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Sorry if Reika or someone already posted this and I missed it. V3 changelog below and linked here.

I sort of chuckled at: "RotaryCraft: Borer now jams at 3M blocks out"

  • DragonAPI: Fixed TileEntityBase NPE crashes on chunk (un)loading
  • DragonAPI: Fixed nearly all API dependencies and shipping issues
  • DragonAPI: Fixed OpenComputers crashes
  • DragonAPI: Fixed ComputerCraft compatibility
  • DragonAPI: Added NEI hooks
  • DragonAPI: Fixed version file checking causing mod conflicts
  • DragonAPI: Fixed BlockArray sync and bounds issues
  • DragonAPI: GUI tooltips now push NEI out of the way
  • DragonAPI: Significant refactoring
  • DragonAPI: Added code to prevent sound overlap and resultant volume and FPS issues
  • DragonAPI: Added ID dump command
  • DragonAPI: Expanded capability of SpriteSheetRenderer
  • DragonAPI: Added keybind handler
  • DragonAPI: Added config to undo IC2 obsidian nerf
  • DragonAPI: Fixed StructuredBlockArray oddities
  • DragonAPI: Added some matrix math capability
  • DragonAPI: Added multimap capability
  • DragonAPI: Debug NBT printout no longer happens if a GUI is open
  • DragonAPI: Changed sound loading code, improving performance
  • DragonAPI: Added liteloader compatibility
  • DragonAPI: Greatly expanded ThaumCraft compatibility
  • DragonAPI: ASM no longer silently errors
  • DragonAPI: Fixed all ASM handlers
  • DragonAPI: Fixed WAILA compatibility (mostly)
  • DragonAPI: Added IMob detection to hostility detection
  • DragonAPI: Added RiggedRandom
  • DragonAPI: Fixed Forestry handler
  • DragonAPI: Changed tungsten product in ModOreList to dust to avoid causing GT balance issues
  • DragonAPI: Fixed MFR rubber tree detection
  • DragonAPI: Changed iron density to 7800 kg/m^3 from 8200 kg/m^3
  • DragonAPI: Fixed some InventoryHelper issues
  • DragonAPI: TileEntityCache is now dimension-sensitive
  • DragonAPI: Fixed NEI render issues
  • DragonAPI: Added EU compatibility
  • DragonAPI: Added new recursive breaker hooks
  • DragonAPI: Added block replacement command
  • DragonAPI: Added config to turn off NBT overlay
  • DragonAPI: Possibly fixed some cold biomes being detected as hot
  • DragonAPI: Fixed TE3 compatibility
  • DragonAPI: Added more advanced version checking
  • DragonAPI: Added teslatite to ModOreList
  • ChromatiCraft: Added documentation, including books, info, and crafting
  • ChromatiCraft: Greatly improved network logic and performance
  • ChromatiCraft: Added info fragments
  • ChromatiCraft: Added pylon compass
  • ChromatiCraft: Added duplication wand
  • ChromatiCraft: Added mobility wand
  • ChromatiCraft: Added construction wand
  • ChromatiCraft: Added excavation wand
  • ChromatiCraft: Added transition wand
  • ChromatiCraft: Added teleportation pump
  • ChromatiCraft: Added mineral extractor
  • ChromatiCraft: Redesigned crystal tank render
  • ChromatiCraft: Added Ender TNT
  • ChromatiCraft: Added crystal battery (lumen tree)
  • ChromatiCraft: Redesigned crystal bee genetics
  • ChromatiCraft: Properly implemented progression
  • ChromatiCraft: Added mutli-aura repeater
  • ChromatiCraft: Added protection beacon
  • ChromatiCraft: Added item fabricator
  • ChromatiCraft: Added heat lily
  • ChromatiCraft: Added item collector
  • ChromatiCraft: Added inventory simulator
  • ChromatiCraft: Added infuser
  • ChromatiCraft: Added aspect former
  • ChromatiCraft: Pylons now work as ThaumCraft nodes for wands
  • ChromatiCraft: Added mob repellent lamp
  • ChromatiCraft: Added range lamps
  • ChromatiCraft: Added aura cleaner
  • ChromatiCraft: Redesigned crafting processes
  • ChromatiCraft: Added Pylon protection ability
  • ChromatiCraft: Crystal charger now deals damage if stood on
  • ChromatiCraft: Removed NEI hander for Casting Table
  • ChromatiCraft: NEI keybinds now trigger the opening of the ChromatiCraft casting info GUIs
  • ChromatiCraft: Molten potion crystal now has a name and a bucket
  • ChromatiCraft: Increased capacity of storage crystals
  • ChromatiCraft: Added three upgrade items for some machines
  • ChromatiCraft: Made World Rifts cheaper
  • ChromatiCraft: Fixed various client crashes with Crystal Tank blocks
  • ChromatiCraft: Changed GUI style
  • ChromatiCraft: Ability GUI trigger key is now configurable
  • ChromatiCraft: Made crystal colors richer
