What's your 1.6 modlist?

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Too Much Free Time
Dec 8, 2012
Lost as always
Uhm, a new version of ShneekeyCraft would be good.
Especially with things like EE3 and TC4 and Gascraft.
Gascraft is having some issues, so I might not be doing that. However, latest versions of OpenBlocks and ExtraUtils do need to be updated, as well as EE3. Also looking at some other options for SC.

TC4 will be an -OPTIONAL- mod, because of the enormous amount of resources it requires because it looks so damn shiny. But yes, it will be included as well.

I'm doing a general update, and may in fact update to 1.6.4 at the same time. Hope to have it out by tomorrow, or at least the end of the week.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
For optional mods, I would reccomend a few favorites of mine you may or may not like:
Ars Magica 2
Steve's Carts 2 (I feel it just fits in the theme, I always thought of Railcraft as the main mod in the modpack)
Blood Magic
Carpenter's Blocks
Twilight Forest
Thaumic Tinkerer (possibly that was already going to be optional)
Logistic Pipes (really nice, and handles some inventory manipulation better than AE)


Too Much Free Time
Dec 8, 2012
Lost as always
For optional mods, I would reccomend a few favorites of mine you may or may not like:
Ars Magica 2
Steve's Carts 2 (I feel it just fits in the theme, I always thought of Railcraft as the main mod in the modpack)
Blood Magic
Carpenter's Blocks
Thaumic Tinkerer (possibly that was already going to be optional)
Logistic Pipes (really nice, and handles some inventory manipulation better than AE)
I will be making a post on the ATLauncher sub-forum concerning this update. Let's not derail the thread any further.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
anyone else who was really excited about Ars Magica 2 and now think "meh"...
I never used AM before, so when AM2 was released I thought it'd be a good time to start messing with the mod, but after playing with it for a few days I just don't really like it... it's mostly just creating endless amounts of spells figuring out what are good combinations, then spamming those spells to get experience, with the experience gain better spells to just be able to kill some bosses... there's a few extra things to the mod, but not enough for me to actually say it's a good mod... though I know AM2 is still heavy in developement and hope things will really improve with newer versions, but for now I'm just ignoring it


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
anyone else who was really excited about Ars Magica 2 and now think "meh"...
I never used AM before, so when AM2 was released I thought it'd be a good time to start messing with the mod, but after playing with it for a few days I just don't really like it... it's mostly just creating endless amounts of spells figuring out what are good combinations, then spamming those spells to get experience, with the experience gain better spells to just be able to kill some bosses... there's a few extra things to the mod, but not enough for me to actually say it's a good mod... though I know AM2 is still heavy in developement and hope things will really improve with newer versions, but for now I'm just ignoring it

My friend despises it compared to AM1. In AM1, there was a LOT of worldgen and you had to really dungeon dive and explore in order to discover spells. AM2 appears to have no worldgen outside of ores and plants, so he feels like it's less entertaining. :p

I personally prefer the new spellmaking system, but both of us on this server have a beef with how weaksauce the attack spells are. Any Thaumcraft equivalent can easily outstrip AM spells in damage and ammunition. My other beef is that those damn Moonstone meteors are extremely grieftastic. >:/ Other than that, it's just sort of an "eh" mod we have around. I'm hoping further updates will flesh it out a bit more. :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I completely hate those meteors. I'm an aesthetic player and they destroy my landscape. Grrrrrr..

Plus there's currently no config options for Ars2 mob spawning. Ars2 mobs are far to prevalent. They completely ruin the Twilight Forest and Promised Land.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I know there's going to be compatibility with a dungeon mod and AM2, either Better Dungeons or Dungeonpack which will bring back worldgen to AM. but there was something about the dungeon mod not being updated yet, or that they were still working on the compatibility... for me I really liked the structures AM added. sure, the ratio at which they spawned was kind of... ridiculous but it gave alot of fun exploring them.

I also heard someone suggestioning a machine or spell to actually attract those meteorites instead of them randomly dropping out of the sky.
for me AM2 really needs some refining work... it has a good base, but really needs to be refined more for it to become actually enjoyable.
I do like the way you make spells now in AM2, but comparing the amount of items to create spells for what they do... meh


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
My friend despises it compared to AM1. In AM1, there was a LOT of worldgen and you had to really dungeon dive and explore in order to discover spells. AM2 appears to have no worldgen outside of ores and plants, so he feels like it's less entertaining. :p

