My apologies for not being fairly unresponsive over the weekend. To new folks to the pack and thread, usually weekends are my busier times, so I don't reply as much, if at all, during them.
Um, so I'm curious. I have a bunch of stacks of trapdoors around from various crafting mistakes, and they say they're worth 2 FMC each.
SHOULD be able to put 5 of them + an empty crate together for a 1% crate.
Looking into it though, the recipes for 10 crates with 2 value items got screwed up somewhere. Added to the Trello to fix when I can.
Crash in 0.1.3 when opening an Aura Cascade C 1 blind bag (if I am not mistaken).
Oh, I see what happened. Fixed that on my end for the next update.
Are we SUPPOSED to be forced to used all different items, instead of just a lot of a particular one?
You are supposed to be able to use multiple of the same item, but some of the smaller crates have issues that didn't pop up when I was testing, though the 5 x 2 FMC thing I should have caught way early but didn't.
P.S. I know the SAG mill and Alloy Furnace are temporary means of turning in shipments, but I was wondering when the actual means gets implemented, will there be a system to convert coin bags back into coins, and the possibility of automatically buying items from a shop?
Just hold and right click a bag of coins to turn it back into coins. =)
And I plan on adding automated shop purchasing, but it requires me reworking the Shop Loyalty system to mimic the Trader Rank system (get tokens, combine tokens, turn in tokens).
We couldn't figure out how to force him to despawn.
If you can use op commands, do /cofh killall to kill most hostile monsters currently spawned.
i like this mod pack but when i search for a tank my whole game crashes so i reload the game and when i try to search for something else it crashes, i dont want to start a new world
Try deleting the NEI folder in that world folder.
If not, if you could get me the crashlog I can try to figure out how to fix it.
Why can't I combine five 10% crates into one 50% crate?
You should be able to. Added to my trello to fix/add.
The new version don't work with my savegame. yes I tried your suggestions.
Sorry it didnt work with your old save. =(
The Progressive Automation quest requires bedrock...
Progressive Automation was removed this update, I just forgot to make the quests invisible I think.
Found this for you a few pages back. See if it works.
Hm, I changed that for 0.1.3 as well, but I will disable the Open Blocks tanks showing every single fluid as well.
*edit: Seems to have something to do with thaumcraft.*
Some oddity is happening with a creeper in your world, hmm.
Make sure your snooper is disabled both in for the server, and in your client game options.
Try also disabling Journey Map and see if that is an issue.
As well, make sure your Java is the latest it can be.
If those don't help, type /opis to bring up the Opis tool to scan your world and see what might be causing the issues.
Caigan, long time player here. I've played thru a few different changes to the overall Supply/Contract system, and wanted to ask if you could explain your thoughts on why changes were made, or what you wanted to accomplish with it. Is it where you want it to be now, or do you feel that you still want to tweak something else?
I'll explain in a second post in a bit, I want to keep this one to answering issues. =)
Morph seems to not be working right with the Gaia mobs, looking at both the default file and the one for this mod, you appear to have forgotten .monster in the file that gives them their abilities
Yeah, my fault. I didn't test it thoroughly as it was an early thing I was working on, and set aside to get the other systems working better.
First is a server thing, because the effects are also realized by other players. When you are farming and you try to pick up things (it does not matter what it is) but your inventory is already full, the server gets massive lags. It seems he tries to fill the stuff to the inventory but its not possible.
I have partially confirmed this issue on a server, but not in single player. It also doesn't seem to happen all the time.
I will look further into it, as this is a serious issue.
. But even with an empty inventory the server gets incredible lag issues, which can be recognized by all players.
This I can't duplicate myself for some reason, but will do more testing to see if I can.
Third thing seems to be a client thing. After some time playing (more than 3 or 4 hours) the client is running in a memory issue.
Can definitely confirm there is some sort of memory leak, and currently trying to track down which mod is causing it. It's lessened for sure if snooper is disabled, and possibly journeymap. Am investigating when I can.
Same issue with the inventories here.
If you are getting the issue in single player, could you try disabling Inventory Tweaks? I have a small suspicion on it, but I'm not able to replicate the issue consistantly on my end yet.
as addition to my last post. For the third issue ... it seems to be something really bad with journey map.
Ouch. Hm, try this :
In /config/powercrystals/netherores/common.cfg, scroll down to the hellfish section and set the following :
And then in game do a /cofh killall after restarting the game/server
One mod that I'd like to see added in some future update is Logistic Pipes.
This has been suggested a few times, and I'll look into it.
I noticed a MAJOR lag problem today near Exotic Birds Hummingbirds.
This is one thing I forgot to do, is go into the configs for Exotic Birds and lower the spawn rate of them across the board, similar to what I did with Grimoire of Gaia.
Any suggestions as to what i could do?
It just closing with no crash is very odd....I'm not sure what else to do just yet. I'll keep looking into it.
I get this warm and fuzzy feeling inside when i see people list their speccs that are several generations ahead of mine with something as simple as FPS problems... im on a i5(1 or 2:nd gen

), gtx570 and 16gb ram.
I definitely feel there is an odd memory leak issue and something else going on with the pack now. Not everyone is having issues with it, but a lot more are now, and I need to track down the causes and deal with them, even if it means removing a mod or two I'd prefer not to.
2 crash with return "multipayer menu"(in solo party) when use gui Matter overdrive.
Odd, not able to replicate on my end. Could you give me more information on what is going on when this happens?