  • ChromatiCraft: Added a creative-mode energy source
  • ChromatiCraft: Crystal-powered tiles now keep their energy when broken
  • ChromatiCraft: Casting GUI now hides parts of NEI to avoid overlap
  • ChromatiCraft: Fixed some clientside false starts with Ritual and Casting tables
  • ChromatiCraft: Fixed localizations
  • ChromatiCraft: ChromatiCraft item names are obfuscated until appropriately discovered
  • ChromatiCraft: Tile accelerator no longer works on casting or ritual tables
  • ChromatiCraft: Added self-charging mechanic
  • ChromatiCraft: Berries can now be eaten to yield small amounts of energy
  • ChromatiCraft: Added a special crosshair for when holding the manipulator
  • ChromatiCraft: HUD now displays active abilities
  • ChromatiCraft: Added WAILA compatibility
  • ChromatiCraft: Empty NBT no longer throws off the casting recipes
  • ChromatiCraft: Changed some ritual costs
  • ChromatiCraft: Added a GUI to crystal tanks
  • ChromatiCraft: Increased repeater range
  • ChromatiCraft: Reduced repeater perdition
  • ChromatiCraft: Added API hook to allow other mods to add casting recipes
  • ChromatiCraft: Added info HUD
  • ChromatiCraft: Added config to generate in superflats
  • ChromatiCraft: Added recipe for inventory link
  • ChromatiCraft: Power crystals are now craftable
  • ChromaitCraft: Added config to generate some pylons broken and in need of repair
  • ChromatiCraft: Made repeaters 16x cheaper
  • ElectriCraft: Added EU splitter for distributing massive amounts of IC2 power to several wires
  • ElectriCraft: RF cable GUI increments 1000x larger if shift is held
  • ElectriCraft: Fixed transformer requiring network update to take effect
  • ElectriCraft: RF Cable GUI no longer opens if holding more cable
  • ElectriCraft: Fixed RF battery not providing power to EIO conduits
  • ElectriCraft: Fixed wire shorting not resetting after a tick
  • ElectriCraft: Wire networks can no longer be used to chain together several generators and bypass junction limits
  • ElectriCraft: Made superconductor wire cheaper
  • ExpandedRedstone: Fixed sound crashes
  • ExpandedRedstone: Added new "Owner" proximity detector mode
  • GeoStrata: Added rock ores, including configs to make them actively generate, actively retrogen, and despawn
  • MeteorCraft: Fixed machine crashes
  • MeteorCraft: Fixed other crashes
  • LegacyCraft: Fixed "tried to set air on fire" crash
  • LegacyCraft: Fixed nether lava disabler
  • LegacyCraft: Added option to bring back sheep punching as wool mechanic
  • LegacyCraft: Added option to bring back pre-beta-1.8 animal spawn system
  • RotaryCraft: Autocrafter can now use ME systems as item input
  • RotaryCraft: Added IC2 power conversion (in place of UE power conversion)
  • RotaryCraft: All power converters now generate heat and are cooled with liquid nitrogen
  • RotaryCraft: Boosted refrigeration unit output
  • RotaryCraft: Borer now makes sounds
  • RotaryCraft: Added drying bed
  • RotaryCraft: Salt is now made from water in the drying bed
  • RotaryCraft: Made tier upgrades more expensive
  • RotaryCraft: Gave tier upgrades better names and textures
  • RotaryCraft: All power converters now have a loss from 10% at Tier 0 to 50% at Tier 5
  • RotaryCraft: Changed rock melter GUI
  • RotaryCraft: Fixed power tabs on some GUIs
  • RotaryCraft: Upgraded API to allow more advanced compatibility
  • RotaryCraft: Fixed multidirectional clutch GUI being too dark at times
  • RotaryCraft: Added "Find machines" command
  • RotaryCraft: Jet fuel is now poisonous (like in real life)
  • RotaryCraft: Crystallizer now only accepts valid fluids
  • RotaryCraft: Fixed junctions breaking erroneously in some cases
  • RotaryCraft: Flywheels can no longer be used to bypass junction limits
  • RotaryCraft: Blacklisted Extractor from Routers Reborn routers
  • RotaryCraft: Fixed friction boiler deleting surplus steam
  • RotaryCraft: Changed hydrokinetic recipe to use spring steel and a diamond shaft core
  • RotaryCraft: Added spring steel ingots
  • RotaryCraft: Magnetostatics now require a diamond shaft core
  • RotaryCraft: Fixed steam engines flashboil exploding erroneously
  • RotaryCraft: Pneumatic Item pump no longer opens GUI if holding same item
  • RotaryCraft: Added API hook for Spawner Controller
  • RotaryCraft: Added handbook notification for the jetpack requiring jet fuel
