What's new in modded minecraft today?

  • The FTB Forum is now read-only, and is here as an archive. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord! https://ftb.team/discord
Updated The Beneath (1.10.2) (1.11.2) to 1.2.0:
  • Fixed the text formatting for the config options where that was broken
  • The Darkness now actually checks if it's dark before trying to damage the player
  • Added a configurable crafting recipe for the Teleporter (can be enabled/disabled in the config, disabled by default)
new day, new update, and today it's @Soggy_Mustache with Zoo & Wild Animals
Soggy_Mustache said:
Zoo & Wild Animals 4.0.0 (1.8) beta

-Fancy Cage
-Magnifying Glass
-Elephant Leather
-Animals can breed according to their diet
-Some animals (Green Iguana, Tamarin, and Pangolin) can be held with the handling glove

-Entities don't drop max health to 8 when tamed
-Andean condor flying

Dev Notes:
-wow you read the dev notes.

and @JoltEffect with Thermal Solars
JoltEffect said:
Thermal Solars for MineCraft 1.11.2

Initial Beta release b1.0

Fully custom-able via config to aid Pack developers with balance.

I recommend JEI for recipes overview.

Yes you can use this is your modpack!.

Simple tier'ed Solar Panels

  • T1 Generates 16RF/t Transfers 32RF/t
  • T2 Generates 32RF/t Transfers 64RF/t
  • T3 Generates 64RF/t Transfers 128RF/t
  • T4 Generates 128RF/t Transfers 256RF/t
  • T5 Generates 256RF/t Transfers 512RF/t
  • T6 Generates 512RF/t Transfers 1024RF/t
  • Lunar T1 Generates 8RF/t Transfers 32RF/t
  • Lunar T2 Generates 16RF/t Transfers 64RF/t
  • Lunar T3 Generates 32RF/t Transfers 128RF/t

and @McJty with In Control!
McJty said:
This is a simple mod that gives you full control on where mobs are allowed to spawn. It is based on a rule system. The rule files are located in config/incontrol.

There are currently two rule files:

  • spawn.json: with this file you can block spawning of certain creatures under certain conditions. In addition, when a spawn is allowed you can also alter some of the properties of the mob like maximum health and others
  • potentialspawn.json: with this file you can add new spawn rules under certain conditions. The rules in this file are used before the rules in spawn.json are fired so make sure that when you add a rule for new mobs here, the new mobs are allowed in spawn.json
Spawn Control
In this section the rules in spawn.json are explained. Every rule is basically a set of 'criteria' and a set of 'actions'. The following criteria are currently supported:

  • minheight: this rule accepts an integer and indicates the minimum height (inclusive) at which this rule will fire. This height is the y level at which the mob would spawn
  • maxheight: same as minheight but this represents the maximum y level
  • minlight: integer value (between 0 and 15) indicating the minimum light level on the block that the mob will spawn on
  • maxlight: maximum light level
  • minspawndist: floating point number indicating the minimum distance (in minecraft units) to the 0,0,0 location in the world
  • maxspawndist: maximum distance to spawn
  • mintime: integer value representing the time of the day (a number between 0 and 23999)
  • maxtime: maximum time of the day
  • mindifficulty: floating point value representing the local difficulty of the place where the mob will spawn. This is a number between 0 and 4
  • maxdifficulty: maximum local difficulty
  • difficulty: a string with one of the following values: easy, normal, hard, peaceful
  • weather: a string with one of the following values: rain or thunder
  • tempcategory: a string with one of the following values: cold, medium, warm, or ocean. This represents the temperature category of the current biome
  • hostile: a boolean that matches hostile mobs
  • passive: a boolean that matches passive mobs
  • seesky: a boolean that is true if the block on which the mob will spawn can see the sky (not in a cave)
  • mob: this is either a single string or a list of strings. Every string is an ID for a mob. On 1.10.2 this has to be a name like 'Creeper', 'Skeleton', ... On 1.11.2 you can also use names like 'minecraft:creeper' and so on
  • mod: this is either a single string or a list of strings. Every string represents a mod id. By using this you can block spawns of certain mods
  • block: this is either a single string or a list of strings. Every string is in the form: modid:registryname. For example: minecraft:stone or minecraft:cobblestone. This represents the block on which the mob will spawn
  • biome: this is either a single string or a list of strings. This represents the biome in which the mob will spawn
  • dimension: this is either a single integer or a list of integers. This represents the dimension in which the mob will spawn
  • random: this accepts a floating point number and it will fire the rule if a random number is less then this number. So if you want to have a rule that fires with 10% chance then use 0.1 here
Then there are a number of actions. The most important action is 'result':

