Listed - 1.7.10 - HQM/SURVIVAL - Galactic Science - something fresh!

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I've never done it myself but I think what you do is start a solo game from one of the two scenarios and quit. Go into the folder where the solo world save file is stored. Copy it and upload it to your server. You'll need to set you spawn somehow to that correct location and somehow you'll need to get a quest book and the starting items.

You need to play in a scenario world because there are starting items you need, the oxygen collector, saplings, bonemeal, etc. If you generate a world (its been awhile so I don't know if it is even possible to generate a brand new world) it won't have those starting things.

With agrarian skies I've changed a parameter and a map gas been generated, so I think it's possible with galactic science, but I don't know how x)
has anyone had crashes in v 1.5.9 that might be able to help me
# EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at pc=0x000000006e6c23b2, pid=5256, tid=1232
# JRE version: Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (8.0_91-b14) (build 1.8.0_91-b14)
# Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (25.91-b14 mixed mode windows-amd64 compressed oops)
# Problematic frame:
# V [jvm.dll+0x4523b2]
no idea what to do
hi, i'm trying to build a private server, but i can't generate maps, where is the file to change to enable terrain generation please ?

I use Nodecraft as my host, and I simply said 'set up galactic science for me'. They did so, no hassle, and everything worked for a multiplayer private server as you'd expect. After dealing with a few other hosting companies, could not be happier than with Nodecraft
As I get started on this mod, I'm getting to the point of base redesign number 4 as I get to know things :)

- Can my auto sieves pump things out? Into storage containers?
- Same question for chemical decomposer
- Can I automate the creation of gravel and move that into sieve?
- stirling generators can run off of lava, so is the trick lava -> ender tank -> stirling generator? And if so, then I am at a ... er... 5 generators per 1 tank?

As I get started on this mod, I'm getting to the point of base redesign number 4 as I get to know things :)
- Can my auto sieves pump things out? Into storage containers?
- Same question for chemical decomposer
- Can I automate the creation of gravel and move that into sieve?
- stirling generators can run off of lava, so is the trick lava -> ender tank -> stirling generator? And if so, then I am at a ... er... 5 generators per 1 tank?

The answer for the first two points is Yes. You can extract items from the bottom using hoppers, ExU Transfer Nodes, Relocator pipes or at T2 with EnderIO item conduits.

One way to automate gravel: Feed lava into a stone barrel with a water block above it, extract the obsidian and feed it into a decomposer to get MgO and SiO2. Feed the MgO into a barrel with void upgrade (or filter it directly into a trashcan), the SiO2 goes into a synthesizer and makes gravel. One stack of obsidian produces 16 stacks of gravel.
Another way would be to run Triple+ compressed cobble through a decomposer, it gives oxygen and silicon together with a bunch of other things (iron, lead, chloride, titanium etc.). Silicon and Oxygen can be autocrafted into SiO2 and fed into a synthesizer again. Possible, not too hard to automate, but personally I would prefer to use obsidian.

Correct. Lava into an EnderIO tank to fill a bucket. Feed the lava bucket into the generator and extract the empty bucket back into the tank. This feeding/extracting can be done with Relocator pipes or with EnderIO item conduits. (Simply set both sides for the conduits to In/Out). If you use a larger number of generators, then using Routers with machine upgrades keeps the setup really simple.
The math is also straightforward. One crucible at single speed (coal block) needs 500 seconds to generate a bucket of lava. The stirlings create 200,000 RF at 20 RF/tick, which means a bucket will also burn 500 seconds in a generator. So a crucible on a coal block can support one generator, on lava it supports two and if it is sitting on an Awesomite block, it can support 8 generators. This ratio gets actually better when the generators are upgraded. One bucket of lava can produce more than 1Mio RF at 80 RF/tick, which means it will produce tons of energy and burn for more than 11 minutes if the generator is upgraded with an Octothingie Capacitor.
guys I have a problem: today I updated the pack and after doing that I entered the stargate for the first time... But in the room I arrive teleport have 0 RF and every block in there is unbreakable... Also every block I try to place return in my inventory so I can't giv energy to teleport... I'm missing something?

EDIT: solved! I restarted the pack and now the teleport have 9000+ RF...
btw I can't break or place any block in this dimension... what I'm supposed to do the obtain the blood altar???
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Hmm in one of the updates they may have changed a setting to prevent you from breaking blocks. The original creator of the mod pack wanted this part to be hard. The only thing you need to do is get the altar and get out. So before you go (this may not help if you've already gone) make one of the portable teleport devices. The one that you carry in your hand and set it with dialing device and then right clicking it teleports you back to your receiving station.