  • RotaryCraft: Friction heater XP is now configurable
  • RotaryCraft: Friction heater no longer generates XP for a "jammed" furnace
  • RotaryCraft: All pipe types now have pressure mechanics
  • RotaryCraft: Increased distiller power requirements
  • RotaryCraft: Cleaned up Terraformer
  • RotaryCraft: Added afterburner upgrade ability to jet engine; doubles torque output and multiplies fuel cost 2.5x
  • RotaryCraft: Fixed ECU-controlled engines fuel timers in GUIs reading 00:00:00
  • RotaryCraft: Fixed spawner controller resetting on server reboot
  • RotaryCraft: Fixed GPR StackOverflow crash
  • RotaryCraft: Increased mob radar range
  • RotaryCraft: Added option to make Item Vacuum range much smaller on the Y axis
  • RotaryCraft: Fixed pulse jet GUI bars not working
  • RotaryCraft: Increased canola fertility
  • RotaryCraft: Changed blast furnace ambient heat mechanics; can no longer reach >900C in the Nether without friction heating
  • RotaryCraft: Reservoirs now keep their cover when broken
  • RotaryCraft: Maybe fixed BaitBox
  • RotaryCraft: Fixed shaft junction power exploits
  • RotaryCraft: Borer now jams at 3M blocks out
  • RotaryCraft: Wood gearboxes now do not use lubricant, but use cooling fins instead
  • RotaryCraft: Fixed forestry sapling compatibility for the fermenter
  • RotaryCraft: Updated bedrock breaker handbook entry
  • RotaryCraft: Added tungsten entry to handbook
  • RotaryCraft: Added centrifuge recipe to turn galena into lead and silver
  • RotaryCraft: Added config option to add a material to Blast Furnace recipe, effectively gating RC behind another mod
  • RotaryCraft: Compressed canola seeds now plant a 3x3 area
  • RotaryCraft: Fixed some hydrokinetics crashes
  • RotaryCraft: Added pipe hardness config
  • RotaryCraft: Added config to disable EMP
  • RotaryCraft: Reduced clientside load
  • RotaryCraft: Added bedrock drill bit to make Extractor no longer require maintenance, and boost first stage duplication to 100%
  • RotaryCraft: Nether iron now gives tungsten flakes, at 5% rate
  • RotaryCraft: Fixed requiring two microturbines to reach 1350C on a Blast Furnace
  • RotaryCraft: Solar plants no longer melt obsidian
  • RotaryCraft: Hydrokinetics now require a diamond shaft core
  • RotaryCraft: Jet fuel now produced at a 4:1 ratio rather than 2:1 in the Fuel Enhancer
  • RotaryCraft: Fixed permanent step boost from spring boots persisting when the item is removed
  • RotaryCraft: Fixed bedrock pick not mining TiC ores
  • RotaryCraft: Fixed jetpack fuel overlay bugging out
  • RotaryCraft: Fixed smoke detector hitbox and redstone behavior
  • RotaryCraft: Night vision helmet is now bedrock
  • ReactorCraft: Turbine generator now has an EU variant
  • ReactorCraft: Geiger counter and CPU control are now charged tools
  • ReactorCraft: Fixed Radiation Poisoning crashes
  • ReactorCraft: Added power data to turbine book pages
  • ReactorCraft: Only breeder reactor neutrons can breed fuel
  • ReactorCraft: Fixed checkPebbles() CC function
  • ReactorCraft: Added option to disable HP turbine with redstone
  • ReactorCraft: Fixed electrolyzer crashes
  • ReactorCraft: Electrolyzer now uses the Ore Dictionary
  • ReactorCraft: Added options to disable magnetite and calcite if they already exist in another mod
  • Void Monster: Fixed some console printouts
I giggled one time that I had a
Reika.DragonAPI.Exception.StupidIDException: ChromatiCraft was not installed correctly:
ID 255 is completely invalid.
Please learn how IDs work before attempting to modify configs.
This is NOT a mod bug. Do not post it to the mod website or you will look extremely foolish.
In my defense, I was tired...
I giggled one time that I had a
Reika.DragonAPI.Exception.StupidIDException: ChromatiCraft was not installed correctly:
ID 255 is completely invalid.
Please learn how IDs work before attempting to modify configs.
This is NOT a mod bug. Do not post it to the mod website or you will look extremely foolish.
In my defense, I was tired...
Better than this guy:
Reika.DragonAPI.Exception.StupidIDException: RotaryCraft was not installed correctly:
ID 40345286 is completely invalid, as it is too large.
No sane ID would be this large.
Please learn how IDs work before attempting to modify configs.
This is NOT a mod bug. Do not post it to the mod website or you will look extremely foolish.

