Jabba 1.2.0 with tons of bugfixes, additions, and whatnot!
Botania 1.3 versions 142 and 143 are now available!I would like to thanks @taelnia for this massive update. He has been doing an impressive job at updating Jabba while I was busy on other projects.
This version of JABBA is focused mainly on resolving bugs that have been exposed over the last few months. It does have some enhancements, but they are mostly behind the scenes work.
License Change
Important: JABBA has switched from the Apache 2.0 License to the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International Public License For any commercial usage, please contactprofmobius@mobiusstrip.eu
Localization Stuff
- zhCN added by SinusoidalC
- ruRU added by Adapta
- MC formatting codes should be supported in most of the localization entries. Guaranteed to work on the text.jabba.* block used for chat messages.
- Ensure there is always a storage accessible from getStorage() (Prof): resolves a few NPE’s
- Remote checks added to prevent server code running on client(Prof/tae): stops some fake stack drops among other things
- Grab mipmap level from current TextureMap instance instead of gameSettings: should resolve some issues with other mods that adjust textures, as well as the 1201 OpenGL error from the log at startup.
- Adjusted rules for sending content sync packages: slight reduction in network packets sent, fixes rare NPE
- Prevent CME in ServerTickHandler by using explicit array copy of the weak hash map to prevent other mods that trash the GC from interfering with the list while iterating over it
- Barrels with both redstone upgrades and void upgrades will now output a redstone signal on the full trigger when the barrel reaches max stored capacity, and on proportional trigger it will output 15 strength at max capacity.
- Fixed AIOOB on domain:item that could happen in some cases
- When generating textures, we now check alternate materials if a material texture is unable to be loaded; if none load, the texture will default to black
- The dolly now respects spawn protection… bad dolly!
- While at it, Dolly-ception is no more: limited max size of NBT tag data that the dolly can pick up to 1MB. No more dollying a chest full of dollied items which are full of dollied items which are…
- Cleaned up some of the dolly code, fixed some minor bugs with diamond dolly(item name, etc..)
- Side upgrade stack counts no longer decrement while being applied in creative mode
- Missing save directory/hardcore log notice adjusted to actually be logged and not just be in stdout
- Fixed mcmod.info, Jabba will now properly show up on the mods list with information. Updated information in it and added a logo as well.
- Fixed a few debug statements that were nulling out due to previous fixes/changes
- Fixed log spam about non-valid entity when removing a barrel
- Fixed barrel drops when broken: upgrades and contents should now drop in all cases (such as explosions) as opposed to just when a player breaks the barrel. For explosions, usual rules apply on
- Changed tuning fork to be not repairable, fixes issue in linking barrel when another mod has an item that auto repairs hotbar items. This was causing issues as we use the damage value as a timer, and no damage is equal to not attuned =P
- Ensure that empty barrels that are unlocked are really empty
- Added a sanity check on StorageLocal readTagCompound to ensure that no barrels have negative current stored values as this can cause unexpected behavior
New Stuff
- Updated to log4j (Parker8283)
- Barrels now use smooth rendering (ganymedes01) notes: items are still shown full brightness for now, barrels now use a multipass system that calls normal MC code
- Redstone will now only connect to redstone enabled sides
- Non-label barrel sides now count as “solid”, except the bottom. This will change some block interactions, such as allowing torches to be placed on barrels, non-solid bottom still allows for chests to open beneath barrels
- General code cleanup: removed old/dead code, cleaned up imports, adjusted formatting to be more consistent(tabs, bracing, spacing), refactored some code to reduce code repetition, removed unnecessary casts and annotations
- Cleaned up texture code a bit: most dummy files are no longer needed
- Adjusted notes for texture pack artists in the jar, please poke me(taelnia) on IRC if you have any questions
- Moved StructuralLevel out of item package and moved all client code out of it
- OreDict support on barrels will now check the full OreDictionary list of the barrel item and the incoming item. (Aluminum and Aluminium I’m looking at you… >_>)
- TileEntityBarrel will now pass along a few more calls to its current IBarrelStorage
- Along with above note, cleaned up StorageLocal a bit: cached several items and cleaned up logic. Should be *slighty* faster. (Might be noticeable only on those giant thousand barrel storage worlds ;P)
- Debug code trigger changed
- Updated DSU interface to latest(yay comment updates! xD)
- Hopper modes now natively support DSU’s, hoppers now check inventory interfaces in this order: IDSU, ISidedInventory, IInventory. This may speed up DSU interactions slightly due to less code being run.
- breakBlock now uses the faster method of obtaining the TileEntity, and only does work if a valid TE is returned; also ensures cleanup/removal of the TE after we have done our work.
- Changed OreDict caching to shortcut and cache the barrel item.
- Ensure network channel matches modid
- Performed optimization pass on images.
- Pulled out reflection code from StruturalLevel into utility class, enhanced it slightly
- Dolly support added for Storage Drawers mod (jaquadro)
- Vertical barrel support: configurable option(default ON), will allow for barrels to be placed with initial labelled side on top/bottom if the barrel is placed at an extreme angle(also configurable). Along with this change, barrel top/bottom labels will now be orientated to the played upon initial barrel placement or moving with a dolly.
- Added default support for EnderChests mod for the B-Space Upgrade recipe.
- Copied over the client side chat utils I wrote for our ModJam4 entry, applied to localized chat so that they now support standard MC formatting codes, also fixed to not show reset character in log
- Added experimental support to expose full barrel contents through normal MC inventory interface(defaultOFF). This works great for tons of mods, but please read the warning in the config file before enabling.
- Allow vanilla comparators to work on barrels: will output a proportional signal based on amount stored. note: this provides a different behaviour from the proportional redstone side upgrade on barrels with void upgrades in that the redstone side upgrade will output a full strength signal when barrel is at capacity and the comparator will not(it will never show the barrel as full)
- Hopper facades are now bi-directional: the facade can be configured to pull matching items into the barrel from neighboring inventories. use a barrel hammer to configure
- Added utility methods to retrieve a TileEntity quicker, and without creating it. If using, please check return against null before using.
I sound very happy today!R1.3 142
- Added the Assembly Halo, a portable crafting solution.
- Adding lava to the petal apothecary turns it into a brazier/incinerator.
- Changed Hydroangeas' recipe to use Cyan petals rather than Light Blue ones.
- Fixed the Signal Flare item crashing if an invalid color is loaded somehow.
- Hydroangeas are now more dilligent at picking up water blocks.
- Renamed a bunch of rods so they all are in the same name scheme and theme.
- [API] Added aditional SubTileEntity interaction methods. onBlockPlacedBy(), onBlockActivated(), onBlockAdded(), onBlockHarvested() and getDrops() (LiamEarle)
- [API] Increased version number to 25.
R1.3 143
- Fixed Dedicated Server crashing.