[1.7.10] The Ferret Business [WIP][BQ + HQM, 500+ Quests][v 0.2.6]

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Hi Caigan

I've tried on the normal crafting table and I get this...


so maybe it's a bug?

I get the same result for Basalt Slabs, Basalt Brick Slabs, Basalt Stairs and Basalt Brick Stairs
I get the same result for Basalt Slabs, Basalt Brick Slabs, Basalt Stairs and Basalt Brick Stairs
Oh I might know what the issue is.

Which mod is the basalt from? Botania or ProjectRed Exploration?

If its the latter, there is no brick/slab/stair variations of those. I'll add recipes to turn those into the Botania versions of basalt construction blocks.

What you can do, though, is use Carpenter's Blocks, which lets you use use any block as a texture for stairs and slabs and slopes.
Oh I might know what the issue is.

Which mod is the basalt from? Botania or ProjectRed Exploration?

If its the latter, there is no brick/slab/stair variations of those. I'll add recipes to turn those into the Botania versions of basalt construction blocks.

What you can do, though, is use Carpenter's Blocks, which lets you use use any block as a texture for stairs and slabs and slopes.

ProjectRed Exploration

I totally forgot about carpenters blocks... lol
Apologies for double post.
Could there be a different quest that gives you the Mega Packager than the one that gives you crates? I'm starting to think I should just throw out the extra packagers since I have no use for them beyond the first, unless I'm missing something to do with automation.
Also, when attempting to put Quad-compressed cobble into crates (1,500 FMC each), the crate won't take more than one piece at a time, and then proceeds to think it's only got 1k FMC instead of 1.5k.
Morph is currently counting special versions of mobs as different mobs entirely. For instance, I have five separate entries for blazes that I can't just shift between in the list, like Spined, Warped, Grim, Fiery, etc. This also applies to the androids I occasionally find, as they each have a entry of their own with their name and skin. Zombies aren't spread out like this, but they do have about ten different shiftable permutations atm, and counting. Normally I wouldn't consider this an issue beyond the sheer length the list will eventually have, but I remember Morph actually corrupting peoples worlds or player files when they have too many for the mod to process a while back, so I'd like to suggest that these permutations of mobs be blacklisted in some way to avoid issues.
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Might work if you add something worth 500 FMC to the crate aswell. That should give you 2 1k crates or a 2k crate.

And about morph .. yeah i never use that mod since my list ALWAYS gets massive as hell. Especially with custom mob mods, like GOG and matter overdrive :p. For flight i got super lucky and got a few resonant jetpacks, even a resonant armored jetpack :D.
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Apologies for double post.
Could there be a different quest that gives you the Mega Packager than the one that gives you crates? I'm starting to think I should just throw out the extra packagers since I have no use for them beyond the first, unless I'm missing something to do with automation.
Also, when attempting to put Quad-compressed cobble into crates (1,500 FMC each), the crate won't take more than one piece at a time, and then proceeds to think it's only got 1k FMC instead of 1.5k.
Morph is currently counting special versions of mobs as different mobs entirely. For instance, I have five separate entries for blazes that I can't just shift between in the list, like Spined, Warped, Grim, Fiery, etc. This also applies to the androids I occasionally find, as they each have a entry of their own with their name and skin. Zombies aren't spread out like this, but they do have about ten different shiftable permutations atm, and counting. Normally I wouldn't consider this an issue beyond the sheer length the list will eventually have, but I remember Morph actually corrupting peoples worlds or player files when they have too many for the mod to process a while back, so I'd like to suggest that these permutations of mobs be blacklisted in some way to avoid issues.
Surround a coin with wooden planks, BAM! more crates.
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since we are talking about morph i remember when i started lycanites everywhere literally did next to 0 exploring(after first day of course) only mining and hiding in a cave base then i got into the nether and got lucky and found cadomin (i think that was what it was called) trapped near the ground normally these thing are normaly very deadly because deadly projectile and they fly but this one was trapped near the ground a couple hits with a cutlass(steel) and it died , as luck would have it that mob's morph gave flight among other abilities and i actually started exploring to truly see what was around me , was a lovely turning of the tables on lycanite mobs , fast forward to much closer to now being able to look like the guardian of gai is funny and the tiny morphs are so lovely for wireing even more so now that i cant suffocate in a block anymore

Since to get morph flight now u need to kill a wither. the quest should more so point to killing a wither boss and using its body for your first flight morph so much more perks then the old standard bat form of flight
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Surround a coin with wooden planks, BAM! more crates.
Oh granted, but the quest recompletes every couple in game days, which pops up that purple quest-completed notification that I then have to condition myself to ignore unless the number is 2 instead of 1. Not a giant issue by any means, and I could easily use the mega packagers for Thaum meltdown fodder since they have so much of one of the most complex aspects, but it feels like a bit of an oversight all the same.
Also, Arcane stone slabs have two FMC values atm, which is unusual and seems like a thing that should not be, so i figured I'd mention it.
Also also, there... isn't anything in the building category that is just 500 FMC? I think, I spent a bit of time searching but it's possible I missed it. I can't just use smaller items either, since the mega packager won't accept both them and the 4x cobble.
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Under: Rules of the shop

It mentions (implies) that Iron tier is the next tier after wood, but tin is. You might want to fix that.
I wonder.