Or this one:
Reika.DragonAPI.Exception.StupidIDException: GeoStrata was not installed correctly:
ID -39 is completely invalid, as it is negative.
Please learn how IDs work before attempting to modify configs.
This is NOT a mod bug. Do not post it to the mod website or you will look extremely foolish.
Forestry 3.3.0 (by CovertJaguar) is out!
  • INFO: Updated to Buildcraft 6.2.1 API. (mezz)
  • FIX: Make tree farms pick up entities up to the world height. (Issue #282, mezz)
  • FIX: Fix watered farms not replacing flowing water. (mezz)
  • FIX: Fix hives dropping ignoble drones, which shouldn't exist. (mezz)
  • FIX: Don't pollinate decorative vanilla leaves. (Issue #326, mezz)
  • FIX: Fix infinite loop on server when bee housing is full. (Issue #336, mezz)
  • FIX: Raintank - wrong biome message in correct biomes. (Issue #342, mezz)
  • FIX: Fix AbstractMethodError from Chat Commands. (Issue #343, mezz)
  • FIX: Fixed soil detection multifarm trigger. (Issue #338, mezz)
  • FIX: Fix various trees growing wrong wood. (Issue #344, mezz)
  • FIX: Fix Pipette not depositing liquid. (Issue #345, mezz)
  • FIX: Fix a Backpack deletion/duplication bug. (Issue #352, mezz)
  • FIX: Forestry stained glass was not silk touchable. (Issue #357, mezz)
  • FIX: Various Worktable fixes. (Issues #356, #359, mezz)
  • FIX: Fix missing Analyzer Crafting recipe. (Issue #362, mezz)
  • And many other minor fixes, code improvements and optimizations from mezz, CovertJaguar, and MysteriousAges.
New Mod: Kawaii Crops by @kawaiiwolf
Announcing a brand new [Beta] mod: Kawaii Crops

