What's new in modded minecraft today?

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You can cure zombie villagers. And the skels could be animated by there original souls. Being the result of a world wide necromatic accident. As if dead souls could never rest and the especially powerful ones could maintain there mindes.
Absolutely not. Have you ever once seen a skeleton not attack someone? No. They are all hostile because they are programmed that way by some necromancer. And even if you were to break the spell, they would die again anyways.
Absolutely not. Have you ever once seen a skeleton not attack someone? No. They are all hostile because they are programmed that way by some necromancer. And even if you were to break the spell, they would die again anyways.

Yes I have. They never attack other skeletons except by accident. And they they get attacked back. They also don't attack any other mob but villagers and players. Not zombies not pigs not even wolfs that hunt them down.
You say a necromancer is the one who animated them. Really what necromancer.
Oh you want to bring in a simi exsistant figure like herobrine into this. You do know that Herobrine isn't evil right. None of his original depictions indicated as such.
These skels and zombes can only be the the results of Notchs broken attempts to bring life into this world. Who's to say that some zombes and skells here and there arn't more intelligent than others.
They are all quite smarter than they used to be. They are fare less likely to fall to there deaths. And they now fun from the lethal light.
And one more important thing you have forgoten. This is all an imaginary idea. That at best might become a mod. I CAN HAVE THEM DO WANT EVER I WANT!!!

Bloody hell I mean I can't even mention a funny idea to you? Don't take this stuff so seriously. You don't want the skels made of translucent pink sugar coming after you. :/
Atomic Science is now an addon for Resonant Induction
False! :)

Atomic science has been merged as a module for resonant induction, in order to install and get the same functionality just download RI Core and RI Atomic. More info here calclavia.com
new day, new update, and today it's @joshie with a new mod called ModTweaker
joshie said:

ModTweaker is an addon for MineTweaker. (Requires MineTweaker 2.3.1). MineTweaker let's you adjust recipes, removals and additions in Minecraft. While MineTweaker supports a bunch of mod recipes itself, there are many more mods that it does not support. ModTweaker plans to provide support for as many of these additional mods overtime as possible. ModTweaker currently supports:

  • Vat Recipes
  • Fishing Loot
  • Crucible Furnace Melting
  • Crucible Furnace Fuels
  • Anvil Recipes
Blood Magic
  • Altar Recipes
  • Alchemical Chemistry Set Recipes
  • Binding Recipes
Ex Nihilo
  • Sieve Recipes
  • Crucible Recipes
  • Hammering Recipes
  • Crucible Heat Sources
  • Composting Items
  • Fishing Loot
Adding/Removing Recipes

For help with this see the following google doc:
ModTweaker Help

Future Plans
I plan to support many other mods, as well as some of the things from those listed that aren't currently supported. Mods planned to be supported in the near future are:
  • Big Reactors
  • Tinker's Construct
  • Thaumcraft
Mod Suggestions/Recipe/Tweak Suggestions
I'm always open to suggestions for what additional support to add, so feel free to drop me a note!


ModTweaker is licensed under MIT, use it for whatever you please!
Source | Bug Reports | Twitter

and @MysteriousAges with an update for Magic Bees
MysteriousAges said:
Build to fix debug log spam in 2.1.12.

and lastly Mineshopper with Carpenter's Blocks
Mineshopper said:
>> Version 3.1.5 Changelog
  • Fixed a bug causing some covers to crash when removed from block.
  • Tweaked a lot of code to help prevent door crashes, render crashes, and more.
  • Refactored here and there.
False! :)

Atomic science has been merged as a module for resonant induction, in order to install and get the same functionality just download RI Core and RI Atomic. More info here calclavia.com

I'm sorry, I meant module. I consider them to be pretty similar. I was considering "Electric", "Mechanical" and "Archiac" as addons as well. Should I not view them this way?
New technomancy out. 0.5.0

On my phone so couldn't copy change log over.
0.5.0 is finally out! Download is in the OP.
  • Added: New ore processing system including the Ignis Incinerator, Sanguine Infuser, and Botanical Purifier.
  • Added: Ore Dict support for the ore processing system.
  • Added: Pure ores for the ore processing system.
  • Change: Essentia Dynamos have changed drastically. They now adjust their output and how often essentia is used based on their surroundings.
  • Change: Node dynamos now have a range equal to that of the Wand Pedestal.
  • Change: Blood fabricators now have a much harder recipe.
  • Change: Other minor recipe changes.
  • Change: Thaumcraft research has moved around a bit.
  • Fix: Dynamos emit RF properly.
  • Fix: Crash on breaking a conduit connected to a dynamo.
  • Fix: Node dynamos transferring the wrong way.
  • Fix: Galvanized bellows not placing correctly.
  • Fix: A typo with "SacrificialIngot".
  • Fix: Orderly lamps causing an absurd amount of lag.
  • WIP: Full documentation on everything in Technomancy.
Let me explain the new ore processing to you. Bear with me for a second.