Okay, I did some testing real quick, and figured out how to deal with this.

With those options disabled, that will prevent NEW hellfish blocks from generating, but since you have an established world, they still exist in old chunks. There are a few options you can do, in order of simplicity :

  • Regenerate the Nether
    • Shut the server down and delete the dimension folder for The Nether, then start the server back up.
Ok, that helped alot. We deleted Nether (fortunately we had not done much in there so far, only a ender quarry running for ressources) and it generated new files for Nether. Just a side question about that recreating the Nether .. is it normal that it created the same Nether as before again? Is the Nether also bound on the seed?

Than to something what I also realized. Its about Thaumcraft and the "Arcane Working Table". Every time I try to craft something in there the server gets a little bit laggy (for a single item) including the old time messages in server logs. We could live with that, but if I craft several items .. for example a stack of Arcane Stone Blocks, its extremly heavy including kicking all players from server. The server is not even able to log anything. It takes around 2 minutes till the first missing time things comes in with numbers like 90k missing ticks. Sometimes I worry the server is broken at this time .. but waiting a while and we can connect again.
What I also realized is that open the arcane working table takes 2 seconds while a normal chest or the destruction table and research table (also from thaumcraft) are opening instantly.
Everything besides the "Inventory full bug" or "destroy a chest with item in it bug" runs smoothly
<edit> only happens when there is already inside the table from last crafting or right after the kick all from server</edit>
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hey ive been playing your mod pack on a server with friends and went to start botania but noticed my thermalillies aren't working, they eat all the lava but produce no mana. im not sure if this is an issue with the pack or the mod its self. also i have a 5x5 patch of cursed earth in a dark room which doesnt appear to be giving the accelerated spawn rate? please help
Put the contract in - then add the items, in single item stacks. Then you should be able to get the crafted contract you can turn in

Orma, You are a life saver! that did it. Some of this stuff is not documented well, but it is a ton of fun when I can get it to work. Is this the only thread for Ferret Business (this giant 175 page), or can I just create new threads?
Caigan! Some minor bugs/errors regarding quests:

8: Roguelike Dungeons - No longer possible to submit Laudanum (tested also with QDS).
11: Flowers of autumn; Hopperhock & Marimorphosis quests have each others descriptions.

I'm not sure if it's been noticed/discussed/reported already, but quite a few quests have wonky behavior with what's supposed to be submitted since the update, especially noticable in the Initial Research questline. I haven't looked too closely as it hasn't caused any problems (rather making it easier) so far, but my guess is that the new FMC feature makes you able to submit items not originally intended.

Got a crash with a legendary thaumcraft BB (unfortunately forgot to write down which one but I'm pretty sure it was A1). I have removed a couple of mods I don't use due to performance issues (nothing directly related to Thaumcraft) but I thought it wouldn't hurt to inform you about it anyway. I'm providing the crash report (pretty sure it is the correct one, only one related to ferretshinies so far) as well as I've removed yampst due to a weird bug with it. Please ignore it if the error is on my end.

Absolutely love playing the update so far, incredibly good work with the new features. Already look forward to the next!


they eat all the lava but produce no mana
someone forgot to read botania change log , thermo lilies will always eat lava but will only produce mana when NOT overfeed (overfeed is litterally overheat from the past but they do waste lava now )so if they can always eat lava they will always be overfeed

as for cursed earth check for any light sources , almost any light will shutdown cursed earth , oddly project red lamps bleed light even through blocks at one pt(even if they are off they might still do so ), 2ndly arcane lamps have a giant range
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someone forgot to read botania change log , thermo lilies will always eat lava but will only produce mana when NOT overfeed (overfeed is litterally overheat from the past but they do waste lava now )so if they can always eat lava they will always be overfeed

as for cursed earth check for any light sources , almost any light will shutdown cursed earth , oddly project red lamps bleed light even through blocks at one pt(even if they are off they might still do so ), 2ndly arcane lamps have a giant range

For the cursed earth the room was completely dark, i used dark glass to build it so i could see it wasnt working, as for the thermalillies the over eating is fine but they weren't making any mana
with the Fluxed Crystals 2 issue..should we even use it? if the refining listing is messed up, seems a bit.."do not touch"-ish.