What's new in modded minecraft today?

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@Zein Eizoku is also working on a new mod, called Zein's Necrology
it's a mod based on necromancy, so for those loving to toy around with creatures, here's the mod for you

I am so sorry for not giving a thank you. So thank you very much for the spotlight. I am sorry that I no screen shots or actual development to show besides the floor plans. I hope to not disappoint :-)
Thank you for the spotlight, Yusunoha, i still don't deserve it given that my mod is still just concept and a couple not very meaningful screenshots.
Said that i'm also looking forward to other people's works. :)

no problem. in my opinion new mods could really use the spotlight so they can quickly grow into bigger and better mods from the feedback given from the community

I appreciate the support and all, but I don't think my guide is at the quality or level of completion to warrant that.

your guide is currently *hands down* the best guide for Blood Magic. and just looking at how detailed you've explained parts of the mod deserves a sticky in my opinion

Spacetoad tweeted a nifty picture of what hes been working on for Buildcraft.

"Finishing the week end with the implementation of robot docking stations..."

And Prog (ti c and ftb launcher dev) tweeted "soo tcon & tmech for 1.7.2 now compiles :D still doesnt launch fully yet" I have no plans of moving to 1.7 any time in the foreseeable future, but this might interest some of you.

spacetoad really loves those robots doesn't he? :P

Has Fleshcraft been mentioned already? It's an as-of-yet not really much coded mod, predominantly coded by SkeletonPunk and SolomonAiel, based around making your own huge organism for ore processing, mob farming, base defence, and possibly one day mining.
I'm sort of the guy who gives updates on the mod, getting info from the coders, and putting it into comprehensible sentences. I can give you a link if you like, but just searching fleshcraft should yield good results.

aaaaaaand I forgot something. this is what's nice about this topic, anyone can contribute information to this topic :D
on that note, for those new mod developers, if you're looking for a bit of spotlight for a new mod or concept you're working on, feel free to also make a post in this topic aswell, because ANYONE can contribute information to this topic, so mod developers aswell

Big update for big reactors today, added another means of generating power using heated coolant in another multiblock structure, a turbine. Its still in early testing, but the basic function is there. If you jump in IRC (#bigreactors on synIRC), the URL for download as well as information and help from users will be available to you. It dropped into monster with only a few ID resolutions.

I usually only check websites, so I missed this update.
but I did saw this tweet...

Erogenous Beef said:
WIP new reactor GUI. Tooltips on everything, should help solve some of the "wtf does this do?" problems :) pic.twitter.com/66KDNWYfBG
and with that, here's another new "what's new in modded world today?"

starting of with, Soul Shards. a mod developer named @Moze_Intel has decided to bring back the glory of Soul Shards 1 to 1.6.4
many people loved how Soul Shards 1 worked, but don't like the current Soul Shards 2. so Moze_Intel took the work to release Soul Shards: Reborn
if you're interested in this mod, just click the link to get to his minecraftforum topic

Moze_Intel said:



This mod is completely based off the original Soul Shard 1 mod, that never got ported to 1.6.4 (it got an update and was released as Soul Shards 2, link here http://www.minecraft...014/page__st__0), however, NONE of the code was copied (I only used the textures, I am no artist

All credit for the mod idea goes to the original mod author.
What is the mod about?
If you are not familiar with the original mod mechanics, the basic concept is allowing the player to legitimately get mob spawners, by killing tons of mobs.

How do I start with the mod?
Obviously, getting mob spawners is not going to be an easy task. Firstly, you need the following items:
1 Diamond
1 Glowstone Block
4 Netherrack
8 End stone
Secondly, you need to create a pattern in the world with the blocks, as shown in the picture.


Finally, right click the middle glowstone block with the diamond in your hand. The diamond and glowstone will be consumed, and you will have your first Soul Shard!

Ok, I got my soul shard, now what?
Well, now the fun part starts! Firstly you need to craft a soul cage. If you do not have NEI, the recipe is 8 iron bars in the outer ring of the crafting table. If you try to insert an emtpy soul shard in the cage, it will not work. You need to kill something, to bind the creatures soul to your shard (make sure you have the soul shard in your hotbar, otherwise it will not register the kill). Once you have bound a soul to your shard, THERE IS NO GOING BACK. That shard will be bound forever to that specific soul type (example: the first kill you got with the shard was a creeper: if you kill anything else, it will not advance the shard). If you are new to the mod, I highly suggest reading the next couple of spoilers.