  • result: this is either 'deny', 'allow', or 'default'. Use 'deny' to block the spawn. If 'allow' is used then you can use any of the following actions:
  • healthmultiply: this is a floating point number representing a multiplier for the maximum health of the mob that is spawned. Using 2 here for example would make the spawned mob twice as strong.
  • healthadd: this is a floating point number that is added to the maximum health
  • speedmultiply: this is a floating point number representing a multiplier for the speed of the mob
  • speedadd: this is a floating point number that is added to the speed
  • damagemultiply: this is a floating point number representing a multiplier for the damage that the mob does
  • damageadd: this is a floating point number that is added to the damage
  • angry: this is a boolean that indicates if the mob will be angry at and/or target the nearest player. For zombie pigman this will make them angry at the player immediatelly. Same for enderman and wolves
  • potion: this is either a single string or a list of strings. Every string represents a potion effect which is indicated like this: <potion>,<duration>,<amplifier>. For example "minecraft:invisibility,10,1"
Additional Spawns
In this section the rules in potentialspawn.json are explained. Every rule is basically a set of criteria and then a list of additional mobs to spawn under those criteria. The following criteria as explained from spawn.json can also be used here: mintime, maxtime, minlight, maxlight, minheight, maxheight, minspawndist, maxspawndist, random, mindifficulty, maxdifficulty, seesky, weather, tempcategory, difficulty, block, biome, and dimension.

Then every mob entry has the following attributes:

  • mob: an entity name in the form Creeper, Skeleton, ... for (1.10.2) and optionally the notation modid:name for 1.11.2
  • weight: an integer indicating the weight of this spawn. i.e. how important it is compared to other spawns
  • groupcountmin: the minimum amount of mobs to spawn at once
  • groupcountmax: the minimum amount of mobs to spawn at once

This mod has the following commands:

  • ctrlreload: after editing the rule file you can use this command to reload it and reapply the new rules
  • ctrldebug: dumps debug info about spawning in the log. Warning! This can produce a lot of output

Examples for spawn.json
Here are a few examples for spawn.json:

The first example allows only spawns in plains biomes. All other spawns are prevented:

"biome": "Plains",
"result": "allow"
"result": "deny"

Only allow creepers, skeletons and passive mobs:

"mob": ["Creeper", "Skeleton"],
"result": "allow"
"passive": true,
"result": "allow"
"result": "deny"

Disallow hostile mob spawns above 50. Below 50 only allow spawns on stone and cobblestone:

"minheight": 50,
"hostile": true,
"result": "deny"
"maxheight": 50,
"block": ["minecraft:stone", "minecraft:cobblestone"],
"result": "allow"
"result": "deny"

Make all mobs on the surface very dangerous. Underground there is a small chance of spawning invisible but weak zombies:

"seasky": true,
"hostile": true,
"result": "allow",
"healthmultiply": 2,
"damagemultiply": 2,
"speedmultiply": 2
"seasky": false,
"random": 0.1,
"mob": "Zombie",
"result": "allow",
"healthmultiply": 0.5,
"potion": "minecraft:invisibility,10000,1"

Examples for potentialspawn.json
Here are some examples for potentialspawn.json:

This example makes blazes spawn in the overworld but only on netherack:

"dimension": 0,
"block": "minecraft:netherack",
"mobs": [
"mob": "Blaze",
"weight": 5,
"groupcountmin": 1,
"groupcountmax": 2


This mod can be freely used in any modpack.
In Control! has been updated to 3.0.0. This new version supports three different rule files: one for controlling when mobs are allowed to spawn and give them attributes, one for adding and removing mob spawn entries from the world also based on conditions and one for altering loot. The documentation has also been updated. This mod is for 1.10.2 and 1.11.2:


Have fun!
new day, new update, and today it's @tterrag1098 with Ender IO
tterrag1098 said:
Ender IO 1.10.2-3.1.162 - EXPERIMENTAL!
  1. Modified Molten Ender Teleport (commit: 5ad7463) — noreply / githubweb
  2. Update BlockFluidEio.java (commit: 9b7e262) — noreply / githubweb
  3. Added Chisel&Bits integration as far as it works (commit: 3fb8277) — Henry Loenwind / githubweb
  4. Fixed VAT texture being misaligned (commit: b1339b7) — Henry Loenwind / githubweb
  5. Added integration for Tinkers weapons in the Killer Joe (commit: 1b85d48) — Henry Loenwind / githubweb
  6. Check ToolUtil for equipped tool rather than just YetaWrench Item (commit: 8b45d20) — x / githubweb
  7. Made Ender Fluid teleporting more like Ender Pearl teleporting (commit: 5d25254) — Henry Loenwind / githubweb
  8. Added special workaround for IC2 (commit: df58f97) — Henry Loenwind / githubweb
  9. Fix Wireless Charger not telling anyone about its work (commit: 9748bff) — Henry Loenwind / githubweb
  10. Removed unused part of CapBank GUI texture (commit: 8b102b5) — Henry Loenwind / githubweb
  11. Fixed capacitor recipe (commit: b73d016) — Henry Loenwind / githubweb
  12. Removed extremely expensive Thermal Expansion compatibility code (commit: 6ccbb71) — Henry Loenwind / githubweb
  13. Cleaned up redstone signal handling (Note: Default mode for conduits has been changed to "always off") (commit: e1d19be) — Henry Loenwind / githubweb
  14. Removed unused imports (commit: a497182) — Henry Loenwind / githubweb
  15. Added caching for conduit redstone levels (commit: 4771a4e) — Henry Loenwind / githubweb
  16. Re-implemented facaded conduit sounds (commit: 0f280fe) — Henry Loenwind / githubweb
  17. Cleaned up light opacity code of conduits a bit (commit: cc53380) — Henry Loenwind / githubweb
  18. Fixed e1d19be364aa004776933607f72415cd3ea43a40 (commit: 1145d7b) — Henry Loenwind / githubweb
  19. Changed paint storage to use blockstate names instead of id+meta (commit: 688f968) — Henry Loenwind / githubweb
  20. Fixed conduit sounds (commit: 2d34a42) — Henry Loenwind / githubweb
  21. Fix conduit opacity not being seen by the game (commit: 3e25dc6) — Henry Loenwind / githubweb
  22. Restore 1.7 break animation on conduits, only animates targeted conduit (commit: 0d01f64) — tterrag1098 / githubweb
  23. Clean up item conduit info text grammar and layout (commit: a646fbb) — tterrag1098 / githubweb
  24. Allow right clicking alloy smelter mode button (commit: 1053cb7) — tterrag1098 / githubweb
  25. Allow right clicking capacitors directly into machines (commit: 3dd9a5e) — tterrag1098 / githubweb
  26. Avoid unnecessary model caching during conduit breaking animation (commit: 28e477e) — tterrag1098 / githubweb
  27. 1.11-ify the capacitor insertion code (commit: 747d1c2) — tterrag1098 / githubweb
  28. Hotfix for missing conduit registration (commit: 7e4e7f6) — Henry Loenwind / githubweb
  29. Loosened Conduit coupling (commit: 1681278) — Henry Loenwind / githubweb
  30. Lowered copying quality of facade paint recipe (commit: 8e0ac90) — Henry Loenwind / githubweb

and @lumien with Random Things
Lumien said:
Random Things 1.11.2-3.7.9
  • Added: Recipe for the Magnetic Enchantment in the Ender IO Enchanter
  • Added: Config Option for Ender Anchor Chunk Loading
  • Changed: Right Clicking the Spectre Core now makes you leave your Spectre Cube
  • Fixed: Tree Growth replacing Fertilized Dirt with vanilla dirt
  • Fixed: Spectre Anchor having issues with other mods that try to keep items in the players inventory after death
  • Fixed: Returning Block of Sticks not going to the closest Player
Properly updated to 1.11.2

