Open Server XtreamServers[Ultimate][80Slots][Commands][PVE][AntiGrief]

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No, but there will be 2 servers for the start -> 1 vanilla Feed the Beast server, 1 "alpha" feed the beast server, where mods will apear one by one.
Yep, server chrashed. I think however that the chrash is related to one of the mods (not the command mods) not being java7. When i read back the error, java community explains that the error is fixed in java 7, if programmed in JDK7.
are there plans to add a mining age?
are quarrys allowed in the overworld?
will players get the "setregion" command so we can keep our stuff secure ?
are we allowed to make mystcraft ages? (with restrictions of course)


ok i just re-read the starting post and it answered a few things ^^
Why on earth is portals to the moon enabled?!? This needs to be disabled as soon as possible, its currently the most efficient and destructive greifing tool possible short of a nuclear arsenal, it ignores all rules, including the spawn protection. Ive had 2 personal safes sucked away with it, and everything else i own. (and I am yet to have any mod or admin settle the issue on the actually stolen ic2 generator, compressor, and iron furnace) This config option has made me have to start over, and has... for a lack of a more accurate word, raped the spawn and all the houses built by it. A side effect of greifing using this happens to be lag, because the block entities thrown by the portal gun dont go away for a long time.

Unless you want the entire continent spawn is part of to be stripped to bedrock I highly suggest you disable the portal gun's ability to place portals on the moon.
i would like to recommend xMrCreeperFace be banned from the server, he is a blatant troll and has been doing many things to anger other players for his own entertainment, including me. People like him are "people who make a living trying to ruin all fun for everyone around them, and therefore the worst kind of scum" The server will get a lot better once he is gone from it I assure you.
We really need hourly resets, it prevents lag and reboots the server in event of a crash so the server wont be down for more than hour.
Kevin, the problem is that it runs on FML and Vanilla, so our reboot software cant detect that it is actually running. we need to manually reboot it, which doesnt happen if either me or Mikekrason (the other owner) are not available.