Open Server XtreamServers[Ultimate][80Slots][Commands][PVE][AntiGrief]

  • This section is now closed. Server owners can remake their threads in the new server section here. If you are looking for a server you can use both this section and the new section for the time being.
  • The FTB Forum is now read-only, and is here as an archive. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord!
no, im not saying have to auto reboot after a crash. I mean go to the schedualed tasks tab, and create a task that executes the restart command every hour.
This server started off great. Friendly and open server. The last couple days have spiraled into a griefing, thieving server full of bottom feeders. I'm sure there are nice people on still, burrowed deep underground. Don't think about building above ground though.
I am almost done fixing the ARGH! bugs in stevescarts, then the many of the mods are ported to bukkit, and people can go over to Bukkit, if they want.
This server started off great. Friendly and open server. The last couple days have spiraled into a griefing, thieving server full of bottom feeders. I'm sure there are nice people on still, burrowed deep underground. Don't think about building above ground though.
Just run 10000m or so out from spawn. Then you can build above ground safely. Until bukkit ports are done, FTB cant realy fight greifing at all.
i started to build a spawn with the rules and info and a nice building next tp spawn, but then aaronkrejci showed up and started break the whole place and replacing the sign with "pee" and "poop" written on them. Plz do something about him
This server started off great. Friendly and open server. The last couple days have spiraled into a griefing, thieving server full of bottom feeders. I'm sure there are nice people on still, burrowed deep underground. Don't think about building above ground though.
im one of those nice people building myself an anti greif bunker underground, we really need a whitelist, theres a reason everyone gets a whitelist for their server, trolls dont even bother applying for whitelists.
As you all noticed the server is down.
This is due Thermal Expensions corrupted the worldfiles... once again.
I am removing Thermal Expension from the modlist.
New details: (we are running on a seperate server now, rather then on our massive serverhub).
Does this mean once again were starting on another world? Or did you back up the world file this time? Because starting again is goingto be stupid after getting this far.
Worldbackup doesnt want to run without Thermal Expension.

Note; we are currently in need for staff for our Feed the Beast server. Applications are welcome.
Next to that, our forums will be up soonish, from that moment on, important notices regarding the FTB server will be posted there.
Hey Micheldewit i would like to apply for mod.
I am 16 years old, i live in europe. I play on the server almost everyday and i know the rules and how the server runs very well.
I wanted to apply for mod as the server has lack of staff.

Hope you can accept my application, cheers.
can you find a way to replace the item id from TE from old world file to 1 so old map can run again, if i hate anything that would be map resets . :(
I think I know how to save the old world. Just remove the thermal expansion mod and then take the old world files and copy-paste them into the new server. If thermal expanison is gone, then all the TE machines/items will disapear, and not corupt the world :)

Moderator Application:
IGN: Kevinthedude2000
Timezone: CST
Time I can play each day: 1-5 hours
Other reasons for me to be a mod:
I have lots of experience. I have been a moderator on many servers, an admin on 1, and run my own 24/7 modded for almost a year till I had to close it for lack of money.
I have played on this server since it went up, and have played pretty much everyday.
I am a helpful/nice player, frequently giving away suplus stuff at spawn.
Also, I tried to build a spawn with the rules and such in it, but it was destroyed :(

Anyway, hope you like my app and accept it :)
Ask around, there are several people that I have helped out that would encourage you to pick me :)