[1.7.10]Modular Mayhem

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A part of the stabilizer uses this EE3 glass, too. 'But' you can get it with Chisel at the moment (just turn normal glass into EE3-glass, at least NEI says it's possible, havn't done anything in matter overdrive yet...). Not sure if that is intended though. ^^'

What I noticed as good early-game-energy are the thermoelectric generators of immersive engineering. When you put 2 water and 2 lava beside it each generator produces 30RF/t (if you're lucky and find packed ice or blizz's so you can craft it, you could go for a pyrotheum+pack'ice combo which doubles this energy output).
Just careful where you put it, since lava/pyrotheum love to burn your stuff down.

Really need to find a nice tutorial for Engineer's toolbox, looks like a good mod, but I never really understood it.
(or I'm lucky and Iskander has it used in his let's play at some point, still catching up with it :D)

One question from me:
Do you 'need' pretty op'ed farms (like with temporal dirt and such things) to make a diesel-generator of immmersive engineering run at a "usuable speed"?
Whenever I see someone using the biodiesel of the mod I only ever see very "super powerful"-setups being used for sugarcane/hemp'seeds/stuff (like reinforced watering can + MFR harvester, temporal dirt, gigantic MFR'farms for the stuff).
I'm asking since I actually wanted to plan to use a few ways of farming, like steve's carts and all the nice lil drones of Hydraulicraft (so long since I played with pneumaticcraft and drones!) but I'm worried that all the work and ressources are useless when I actually want to run a diesel-generator.
You need 1 seed and 1 reed/melon every second to run a diesel generator at full speed. Which means either huge farms or, well, something OP
You need 1 seed and 1 reed/melon every second to run a diesel generator at full speed. Which means either huge farms or, well, something OP

Alright, thank you for this information :)

Guess I plan a steve's carts/drones farm "for the look" then and hide another more op'ed setup somewhere to use the generator. ^^
It does depend on storage and use. If you have to use the generator at full speed, then yes 1/second. If you have power storage and passive backup, you only need the generator to kick on when you need a burst of power. I recommend going with Iskandar's method of using Advanced Generators instead. They'll end up being able to produce just over 6 times the energy of the Diesel Generator. They'll also run on P-Craft's Diesel as well.

Engineer's Toolbox can be pretty confusing. Mostly you want to pay attention to the 'Shift' information for the modules. If it says Outputs to Machine Output, it means you need one of those to get the items out. What exactly do you want to do with it?
advanced generators will also take magcraft's light oil,heavy oil, and natural gas and produce about 280m RF per 32 buckets of oil.
Ah, it's my very first time working with immersive engineering. So I want to at least try out the diesel-generator ones before I look for the "more effective"-ways to produce power :)
Besides that... I really love the multi-structures of the mod :D

But I guess after at least testing it once I will move to better energy-ways since I want to at least try out this excavator...whatever it's name is again! This mining-laser-like multi block of immersive engineering. And from what I read you pretty much need one diesel-generator worth of power just for this one machine to run.

Still so much to learn, so many mods I never played myself (I just made my first super multi-drill, they're amazing. Though the one wiki said "more efficiency makes them use less energy" which seems to be wrong, the energy-cost increased actually)

About engineer's toolbox:
When searching about how to make packed ice (since I have no area where I could find it for thousands of blocks around my base... at least from what I explored yet, never explored so much area before in minecraft ^^") I saw that you can make normal ice with the freezer of engineer's toolbox.

But I generally want to test out the mod for a bit, I heard it can be quiet complicated, especially about finding these bedrock-like ressources you need at some point (I got lucky and found some "shale gas"-bedrock already) but well... just my general corousity about trying a few new mods that I havn't used so far.
Diesel Generator isn't bad. Just very loud. Not unlike the crusher. Probably want to have an XU muffler ready. Advanced Generators has it's own internal buffers and they're better than what the Diesel stores.

So you want to make ice. You need two things. Power, and water. Water is simple. Either a magneticraft infinite water, or an engineer's toolbox accumulator. I like the latter myself. Put down two water intakes, on either side of a socket, facing water. Put a fluid output on top. You're going to need a socket remote. It defaults to dark blue which is tank select. Sockets each have three tanks, three inventories, and three internal redstone latches. For this, just set all three modules to the first blue light. (There's a colorblind mode if you need it, though I've never used it.)

For the freezer, you need a fluid input, the freezer, an energy input and an item output. One of the fun things about ET sockets, is that they have static facing. If you put one down, and put a module on the north side, then after you pick it up with a wrench (shift+right-click), and place it down again, it will always have that module on the north side until it's removed with a normal right click. Since you're going to have to access the bottom to do it this way, you'll want to place the socket against a wall. Put your fluid intake on the bottom, and set it to the first tank. Pick the whole thing up and set it on the water source. (Whichever that is.) Now put down your freezer, item output and power input. Set the freezer to tank number one. Shift Right click changes the mode of the remote, set the green one to the first on both the freezer and the item output. Apply power. Viola, ice.

