[1.7.10] The Ferret Business [WIP][BQ + HQM, 500+ Quests][v 0.2.6]

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Question regarding pressure plates .. how come they only react to players and not to blocks dropped on them .. what's the alternative for automating Botania endoflames? (I'm on version 0.13)

Wooden pressure plates react to items - stone and above do not react to items

automating endoflame with timer rftools and dropper or distributer (i dont know name in english) or maybe carpenter's plate with hammer carpenter for set just player.
(sorry french... )

automating endoflame with timer rftools and dropper or distributer (i dont know name in english) or maybe carpenter's plate with hammer carpenter for set just player.
(sorry french... )
"Dispenser," the thing that puts item into the world when it gets a redstone signal.

this is how i do it now. http://gfycat.com/PersonalImmaculateIberianmidwifetoad

just feed items into it, it's automatic. do NOT USE a magnet around it.
"Dispenser," the thing that puts item into the world when it gets a redstone signal.

this is how i do it now. http://gfycat.com/PersonalImmaculateIberianmidwifetoad

just feed items into it, it's automatic. do NOT USE a magnet around it.
that looks nicer and more easly expandable then what i used (one dropper per endoflame feed by rationing node all triggered by project red timer, i tried rftools timer did not work well with shutoff mechanic of the charcoal drop-ing when the pool was near full )
As for magnets issue plant a sognila (or what ever u call the anti magnet functional flower )
that looks nicer and more easly expandable then what i used (one dropper per endoflame feed by rationing node all triggered by project red timer, i tried rftools timer did not work well with shutoff mechanic of the charcoal drop-ing when the pool was near full )
As for magnets issue plant a sognila (or what ever u call the anti magnet functional flower )
That flower consumes mana, but, yes, that'd work. As for ratio of dispensers to endoflames, not sure there.

ODD THING in v.12, one dispenser set up like this would dispense one coal..then 10 endoflames would burn. I didn't get it. I could burn 10 endoflames from a single coal dropped onto that wooden pressure plate..
Um, so I'm curious. I have a bunch of stacks of trapdoors around from various crafting mistakes, and they say they're worth 2 FMC each. But when I attempt to put them into a crate, partially filled or not, they refuse to go in. Tried various amounts of them, in the crafting table and the Mega packager. Could I get a summary of how this is supposed to work so I can check my math so to speak, before taking a ton of screenshots and such?
Crash in 0.1.3 when opening an Aura Cascade C 1 blind bag (if I am not mistaken).

Time: 4/9/16 11:47 PM
Description: Ticking memory connection

java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: ",{}"
at java.lang.NumberFormatException.forInputString(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(Unknown Source)
at com.wolfretbusiness.ferretshinies.items.BlindBag.parseBagContentAndGetItemStack(BlindBag.java:262)
at com.wolfretbusiness.ferretshinies.items.BlindBag.giveRandomItemToPlayer(BlindBag.java:236)
at com.wolfretbusiness.ferretshinies.items.BlindBag.func_77659_a(BlindBag.java:114)
at net.minecraft.item.ItemStack.func_77957_a(ItemStack.java:146)
at net.minecraft.server.management.ItemInWorldManager.func_73085_a(ItemInWorldManager.java:316)
at net.minecraft.network.NetHandlerPlayServer.func_147346_a(NetHandlerPlayServer.java:539)
at net.minecraft.network.play.client.C08PacketPlayerBlockPlacement.func_148833_a(SourceFile:60)
at net.minecraft.network.play.client.C08PacketPlayerBlockPlacement.func_148833_a(SourceFile:9)
at net.minecraft.network.NetworkManager.func_74428_b(NetworkManager.java:212)
at net.minecraft.network.NetworkSystem.func_151269_c(NetworkSystem.java:165)
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71190_q(MinecraftServer.java:659)
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71217_p(MinecraftServer.java:547)
at net.minecraft.server.integrated.IntegratedServer.func_71217_p(IntegratedServer.java:111)
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:427)
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer$2.run(MinecraftServer.java:685)

Edit: Definitely a C 1 Aura Cascade blind bag:

[CHAT] You opened an Aura Master Cheap Blind Bag and got 1 x [Aura Cascade Blind Bag Series C 1]!
[23:47:26] [Server thread/ERROR]: Encountered an unexpected exception
net.minecraft.util.ReportedException: Ticking memory connection
Um, so I'm curious. I have a bunch of stacks of trapdoors around from various crafting mistakes, and they say they're worth 2 FMC each. But when I attempt to put them into a crate, partially filled or not, they refuse to go in. Tried various amounts of them, in the crafting table and the Mega packager. Could I get a summary of how this is supposed to work so I can check my math so to speak, before taking a ton of screenshots and such?
I gave up on stuffing anything in a crate worth less then 1k FMC. You have to mix and combine tons of different stuff to hit certain crate thresholds. Search for the ferret crates in NEI to see the thresholds.
I gave up on stuffing anything in a crate worth less then 1k FMC. You have to mix and combine tons of different stuff to hit certain crate thresholds. Search for the ferret crates in NEI to see the thresholds.
I did, that's why I'm so confused. XD
Are we SUPPOSED to be forced to used all different items, instead of just a lot of a particular one? I can kinda see why that would be an interesting mechanic, but it's also very annoying and makes me want to do as you have, and ignore anything that won't take a crate up to 1k on it's own. Plus it makes little to no thematic sense IMO.
I really love the idea of this pack, we get so caught up in automating everything in modded minecraft that we forget that there really isn't any reason to mass produce.... anything really. I love that this pack gives a sort of goal for that. I have a suggestion though... I think Logistics Pipes would be a really great addition to this modpack, given it's focus on automation. Applied Energistics accomplishes SOME of the same things, but it requires a lot of infrastructure and is more suited for mass storage. I would love to be able to automate crafting in a more efficient way than Buildcraft Auto Crafting tables.