I personally prefer the new spellmaking system, but both of us on this server have a beef with how weaksauce the attack spells are. Any Thaumcraft equivalent can easily outstrip AM spells in damage and ammunition. My other beef is that those damn Moonstone meteors are extremely grieftastic. >:/ Other than that, it's just sort of an "eh" mod we have around. I'm hoping further updates will flesh it out a bit more. :)
You can disable Moonstone Griefing in the configs btw. ;)
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Guys, I'm a complete rookie to this modding scene but have been watching Direwolf's newest videos and I want to play the most current versions of the mods. How do I go about creating my own modlist for 1.6? Is there a guide anyone can point me to? Sorry for the basic question.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Guys, I'm a complete rookie to this modding scene but have been watching Direwolf's newest videos and I want to play the most current versions of the mods. How do I go about creating my own modlist for 1.6? Is there a guide anyone can point me to? Sorry for the basic question.
If you're that new, just head to the ATLAUNCHER and grab a 1.6 pack from that site
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
For those curious about the CobbleGen, extra utilities transfer node put over a piece of cobblestone where it normally generates(ie between lava and water) will generate Cobblestone without causing any lag(and any sound, I was tired of hearing my mining turtles mine that cobblestone :p), you can also put mining upgrades in the node to increase the production, and speed upgrades to speed up the distribution speed.
Thumbs up to RWTema for the nice addition and Direwolf20 for pointing it out in his mod spotlight!

Also of note in my recent discoveries, the radiation protection from mps doesn't work with ic2 experimental :(.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
For those curious about the CobbleGen, extra utilities transfer node put over a piece of cobblestone where it normally generates(ie between lava and water) will generate Cobblestone without causing any lag(and any sound, I was tired of hearing my mining turtles mine that cobblestone :p), you can also put mining upgrades in the node to increase the production, and speed upgrades to speed up the distribution speed.
Thumbs up to RWTema for the nice addition and Direwolf20 for pointing it out in his mod spotlight!

Also of note in my recent discoveries, the radiation protection from mps doesn't work with ic2 experimental :(.

I actually thought the cobble generation was slow and made a few mining upgrades, but then I noticed how damn fast that cobblegen already is without using upgrades... to be honest, I'd actually like to see it get nerfed because right now there's no point in making the mining upgrades because it's already damn fast by itself


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I actually thought the cobble generation was slow and made a few mining upgrades, but then I noticed how damn fast that cobblegen already is without using upgrades... to be honest, I'd actually like to see it get nerfed because right now there's no point in making the mining upgrades because it's already damn fast by itself
But it's just cobblestone!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I know there's going to be compatibility with a dungeon mod and AM2, either Better Dungeons or Dungeonpack which will bring back worldgen to AM. but there was something about the dungeon mod not being updated yet, or that they were still working on the compatibility... for me I really liked the structures AM added. sure, the ratio at which they spawned was kind of... ridiculous but it gave alot of fun exploring them.

I also heard someone suggestioning a machine or spell to actually attract those meteorites instead of them randomly dropping out of the sky.
for me AM2 really needs some refining work... it has a good base, but really needs to be refined more for it to become actually enjoyable.
I do like the way you make spells now in AM2, but comparing the amount of items to create spells for what they do... meh

The 1.1 update should be cool, it's kind of beginning the path towards sigils which would be magic equivalents to automation. You may enjoy that end.

We may just convince him to implement something to attract those meteors yet.

My friend despises it compared to AM1. In AM1, there was a LOT of worldgen and you had to really dungeon dive and explore in order to discover spells. AM2 appears to have no worldgen outside of ores and plants, so he feels like it's less entertaining. :p

I personally prefer the new spellmaking system, but both of us on this server have a beef with how weaksauce the attack spells are. Any Thaumcraft equivalent can easily outstrip AM spells in damage and ammunition. My other beef is that those damn Moonstone meteors are extremely grieftastic. >:/ Other than that, it's just sort of an "eh" mod we have around. I'm hoping further updates will flesh it out a bit more. :)

Yes some concepts do need some careful adjustments(keystones) but overall the free spell design is great if your into unstructured gameplay.

I feel as though AM is more focused on spell utility rather than raw damage, blink, mark/recall, forge touch, 5x5 dig and so on. With the right spell combo you can deal out a fair amount based on the type of damage and the target you hit, for instance lightning deals more damage to armored targets.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Thought people might get a kick out of my Blood Magic setup. I got sick of only being able to store 10k in the altar, so I set up this array:


No RC, TE, or BC, so I had to get a bit creative with the liquid mechanics. :p
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
But it's just cobblestone!

yes, but I want the mining upgrades to actually have an use... right now the node is already fast enough without having to make a mining upgrade :(

The 1.1 update should be cool, it's kind of beginning the path towards sigils which would be magic equivalents to automation. You may enjoy that end.

We may just convince him to implement something to attract those meteors yet.

sounds interesting. I've been keeping an eye on the topic everyday hoping for a new update which brings back my interest in AM2


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
yes, but I want the mining upgrades to actually have an use... right now the node is already fast enough without having to make a mining upgrade :(

I disagree about it being fast enough without an upgrade. If you plan on building skyscrapers out of octuple compressed cobblestone, an unupgraded cobblestone generating transfer node isn't going to cut it. But I think that you can get a stack of cobble a tick with this thing upgraded? A bunch of these, and that might pump out some amount of the good stuff.