Whitelist Server ELite Craft FTB Ultimate Whitelisted 24/7

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- IGN: Slaycir
- Age: 20
- Location: Atlanta, GA, USA
- Minecraft, FTB experience: Played on/off since Alpha, FTB - Relatively new to it as a whole, but played with mods within it prior
- Why are you interested: Would rather play as a community than alone, suggested here via Crazylegspope
- What you consider yourself good at: Design and Construction of buildings
- If Applying for Staff what experience do you have? n/a
-Are you currently contributing to any other server that may take away from your activity on this server? (Yes/No) Nothing in particular
- Other info: Willing to help others/server with whatever is needed
- Age:16
- Location: United States, IL
- Minecraft, FTB experience: Minecraft - since early Alpha stage so 3-4 years I think; FTB - only a month
- Why are you interested: I just started the ultimate pack and so I thought a better way to learn a new mod would be on a dedicated small server
-What you consider yourself good at: since I just started I don't really have much experience with the mod pack to deicide what I'm good and not good at but I' getting into bees right now on my single player world.
- If Applying for Staff what experience do you have? not applying
-Are you currently contributing to any other server that may take away from your activity on this server? (Yes/No) no
-Other info: I'm active so i'll at least be on a hour or more a day:cool:
- IGN: Slaycir
- Age: 20
- Location: Atlanta, GA, USA
- Minecraft, FTB experience: Played on/off since Alpha, FTB - Relatively new to it as a whole, but played with mods within it prior
- Why are you interested: Would rather play as a community than alone, suggested here via Crazylegspope
- What you consider yourself good at: Design and Construction of buildings
- If Applying for Staff what experience do you have? n/a
-Are you currently contributing to any other server that may take away from your activity on this server? (Yes/No) Nothing in particular
- Other info: Willing to help others/server with whatever is needed

- Age:16
- Location: United States, IL
- Minecraft, FTB experience: Minecraft - since early Alpha stage so 3-4 years I think; FTB - only a month
- Why are you interested: I just started the ultimate pack and so I thought a better way to learn a new mod would be on a dedicated small server
-What you consider yourself good at: since I just started I don't really have much experience with the mod pack to deicide what I'm good and not good at but I' getting into bees right now on my single player world.
- If Applying for Staff what experience do you have? not applying
-Are you currently contributing to any other server that may take away from your activity on this server? (Yes/No) no
-Other info: I'm active so i'll at least be on a hour or more a day:cool:

- IGN:Gali3919
- Age:16
- Location:IL
- Minecraft, FTB experience:about 4 months and some more tekkit and ALOT more of Vanilla.
- Why are you interested:my friend is playing on that server and i would like to play with him.
- What you consider yourself good at:vanilla stuff expectly, power and basicly im good at everything :D
- If Applying for Staff what experiance do you have? already told you, 4 months of FTB, about 5 more of tekkit, 2-3 years of Vanilla.
-Are you currently contributing to any other server that may take away from your activity on this server? No
- Other info:NONE
- IGN:foxyybingoo
- Age:16.5
- Location:IL
- Minecraft, FTB experience:about 6 months, im good with bees, machines and with vanilla im AWSOME ! :D
- Why are you interested:my friend and now another one is playing on this server, i would like to join them :D
- What you consider yourself good at:bees, vanilla, machines and basicly everything.
- If Applying for Staff what experiance do you have?already told ya twice :P, bees, machines, vanilla, tekkit stuff.
-Are you currently contributing to any other server that may take away from your activity on this server? No
- Other info:my friends are Gali3919 and ShotGunSon, their already playing.
- IGN: W3rz4x
- Age: 27
- Location: Spain
- Minecraft, FTB experience: Have played minecraft since alpha state, next moved to Dire mods and now with FTB
- Why are you interested: Looking for a good server and good community
- What you consider yourself good at: huge and complex machines
- If Applying for Staff what experiance do you have? I was co-owner and admin in an old vanilla server with bukkit, mods, and perms.
-Are you currently contributing to any other server that may take away from your activity on this server? (Yes/No) No, just sometimes playing other mmo games
- Other info: i'm a computer applications developer..so if coding is needed i'm here :P
- IGN: Crazymonkgonemad
- Age: 25
- Location: Colorado
- Minecraft, FTB experience: 2 years/ about 4 months
- Why are you interested: New server new experiences
- What you consider yourself good at: Im newer to ftb but i have been getting into the xycrfat stuff and ic2
- If Applying for Staff what experiance do you have?
-Are you currently contributing to any other server that may take away from your activity on this server? (Yes/No) Nope
- Other info: Always willing to help others
-Real Name: James williams
-IGN: Freelancerinc
-Age: 30
-Country: Canada
-How long have you been using FTB: january 2013
-Experience with mods: touched most technology no magic. maybe this time
-What can you add to the server: very friendly, very humerous, very creative and im usually online 2+ hours a day
-How well do you work with others: usually extremly well as i am canadian but will not tolerate any kind of racism sexism ect ect...like i said i am candian lol
-Do you record for YouTube: not for minecraft but i have a channel
-Ever bannned: nope
also hoping my IG partner Shadowryder can also be whitelisted
- IGN:Gotrek65
- Age:27
- Location:West Coast USA
- Minecraft, FTB experience: all of the above
- Why are you interested: I'm bored looking for something to play while waiting for other games to release.
- What you consider yourself good at: Creative buildings, organizing, making things look nice.
- If Applying for Staff what experience do you have? Not specifically looking to be but I can be. I was a moderator on Hoppaw's server awhile back
-Are you currently contributing to any other server that may take away from your activity on this server? (Yes/No)No, but I am applying for a few server as last time I did this 1 server would be really laggy for me and I couldnt play on it.
- Other info: Will be playing during late evening
- IGN: knaar
- Age: 30
- Location: West coast, Canada
- Minecraft, FTB experience: Since minecraft beta started (just a few days after alpha ended) and FTB since before (using custom mod pack)
- Why are you interested: Seems lots of people in my time zone. Want to do some community builds. Also want to make some friends and just have a lot of fun.
- What you consider yourself good at: Tech builds. It's fun to automate stuff. Though I do know what causes lag and try to avoid doing things like that.
- If Applying for Staff what experiance do you have? Not applying for staff.
-Are you currently contributing to any other server that may take away from your activity on this server? (Yes/No) No. Just have a single player world but plan to spend more time SMP if possible.
- Other info: Will probably play a fair amount in the evening pacific time. Hopefully there's others also playing at around that time.
IGN: dangerstranger
- Age:20
- Location: atlanta, ga- us
- Minecraft, FTB experience: played ftb in my friends local server
- Why are you interested:my friend is playing on that server and i would like to play with him.
- What you consider yourself good at: basketball
- If Applying for Staff what experiance do you have? i can clean offices......
-Are you currently contributing to any other server that may take away from your activity on this server? Nope
- Other info: i like building houses
- IGN: FeelMyBiceps
- Age: 24
- Location: San Diego,CA - US
- Minecraft, FTB experience: Minecraft(2yrs) FTB(7+ months)
- Why are you interested: The server I was part of just shut down due to the server provider shutting down. We ran a private pack and it was a little inconsistent. I am looking for a quality and stable server, so far this one seems like one.
- What you consider yourself good at: IC2, Thaumcraft, automating and building.
- If Applying for Staff what experiance do you have? n/a
-Are you currently contributing to any other server that may take away from your activity on this server? Not anymore
- Other info: I am a freelance graphic designer so if I decide to stay in this server I will offer my services free of charge and help with whatever else I can in whatever the server needs. It's what I do to show my appreciation to the server I am currently part of.
Hey xTiMBo,
- IGN: Xellixor
- Age: 23
- Location: Germany atm
- Minecraft, FTB experience: Vanilla minecraft for a year and FTB for a few months now. Starting to get good with bees/forestry and powering machines in general.
- Why are you interested: I played vanilla on a server but FTB only in single player. I love to go out together, help each other out and have fun. ANd I think in FTB this is even more fun.
- What you consider yourself good at: Bees/Forestry mod in general + building big, nice, crazy structures.
- If Applying for Staff what experiance do you have? -
-Are you currently contributing to any other server that may take away from your activity on this server? (Yes/No) No
- Other info: Very active if I have a normal week at work. But normally at least a few hours every day.
Hey xTiMBo,
- IGN: Xellixor
- Age: 23
- Location: Germany atm
- Minecraft, FTB experience: Vanilla minecraft for a year and FTB for a few months now. Starting to get good with bees/forestry and powering machines in general.
- Why are you interested: I played vanilla on a server but FTB only in single player. I love to go out together, help each other out and have fun. ANd I think in FTB this is even more fun.
- What you consider yourself good at: Bees/Forestry mod in general + building big, nice, crazy structures.
- If Applying for Staff what experiance do you have? -
-Are you currently contributing to any other server that may take away from your activity on this server? (Yes/No) No
- Other info: Very active if I have a normal week at work. But normally at least a few hours every day.

- Age: 22
- Location: NY
- Minecraft, FTB experience: Tons, MC since alpha
- Why are you interested: looking for a new place
- What you consider yourself good at: everything save programming
- If Applying for Staff what experiance do you have? i`ve been a mod on many servers, I jsut want to play the game like anyone else, but I hate seeing someone abusing and flaming people without immediate reprimand.
-Are you currently contributing to any other server that may take away from your activity on this server? (Yes/No) no
- Other info: a few hrs a night, good fun, like to learn teach and help out.
- IGN: frogger35
- Age: 16
- Location: MO USA
- Minecraft, FTB experience: Year of MC experiencem FTB: almost a year
- Why are you interested: Looking for a new server that doesn't have very much down-time. Haven't seen anyone rage on your forums about any downtime, so you look like a great place for a new beginning
- What you consider yourself good at: anything technological in MC besides CC
- If Applying for Staff what experiance do you have? N/A
-Are you currently contributing to any other server that may take away from your activity on this server? (Yes/No) not really
- Other info: i'm an avid gamer, currently on summer break, the front page has the wrong kind of which :)
- Age: 22
- Location: NY
- Minecraft, FTB experience: Tons, MC since alpha
- Why are you interested: looking for a new place
- What you consider yourself good at: everything save programming
- If Applying for Staff what experiance do you have? i`ve been a mod on many servers, I jsut want to play the game like anyone else, but I hate seeing someone abusing and flaming people without immediate reprimand.
-Are you currently contributing to any other server that may take away from your activity on this server? (Yes/No) no
- Other info: a few hrs a night, good fun, like to learn teach and help out.

Need your IGN[DOUBLEPOST=1370215547][/DOUBLEPOST]
- IGN: frogger35
- Age: 16
- Location: MO USA
- Minecraft, FTB experience: Year of MC experiencem FTB: almost a year
- Why are you interested: Looking for a new server that doesn't have very much down-time. Haven't seen anyone rage on your forums about any downtime, so you look like a great place for a new beginning
- What you consider yourself good at: anything technological in MC besides CC
- If Applying for Staff what experiance do you have? N/A
-Are you currently contributing to any other server that may take away from your activity on this server? (Yes/No) not really
- Other info: i'm an avid gamer, currently on summer break, the front page has the wrong kind of which :)