Also, is there any reason we cannot convert bags of coins back into coins? It really limits your options and incentive for selling certain shipments or mob-parts, since they are un-usable to buy more materials or heart containers.

I haven't gotten to this point yet, but is the Mega Packager (Xtreme Crafting Table) automate-able? It seems like it would be a very important thing to be automatic but I'm not sure...

I love the idea of the pack being a kind of mega-tutorial for all kinds of mods, while also giving more experienced players a place to build giant factories that actually have a purpose for their products :D

P.S. I know the SAG mill and Alloy Furnace are temporary means of turning in shipments, but I was wondering when the actual means gets implemented, will there be a system to convert coin bags back into coins, and the possibility of automatically buying items from a shop?
It's actually not very worthwhile to send crates by hand now o_o. The system just got so complicated so fast, so many of my previous machines became obsolete (I had 18 sag mils with Octadic capacitors going, just to handle the sheer amount of crates going through... it was barely enough). Running a speed 2 quarry is good enough for me.

I've created an insane network of pipes, redstone logic (using vanilla since i'm unfamilliar with FTB's redstone), and cyclic assemblers, just to reach crates of 5000 fmc (the only crates worthwhile to process). Perhaps i'll make a system that goes up to 40k fmc crates, just anything else will take too much work and logic, and buffers, and NGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.

Perhaps i will send a picture for you guys when i'm done. The crate combining system is all over the place right now.
Also, is there any reason we cannot convert bags of coins back into coins? It really limits your options and incentive for selling certain shipments or mob-parts, since they are un-usable to buy more materials or heart containers.

Take the coin bags in ur hand and R-click. Thats how you get out the 50 coins. And for big simple automation - Look at the Crafter from EnderIO
I doubt you can automate the mega packager, but you could always try with the extra utilites nodes.

I've created an insane network of pipes, redstone logic (using vanilla since i'm unfamilliar with FTB's redstone), and cyclic assemblers, just to reach crates of 5000 fmc (the only crates worthwhile to process). Perhaps i'll make a system that goes up to 40k fmc crates, just anything else will take too much work and logic, and buffers, and NGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.

Perhaps use the compact machinery boxes to hide away some of the automation? :P
I cant seem to get my game to work, i can play for 10 or so minutes and it will randomly close, its to fast to get a crash report. Any suggestions as to what i could do?
Take the coin bags in ur hand and R-click. Thats how you get out the 50 coins. And for big simple automation - Look at the Crafter from EnderIO
I doubt you can automate the mega packager, but you could always try with the extra utilites nodes.

Perhaps use the compact machinery boxes to hide away some of the automation? :p
Thats' a good idea, but i like the idea of a complex matrix of pipes sending items, which looks pretty cool. However, i could've probably hid the redstone gates within the compact machines (can they even interact with redstone?)
Thats' a good idea, but i like the idea of a complex matrix of pipes sending items, which looks pretty cool. However, i could've probably hid the redstone gates within the compact machines (can they even interact with redstone?)
Not sure if redstone works through it. EnderIO got redstone wires .. you could do a quick test and see if they can send it through.

Caigan - Found a text error with the "Mass Supply - Armor Stands" quest. The info quest to the right above the item count is about the ferret battery.
Valkeries killed any desire I had to explore. It might change once I feel my armor is up to it. A spear wielding one killed me while I was out searching for birch saplings. I have had a easier time plundering the local dungeons then I have going into any biomes where the spear wielding ones are. My base is in Taiga Hills.

One of the champion zombie pigment spawned. It automatically agroed on me. It killed me rather fast, while I was near the nether portal. The other player in the game tried to help me recover my stuff. He died before as soon as he crossed the portal. Was even wearing full armor (Osmium). We turned it to peaceful to get our stuff back. We couldn't figure out how to force him to despawn. I proceeded to place a drop trap around both sides of the nether portal using spectre glass. Even though the room is now fully enclosed with doors on all the entrances. If they spawn in there they should fall right into the pit when they cross the glass.

Going into full safety mode. The game is just to dangerous. Will stick my character's neck out when I feel his combat abilities are high enough. I don't go outside unless I have to. I dig mineshaft in the nether and line the floors with half slabs. Did find the dungeons are a good spot for a relaxing monster battle when I feel the need for one.
i like this mod pack but when i search for a tank my whole game crashes so i reload the game and when i try to search for something else it crashes, i dont want to start a new world
Hi Caigan,

I have been playing your modpack because I liked everything about it.. the mobs and flora, the terrain, everything...
I have had barely any lag at all, its the best mudpack for that that I have played.
Other modpacks seem not only more restraining, but also bland.
I never did understand your quest system, but that's another story, and it does not hurt my enjoyment of your ferret world.
Needless to say, I stopped doing more than collecting trinkets, but that is fine.
I built up a nice little base over a few weeks

I just wanted to tell you why I play my ferret world

The new version don't work with my savegame. yes I tried your suggestions.
But that's ok, it was a large update and has to be expected.
I have started again.
