[1.7.10] Regrowth - A WIP HQM pack - Now Listed!

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Oh my ... so I just installed fastcraft because I was tired of the low FPS I was getting beforehand (between 15 and 20 at most) and it gave me quite a significant boost. it goes as high as 50 FPS now (20-40 when walking around the area with all my machines etc). Feels a lot nicer. But then I went into the options and (accidentally) found out chunk loading distance goes up to 32 now (was max 16 before). I quickly reversed that option, since it utterly killed the FPS gain again.

On an unrelated note: When I started Regrowth today I (again) was at spawn with an empty inventory(at least I kept my things from the additional inventories, so I didn't lose too much). Anybody has an idea why that happens? There was no crashlog or anything. The only odd thing I noticed is that the game first loaded the map, then briefly switched back to the main menu, then went back to loading the map. Also luckily I had that 4 screenshots of the black hole talismans, so I could easily restore what little I had in my inventory.

All of the Mekanism stuff should be able to be picked up using shift right click with any of the wrenches.

Ah, I forgot to specify that I did in fact use shift-RMB with the two wrenches I listed.

I haven't played with this item in a few months, but the last time I did, wrenches just rotated the chest. I think he should make sure that it's not locked, because you SHOULD be able to mine it with a wooden pickaxe.

It does indeed only rotate the chest ... and do you mean an actual wooden pick (which cannot be made in this pack) or that the chest should be harvestable with any mining tier?
If it is the latter then I'm confused, since Waila keeps showing me it's not harvestable when I tried the blood infused iron pick. (It's unlocked too)

I also tried asking google, but the most relevant answers I got were wiki articles that merely described the electric chest, but made no mention of what tool to harvest it with.

Out of desperation I also just tried the mekanism cardboard box and the iron dolly. Neither works, not that it would have helped, since I am not aware of the possibility of removing the contents of either of those within the inventory.

Edit: So I just worked a bit more on the academy craft quests and reached a dead end with the basic matrix core quest: http://imgur.com/ny0ImlE

As the screenshot shows, I do have 5 constraint metal plates in my inventory, but the quest doesn't seem to register this. Am I missing something here, or would it be fine if I use the op questbook to mark this one solved?
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ah that was really weird... I was traveling extremely far by boat and sorta panicked because I thought I was at spawn... but there was nothing but ocean (It ended up being a positive number not a negative number and was actually 4000 blocks away in the opposite direction I'd gone... XD)

But ya I slightly panicked and decided to use the botania world seed, which is supposed to take you back to spawn... but the world didn't like that for some reason. because it teleported me to open air (the correct coordinates) and said the biome was swampland... luckily I had been cheating haha cuz I probably would have been killed by the void if I'd done that not in creative.

not sure why my game decided to hiccup like that, tested it again in creative worlds a bit and it worked fine. exiting and re entering my single player game fixed it though luckily and I was standing in the correct place.

probably a thing on botania's end more than anything, but I thought I'd mention it here.


on a side note whoa when were these buildings added??? they're super awesome looking!!! http://prntscr.com/asvhxc

If you were that far away, then spawn would have been in unloaded chunks, which is why you were hovering in midair (the land below you hadn't loaded in yet). As for the swampland thing, I've noticed that unloaded chunks seem to have this as their default biome (if I fly too fast out in the ocean, I find that the unloaded chunks have a dark outline similar to a swampland biome). As to why this is, I'm not sure.
Oh my ... so I just installed fastcraft because I was tired of the low FPS I was getting beforehand (between 15 and 20 at most) and it gave me quite a significant boost. it goes as high as 50 FPS now (20-40 when walking around the area with all my machines etc). Feels a lot nicer. But then I went into the options and (accidentally) found out chunk loading distance goes up to 32 now (was max 16 before). I quickly reversed that option, since it utterly killed the FPS gain again.