and @BluSunrize with Immersive Engineering
BluSunrize said:
Immersive Engineering 0.10 - 55
- re-added the Bottling Machine! It bottles things up, like fluids and emotions!
- added indicative scrollbars to the manual
- added nullcheck to guard against malformed sound events
- added a login check to synchronizing Excavator data
- added a config option for hte drop weight of Hemp Seeds
- changed IC2 compat to no longer load with IC2 classic
- changed permission levels on comamnds to allow "/cie resetrenders" for everyone
- fixed Minetweaker and JEI integration. Arc Furnace reduced to a single categroy, I'm afraid.
- fixed Automatic Workbench using Pair from JavaFX
- fixed null-master exceptions for Multiblocks
- fixed rotations of wooden blocks (Gunpowder Barrel, Item Router)
- fixed GUI of the Item Router
- fixed SideOnly exceptions triggered by Chisel&Bits
- fixed Withers dropping Lootbags. They really shouldn't anymore.
- fixed world loading caused by connection persistence and validation (thanks Dogboy21)
- fixed Crusher not collecting drops from low-health entities
- fixed Assembler and Metal Press not reorienting conveyors when broken

and @desht with Modular Routers
desht said:
Modular Routers 1.11.2-2.0.1
Rolled in all recent changes to the 1.10.2 line:

  • Routers can now place skulls
  • Added Puller Mk2 module to pull at a distance (up to 12 blocks, or 24 with range upgrades)
  • Added Blast Upgrade to make router immune to explosion damage and boss destruction
  • Increased default range of Sender Mk2 module (base: 16 -> 24, max 32 -> 48)
And a couple of changes not yet in the 1.10.2 line:

  • Added zh_CN translation
  • Couple of minor bug fixes
new day, new update, and today it's @PuppetzMedia with Wearable Backpacks
PuppetzMedia said:
Wearable Backpacks
.. is a Minecraft mod which adds backpacks. But wait! It's not like anything you've seen before. Wearable Backpacks continues the legacy of BetterStorage's backpacks, and brings with it a beautifully designed and balanced alternative backpack option unlike any other!

"Backpacks are love. Backpacks are life." -asiekierka
"copy-who?" -MindlessPuppetz

What's so great?
  • There can be only one!
    Where other mods store the contents of a backpack on the item itself, WB doesn't. When a backpack is equipped, its contents are actually kept with the player itself. This also means it's impossible to carry around multiple backpacks that contain items.

  • Armor up, or storage up?
    With the default settings, backpacks will function as armor, taking up the chest armor equipment slot, protecting from as well as taking damage just like leather armor. This way, you have to choose between more protection or more storage. This is fully configurable, though, in case you don't like it.

  • Play with friends, share backpacks!
    Having a backpack on your back looks cool and all, but if only you could do something with that beauty. Well, lucky you! Other players (hopefully, without ill intentions) can open your backpack and borrow a pick and some torches on a mining trip. This only works as long as your back is facing towards them, though.

  • Dying is FUN!
    Sick of losing all your valuables when you make a small little misstep into the nearest pool of lava? Don't worry, the items inside your backpack will be... mostly safe. While the backpack itself is not immune to explosions or being broken by other players, after death it will gently place itself down near your point of failure, ready to be retrieved.

  • Dyeing is fun~!
    Backpacks can be colored using Minecraft's fantastic dyeing system. Unlike some silly mods that only allow the 16 base colors, with our pretties you can mix and match your dyes to customize them in any way you like!

  • Configuration Nation
    One aim of WB is to be incredibly configurable, allowing backpacks to be balanced, whether they're used in a personal hand-picked pack, a huge kitchen sink modpack or a deadly hardcore-massacre-of-doom experience with sprinkles on top.
Think of Wearable Backpacks backpacks as portable, wearable chests. After you've crafted one, simply place it on the ground and fill it with whatever you'd like to take with you. Next, sneak and break the backpack to equip it. You'll notice that equipping is faster than breaking.

Now that the backpack is where it belongs (your back), you can unequip it again by sneaking and right-clicking the ground with an empty hand (specifically, the top of a solid block).

Crafting Recipe
  • 7x Leather
  • 1x Gold Ingot
  • 1x Wool

Available right here through GitHub Releases.

License & Permissions
Wearable Backpacks is licensed under the MIT license, though feel free to consider it public domain. This applies to both the source code and releases, so you are free to redistribute, include in modpacks, modify, fork, release your own versions of this mod as much as you'd like.