Hello Minecraft Ladies and Gentlemen! The lovely Kawaiiwolf and Sasha have come to you today to bring you a brand new Beta mod called KawaiiCrops!

We always wanted to add in a wonderful way to cook that felt real rather than shoving food into the same furnace that you smelt iron in. (And we all know that Iron wasn’t the only thing being smelted. Bleh). This mod is not so much new content as it is an easy, configuration based framework to create your own content. All you need to do is edit some easy to use, plain english and dummy proof configuration files and add your own textures/names via a resource pack. Think of it as the lovechild of GrowthCraft and CustomStuff3 with easier configuration and fancy cooking animations. A key feature to note: Virtually EVERYTHING is configurable.

No more irony chickens or pork chops straight out of your slag furnace; instead you can have lovely pan seared chicken or smoky grilled pork chops! What you can do with crops/food in this mod is limited to your imagination (and artistic skills).


Ore Dictionary Support, NEI Integration, WAILA Integration and tooltips on all the things !



Crop Stages - Wheat has 8, Carrots & Potatoes have 4. You have a choice between 2 and 8.
Crop Height - Multi-tier crops: When was the last time you saw waist high corn ?
Drawing Options - Pick how your crop renders.
Multi Harvest - Plants can grow back their crops after harvest, instead of starting from a sprout all over again.
Growth Rates - How quickly and under which conditions to grow (Biomes/Light Level/soil/etc)
Custom Drop Tables - Completely defined by you



Growth Rates - How quickly and under which conditions to grow (Biomes/Light Level/soil/etc)
Fruit Models - Does your fruit grow in the leaves or below
Tree Trunk - Make it out of whatever woods you have available. Or any other block for that matter.
Tree Shape - Six lovely randomized shapes. Some familiar, some new !
Even more drop tables !



Well technically it’s a cake ? Includes potion effects on eating too.



Now with more options than bread, meat and a smattering of fruits and veggies. Anything you could imagine ! (And draw).



Inside recipes.cfg you can add your own custom recipes to the game. You can add:

2x2 Crafting Recipes - Things you can make in your hand.
3x3 Crafting Recipes - Things you need a crafting table for.
Unshaped Crafting Recipes - These don’t require ingredients to be in any special order.


Furnace Crafting Recipes - Things you cook in a furnace. Furnaces are boring though, which is why we have 5 fantastic new (animated) blocks that you can do your cooking on:

Cutting Board - With chopping action to refine ingredients.
The Churn - Perfect for making butter or iced cream. Wear out your mouse finger like they did in the olden days.
Big Pot - It’s a big pot, but it requires you to cook with either oil (frying), water or milk.
Frying Pan - For all your frying needs. Plus you can add a steam box to cook with steam.
Grill - Great for smoking, grilling or drying things out. Drying doesn’t require a heat source.

Each of the new cooking blocks/recipes are fully integrated with Not Enough Items and WAILA to make looking up recipes and using the blocks easier.

All of the recipes are fully Forge Ore Dictionary compatible and all of your foods/ingredients have the ability to add them to ore dictionary entries. If you need, you can even add items from other mods to the ore dictionary if you want to cook with their foods too.



A brand new mechanic added for plants and crops. If enabled, mystery seeds can be found in tall grass and when planted, can grow into just about anything (specified). All plants and trees have config options to be added to the mystery seed drop tables.


Creating your own custom blocks:

There are two steps needed to create your very own Cake, Crops or Trees:

1 - Configure the config settings. This generally starts in config.cfg. Read the options as there is a lot of helpful advice and tips in there ! Often times you’ll need to save some config settings, start minecraft and let it generate additional config files for you. You might need to do this a few times while developing your blocks.

2 - Add the missing elements in a resource pack. Don’t worry, this step isn’t too hard as long as you can come up with the art you want to be rendered in minecraft. Once in the game you’ll have to turn on this resource pack if you want to see the textures/names.

To get started on the resource pack, just make a new folder in your /.minecraft/resourcepacks file. I called mine kawaiicraft. In there you’ll need two things. A folder named assets and a pack.mcmeta. Here’s what mine looks like:

"pack": {
"pack_format": 1,
"description": "KawaiiCraft Resource Pack"
3 (Optional) - This works on a multiplayer server as well, but the client and server MUST have the same set of config files, otherwise unspecified “bad(tm)” things might happen (like disconnects.) If you’re playing on a multiplayer server with this mod, it’s best to get the config files from the server owner.

Inside the assets folder, you’ll need a folder called “kawaiicrops”. Inside “kawaiicrops” is a “textures” folder where all the art goes and another called “lang” where we’ll put a en_US.lang file. This can be blank to start off with. If you’re wondering what goes in the en_US.lang file and the textures folders, don’t fret ! The config files will tell you exactly what names and art assets need to go where.

NOTE: An example configuration and resource pack will be provided by the downloads to use as a template. While you don’t need these they can be helpful to reference when making your own set of config files and a resource pack.

Example: Cake

So lets say we want to make a new cake ? Vanilla is nice, but it just tastes so boring. Lets try to add something a little sweeter. Going into the “general.cfg” file we find a section labeled “kawaiicrop yummy cakes” asking for a list of cakes. Lets try making a strawberry short cake. By changing the cakelist option to read: “S:Cakes=strawberryshort” and running minecraft once, a brand new file is generated for us in the config folder, the cakes.cfg file. Lets take a peek !

# Configuration file

# 0
# Note: If your block/item doesn't show up in this file, make sure you set it in general.cfg, save
# and open minecraft at least once. You don't need to load into a world, just get to the splash
# screen and the necesary configuration will be automatically generated for you.

