Why isn't Monster getting attention?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yeah, RotaryCraft is pretty deep but once you get to know how it works, it's pretty easy. I'm now making crop farm with it (and some other mods in combination) and it's working pretty good.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yeah, RotaryCraft is pretty deep but once you get to know how it works, it's pretty easy. I'm now making crop farm with it (and some other mods in combination) and it's working pretty good.

You are right. All the items only cost iron, and iron is very easy to acquire.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'll admit with what's been going on lately around me I've not bothered to look too deep into monster or the packs it contains, but from what I've heard, and I could be wrong, it's got so many mods that not a lot of average computers can handle it.

Again, this is hearsay.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
For me it just has a lot of mods I don't ever use/don't like/lag the holy jeebuz out of my system. Mods that seem to crash the game if I disable them sense some are set to run off the others... then theres mods that just don't make much sense to me and don't seem to fit in anywhere.

Then there is an issue where the power each mod uses don't seem to be that sharable.

In past modpacks, you can set up one type of power system to run everything from all mods with no hassle, you can go with your favored power methood or mix it up.

But now you seem to be very limited in means to power thing's and for me I can no longer create a nice central power station with smaller power storage towers between the station and my machines.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I just picked up Monster a few days ago myself to test out the new mods.

That being said, Big mod packs with dozens of new mods can be quite intimidating. I have chests full of items I have never seen before and I have no idea how to use them. Personally I find that discovery process quite enjoyable but even still I find myself gravitating to the tried and true methods quite frequently.
Jul 29, 2019
Similar to what Bgrywolf said, I think there are so MANY mods I've never even HEARD of in Monster, that I would end up getting overwhelmed and using what I know. I play DW20 pack and still, there are many mods that are new to me and fun to explore. And yeah, chests of items you don't know what to do with isn't that nice... Especially since it makes it really hard to get what you actually want/need.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So what yer saying is.... you want a straight unleashed 1.6 version with nothing new?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Similar to what Bgrywolf said, I think there are so MANY mods I've never even HEARD of in Monster, that I would end up getting overwhelmed and using what I know. I play DW20 pack and still, there are many mods that are new to me and fun to explore. And yeah, chests of items you don't know what to do with isn't that nice... Especially since it makes it really hard to get what you actually want/need.

I don't understand.. how does having new mods overwhelm you? There are still your comfort mods from packs like Unleashed and DW20 to get you started, then as you get situated, you transition into other mods. And chests aren't a problem if you sort things out by mod. For me, I keep things separated and sorted so things are easy to find. I.E. Forestry, Thaumcraft, IC2, etc.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
What I did at first was I booted up monster in its default state and took a look at some stuff and made sure I was alright with it and there wasn't anything too crazy going on. I sat down and took a look at each mod in creative mode of course just to mess around and see what mods I was going to need to add into it since it was missing mods for me :p. I didn't do every single thing in every single mod as I wanted to discover stuff but I checked out the core stuff and read over change logs. at first I thought I was going to hate the new Ic2 stuff but it seems it is alright so far. Overall I like the mods in 1.6.4 currently, I was extremely intimidated at first but now I think I have a better understanding on most of them. The one thing I am still intimidated by is the bees from forestry in 1.6.4, I don't even know how they work and I haven't even looked at them yet. I love all these new things and discovering things. Monster isn't getting attention because of some problems with mods like dyetrees I guess? I don't know but I find it fun as a base pack at least!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I don't understand.. how does having new mods overwhelm you? There are still your comfort mods from packs like Unleashed and DW20 to get you started, then as you get situated, you transition into other mods. And chests aren't a problem if you sort things out by mod. For me, I keep things separated and sorted so things are easy to find. I.E. Forestry, Thaumcraft, IC2, etc.