Once you get there, there should be a telepad above where you arrive from the stargate. When you get there it either doesn't have power or it has to be activated. Once you turn it on, step on it and it will teleport you to to the chamber with the altar. The whole area is full of things that make this hard, cursed earth, spawners of various kinds, powered spawners....

If you have made good armor, and buffed with potions and have the teleport device, get in, grab the altar and get out as quick as possible.
but the problem is I can't place blocks or break it! So I can't take the altar from there!
Any suggestion?

EDIT: the only solution I've thinked is to resist nd try to kill daleks hoping they drop some dalekanium ingot...
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Hmm It sounds like a glitch, I don't think that was intended. Maybe one of the mod pack supporters can address the issue?
Ok I update the situation: seems that killing Captain Jack give me soul vial so I used it for trapping a dalek soul for making a dalek spawner on my base... I reached the teleport but wasn't working for bringing me back to stargate room.
So I decided to use creative mode and teleport myself back to base (not happy about this solution...but I lost really a lot of time nd hopes).

Now I've made the spawner and it works great... But no dalekanium drops for the moment (and I've already killed a ton of dalek), so my new question is: dalekanium is a really rare drop or I have to cheat also that?
Honestly, I don't know. I've killed 3 maybe 4 daleks total. Plus I haven't played GS in 4 months or so. Are you setting up an autospawner and killing them yourself or have something auto kill them and gather drops?
I've made a room for spawn mobs, where the spawner is connected to my RF generators. I've set a vat producing nutrient distillation for a killer joe equipped with an Ender sword.... you can see it here around 1:00 minute:

In this way I've obtained more than 200 stacks of ender pearls from Endermen.
But with the daleks seems I'm really unlucky or the dalekanium drop have been blocked
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Hey so i really love you mod pack, so much so i made a account to leave some of my issues and troubles, hoping to maybe improve on some of them.

This next bit is a short story of my play time. I will leave a TL;DR for those who don't want to read it

Okay, so starting off was fairly easy and normal paced, i got setup, started a tree farm, made a sieve, the usual. Then i hit my first problem, lack of iron, the recipe's asked for a lot of iron, but i could only produce so much within a reasonable amount of time, so i looked into automating it, that require EVEN MORE iron, so i look for ways to progress my game farther using as little iron as possible, with not much luck, eventually i decided to look up info on the lack of iron, and found a few videos explain some of the mods i did not know, so i proceeded back to automating iron production, after several hours i finally made a design that would, generate cobble, send cobble to crucibles, make lava, store it, put it in a bucket, make obsidian, turn it in to silicon dioxide, turn that in too gravel, sieve the gravel, then store the results into barrels, eventually i was getting tired of this, for a few reasons, the constant having to refuel my air tanks, two the quests for the airlock, and air sealer, are useless, because by the time you reach a stage to be able to make the stuff with out boringly grinding your life away, your area you work in is too big for just two air sealers, and one air collector ( i know its oxygen collector, but idc), and the airlock controller- is useless without at least 6 airlock "core" blocks. now i thought about making a spaceship and leaving or getting other stuff, but that costed sooooo much iron and tin and copper, that i gave up, i had it literally almost 100% automated to sieve gravel, and my resulting income, was no where near enough to make enough for anything at constant progression without so much grind that i rather sleep.
i love the modpack, but you need to either make it less grindy, or make a "lite" version that is less grindy because honestly, i cant keep playing because the amount of time to get anywhere is so much that i could get more done in snail races.
To grindy, maybe make a "lite" version with less grind, or make it slightly faster at getting iron, more so with the amount of stuff that need iron (like seriously just for the auto hammer 38 iron).

Fix the reward bags a bit, i got so much limestone that i am able to build a castle, oh and i got rocket fuel for days, that and marble.

Some of the quests need buffed or redone a bit, the air sealer, and airlock quests are useless (at least too me they were) by the time i got them done, more so sense the airlock needed 6 "core" blocks to work, and they are a hassle to make, because of all the iron they needed

Maybe add some sort of mini game, because the amount of time i waited for this was crazy long

please dont take my comments the wrong way, i do love the modpack, would of of destroyed my sleep for the last 2 days to make a fully automated gravel sieve farm if i did not, now some of my complaints may be due too not knowing something about some mod that would of made this ten times easier or faster, or some other thing, and if so please let me know, and ill fix my setup in game, and i may enjoy it more
I love the modpack, but you need to either make it less grindy, or make a "lite" version that is less grindy because honestly, i cant keep playing because the amount of time to get anywhere is so much that i could get more done in snail races.