0 {

# kawaiicrops: strawberryshort cake
# Resource Pack settings for strawberryshort Cake
# Langage Name: item.kawaiicrops.strawberryshort.cake.name
# Langage Name: tile.kawaiicrops.strawberryshort.cake.name
# Texture Name: textures/items/strawberryshort.cake.png
# Texture Name: textures/blocks/strawberryshort.cake_top.png
# Texture Name: textures/blocks/strawberryshort.cake_bottom.png
# Texture Name: textures/blocks/strawberryshort.cake_side.png
# Texture Name: textures/blocks/strawberryshort.cake_inner.png

"kawaiicrops: strawberryshort cake" {
# Is this a block in minecraft ? Defaults to false to allow you to configure before putting it in game. [default: false]
B:"0. Enabled"=false

# How many half shanks of food does eating a slice of cake restore ? [range: 0 ~ 20, default: 2]
I:"1.General Hunger Restored"=2

# How saturating is a slice of cake ? [range: 0.0 ~ 20.0, default: 0.1]
S:"1.General Saturation"=0.1

# This item is part of which Forge Ore Dictionary entries ? Please see General.cfg to see how to use these. [default: ]
S:"2.Other Ore Dictionary Entries"=

# What potion effect do you want triggered on eating this cake ? Please see General.cfg to see how to use these. [default: ]
S:"2.Other Potion Effect"=

# What is the Tooltip for the cake in game ? [default: ]
S:"2.Other Tool Tip Text"=
Looking this over, we can make a few minor alterations to get our Strawberry shortcake JUST right. The first and most important thing is to set “Enabled” to true, otherwise the mod will ignore this. It’ll help you get things set up without making the game look messy. We’ll set it to give some tool tip text and even have slices provide the Regeneration I effect for 10 seconds.

B:"0. Enabled"=true
S:"2.Other Potion Effect"=10 10 1 1.0
S:"2.Other Tool Tip Text"=Delicious and Moist
f you’re wondering just how to we got the Potion effect text, just follow the directions and reference the helpful hints in general.cfg.

Great ! Now the only thing we’re missing is the resource information. In our cakes.cfg file, it tells us we need to add a couple lines to the language file. Open up the en_US.lang file with a text editor and add the following lines:

item.kawaiicrops.strawberryshort.cake.name=Strawberry Short Cake
tile.kawaiicrops.strawberryshort.cake.name=Strawberry Short Cake
Additionally, we’re going to need to add a “strawberryshort.cake.png” texture file (typically a 16x16 .png file) to the .minecraft/resourcepacks/kawaiicraft/assets/kawaiicrops/textures/items folder and strawberryshort.cake_top.png, strawberryshort.cake_bottom.png, strawberryshort.cake_side.png, strawberryshort.cake_inner.png files to the .minecraft/resourcepacks/kawaiicraft/assets/kawaiicrops/textures/blocks folder.

You’ve now got a Strawberry Short Cake in game.

Similar steps can be used to set up just about everything else in the mod !

Note when using recipes. See the dump.cfg option in the general.cfg. It’ll make your life a LOT easier by listing out all the blocks, items, ore dictionary entries and biomes that the game can find. Additionally, try enabling the Potion of Hunger and the Magic Spoon. The Potion of Hunger will take away hunger quickly and the Magic Spoon will make random ticks happen instantly when cooking; great for testing.​

Now that the basics for the mod are out of the way we want to tell you that there’s more coming. You won’t have to install a full crop list or tons of recipes just to have the food items you want. Many new crops, spices, trees, foods and drinks are in the future.

Kawaii Crop Super Pack: Work In Progress
The crop config pack includes all of the crops and farming items you’ll need. Everything from lovely rice to tasty strawberries while also adding in an assortment of trees! This includes the elusive cinnamon tree.

Kawaii Drinks:
Work in Progress
Hot tea, Juice, iced tea, cocoa and more for drinking on hot and cold days! This is fully intended to work with mods like enviromine to give you that refreshing burst right when you need it. Fill a fully rendered pitcher or kettle (placeable blocks) with your favorite drink and then right click it with cups to drink a portion!