On an unrelated note: When I started Regrowth today I (again) was at spawn with an empty inventory(at least I kept my things from the additional inventories, so I didn't lose too much). Anybody has an idea why that happens? There was no crashlog or anything. The only odd thing I noticed is that the game first loaded the map, then briefly switched back to the main menu, then went back to loading the map. Also luckily I had that 4 screenshots of the black hole talismans, so I could easily restore what little I had in my inventory.

Ah, I forgot to specify that I did in fact use shift-RMB with the two wrenches I listed.

It does indeed only rotate the chest ... and do you mean an actual wooden pick (which cannot be made in this pack) or that the chest should be harvestable with any mining tier?
If it is the latter then I'm confused, since Waila keeps showing me it's not harvestable when I tried the blood infused iron pick. (It's unlocked too)

I also tried asking google, but the most relevant answers I got were wiki articles that merely described the electric chest, but made no mention of what tool to harvest it with.

Out of desperation I also just tried the mekanism cardboard box and the iron dolly. Neither works, not that it would have helped, since I am not aware of the possibility of removing the contents of either of those within the inventory.

Edit: So I just worked a bit more on the academy craft quests and reached a dead end with the basic matrix core quest: http://imgur.com/ny0ImlE

As the screenshot shows, I do have 5 constraint metal plates in my inventory, but the quest doesn't seem to register this. Am I missing something here, or would it be fine if I use the op questbook to mark this one solved?

That is odd (the mekanism chest) somehow it must still "think" it is protected so there is now way to move it, have you tried in creative?.....

For the academy craft i had to use the creative book as well to complete it.

As for the log in with no inventory this has happened to me before but not in this modpack, it happened to me in space astronomy once, but i got so paranoid that everytime i would log off i would put all my stuff in chest...i thought it had to do with the cloning mod....

I have a question, do thaumcraft mirrors (both item and essentia ones) work between dimensions?
I died somewhere deep underground. I can't find my gravestone. I know in one of the previous modpacks I played there was a folder you could look up that had your death coords in it, but there doesn't seem to be for regrowth. Assuming you weren't fast enough to F3 to get them when you died, is there any way to look up your last few death points?

(I've tried googling it, but all the open block gravestone entries bury the gravestone mod ones.)
I died somewhere deep underground. I can't find my gravestone. I know in one of the previous modpacks I played there was a folder you could look up that had your death coords in it, but there doesn't seem to be for regrowth. Assuming you weren't fast enough to F3 to get them when you died, is there any way to look up your last few death points?

(I've tried googling it, but all the open block gravestone entries bury the gravestone mod ones.)
Try Regrowth/world/logs
It does indeed only rotate the chest ... and do you mean an actual wooden pick (which cannot be made in this pack) or that the chest should be harvestable with any mining tier?
If it is the latter then I'm confused, since Waila keeps showing me it's not harvestable when I tried the blood infused iron pick. (It's unlocked too)

I also tried asking google, but the most relevant answers I got were wiki articles that merely described the electric chest, but made no mention of what tool to harvest it with.

It should be minable with any pickaxe. I'm almost certain that you have it protected/locked mode, or the game thinks it is for some reason. Also, Waila isn't always right - Did you actually try to harvest it? Just because it says "Not harvestable" doesn't mean that's true on all blocks. Empty the chest and give it a whack - literally.
It should be minable with any pickaxe. I'm almost certain that you have it protected/locked mode, or the game thinks it is for some reason. Also, Waila isn't always right - Did you actually try to harvest it? Just because it says "Not harvestable" doesn't mean that's true on all blocks. Empty the chest and give it a whack - literally.

They are unlocked by default if placed. So no, the chest wasn't actually in locked mode (doesn't that one only work if the chest has energy anyway?). Also whacking it for a full minute with both an axe or a pick did nothing.
I died somewhere deep underground. I can't find my gravestone. I know in one of the previous modpacks I played there was a folder you could look up that had your death coords in it, but there doesn't seem to be for regrowth. Assuming you weren't fast enough to F3 to get them when you died, is there any way to look up your last few death points?

