Why was Infinibows removed from the latest version of Monster? Not like I mind really, I was just curious. Was it unstable or redundant with another mod?
You could do that, or you could check the config and see if "disable item X" exists somewhere, or you could install minetweaker and do it that way. Using minetweaker also allows for you to alter recipes, and if you are making that modpack mentioned in your other thread, you'll probably want it installed anyway.How do you disable a single item in a mod? I read somewhere that you set the ID to zero, but now I can't find anything. It this how to do it?
You could do that, or you could check the config and see if "disable item X" exists somewhere, or you could install minetweaker and do it that way. Using minetweaker also allows for you to alter recipes, and if you are making that modpack mentioned in your other thread, you'll probably want it installed anyway.
How do you disable a single item in a mod? I read somewhere that you set the ID to zero, but now I can't find anything. It this how to do it?
I'm trying to design a system that looks into an inventory, and if the inventory is empty, send one item from a different inventory into the empty inventory. I only want 1 item in the destination inventory at a time, and there will be a 45s (ish) delay from item entering, and item leaving destination inventory.
What's the best way to accomplish this? I was originally thinking BC pipes (shudder), but there's a travel time associated with the pipe movement, and I was getting multiple items in the destination inventory. So I was considering adding pipe wire and additional gates, (haven't tested in game to see if this will solve the problem), but I figured I'd come pick the brains of the FTB elite for cleaner/better/cooler ways to accomplish this task.
Thanks in advance!
Well, if you have Logistic Pipes installed then you can probably use the Supplier Logistics pipe to keep the inventory stocked with 1 item. It also uses the same piping as Buildcraft so you don't have to take down too many Buildcraft pipes (you just need to make sure any intersections have basic logictics pipes).
I see them everywhere in the Ender Forest I live by. Right clicking their backpack crashes or boots you from the server. I believe it's from BetterStorage.What the heck is a Frienderman?
::EDIT:: Apparently it followed me home over a km and has decided to live with me![]()
That's bytes per item TYPE, not just per item. Each individual item takes up the same space as long as it's not the first item of its typeAfter reading up on the math on how ME Storage drives from Applied Energistics determines byte size per item I was wondering is there any point in using larger disks since with larger disks items take up exponentially more bytes. (i.e. 1k storage drive 8 bytes= 1 item; 64k storage drive 512 bytes = 1 item)
Here is a link to the AE Storage Math where I found the information: http://ae-mod.info/ME-Storage-Math/
That's bytes per item TYPE, not just per item. Each individual item takes up the same space as long as it's not the first item of its type
so while yes having the full 63 items on a 64k drive will use up more space, in short, they'll still be able to store more. Much more.
If you look further down the same page you linked
1K drive can hold 65 stacks of items, whilst the 64k drive can hold 4,160 stacks of items.
I suppose that depends on how many resources you have, both for crafting and storing purposes.I guess the better way to state my question would be is it worth it to use larger drives when comparing the amounts they can store to the increased resource costs especially the increased quartz as it seems to be the one thing I'm always needing more of.
I find 16k drives the best for cost vs storage capacity, but by the time you'll actually need 64k drives, you'll have plenty enough resources to build themI guess the better way to state my question would be is it worth it to use larger drives when comparing the amounts they can store to the increased resource costs especially the increased quartz as it seems to be the one thing I'm always needing more of.
That's a loaded question, as Ti C tools are so customizable. They might be more powerful, but they might not.if you had to kind of judge the new TE flux infused tools compared to Tinkers construct tools, would you say they are more or less powerful, or the same? Trying to figure out if I can leave them in a pack im making, i dont want anything stronger than TiC tools.
Only thing I would add is the Omni-Wrench also acts as shears, so it's another two-tools-in-one tool.I still find myself preferring to use TiCo's tools.
Sword? TiCo has a higher maximum potential for damage and customization but RSA's is easy enough to make and is enchantable.
Pick? I do not find it useful enough, a 3x1 column infront of you or 2x1 column above or below you. I rather make a TiCo Hammer for tunnel making and Pickaxe with Silk Touch for cherry picking specific ores for advanced processing for higher yield.
Flux-Infused Omni-Wrench? I do not see the difference between it and the regular Crescent Hammer. Maybe someone can enlighten me one it's uses.
Shovel? This one is great that it combines the use of a shovel with a hoe, and on Empowered mode you can dig 5x1 blocks infront of you. I use this with the TiCo's Excavator.
Axe? TiCo's Lumberaxe and/or DartCraft's Lumberjack enchantment is by far miles ahead of RSA's empowered version.
Battlewrench? Wut? Other than saving an inventory spot for not needing to carry both a Crescent Hammer and melee weapon, I don't see any other point in it.
P.S. Please do correct me if I'm misinformed.![]()