Advancing the Shard
Now that you have your shard and have bound a creatures soul to it, you have to level it up; I warned you, getting spawners will not be an easy task. A soul shard has 5 tiers: the tiers are determined by the amount of kills the shard has. Here is a complete description of what each tier allows you to do.
Tier 0
Useless, you need at least tier 1!

Tier 1
Now you're getting somewhere! Tier 1 requires 64 kills, and allows for the most basic of spawners, with the following attributes:
  • Spawns 2 mobs at a time, with a cooldown of 20 seconds
  • Requires a player to be within 16 blocks of the spawner
  • Follows vanilla spawn rules (example, a creeper will ONLY spawn at night at will not spawn in the light)
  • Does not respond to a redstone signal.
Tier 2
Tier 2 requires 128 kills, and has the same properties of tier 1, but Mobs will spawn 4
at a time, with a cooldown of 10 seconds.

Tier 3
Tier 3 requires 256 kills. The differences with the previous tier are that Mobs will spawn 4 at a time, with a cooldown of 5 seconds, and the player is not required to be close to the spawner.

Tier 4
Tier 4 requires 512 kills (starting to get the pattern?). The only difference with tier 3 is that Mobs can spawn in other dimension that are non - native to them (example, an enderman can spawn in the overwolrd as well as in the nether and the end.

Tier 5
Congratulations! You actually killed a whopping 1024 mobs! You are rewarded with a spawner capable of spawning 6 mobs at a time, with a cooldown of 2 seconds, that completely ignores vanilla spawn rules, and is activated by redstone! (the redstone must be indirectly supplied by and adjacent block)

If you still are unclear on some mechanics, just experiment with the mod and have fun!

Miscellaneous Info
Just some random info you might want to know.
  • To help with the daunting 1024 kills task, you can get the Soul Stealer enchant, adding 1 extra soul to your kills per level of the enchantment.
  • In the config, you can set the soul shards to only accept the souls of peaceful mobs and blacklist entities.
  • If you break a soul cage with a soul shard in it, you will be returned a shard with the amount of kills rounded to the lowest of the shards tier (if that made no sense: if you brake a cage with a tier 1 shard in it that has 72 kills, you will be returned a soul shard with 64 kills)
  • All creatures spawned from a soul cage do not count towards levelling up your shard.
  • You can absorb a vanilla mob spawner by right clicking on it with a soul shard (the spawner's mob must be the same as your shard's mob type), and your shard's tier will be increased by 1.
  • The max amount of kills a shard can hold is 1024
1) Make sure you have the latest 1.6.4 Forge installed (find it here: http://files.minecraftforge.net/)
2) Download the latest version of the mod:
3) Move the file to your mods folder in the minecraft directory
4) Enjoy!
Please note that this mod is in early alpha: bugs can occur.

My mod is Open Source on GitHub! That means you can see how it works, and blame me for how stupid my code is / looks or how I messed something up. Here is the link:

Old Versions
Version 0.4a
  • CHANGED Soul Cage mob spawning algorithm
  • ADDED Soul Cages will stop spawning if a certain amount of mobs spawned by them are still alive (default is 80, configurable in config file)
  • ADDED More config options
  • FIXED Various bugs with vanilla spawners
Version 0.3b
  • FIXED Little bugs regarding vanilla spawners and Soul Shards.
  • FIXED Config file derp (file had no extension and was inside a config folder inside the config folder. Config-Ception.
  • MISC Mod is now open source!
Version 0.3a
  • CHANGED Entity mapping/spawning algorithm, making THIS VERSION INCOMPATIBLE WITH ALL OLDER ONES.
  • ADDED Config option to blacklist entities, so they are not recognized by the mod.
  • FIXED Soul cages will not be able to crash your game by spawning entities, they will just remain inactive and you're minecraft console will display errors. If this happens, please report it!
  • MIX More code cleanup.
Version 0.2b
  • FIXED Wither Skeleton shards not advancing.
  • FIXED Crash when spawning Cave Spiders, Mooshrooms and Zombie-Pigmen.
  • FIXED Skeletons, Wither Skeletons and Zombie-Pigmen spawning empty-handed
Version 0.2a
  • FIXED Wither Skeletons not registering as mobs.
  • MISC More code cleanup.
Version 0.1a
  • FIXED Chunk-Loading bug. Extremely sorry for that one, took me 5 hours to figure out.
  • MISC Partial code cleanup
Known Bugs
A list of bugs I am working on fixing.
  • The mod makes slime / magma cube spawners spawn only the smallest type of slimes, to deal with a possible exploit. Some mods that override vanilla minecraft spawning classes (an example, JAS (just another spawner)) removes this function.
  • If you find a bug, please let me know so I can work on it ASAP.
Finally, I apologize for my horrifying English and pathetic forum post, but my first language is Italian and my artistic skills are equal to those of a blind sheep.