(I've tried googling it, but all the open block gravestone entries bury the gravestone mod ones.)

it is somewhere in the safe files, i have used it in this pack when i managed to die somewhere in the middle of the ocean.

i found it, it is located in saves/yourworldhere/logs.
If you were that far away, then spawn would have been in unloaded chunks, which is why you were hovering in midair (the land below you hadn't loaded in yet). As for the swampland thing, I've noticed that unloaded chunks seem to have this as their default biome (if I fly too fast out in the ocean, I find that the unloaded chunks have a dark outline similar to a swampland biome). As to why this is, I'm not sure.
ah phew, that's weird that it didn't load in then, usually my computer is pretty lightning fast with everything.

also man I guess I just never walk that far from spawn... I guess I did cover a lot more distance than I've ever done in this pack before since for the first time I made a sojourners sash and made a silverwood wand that I needed to fill up... which was why I had gotten lost at sea actually haha! thought there had to be land eventually in the oceans north of my house XD must admit filling up a wand in a boat is a lot harder than I thought.
They are unlocked by default if placed. So no, the chest wasn't actually in locked mode (doesn't that one only work if the chest has energy anyway?). Also whacking it for a full minute with both an axe or a pick did nothing.

Well the only thing I can tell you is that it sounds like you're not doing anything wrong, so chalk it up to another bug. The only thing I can suggest is going into creative and trying an assortment of various pickaxes on it. It's possible with the way the mod pack author has manipulated the mining levels might have something to do with this.
They are unlocked by default if placed. So no, the chest wasn't actually in locked mode (doesn't that one only work if the chest has energy anyway?). Also whacking it for a full minute with both an axe or a pick did nothing.

Maybe try power in it and then remove it, it may need it to update itself or something, if all else fails then you could mcedit it out.

They should, so long as both areas are chunk loaded. I've used magic mirrors in the nether before, but never tried the essentia ones. I assume it'd operate the same.

Thank you, i just realized that it does says in the research page that it is inter dimensional...i gotta trust more in the ingame doc lol
I started playing this mod 2 days ago, and im really just following the quest book, but how do i get some armour? Also, when googling, i came across some starter tips, but these tips seem so far off for me still. Am i just slow? (also, i got 2 large chests full of seeds, so anoying)
I started playing this mod 2 days ago, and im really just following the quest book, but how do i get some armour? Also, when googling, i came across some starter tips, but these tips seem so far off for me still. Am i just slow? (also, i got 2 large chests full of seeds, so anoying)
Your best bet is to follow the quests until you get iron seeds. Once you have iron you can craft iron armor. Also, if you look deep underground you might find an essence berry bush. Pick it up and do the quest that opens up in chapter 1 for a full iron armor set. Alternatively but less reliably, mobs will sometimes drop armor.
but how do i get some armour?

Another option is to make wooden armor (take your wooden planks from dead trees, 9 in a crafting table will make a dead wood block, then use a block for each spot you would use iron to make the armor), it does not provide much protection. But it's better then nothing.

Also if you have a Strawman nearby, you can tear it down and there is a monster spawner under it. Just build a simple mob trap around it and you will get rare armor drops off the mobs. You can get a full set of leather armor pretty easily and quickly.
it is somewhere in the safe files, i have used it in this pack when i managed to die somewhere in the middle of the ocean.

i found it, it is located in saves/yourworldhere/logs.
Thanks. I've at least found it for the single player. Unfortunately, this was on our server. (I am an admin, but I can't find it. At least that gives me a starting point to ask the server hosts what folder I'm looking for though.)
Try Regrowth/world/logs

Forgot to mention I was on a server. (I'm an admin but logs seem to be stored server-side. I found the log report, but it just has the timestamp and that I died trying to swim in lava.). I think it may be being stored server side, whereas the previous pack stored it client side.