Kawaii Crop Super Pack Phase Two - Kawaii Spices: Future Plan
The world of cooking is filled with spices of all kinds! Pepper, salt, saffron, turmeric and more! You’ll never have to eat bland food again or just plain old spiceleaf on your beef. Spiced foods will give you bursts of flavor as well as other fun effects! Blazing chilli anyone?

Kawaii Cooking Labeled Barrel: Future Plan
There are lots of foods that are fermented rather than cooked! Pickles, soy sauce, booze and cheese are just a few items that will be available in the future. Toss the ingredients in a barrel and wait before you have something yummy to eat or drink. The best part is you can finally fill that cellar with all manners of strange concoctions; all while being easily labeled for convenience. We provide the barrel and you provide the label and recipe!

An Infinity of Kawaii: Complete!
Kawaii’s crops is fully modular and easy to alter. New crops can be added at your fancy with easy to follow instructions. Your server can finally have that cake plant you all have been dieing for. Freshly grown cake! Uranium plants? Sure! Be careful not to spent too much time around them! An Infinity of options are there for you! Well not an infinity, 4096 blocks to be exact, but plenty more items !


Note, this is a complex mod and very much in Beta. We’re happy to hear about any bugs you might have find so we can correct them. There’s lots of combinations of options with just crops alone, so there’s bound to be hiccups.

Here’s a list of things we don’t need to know about:
  • Textures & Names - 99% of the time it just means the resourcepack wasn’t set up correctly
  • Multiplayer bugs - Be absolutely, 100% sure that you’re using all the same config files between server and client. Behavior is Unexpected otherwise. If you’re totally sure the files are different, then we’d be interested in hearing about it.
  • Art is hard - Yes it is. We suggest cuddling up to or hiring out your own artist if you don’t want to try your hand at it. The good news: There’s no shortage of resource/texture packs out there that you can borrow from for your own server ! If you’re posting textures for release here, please make sure you have approval to distribute them.
  • Overlapping forge dictionary sets. There’s a known, but uncommon crafting bug that exists in minecraft forge, but it requires an item to be in two different ore dictionary references, with both those references used in a recipe. If you craft with items in the wrong order it might not like your recipe.
License: This software and it’s code are released under the GNU GPL license ( http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html ) which basically states: Do whatever you’d like with it. Distribute it, use it in any mod pack without seeking permission, compile the code ( https://github.com/kawaiiwolf/kawaiicrops ) yourself and make changes to it if you really feel like it. This project was built for a custom server to make our world pretty and give us lots of fun cooking. If you want to get some use out of it too, great !

The Jar https://github.com/kawaiiwolf/kawaiicrops/releases
Source https://github.com/kawaiiwolf/kawaiicrops
Example Pack https://github.com/kawaiiwolf/kawaiicrops/releases/download/DemoConfig/DemoKawaiiCropsPack.zip

Expect bigger packs to come out later on ! If you’ve got your own pack you’d like to contribute, link the config/resource pack folder for others, just be careful and make sure you’re not distributing someone else’s copyrighted art without their permission.
@Reika's legions have been scouring his mods since the updates yesterday and he's addressed a number of issues that have cropped up (as well as adding a few minor things)

As a result, V3b is out.

  • DragonAPI: Fixed some more API dependency and crash issues, but had to resume shipping Waila, Minechem, and ComputerCraft APIs due to FML Classloading errors
  • DragonAPI: Cleaned up some exception messages
  • DragonAPI: Fixed another TileEntityBase crash
  • DragonAPI: Updated RF API
  • ChromatiCraft: Changed info fragment system - delete all existing non-blank fragments!
  • ChromatiCraft: Added a new "Getting started" entry to the lexicon
  • ChromatiCraft: Added a lexicon entry for Construction Wand
  • ChromatiCraft: Fixed Inventory simulator GUI crash
  • ChromatiCraft: Aura cleaner is now a drink and lasts 24h
  • ChromatiCraft: Improved rendering in "Crystals" and "Pylons" lexicon pages
  • ExpandedRedstone: Fixed IWrench crash
  • GeoStrata: Fixed some more ore crashes
  • GeoStrata: Added more configurability to ore behavior
  • RotaryCraft: Fixed "Machine was deleted before it could receive its packet "PIPEEXPLODE"" error
  • RotaryCraft: Fixed some alpha blending issues with the jetpack fuel overlay
  • RotaryCraft: Fixed IC2 Electric Motor not working
  • RotaryCraft: Fixed power converters stuttering when empty
  • RotaryCraft: Fixed ItemFetcher crash
  • ReactorCraft: Added canisters for hot CO2 and hot sodium
A new mod appeared! iBench
Sapient_za said:
Inspired by Dartcraft's clipboard, this mod adds a portable workbench with a few extras. You are able to shift click into the crafting grid, balance the stacks in the grid, and clear the grid with either a click of a button, or using your Forward, Backwards, Left and Right keys.

