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I also tried my hand at a Slime based Mana generation setup and had issued with it working intermittently. I saw a ton of Slime while setting it up, then once I had it in a near finished state, they stopped spawning altogether. I assumed something was screwing with it, so I finished my setup and went looking for the cause. After searching for a few hours with no luck, I abandoned it as a lost cause and moved on to another project. In the middle of that other project, I noticed my Mana was flowing, and upon checking, the Slime were spawning again. As the world progressed, I noticed several droughts of production, which I ended up fixing by odds and ends production and a very large Mana battery. Never figured out why the fits and starts occurred, but there may be hope for your system after all.

If you're not certain if you built in a Slime chunk, Botania has the little slime in a bottle thing that shows you where they are.

Not totally related to your post, but has anyone tested to see if slimes generated by the TiCo islands work?
99.999% sure it's just naturally generated vanilla slimes. The TiCon ones are techincally spawned by the liquid.

See now, that's what I thought too, but I've got a "puddle" of slime water collected from an island, and no little squidgies hopping around trying to kill me over the last 4 hours of game time.
See now, that's what I thought too, but I've got a "puddle" of slime water collected from an island, and no little squidgies hopping around trying to kill me over the last 4 hours of game time.

In my experience, (at least post 1.7.10) Those blue slime spawn from the slime pools when you are somewhere below the sky islands, but not when you are on the sky islands.

I've concluded that being within a certain radius of the slime pool stops them from spawning. (in 1.7.10 they continued spawning even when you are close)
In my experience, (at least post 1.7.10) Those blue slime spawn from the slime pools when you are somewhere below the sky islands, but not when you are on the sky islands.

I've concluded that being within a certain radius of the slime pool stops them from spawning. (in 1.7.10 they continued spawning even when you are close)
Will need to test this...
Isn't that just normal spawn rules? A certain radius around the player (wanna say 25) nothing spawns, then there's the spawning range, then the range where things will despawn if the player never gets close enough, etc

first of all, I play on FTB Revelation 1.12.2.
I made some progress and I wanted to convert RF-Energy to EU-Energy, but I haven't still found a way to convert this Energy in Energy (or maybe I'm to stupid to search this correctly?).
Some things are working only in older versions, I think (like Energy Converters, Energy Bridges, ... (
So I would be very happy, when someone could tell me, how to convert RF to EU Energy in 1.12.2 Revelation.
Thanks in advance :)
Well, I just looked it up on the ole wiki and I can confirm the 128 for the despawn range, but there's nothing about a 25 block minimum... Where did I get that from? I was pretty damn sure of it.

I probably googled my own answer again, lol..
i think the spawning rules thing assumes there is not a spawner at play , when the slime liquid might be considered a spawner

first of all, I play on FTB Revelation 1.12.2.
I made some progress and I wanted to convert RF-Energy to EU-Energy, but I haven't still found a way to convert this Energy in Energy (or maybe I'm to stupid to search this correctly?).
Some things are working only in older versions, I think (like Energy Converters, Energy Bridges, ... (
So I would be very happy, when someone could tell me, how to convert RF to EU Energy in 1.12.2 Revelation.
Thanks in advance :)
I'm not sure of any mod mechanic that converts RF<->EU. However, using one mod to create fuel for the other has always been a good alternative. For example, using a Magma Crucible to create renewable Lava to fuel your EU needs can be done simply. I've long been a fan of using creatable fuels that are useful for both power systems, including, but not limited to, lava and steam.
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EU to RF is simple enough, just use a Forestry Electric Engine.

Rather than generating RF and converting to EU, use Steam Dynamo's with Boiler Augments and feed them into IC2 steam turbines.

The only mod I know reliably able to do the conversion, is Mekanism, which has universal cables that transmit RF, EU, and a couple of other nonstandard power types that are just RF pretending to be something else.
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Good to know its only a NEI issue, thank you. I will try to make them directly when I will have time to get into the game.

Can confirm, just make them the same way you have before and they work.

Question. Thermal Expansion energy cells. Blue is input, orange is output and yellow is disabled. How would you set up multiple of these to create a larger storage? I know I can upgrade them, but let's say I want to do something like the enderIO thing, where I put multiple cells together? Or is there a different option to store larger amounts of energy that's not the Draconic Evolution energy ball of death?
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You can also enchant the cells with Holding which increases their capactiy. Best method would be to daisy chain them if you using multiple.