This is probably why I don't understand all the harsh going on. I have a "I want to play with mods" mindset, and, if I get what you're saying, people have started cherry picking mods in order to map their gameplay more than less. If that's the case... welp. To each their own. If I didn't get that, please enlighten me
As far as DW20 and the other packs are concerned I figured as much. Just kinda wanted to point out that it's not fair to any of the new packs to compare them without the background knowledge that they're all managed by different people/ideas of what they should be. Hence giving people many options to choose from.
I think older packs didnt have as many overlapping mods. As one guy said above, he got frustrated seeing his neighbor do all the things he did in 1/5th the time. This shouldnt bother people, but we are only human and we all have egos and jealousy, etc.
look at a pack like MF2, if you want to process ores its just te3, right? So everyone who goes the tech route has about the same choice. TC4 is pretty well balanced mod. no auto mining except the late game laser drill, correct?
So you wont have one person strugglin with rotary craft while another sets up quarries and some te3 stuff and starts rolling in ores with an ae system bragging his stockpiles up with monitors for everyone to see when they stop by. I know, it shouldnt work like this, but it does for a lot of players. One guy has 50k Iron, while aother guy says 'hey do i grease up this rotarycraft thingy again or not?' Or whatever.
Monster, to me, is the furthest thing from MF2 or the older packs, which WERE more balanced than it is. people say we shouldnt care about balance, but i think only older players sstop caring so much. You cant talk about how many pulverizer vs macerator arguments were posted here and then claim no one cares about balance.

And.. its fun to discuss which item is more efficient, or better used in certain applications, or why it works better for your playstyle. All games attempt balance. Diamond swords do more damage than iron, but its harder to make them as the resource is scarcer. Balance.
The bigger packs get, and the more you have mods that arent old, long time mods that were designed *somewhat* with each other in mind (forestry, ic2, te, buildcraft) the more imbalances you will see, and the more youll see comments like the guy above, who got angry that he did a ton of work and didnt really get anything for it compared to his friend.
Then you have a pack like MF2 which does have balance in mind, and its pretty popular and gaining popularity id say. more and mor epeople talk about it now. If it didnt have the word Magic in the title, id think it would have done really well, anyone like me just ignored it when it came out assuming it was a magic themed pack only.
I think if somoene made a tech pack with balance as a goal like MF2 did, it would be immensely popular here. But for months anyone mentioning balance was laughed at... and yet now a pack did just that, and has people really excited again.