Technically you can go a little faster by putting two water intakes directly on the freezer block, but this way you can move the freezer up and put in pipes if you want water to something else later.

This is the handbook. It's a moderately interesting read, and contains an awesome amount of information. I keep it open when I'm working with ET stuff, just because it is a useful reference.

Shale Gas is a power resource. I don't entirely understand how it works.
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Followed your instructions and everything works! Thank you alot :)

Guess the one thing that will totally confuse me about the mod (engineer's toolbox) is to always get the right modules into the same block and setting all the tanks in the right way... looks complicated. But with all these modules I wonder what else you can make with it.
So thanks for the handbook, too, will read in it soon to (hopefully) understand more about the mod.

Now to find a snowy biome and hunt some blizz's, so I can make packed ice (and afterwards noticing that i probably should have used the time to make some farms for biodiesel instead xD)

And while I'm finding biomes thousands of blocks away... I have to say: I so totally love the Tardis! Once you figure out how to fly it, it's really fun.
(just setting the Z and X coords is still a pain for me, since I don't really understand all that about the levers and how they effect the numbers...)

Ah and while I'm thinking about it:
Anyone knows if there is a good way (in one of the mods) to enchant a book witha special enchantment?
(Trying out steve's carts as miner, but would love to get silk touch on it... but enchanting the vanilla way is so painful for this one enchant :( )

Followed your instructions and everything works! Thank you alot :)

Guess the one thing that will totally confuse me about the mod (engineer's toolbox) is to always get the right modules into the same block and setting all the tanks in the right way... looks complicated. But with all these modules I wonder what else you can make with it.
So thanks for the handbook, too, will read in it soon to (hopefully) understand more about the mod.

Now to find a snowy biome and hunt some blizz's, so I can make packed ice (and afterwards noticing that i probably should have used the time to make some farms for biodiesel instead xD)

And while I'm finding biomes thousands of blocks away... I have to say: I so totally love the Tardis! Once you figure out how to fly it, it's really fun.
(just setting the Z and X coords is still a pain for me, since I don't really understand all that about the levers and how they effect the numbers...)

Ah and while I'm thinking about it:
Anyone knows if there is a good way (in one of the mods) to enchant a book witha special enchantment?
(Trying out steve's carts as miner, but would love to get silk touch on it... but enchanting the vanilla way is so painful for this one enchant :( )
And this is where Chromaticraft steps in. The Chroma enchanter can put any enchants you want (more or less) onto an unenchanted item. This includes Fortune/Looting V.
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Silent's Gems looks like a very good early game Tinker's Construct replacement. And Boron pickaxe :D

I found that I can mine Boron and Thorium with vanilla stone pickaxe, not sure it's by design or something goes wrong.

I had also removed ChomaticCraft + DragonAPI, the loading time reduced 1/3

I'm not familiar with most of the mods, so what's the entry level power gen in this pack? Advanced Generators?
And this is where Chromaticraft steps in. The Chroma enchanter can put any enchants you want (more or less) onto an unenchanted item. This includes Fortune/Looting V.

Ah thank your for this hint.
I'm totally new to chromaticraft (actually this mod is one of the reasons I started playing the modpack, since it looks amazing. So happy I find so many other mods along that I begin to like more and more). Just need to be more brave now and trying to go out in the night that I maybe find more of these burrows... they're so hard to find at day :/


I really like silent gems. Actually a bit more than tinker's construct since you cannot make super-op'ed-powerful weapons with the mod.

About early power generation:
Immersive Engineering is a good way. The windmill and watermill are quiet cheap, so you can craft a few more for early game power.
I switched then to the thermoeletric generators for now (they cost alot of copper and you need to find some nickel to make the alloy). They work passively when you put water on one side of the block and lava on the other side. With 2 water and 2 lava blocks you can already create free 30RF/t. Four of them are powering my immersive engineering crusher and furnace-heater.

Good thing at immersive engineering is, too, that the energy-storage is quiet cheap to craft. So you can create quiet early some sort of battery-bank for the times when you need a bit more energy.
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If you have a method to make/find snow, I believe you can infuse snowballs with redstone to make blizz powder.

As for Burrows, I suggest the glider. Modular Powersuits jump assist and the glider put you quite the way up in the air, and give quite the long glide during which you can look for light sources. Worked for Bees, should work for burrows.
Hrm, totally forgot about being able to make snowballs into blizz powder.
But I found a nice snowy biome now and already hunt a few blizz (though they're still very rare, luckily you don't need much blizz powder for crafting packed ice).
It's about 2'500 Blocks away from my home... but thanks to Tardis this distance is travelled in like 1~2 minutes :D

Thanks for the tipp with the glider, totally will look into it. Wanted to push the powersuit a bit more into later game, cause the upgrades can be so very costly, but guess I will at least look for the glider+jump assist combo to hopefully find these burrows.