If you want to contribute to this mod, do keep in mind that your contributions will be treated the same.

Authors: copygirl, asiekierka
Contributers: -
Localizations: -

Special thanks to ...
  • asiekierka for in general being an amazing friend, and letting me use Charset as a reference, which was so useful he's getting an honorable co-author mention. ❤
  • The Penguins' Revenge server for encouraging me to rework / finish this mod.
Feature requests and bug reports belong on the issue tracker. For general inqueries, discussions and praise, you can contact copygirl directly at Twitter (@koppeh) or via email, but you're also very welcome to join our little community's IRC channel (#obsidian on Esper.net) and Discord guild.

In the event that this mod becomes self-aware, we are not responsible for any damage it causes.

Posting with permissions from copygirl


and @Zundrel with Simply Conveyors & More
Zundrel said:
Simply Conveyors & More 1.4.2
This is the equivalent of Simply Conveyors version 2.1.2 for Minecraft 1.11.


  • Added downwards conveyor ramps. Can be crafted. You can switch between up and down mode with your stairs by shift-clicking on them with a wrench.

and @Echo__x with Ztones Reloaded
Echo__x said:
Ztones Reloaded is an official 1.10.2 port of the popular mod Ztones. It adds hundreds of futuristic and decorative blocks.






  • Simplified recipes
  • Chisel Support
  • All original Ztones textues
  • Mouse wheel scrolling
  • Imgur Album

This version only includes the original decorative blocks from Ztones and does currently not include any of the tools or items. These may be added in a future release if the demand is there.

Ported with permission from original mod author riciJak.

Future textures will be developed by both RiciJak & oliviaoliviason

You are free to use Ztones Reloaded in your mod pack but please leave a comment here with a link to your pack and credit us with a link back to this site.

and @Phylogeny with Extra Bit Manipulation
Phylogeny said:
Extra Bit Manipulation 1.10.2-2.3.1

  • Restricted minim Chisels & Bits version to 12.11
  • Added sculpting shape placement offset mode for spades.
  • Added JEI info pages for sculpting and modeling, and description pages for bit tools, throwing bits, and editing chisel designs.
  • Added ability to throw bits like snowballs:
    • They can also be deployed from vanilla dispensers.
    • Upon block collision, they place in the world, if possible. If not possible (or if thrown at entities) they drop as items.
    • If not disabled via config, bits with a martial of lava ignite blocks/entities and bit with a martial of water extinguish them.
    • The damage amount, entity burn time (for lava bits), velocity, and inaccuracy of thrown bits are also configurable.


  • C&B API bug fixes; When sculpting or wrenching blocks:
    • Client-server desync no longer occurs.
    • There is no longer a prominent flash of transparency as blocks convert to chiseled blocks.
    • There is no longer a potential for all blocks to become transparent until the client is restarted.
  • Fixed bug where pressing the C&B radial menu key would crash if bound to non-standard key.
  • Fixed potential for NPE when finding random points in blocks to spawn bits in.
  • Fixed bounding box rendering bug with wires in local mode.
  • Removed framerate-dependence of Bit Wrench overlay mirror/rotation/translation periods by using a stopwatch and setting their configs to milliseconds per cycle, rather than frames per cycle.
  • Replaced use of GL stencil buffer with GL scissors in the bit mapping GUI.
  • Remedied situation where other mods register diamond nuggets with the ore dictionary but don't add easily obtainable recipes for them (accomplished by registering with the ore dictionary and adding the recipes of 9 nuggets to a diamond and vice versa regardless of whether other mods do so), but added configs for disabling all three (defaults set to false).

Been working on a new thing, and I think it's going well so far!

For those who don't know what Consequence is, it's a mod that I've had bouncing around my head for the past year or so which gives mod-pack authors and the more technically inclined player, incredibly control over various aspects of the Minecraft game, without having to create a full-blown mod. It accomplishes this by exposing core parts of Minecraft and allowing them to be manipulated using the Lua scripting language

