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I vote to take Mystcraft down. Its just way too much. I dont like waiting 10 minutes to collect something
The server is up, however everyone cant connect due: The server requires mods that are absent or out of date on your client.
However i cant update the serverfiles since the creeperhost is down.
Micheldewit,were you able to save my mystcraft world? Plz at least say no if you couldnt.
(And i understand if you couldnt save it, but i would like some of my stuff back though ;))
My connection broke so many times all because of one stupid Twilight Forest portal . . .
Never going back there >_>
The world is still there, yes, and I am able, in singleplayer to get into it. However, please await the voteresults.
can you delete my player data i think it's the only way to fix the "Invalid position" error... IGN* : shelfman
I vote for keeping mystcraft but have the same system as kevin says i just hope my world was saved :3

- Jordan9839
Here's an idea:
Each person may only have one age.
For age creation there will be a public notebook and public desk.
Instability will be turned off.
Here's an idea:
Each person may only have one age.
For age creation there will be a public notebook and public desk.
Instability will be turned off.

Yes, please! I HAD to create so many ages as ALL has been instable!! ALLL!!!

And that sucks so much! -.-
Better idea :
Everyone has one mystcraft age that's accessible for everyone but it has to be an age with no corruption like no dense ores nor fast time.
and they do not get to make the age maybe they have to post a reply to this threat and post the things they want in their age or in game :D

I've got a problem because a lot of my stuff got stolen by someone.
Like: Modularcart(basicdrill,liquidsensor,railer,etc.), Quarry, Books, etc.
If the server has log feature, please check it who broke my Quarry. I really hope the server has logging.

IGN: starring94
If you need any help with building a spawn or anything I can help. I have experience moderating a tekkit server.
I also have experience modderating several tekkit servers, and recently stopped running my own 24/7 modded server due to lack of funds
So, if you need any help with anything, i would be glad to help :)
any progress on deleting my player data? Because when i try to connect i am in the game for like half a second and it kick's me and say's "Invalid position" :/
Server Worldfiles need to be reloaded to fix a massive dimensionbug that have occured due MystCraft. After discussing the matter, and the votes on this forum, we are disabling MystCraft. People however, will receive a free solar panel, electric engine, chest and quarry to compensate for the losses that will be endavoured due this reload.

Our apologies.
Server is back up, contact us ingame to get your "Carepackage".
This offer is only 24 hours valid. If you are unable to claim it due no administrators online, please leave a note here, and ill look into it.
Micheldewit, it seems that the vote has gone against mystcraft, so can you refund my stuff now, or do i have to settle for a "care package" You have my old world, so you could just look at the chests and see what i had and give me that instead of a "care package" :)