The jump'boost'gliding is amazing!
Have found 3 burrows in a short time (especially regarding the time I spend trying to find one walking around...). Not really cause I saw their light (so many of these nice glowing flowers from silent gems. love them even they distract from finding the burrow-lights) but simply cause from high aboth you see the entrances sooo much easier!
Just luckily I directly planned in a parachute, next I really need to get this boot'upgrade that the landing doesn't hurt so much... my poor feet, ouch. And seeing how this heat actually works... the one savanna doesn't do anything to it, the next savanna suddenly sets you on fire...

Now to hope for some luck to maybe find an ocean temple one day and these hollows... actually anyone knows tipps regarding finding one of them (like they spawn at a specific y-level or there is at least on in a <number>x<number> of chunks or something like that)?

And while I advanced a bit in Chromaticraft I just can say this: Lumen turrets are amazing! xD

[edit #2]

*sigh* Just found one of these hollows. (around y-level 20, not sure if they all appear around there though).
Totally feels not earned or like I achieved one, since I found it thanks to one of these chunk-errors that makes you x-ray through the ground :/
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Sometimes heat builds up faster than it can cool, other times it dies away as fast as it shows up. It's been pretty inconsistent since it showed up originally.

I thought Parachuting canceled all the fall damage. Maybe that only works if you let your self fall for a moment before hitting shift to go from glider to parachute. I'll try it out later.
Sometimes heat builds up faster than it can cool, other times it dies away as fast as it shows up. It's been pretty inconsistent since it showed up originally.

I thought Parachuting canceled all the fall damage. Maybe that only works if you let your self fall for a moment before hitting shift to go from glider to parachute. I'll try it out later.

Yeah, the heat system it kinda weird... like I logged out and a lil bit later when I went back into the game the heat was like crazy high and I immediatly started to burn. Guess I should log out near watersources. (even though the modular armor is after all just an exploring armor for me I guess...)

As a little warning from my side:
If you want to use the equip-feature of the iron backpacks at the moment, be very careful. The used version has a bug in it which can delete items you put into an equipped backpack (lost almost a 10 minute mining trip worth of material, which is alot with the super multi-drill).
It "seems" that the newest version has fixed it (will keep an eye on it for now). But unless you update it yourself, you should avoid using the feature to equip it and use it this way.

The bug is still in the latest version of iron backpack. Found the source (I think) and reported it to the mod author.
So at the moment, using "equipped" backpacks is highly risky and you might loose items! (using them from the hotbar is all fine and safe though)
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I always install the cooling system. I tend towards deserts, and those make the heat last longer. So the cooling system is always the first thing I install.

Yeah, I read about that feature, and decided 'Not for a couple versions'. Good to know it's the right decision.

Okay, so yes, you have to ensure that you're using the parachute and not the Glider. Parachute completely negates fall damage, and that's dropping far more than sixty blocks.

Also, Aluminum Scaffolding? That stuff is awesome. One every other block and you can climb it just like a ladder. No need for it to be on every block, which is incredibly useful.
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Thanks for the testing. I guess I too often let go of sneaking before I "safely" landed. But now I have these boot-upgrades that stops fall damage, works great. :)

Anyone knows what is considered a "windy biome" (from the vanilla biomes)?
I try to find "Blitz", this new blaze-like monster from thermal expansion. Sadly the only source for niter (unless I oversaw something again...) to make cryotheum. But with their really low spawn-rate it's hard to see if I'm actually standing in the right biome...
Chances are, what you're doing is still holding W, which means Glider, rather than Parachute. And Glider doesn't cancel fall damage.

That's actually really annoying. I'm A) not actually sure what biomes are vanilla. I never played vanilla at all, so I'm not sure. Might have to check the Minecraft Wiki. And B) I've got Railcraft which means I can just use Saltpeter instead. (Which isn't that common, so who knows. I might find Blitzes first.)
any biome with low tree spawn should allow blitzs. plains, meadows, extreme hills, ice plains. not sure about deserts as they have the obsidian blazes.
When trying to play on lan, my brother keeps getting the following error:
Mod rejections [FMLMod:pressure(, FMLModStorageDrawerMisc(1.7.10-1.0.2), FMLMod:powersuits(, FMLMod:bdlib(, FMLMod:extracells(2.3.2), FMLMod:chisel(, FMLMod:immersiveintegration(0.6.1), FMLMod:advgenerators(, FMLMod:PhneumatiCraft(1.11.19-141), FMLMod:SorageDrawers(1.7.10-1.7.2), FMLMod:ImmersiveEngineering(0.6.2)]​
What do?
When trying to play on lan, my brother keeps getting the following error:
Mod rejections [FMLMod:pressure(, FMLModStorageDrawerMisc(1.7.10-1.0.2), FMLMod:powersuits(, FMLMod:bdlib(, FMLMod:extracells(2.3.2), FMLMod:chisel(, FMLMod:immersiveintegration(0.6.1), FMLMod:advgenerators(, FMLMod:phneumatiCraft(1.11.19-141), FMLMod:SorageDrawers(1.7.10-1.7.2), FMLMod:ImmersiveEngineering(0.6.2)]​
What do?
He's probably a version behind the server.