new day, new update, and today it's @sinkillerj with ProjectE
sinkillerj said:
ProjectE 1.10.2-PE1.2.0
###Version 1.10.2-PE1.2.0
* NOTICE: When reporting issues on the tracker please be sure to tag them as 1.10
* NEW: Pedestals can be toggled using redstone
* NEW: Swiftwolfs Rending Gale now has its mob launching and rain into thunder abilities
* NEW: Archangels Smite now has its arrow volley ability
* FIXED: Multiple block targeting issues
* FIXED: Default EMC files overwriting custom ones in some situations
* FIXED: Custom EMC values for invalid or removed items will be removed instead of crashing
* FIXED: Matter weapon cooldowns are now properly synced to the client
* FIXED: Relays are no longer craftable using a dirt block... Yea we really effed that one up...
* FIXED: Condensers no longer create damaged tools
* FIXED: Some BufferedReaders being left open
* FIXED: Ukrainian language file
* FIXED: A minor EMC calculation error with tools
* FIXED: World transmutation now works on the new stones from 1.8. Hard clay are carpet are also added
* FIXED: Dark Matter furnace no longer always doubles ores as this behavior is intended to be limited to the Red Matter variant
* CHANGE: Covalence Dust now adds a flat amount of EMC to the target during repairs. This change was made to make its usage less confusing and to facilitate future Repair Talisman enhancements
* CHANGE: Default EMC values for newer vanilla blocks have been adjusted
* CHANGE: Performance enhancements for ProjectE loot drops
* CHANGE: Backend inventory optimizations
* CHANGE: Chat text style handling has been updated to modern standards
* CHANGE: World transmutation highlight more accurately represents a blocks shape

and @Vazkii with Quark
Vazkii said:
Quark r1.2-75
- General: Added a Misc module and moved a few features from other modules to it. Check out what got moved on the new section in the site.
- General: Compressed more textures.
- General: Fixed entities not having properly localized names.
- Automation: Pistons can no longer break blocks with end rod unless the rod is directly adjacent to the piston that's pushing. This is a needed evil to fix dupe bugs.
- Misc: Added options to panorama screenshots to change the screenshot resolution and enable full resolution panoramas.
- Misc: Fixed Snow Golems only dropping their head when they DON'T have a pumpkin rather than when they do.
- Tweaks: Added maps rendering in inventory tooltips.
- Tweaks: Added villagers following players holding an emerald block.
- Tweaks: Disabled the pumpkin face texture override by default because it looked really weird when worn.
- Tweaks: Fixed recipes for reverting vanilla stairs not being registered.
- Vanity: Fixed boat sails not rendering.
- World: Changed the cave crystal textures to animated ones by /u/yukosgiti.

and @Bartz24 with Void Island Control
Bartz24 said:
Adds a world type for a "void" world that works for multiplayer and teams.

Choose the world type Void? World in single-player, or "voidworld" on servers.

Comes with 4 default island types that all have some customize configs and can enabled/disabled:

  • Grass
  • Sand
  • Snow
  • Wood

These island types work with Sky Resources (except for wood in the 1.10 version)

Customize some of the following configs:

  • Fill blocks for under the islands
  • Generate an overworld (and even with a single biome)
  • Cloud and horizon Y level
  • Island Y level, Size, Buffer Distance
  • Have a void nether dimension, and have portals link 1-1 to the overworld
  • One Chunk Mode on 1 island
  • Starter Empty Chest
  • Starting Inventory
The /island command has many sub-commands.

  • create (optional int/string)[type] - The create command creates a new island at a position in the world.
  • invite [player] - The invite command has another player join your island. They can't be on another island already.
  • leave - The leave command has you leave the island you're on, go to spawn, and clears the inventory. If you are the last person on the island, the island can't be claimed again.
  • home - The home command teleports the player back to their home island, but has to be by default 500 blocks away.
  • spawn - The spawn command teleports the player to spawn.
  • reset (optional int/string)[type] - The reset command clears the island, the inventory, and starts brand new like the create command does.
  • onechunk - The onechunk command creates a world border of one chunk size at spawn and resets spawn. This command is disabled by default and has to be changed in the config.

and @sargunster with Level Up HP
sargunster said:
Level Up HP is a mod that adds RPG style HP upgrades. As you kill mobs, you will gain HP-XP, which will eventually give you additional hearts of health. Players can use the /hp command to check their HP-LVL progress. The mod is designed with mod packs and servers in mind; so it's fully configurable. You can configure the starting and maximum HP, the HP-XP requirements to level up, the HP-XP penalty on death, whether to reset HP-LVL on death, and more! There's also the /luhp command, which allows ops to manage HP-XP and HP-LVL for all players.

