hidden, but they still pop up... does anybody know the solution to this?
Hello, I was wondering if anyone else encountered this glitch on most mod packs, such as DW20 my higlight tips is stuck to being on all the time, i tried disabling them by going through nei options>world>highlight tooltips, and I set them to hidden, but they still pop up... does anybody know the solution to this?
It's probably the WAILA tooltip; I believe the in-game configs menu is accessed via the numpad's 0 key, and numpad 1 toggles the WAILA tooltip.
The Railcraft Track "Train boarding Track" has the Text on it "Do not use with loaders".
But i think they are perfect for my needs with 1 Train and 2 Chest Cart and 2 un/loaders combined with an AND Gate.

Why should i not use them with loaders? They are perfect and nothing is Exploded, yet.

When you say "1 train" do you mean a locomotive?

If so, you should be using a lockdown track. A boarding track will only hold the one cart, and then when told to go will let the whole train go, meanwhile the locomotive will be tugging, and pulling, and trying to tear away, which if you get a moments lag or something can break the train links. It also burns more fuel and water.

A lockdown track will hold the whole train, including the locomotive, from infront of your loaders fine. It will also snap the locomotive into a "soft idle" so that it uses less fuel and water, until the lockdown track is powered, and the locomotive will kick back in and take off again.
Hey y'all. Rather than adding another FPS related thread, I am posting here.

I am having weird issues with Direwolf20's pack recently. Normally I can run it easily at 60+ FPS, but no matter what I do, it won't budge from 2-3. I have allocated 4 GB to it, and set my graphics card to be used on everything Java related, but no dice. Any suggestions?
Does the configuration of the energy cell show with yellow dots on the side where the conduit is?
Yellow dots on all sides. Right-clicking the energy cell with a wrench changes the redstone panels in the middle of each side, but doesn't change the dots in the corners like it does with eg a hardened energy cell.

I can place a redstone energy cell in the exact same position and it'll connect to the conduit.

Edit: Figured it out. Corner dots must be set to blue, and this is done by opening the interface for the cell and changing them there, similar to how you set the input/output facings for most other TE devices.
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Is there any ETA on when Extra bee and Extra tees get included in the DW20 pack??
I believe for the 1.6.x update it got a name change. Most items you found in Extra bees and trees that you loved are now found under a mod called Binnie's Core.

I don't know what the Dw20 pack has in it, but you should be searching for that because extra bees/trees won't get you anywhere
Is there any ETA on when Extra bee and Extra tees get included in the DW20 pack??
Sadly no, the last news for it seems to be on twitter 3 days ago: "When Binie says its safe." I expect it is the last big piece of the puzzle required for Monster to leave beta stage as well.
Sadly no, the last news for it seems to be on twitter 3 days ago: "When Binie says its safe." I expect it is the last big piece of the puzzle required for Monster to leave beta stage as well.
Is there much in the way of associated world gen?
It does add "rocky" hives etc to the world, at the least.

We've been running it on our server these last few weeks without apparent issue. Haven't seen anyone document exactly how the supposed issues are triggered, though apparently there's a YouTube video out there somewhere which goes over them. Something to do with liquids changing to different liquids, and worlds being completely corrupted... somehow.

Here's a simple question - why don't people just write things down instead of recording videos? Takes me half a minute on average, if that, to get through a page of information. Takes me at least that long to skip to the point in a video where they actually start displaying something worth watching.

Yeah, yeah, I know, YouTube hits earn more "cred" + money. But it's still incredibly annoying when you actually want information on something to have to resort to watching videos.
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Is it possible in any way, maybe some 3rd party tool, to search and replace Forge micro blocks like slabs?
It won't work in mcedit for example since they all have the same id.