Dartcraft: One of the most overpowered mods of our time

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I like TiCo picks because they look more interesting and feel more personal than DC picks. Part of that is because of the 'name on create' feature. mDiyo's system of sprite overlays is pretty cool and makes DC stuff seem a little boring by comparison. It's a bit more fun to mix and match a bunch of different materials than it is to follow a standard tool recipe with force ingots and force sticks and then socket a bunch of stuff. Though I'll admit the use of fortune cookies rather than tons of lapis blocks does make fortune far less tedious to get in DC.
One annoying thing about TiCo mattocks is that they don't do place-block-on-rightclick like picks do, which is a bit annoying for my current project. (I have to keep switching slots very fast as I mine out a ceiling and place glass before lava gets all over the floor for the dozenth time...)

I do wish you could rename your tools after creating them without wasting time and exp using an anvil to do it. Still fun creating highly customisable tools. I named my alumite pick Pinkie Pie, and my end goal thaumium/mahnamahna pick loaded with mods the Pick of Harmony.
Because the tc has better yield per ore mined with high fortune?

Not in my tests (other than the dupes, of course)

Eh, the later is not strictly true, you know

If I create a recipe to recover the iron from an iron door by smelting it into 6 ingots, and then hit those doors with a pickaxe from Dartcraft I get 6 ingots, from Tinker's I get somewhere from 12-18.
I like TiCo picks because they look more interesting and feel more personal than DC picks. Part of that is because of the 'name on create' feature. mDiyo's system of sprite overlays is pretty cool and makes DC stuff seem a little boring by comparison. It's a bit more fun to mix and match a bunch of different materials than it is to follow a standard tool recipe with force ingots and force sticks and then socket a bunch of stuff. Though I'll admit the use of fortune cookies rather than tons of lapis blocks does make fortune far less tedious to get in DC.
One annoying thing about TiCo mattocks is that they don't do place-block-on-rightclick like picks do, which is a bit annoying for my current project. (I have to keep switching slots very fast as I mine out a ceiling and place glass before lava gets all over the floor for the dozenth time...)

Well that's because mattocks are more for farming than digging. If you use a shovel or excavator you can right click to place blocks though.
ya the mattocks are great for dirt but take forever with gravel and sand. I tried one and was like wow this is great since I was shoveling dirt but when I found some sand and gravel not so much.
Not in my tests (other than the dupes, of course)

It used to be that you'd hit 2.5x on yield with TiC tools. Did that change? Because dartcraft is capped at 2x for the main yield.

In any case, TiC preserves its utility for the Big Tools now even in the face of DartCraft.

It's an awkward thing, man. DartCraft gives so many awesome things and said things are increasing.
Bleed does almost no damage. Someone with full hunger takes no net damage from even 2 bleed effects. In PvP, it's mostly a mobility hindrance. In PvE, it's a slight damage bumper for ranged weapons and a useless effect on weapons, unless you're a heck of a blaze hunter.

Back on Vodka's old 152ngt world I punched moped two times. The bleed effect didn't stop for about 20 minutes, and it eventually drained out his MPS suit and killed him. Keep in mind that he had diamond plating (or maybe iron) and his armor was fully charged. Also, it grounded him completely for the duration of the bleed, removing his ability to fly around the nether without being pulled into lava, and to have easy mobility in the overworld.

Two hits.

A bit much, no matter how hard it is to get 20 claws and a level 4 upgrade tome.

EDIT: The damage doesn't kill you, the duration of the bleed does. It's useful in PVP if you can either hide well or get a few well-timed punches in on the enemy before you die.
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I named my alumite pick Pinkie Pie, and my end goal thaumium/mahnamahna pick loaded with mods the Pick of Harmony.

...sorry. It was stronger than me. :D
I named my silk-touch pick Coltan Touch and my Manyllyum battleaxe is I Don't Sleep. Also when testing in creative I made a Manyllyum clever named June.

But this is meant to be about dartcraft.
I ought to try out the Rod of Return and some of the other rods. I've only used the Holding one so far.
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I named my horse ActualHorseAndIsAPonyUnlikeHalfOfTheUnicornsOnThatGoddamnedShow

All joking aside, I just got into dartcraft. It's cool but very confusing. Also the reason why I don't get into Mekanism.
I've never even tried anything UE compatible. Except MPS <3
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DartCraft also adds a few other little things.

Rods that apply buffs when right-clicked (nightvision, speed) or port you to a specified location. The speed rod is fun since it automatically jumps you up one block while also allowing you to run on water. Also runs over lava, as I found out by accident last night.

There is an enhancement called Bane that stops Creepers from blowing up and Endermen from porting away if you hit them.

When the armor is enhanced it affects the speed of your bare hand, acting as an instant destroy of leaves, for example (think chainsaw without the shear effect). It also allows you to mine without tools to some degree. I was able to get bees from a hive with no scoop, for example.

There are shears that skin cows and chickens without killing them. They eat grass to get their skin back, just like sheep do with their wool. Adding the Heat enhancement also burns them to death and cooks their meat while also dropping tears, which work as ghast tears from what I gather.

Yes the setup is simple. Once you get a force tree farm going (which is easier with the update now that the trees work in Forestry multifarms) you can use Forestry's Squeezer to get liquid force from logs. A few cycles and you won't run out. Force tree leaves occasionally drop force nuggets, so once your farm is going you could even go without additional metal resource if you're patient (I am not). I find the mod comparable to many of our other options in FTB, and also very fun to use.
"Watched" DW20's mod spotlight. Turned it off after about 2 minutes. Force this, and force that, and tons of golden yellow stuff - no thanks.
Not in my tests (other than the dupes, of course)
TCon's auto-smelt + fortune just applies the vanilla fortune effect on the ingot drops, which means that you'd get 1-4 ingots per block with fortune III. Dartcraft's take on that only throws what you mine into a pulverizer and smelts the outcome, which means you only get up to 2 ingots (with a bonus of another type).
Also, TCon's smelting doesn't kill your pick after 100 uses or so.

Back on Vodka's old 152ngt world I punched moped two times. The bleed effect didn't stop for about 20 minutes, and it eventually drained out his MPS suit and killed him. Keep in mind that he had diamond plating (or maybe iron) and his armor was fully charged. Also, it grounded him completely for the duration of the bleed, removing his ability to fly around the nether without being pulled into lava, and to have easy mobility in the overworld.
- Available on the Force Sword, Force Bow and Force Armor, bleed will cause the victim to take damage after they are hit for one second per level.
- Bleed does one half heart of damage twice per second to any entity hit.
- If socketed into Force Armor, the total cumulative bleed level will be applied to whatever you attack regardless of what weapon you use.

- - - - -
Tier 3
Bleed (3)
- Arrow

This means you can get up to 12 levels of bleed if you have the whole armor set, which means that things bleed for 12 seconds (15 with the sword as well). If that guy bled for 20 minutes from two punches, something was most likely broken somewhere and it obviously wasn't intentional.
Spoils bags rarely give anything useful (DartCraft items. I don't use Dartcraft. Oh, and a piece of coal, too). But DartCraft gives Lambchops, which rules. I don't use anything else from that mod.
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