- IGN: Actloud
- Age: 18
- Location: Canada
- Minecraft, FTB experience: A few months after launch I started
- Why are you interested: To find a good community of people that I can be friends with and have fun with
- What you consider yourself good at: Building structures
- If Applying for Staff what experiance do you have? Honestly, I haven't taken any staff roles on servers
-Are you currently contributing to any other server that may take away from your activity on this server? (Yes/No): Not anymore
- Other info: CANT WAIT TO START
Thanks a bunch
- Age: 18
- Location: Canada
- Minecraft, FTB experience: A few months after launch I started
- Why are you interested: To find a good community of people that I can be friends with and have fun with
- What you consider yourself good at: Building structures
- If Applying for Staff what experiance do you have? Honestly, I haven't taken any staff roles on servers
-Are you currently contributing to any other server that may take away from your activity on this server? (Yes/No): Not anymore

- Other info: CANT WAIT TO START

Thanks a bunch