It's more like not knowing what items are valuable and need to be stored, and which ones are junk and can be ignored. And when there are LOTS of new mods, you end up filling your inventories really quickly with tiny amounts of inconsequential stuff. Or you toss it, and then find out a month down the road that your progress is blocked because you threw into the lava the *one* item of it's type in a 100 chunk radius.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It's more like not knowing what items are valuable and need to be stored, and which ones are junk and can be ignored. And when there are LOTS of new mods, you end up filling your inventories really quickly with tiny amounts of inconsequential stuff. Or you toss it, and then find out a month down the road that your progress is blocked because you threw into the lava the *one* item of it's type in a 100 chunk radius.

Ahh, I play on a server so I constantly just /back when my back is full but I get what you mean. I have a tendency to keep everything :p


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Lots of the FTB packs are unchallenged or are personality packs or very unique packs (e.g., Horizons) that have very specific purposes.

Monster, though, Monster is a modpack styled as FTB Ultimate was. And many FTB Ultimate players left the FTB ecosystem when its updating got very slow. They left and formed their own packs (me and my friends with RR) or joined other big pack communities (Technic, DNS Techpack, SolitaryCraft, Madpack and others).

While I can't compete with DireWolf20's brand appeal or Jaded's unique sense of shared hardship, I can compete with Monster. Monster is a big feature pack, and all of its competitors have been practicing and growing their community pretty much for a year with only a few token competitors from FTB.

At this point, it's hard to point to any specific advantage FTB can offer for a big feature pack. The design space is not that big¹ and the real advantages are in testing and balancing. FTB used to have a monopoly on this, but several packs are big enough now that they can sustain a solid testing effort on one pack. We actually have a testing pipeline and a real stable version that's as solid as any FTB pack I have had the pleasure of playing, and I'm very happy to say we're not the only pack that's managed to figure this out.

So Monster, unlike the other FTB packs, faces serious competition. Because smaller teams can have more focus quite frankly have a lot more to gain and less to lose, we're also happier to experiment. The kinds of players who love monster tend to like how we or DNS run things with a bigger and growing modscope.

¹ Curiously, modpacks are often more strongly flavored by what they emit than what they choose to add. It's one of the reasons we always keep the possibility of removing some well-known mods from the table.

I did and they added gendustry so that's out for me.

Did you see that really big rebuttal thread to your problems with Gendustry on the RR forums? Also, we shipped the version that fixed the bug clearing the ignoble stock flag. I am certainly with you in agreeing that behavior was way OP. :D

Gendustry makes bees slightly cheaper to start with, but has a much lower max capability cap than extrabees+base forestry. The author says that you should still try and make alvearies, and you still need to be careful how you handle your pristine stock. The industrial apiary is strictly worse than an alveary in nearly every way, and most of the stuff we do use gendustry for was possible earlier with all the frames out there.[DOUBLEPOST=1389671968][/DOUBLEPOST]
It's more like not knowing what items are valuable and need to be stored, and which ones are junk and can be ignored. And when there are LOTS of new mods, you end up filling your inventories really quickly with tiny amounts of inconsequential stuff. Or you toss it, and then find out a month down the road that your progress is blocked because you threw into the lava the *one* item of it's type in a 100 chunk radius.

How often does this even happen?
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King Lemming

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Just my 2 cents...

Huge modpacks in general are bad. Throw in everything and there's no real progression, since there's so much overlap and different stuff happening. There's a series of different things you can do, which isn't bad, but it's not necessarily coherent.

In the past few days, I've heard people talk about TE as if it's some sort of total conversion, and thinking about it, there's a part of me that knows if I added a barrel, a quarry, a pump, and redstone armor, it'd basically be one.