This pack is actually a lot less grindy than AG2 or other skyblock maps. The main "issue" is probably that it relies on a few less common mods to get you started, especially Minechem.

One question though, how much time did you spend to read through this thread? There are tons of posts here with suggestions to make the start easier. I hope you'll be able to work through the initial problems, this modpack really is awesome. :)
This pack is actually a lot less grindy than AG2 or other skyblock maps. The main "issue" is probably that it relies on a few less common mods to get you started, especially Minechem.

One question though, how much time did you spend to read through this thread? There are tons of posts here with suggestions to make the start easier. I hope you'll be able to work through the initial problems, this modpack really is awesome. :)

not much, but that mainly due too there being 124 pages, and i'm not gonna look for my similar posts with that many.

Apologies i was tired when i made the post so i used the wrong words. Its less grindy (for me) then a waiting game, see i tend to get really unlucky when it comes to high probability chance, so like if i need to hit the 20% mark, im more likely to get the .05% mark, ive gotten loads of diamonds and emeralds, but for the amount of time i put into automation, i should be getting more iron then this, yes other skyblock maps are grindy, but when you hit automation it usually a lot less so.

Now i realized that if i focus on auto crafters and cobble gens, i could make compressed cobble and then us a decomposer from minechem to make FE, then craft 16 FE into one iron, but the byproduct from that leaves a lot of potentially useless materials, but can improve iron rate by a lot, but reduces getting other needed ores, and such by almost that much. (and im lacking on tin as much as iron)
Ok, just an update on my situation: I've killed pratically the entire Dalek species without obtaining a dalekanium ingot. So, having Asylum dimension bugged, I've taken a ingot in Creative mode...

I'm not sure if this problem is only mine (lucky me!) or if this is a new bug caused in the last update of the pack... I've seen different videos about this dimension and everyone can break blocks and take the altar... Please check it and fix it if possible.
Not for me but for the ones who have to arrive there.
not much, but that mainly due too there being 124 pages, and i'm not gonna look for my similar posts with that many.
Apologies i was tired when i made the post so i used the wrong words. Its less grindy (for me) then a waiting game, see i tend to get really unlucky when it comes to high probability chance, so like if i need to hit the 20% mark, im more likely to get the .05% mark, ive gotten loads of diamonds and emeralds, but for the amount of time i put into automation, i should be getting more iron then this, yes other skyblock maps are grindy, but when you hit automation it usually a lot less so.
Now i realized that if i focus on auto crafters and cobble gens, i could make compressed cobble and then us a decomposer from minechem to make FE, then craft 16 FE into one iron, but the byproduct from that leaves a lot of potentially useless materials, but can improve iron rate by a lot, but reduces getting other needed ores, and such by almost that much. (and im lacking on tin as much as iron)
My suggestion would be to make a simple semi-automated obsidian generator and turn the obsidian into gravel. Take the auto sieve from the quest and slap two stirling generators on it. Methacrylate is a great fuel source for them, a stack lasts forever. Use a hopper or item node to extract the products from the sieve into a Special Chest (from Router Reborn I think) with a packager upgrade and put on top of the sieve a barrel with hopper upgrade. Now all you have to do is to load the barrel up with gravel and take the Ore Gravels out of the chest. Add a second and maybe a third sieve, a couple more generators and the resources will come in at a rather nice pace.

To get the iron for this, do the quests for the Progressive Automation upgrades all the way down to diamond. Decompose the quest rewards for about 2 stacks of iron ingots. No grinding necessary. :)

Ok, just an update on my situation: I've killed pratically the entire Dalek species without obtaining a dalekanium ingot. So, having Asylum dimension bugged, I've taken a ingot in Creative mode...
I'm not sure if this problem is only mine (lucky me!) or if this is a new bug caused in the last update of the pack... I've seen different videos about this dimension and everyone can break blocks and take the altar... Please check it and fix it if possible.
Not for me but for the ones who have to arrive there.

Are you sure that you are in Survival? That sounds more like Adventure mode.
So, out of curiosity, why does everyone suggest obsidian farms for gravel when you can put cobble into a modular crusher to get sand to decompose for silicon instead? I just made my first mars trip, and my base is currently running off of a 5x5x5 modular generator burning lava piped directly in without messing with bucket automation putting out 3300 rf/t.
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