next up, a little bit of information about a new technic pack. now you may think, does this belong here on the FTB forum?
my short answer: yes. and the reason for that is because this pack is created as a way of donating to child's play.
it was released last friday, and you could donate money to get early access to the modpack. the modpack has been released yesterday for the rest of the public
interested in how much money was raised? just click this link for the Attack of the B-Team modpack for more information

Attack of the B-Team said:
About this modpack

Attack of the B-Team was the Technic's first modpack to launch in conjuction with a charity fundraiser. Throughout the week thanks to your generous donations we raised over $22,000 for the Child's Play Charity. That's a lot of toys and games for kids! So first of all, thank you to everyone who donated for early access. You helped make a difference and you should be proud of yourself.

Now, about the modpack! This modpack was designed with one thing in mind, crazy mad science! With the help of the B-Team we hand picked the wackiest mods we could find and shoved them all in a modpack for you guys. The result is Attack of the B-Team! Here is what is included:

Advanced Genetics by ObsiLP
Archimedes Ships by Balkondeur Alpha
Artifice by Shukaro
Biomes o' Plenty by TDWP_FTW
Carpenter's Blocks by Mineshopper
Chisel by AUTOMATIC_MAIDEN, Darwin by Manchou
Dragon Mounts by BarracudaATA
Enhanced Portals 2 by Alz454
Flan's Mod w/ Parts Pack/Modern Warfare/Titan Pack by jamioflan
Food Plus by JoseTheCrafter
Fossils and Archaeology: Re-Ported by Team July/Ported by CannibalVox
Galacticraft by Micdoodle8
Hamsterrific by Razzleberry Fox
Hamsters Forever by CannibalVox
Hats by iChun, Liquid XP by immibis
Map Writer by Davey Liam
Minecraft Minions by AtomicStryker
Minefactory Reloaded by skyboy
Morph by iChun
Mr. Crayfish's Furniture Mod by Mr. Crayfish
Natura by mDiyo
Not Enough Items by Chicken Bones
NEI Plugins by Mistaqur
Open Blocks by Mikeemoo
Project Red: by Mr. TJP and Chicken Bones
qCraft by Dan200
Random Things by lumien
Saintspack (Dubstep Gun) by Thieves
Secret Rooms by AbrarSyed
Sync by iChun
The Necromancy Mod by sirolf2009/Ported by CannibalVox
Thermal Expansion by King Lemming
Tinkers Construct by mDiyo
Trailmix by iChun
Tropicraft by The Tropicraft Team
Waila by Prof Mobius
Witchery by Emoniph
World of Dinos by CannibalVox

and now an update to Thaumic Tinkerer, under the new maintaining developers @pixlepix and @nekosune
this update brings a few new functions and even a turtle to Thaumic Tinkerer

Thaumic Tinkerer said:
Build 73

Fixed artifice tab Crash

Build 72

WAILA support
Added Dissipating turtle
(Flaxbeard) Made sure API for osmotic enchanter was in again.

Build 68

(Flaxbeard) Added an API for the osmotic enchanter.

nowadays everyone is using it, I'm talking about WAILA, which has also received a new update by ProfMobius

WAILA said:
Waila 1.4.5
Small update with optimization and a couple bugfixes


Complete rework of the detection system to move it in the client tick instead of the rendering tick.
More things are cached for optimization
Removed all dependency on NEI for the ingame tooltip
Removed some BC related energy display because they were not what I thought they were.
NBT with a size > 32k will not crash the client anymore (Fix for OpenComputers).
Redstone wires will now use the redstone dust icon instead of the weird block icon.
The tooltip will not try to render when the UI is hidden. Should fix the magic compass bug.

If you enjoy my mods, you can become a patron here ! Many thanks !