Maybe a chunkloader too, of course. ;)

I'm not ruling that out.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Huge modpacks in general are bad. Throw in everything and there's no real progression, since there's so much overlap and different stuff happening. There's a series of different things you can do, which isn't bad, but it's not necessarily coherent.
Generally I would agree with you. Often times I want a single type of mod (usually when I want something like this, it's magic that I need. If there is tech in a pack, I end up focusing on that). Though, I enjoy combining a ton of mods to do a single task, whether it be sorting, transportation, processing, anything. Using just IC2 and BC to have ores get macerated and smelted gets boring, however using IC2, BC, TE, Railcraft, EnderIO, and ComputerCraft to have ores get macerated and smelted, generally does not get boring to me. There are so many different ways to do a single, fairly simple task that I can't build myself a pack with limited mods anymore. If every playthrough I just used a pulverizer/redstone furnace set up, I would have stopped playing in 1.4.7. I just can't do the same thing over and over again, which is the reason I like big modpacks with everything nice thrown in.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Just my 2 cents...

Huge modpacks in general are bad. Throw in everything and there's no real progression, since there's so much overlap and different stuff happening. There's a series of different things you can do, which isn't bad, but it's not necessarily coherent.

Hard progressions aren't exactly a requirement. Minecraft, in Vanilla, barely has a "progression". It has a very soft gate on iron and blaze rods and a pair of diamonds, yet it seems pretty popular!

Having a mod-internal progression makes sense, I suppose. But arguing that modpacks must have linear, singular, knowable progressions seems to me to be a very boring modpack for SMP. You end up with a bunch of bases that may look different, but work the same. For SSP? It plays like Terraria, and that's fantastic. For SMP? Iunno. I got bored the first month in.

I'm happy to use your content. It's some of my favorite right now. But you don't and can't deliver everything I want. And what I want? Isn't necessarily what my friends want. I want to game the heck out of your ore system, but my other friends want simpler ore processing and bigger, prettier builds. Other still want to forge their own magic experience. Large modpacks cater to this. They're not perfect and they're not uniformly better, nor is this advocacy for EVERY mod under the sun. I reject plenty of mods for balance concerns and Velotican and I are notorious for tweaking configs to even things out. But they definitely have a place, and I think that it's a disservice to players to suggest they cannot build their own meaningful progressions from the tools available to them.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Just my 2 cents...

Huge modpacks in general are bad. Throw in everything and there's no real progression, since there's so much overlap and different stuff happening. There's a series of different things you can do, which isn't bad, but it's not necessarily coherent.

In the past few days, I've heard people talk about TE as if it's some sort of total conversion, and thinking about it, there's a part of me that knows if I added a barrel, a quarry, a pump, and redstone armor, it'd basically be one.

Maybe a chunkloader too, of course. ;)

I'm not ruling that out.

ooh god, a RF-powered chunkloader that's as configurable as the other chunkloaders...


Bomb Bloke

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Huge modpacks in general are bad. Throw in everything and there's no real progression, since there's so much overlap and different stuff happening. There's a series of different things you can do, which isn't bad, but it's not necessarily coherent.
I'd say this has a lot to do with how long the player has been playing.

Throw a whole bunch of mods in one pack, and no one developer is likely to see their mod being played the way they intended.

However, anyone who's been playing modded MineCraft for a while will quickly get bored at the "progression" game. New players are rather more likely to enjoy a stand-alone TE then veterans are - but eventually, anyone'd want to move on to the "let's throw in all the mods"-type packs, so they can pick and choose exactly which bits of the "progression" game they'll work on and which they'll just circumvent with whatever mod does that for them at the moment.

redstone armor


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Just my 2 cents...

Huge modpacks in general are bad. Throw in everything and there's no real progression, since there's so much overlap and different stuff happening. There's a series of different things you can do, which isn't bad, but it's not necessarily coherent.

In the past few days, I've heard people talk about TE as if it's some sort of total conversion, and thinking about it, there's a part of me that knows if I added a barrel, a quarry, a pump, and redstone armor, it'd basically be one.

Maybe a chunkloader too, of course. ;)

I'm not ruling that out.

So as you've added more and more to TE, this never occurred to you at all? ;)