Currently, there are only 3 different machines, one for Botania, Blood Magic, and Thaumcraft. Each runs on a different form of power respective to their mods. The Botanical Purifier drains mana from nearby mana pools, the Ignis Incinerator runs on ignis Essentia, and the Sanguine Infuser runs on LP from the owner's (whomever placed it) Network. By placing an ore registered in the OreDict in the left slot, it will drain the required energy and purify the ore. The pure ore will have a "purity level", and by holding shift over the pure ore, it will display what it has been processed by. An ore can be processed by as many processors as the player chooses, but never the same processor twice. In order to get your ingots, throw the pure ore into a furnace. The output should equal the purity level + 1.

Also, something to note, the amount of power drawn by the machines increases each time the ore is purified. For example, if an ore has been purified twice, and you wish to purify it a third time in the Sanguine Infuser, the cost will be 3 times as much as it would have originally been. Say the cost is 500LP per ore, at the third processing time it increases to 1500LP per ore. A stack of ores this way would cost 96,000LP form your blood network. This applies to all processors as well, so whichever source of power you have the most of should be the last processor in your processing line.
new day, new update, starting with @iChun who's updates for BackTools, iChunUtil and Death Counter
iChun said:
  • Fix clients requiring the mod if it’s only installed on the server.
Back Tools
  • Fix invisible players rendering their last tool, still.
  • Major Config file rework. Now supports localizations. Also supports iChunUtil’s new Keybinds and a new IntBool/Colour property, and some Category stuffs.
  • SessionState feature, implemented with the configs. To be used for client sessions connecting to servers. (Aka synching of some server configs with the client).
  • Added new Keybind system (not compatible with Minecraft’s keybind system) which supports pressing/releasing of keys, and holding down SHIFT/CTRL/ALT for keybind triggers.
  • Added a glScissors helper for rendering stuff. It’s a lot cheaper than using stencils to render. Will be used in Hats.
  • Calender events helper. Will be used in mods for easter eggs! \o/
  • Moved Morph’s and Hats’ Obfuscation/Reflection stuff into iChunUtil. Therefore they will depend on iChunUtil in their respective 1.7 updates.
  • Update sliders for Hats compatibility.
  • Added a new Packet System (Memory leak fixed) that will be used by all of my mods that uses packets. Again, this includes Morph and Hats.
  • Added an mod version update checker to iChunUtil. Not your everyday mod update checker but it works. Will be used by my mods and can be used by any mods which would like to use it.
  • Removed RenderGlobalProxy class used by the experimental Antichamber mod. It will need to be rewritten to function properly in 1.7.

and as mentioned before, Mark719 has updated Magical Crops, now with a changelog
Mark719 said:
Fixed the issues with Thaumcraft seeds and other mod seeds.


Change log:
  • Thaumcraft seed recipe fixed, now gives Air shards not ore.
  • Mob compatibility crops recipes now can be seen

and lastly @joshie with an update for Mariculture
joshie said:
Mariculture 1.2.2f
  • Fixed Auto-Eject fluids using the wrong direction
  • Fixed annoying Cod NEI bug
  • Fixed potential crash with mariculture fluids
  • Fixed potential crash when adding pressurised water block
  • Fixed potential crash checking redstone mode with multiblock tanks
  • Removed the stack trace crash, with null items in my stackhelper, changed it to a smaller message
Let's clear this up.
The Magical crops 17g beta has bin released.
No change log for it has yet bin given.
Let's clear this up.
The Magical crops 17g beta has bin released.
No change log for it has yet bin given.

And in the same spirit of things,
Ich bin ein Berliner ;)

Osama bin Laden puns would be either fun or crass(*),
but that would have the NSA on our backs :-/

*) POV dependent

P.S: Crass rhymes with another synonym of a donkey, but that would most definitely have been in poor taste on these forums.
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