Download it there

and now some JourneyMap time. it seems Journeymap now has 2 versions of this mod, Fairplay and Unlimited
fairplay is for those wanting to just have a map, and unlimited if for those wanting more

JourneyMap said:
JourneyMap 3.1.0 works with Forge (recommended) or ModLoader. For detailed instructions on how to install either one, see the installation instructions in the Knowledgebase.
JourneyMap now comes in two editions : FairPlay and Unlimited. (See JourneyMap Editions for a full comparison.)
FairPlay Edition disables Radar and Cave mapping when in Multi-Player.
Unlimited Edition has all features enabled for Single- and Multi-Player.
Added button to start/stop webserver from the in-game Options menu.
Minor aesthetic changes to in-game Options and Actions menus.
Error handling improvements in Web UI
Various bugfixes

and lastly, @Vazkii showing us some more sneak peaks from Botania

Vazkii said:

Context: That is the Runic Altar. You put items in it (as you can see) and infuse them into livingrock, to create runes, which are used in the crafting of more advanced flora and apparatus.


it seems @immibis snuck in a new mod while I wasn't watching :P
it's called Dark Panels and it may be something that some people have been looking for :)

>> Download <<

Inspired by the title of this thread, I present DARK PANELS!

They're like solar panels, but their top face must be exposed to complete darkness. If not, they will catch fire. Yes, this is simultaneously pointless and OP.


Last edited:

Terran = Mech
Protoss = Tech
Zerg = Bleck !

Personally not a big fan of the oozing, gooey, popping, poisonous stuff.
Quite amusing, I've retextured the Taint to be organic tendrils. Makes it look like an alien invasion going on.
Any news on the Ender quarry from Extra Utilities?
He posted the recipe on twitter, and Soaryn showed it on stream.


It seems to go by colums, chunk by chunk from bottom to top.

To make it work, you have to make a box with fences, place the ender quarry somewhere in the box of fences, then apply power.
it replaces everything inside the fences with dirt. not leaving big holes in the world.
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Any news on the Ender quarry from Extra Utilities?
He posted the recipe on twitter, and Soaryn showed it on stream.


It seems to go by colums, chunk by chunk from bottom to top.

To make it work, you have to make a box with fences, place the ender quarry somewhere in the box of fences, then apply power.
it replaces everything inside the fences with dirt. not leaving big holes in the world.

that's all news to me... seems a bit weird to use though... fences? really?
that's all news to me... seems a bit weird to use though... fences? really?
It's a simple way to mark an area. Plus, this will be far better than normal quarries, as it will make FAR less lag, and no gaping hole, just a lot of dirt. Which would become grass anyway.
But this just makes me think. Is it right for mod authors to try and do one better than each other? Don't get me wrong, it causes many better mods, but is it right to take action to make large aspects of a mod useless? If if unintentional?
It's a simple way to mark an area. Plus, this will be far better than normal quarries, as it will make FAR less lag, and no gaping hole, just a lot of dirt. Which would become grass anyway.
But this just makes me think. Is it right for mod authors to try and do one better than each other? Don't get me wrong, it causes many better mods, but is it right to take action to make large aspects of a mod useless? If if unintentional?
I don't know, but if the quarry is like all of Extra Utilities and generates less lag I will definitely use it, because lately I don't know why, but I've been getting a lot of it. Also, it would be less annoying to place three landmarks than a really large box of fences. And I'm guessing the quarry will need Ender Pearls which is arguably more annoying to obtain early game than diamonds. Also, we don't really know the range of the device either which would also be a deciding factor to utility.
I just received intel mentioning that today is the birthday of our very own @VikeStep
come on people, hype it up and wish him a great birthday!!

Just.... JUST WHY?!?!?![DOUBLEPOST=1391542733][/DOUBLEPOST]
I've read over a few of the ideas for the mod, and I have to say that if it's pulled off correctly it could easily become one of my favorite mods.
Hopefully Me and Solomon can pull it of correctly:D.
And I'm guessing the quarry will need Ender Pearls

Not a bad thing, IMHO. The old BC quarry is a bit OP in today's modded MC ecosystem. It's far easier (now) to get early-game power and early-game sorting and logistics than it was back when the quarry was introduced.

But, I do agree the fences are not as simple to use as the landmarks. Spacetoad did some excellent work in 2011 and 2012 that is still leading-edge today. The landmarks and the quarry "robot" are among them.