The crafting grid will also keep its inventory between uses, providing you with 9 extra slots of storage, and of course it integrates with NEI's automatic recipe completion.

Coming in Version 2

  • A built in furnace
  • A lockable library of your last 9 crafted recipes.
  • Automatic crafting from your inventory, compress your cobble as you mine.
And I might as well put this here while I'm at it.

WayofTime's Twitter said:
The plan will be that I will release 1.3.0 for 1.7.10 probably tomorrow (Wednesday), with a few minor tweaks from the beta. Stay tuned!

EDIT: Derpish forums.
@Reika's legions have been scouring his mods since the updates yesterday and he's addressed a number of issues that have cropped up (as well as adding a few minor things)

As a result, V3b is out.

  • DragonAPI: Fixed some more API dependency and crash issues, but had to resume shipping Waila, Minechem, and ComputerCraft APIs due to FML Classloading errors
  • DragonAPI: Cleaned up some exception messages
  • DragonAPI: Fixed another TileEntityBase crash
  • DragonAPI: Updated RF API
  • ChromatiCraft: Changed info fragment system - delete all existing non-blank fragments!
  • ChromatiCraft: Added a new "Getting started" entry to the lexicon
  • ChromatiCraft: Added a lexicon entry for Construction Wand
  • ChromatiCraft: Fixed Inventory simulator GUI crash
  • ChromatiCraft: Aura cleaner is now a drink and lasts 24h
  • ChromatiCraft: Improved rendering in "Crystals" and "Pylons" lexicon pages
  • ExpandedRedstone: Fixed IWrench crash
  • GeoStrata: Fixed some more ore crashes
  • GeoStrata: Added more configurability to ore behavior
  • RotaryCraft: Fixed "Machine was deleted before it could receive its packet "PIPEEXPLODE"" error
  • RotaryCraft: Fixed some alpha blending issues with the jetpack fuel overlay
  • RotaryCraft: Fixed IC2 Electric Motor not working
  • RotaryCraft: Fixed power converters stuttering when empty
  • RotaryCraft: Fixed ItemFetcher crash
  • ReactorCraft: Added canisters for hot CO2 and hot sodium
Too late. V3c. :P
1.7 packs are arriving in force on the 3rd party tab. Starting off with @tfox83's The Dark Trilogy, we're releasing a number of new listed packs over the next few weeks.

This week features:
TolkienCraft II by GreatOrator
Draconis is in danger. You arrive just as the call for help is sent across the land by the king looking for able-bodied citizens to join the guard to help with monster attacks that are on the rise! Journey through a town that is thriving and interactive. Help the merchants out with tasks and slowly uncover the darker side of what is happening here and ultimately try to bring peace back to this troubled land.

Running Red 2: Vampire Money by gideonsemour
This is a hardcore, combat-based modpack centered around a Vampire fighting for his life. Health does not regenerate naturally, and no ores appear beneath the ground, instead, one must instead drink the blood of other being for life and kill them to obtain ores. The caves beneath the ground are infested with silverfish and other monsters, which you must fight to keep yourself alive. All the while, a pitch black darkness consumes the world, which you must fight to stay sane.

In addition to the new packs, the following packs are being moved off the main list to the specified pack codes to make room for the upcoming 1.7 packs.
Lapito's Galacticraft Modpack : LapitosGalacticraft
Infamy - Dynamic Warfare : Infamy
Voxel(for 1.6) : Voxel
New World Mod Pack : NewWorldModPack
RPG Immersion Pack : RPGImmersion
VoxelModPack(for 1.5) : VoxelModPack
Magic Farm(for 1.5) : MagicFarm

These two packs are broken and are just being removed.
Ampz Modpack
...and now I wanna make something like OpenGlasses, but simpler, and with the ability to interact with the objects.

I already have too much to do dammit!
Something like OpenPeripheral's glasses? I haven't seen much happening with it lately, but I did see a build for 1.7.10 - I didn't test it though, because I didn't want to deal with the CC dependency.