This mod requires ShadowMC and Forgelin.

This mod is licensed under Apache 2.0, so you're free to include it in modpacks. While not required, I'd prefer it if you let me know when you add this mod to a modpack or use it on a public server.

I'm open to suggestions for new features. You should post them either in the comments here or on the issue tracker.

and @115kino with Aether Legacy
115kino said:
Aether Legacy 1.3

-Skyroot tool ability

-Slider's eyes now glow

-Double drop metadata

-Holiday generation re-added
-Swets now have correct drops

-Sheepuff now have a step sound

-Can mid-air jump with flying cows

-Golden amber now drop oak trees

-Gravitite tool ability now functions

-Hostile mob spawning slightly decreased

-Poison dart recipe crafts poison darts now

-Fixed crash with feeding aechor petals to a moa

-Slider now has all the sounds that it was missing

-Fixed Swets with being able to non-living entities

-Gravitite tool ability now gives you the correct drops

-Fixed some loot drops being unobtainable due to randomization

-Achievement jingle spam from achieving achievements before their prerequisite removed

Sponge Servers:
Blueberry bushes now drop blueberries


-Minor coding typos

-Enchanter renamed to Altar

-Zephyr snowball life is doubled

-Aether portals now have particles

-Aerclouds now have correct coloring

-Sky color changed from blue to lavander blue

-Skyroot trees now spawn twice as much as before

-Dungeon keys invulnerable to fire and explosions

-Sentry's no longer instantly explode when spawned

-Block hardness changed to be more to the original versions of Aether I

-Blueberry stems no longer have have a hitbox as to avoid getting stuck


-Added nature staff recipe

Removed Content:

-Phoenix Tools

-Platinum Key

-Aerwhale Egg

-Hammer of Jeb

and @gudenau with Clear Jukebox
gudenau said:
Simply adds a few jukeboxes.


new day, new update, and today it's @RWTema with Extra Utilities
RWTema said:
Extra Utilities 2 - 1.10.2 - 1.2.0
- Added Terraformer and Climograph system to change nearby biomes
- Added Biome marker to store biome information. Right click to store current biome.
- Added a config option to /xu_powersharing GUI to enable/disable other players form accessing your XU2 inventories (disabled by default)
- Biome markers can be placed in Quantum Quarry to specify biome (including nether/end biomes)
- Added a temporary crafting recipe for moon stone until the world gen is unbroken.
- Rewrote large sections of code to aid transition to 1.11+. Bugs have likely been introduced so this version will likely not be stable.

and @Raven2396 with Ex Nihilo Omnia
Raven2396 said:
Ex Nihilo Omnia 1.2.6
Fixed duplication glitch with the EnderIO SAG mill and ores


The old infested leaves renderer was very laggy and the bane of many peoples computers. This version changes the default rendering to a much less fancy, but more performance friendly version. It can be changes back to the original in the config.

and @TheMonstersAndDungeonsModTeam with Monsters and Dungeons
TheMonstersAndDungeonsModTeam said:



Spoiler (click to hide)
Download Alpha (1.10.2):

You can spawn the main dungeon in creative using the "exit block". Otherwise, the dungeon can be found under ground any biome except oceans.

[Please report any bugs you find. It helps us fix them and, in turn, offer you a better experience.]


Spoiler (click to hide)


Spoiler (click to hide)



Spoiler (click to hide)



and @Alsender with Earthworks
Alsender said:
Earthworks 1.11.2-1.0.0
TIMBER! Update

Timber Framed Wattle and Daub
Timber Framed Lath and Plaster

Timber walls, slabs, stairs

Texture Variants to:
Adobe Bricks
Dry Fitted Stone
Lath and Plaster

Wattle and Daub


Walls showing up twice in creative/JEI

Dry Fitted Stone texture. Tell me what you think about it. I'm still not sure I'm happy with it yet.
Thatch texture

and @csb987 with Villager Inventory Viewer
csb987 said:
This mod adds an to small features relating to Villager inventories - a GUI so you can see what they're carrying and add and remove items, and an option to let them drop their inventory items when they die.

Access Villager's Inventories!
Right-click on a villager while holding shift to open a GUI to see what they're carrying, and add and remove items between their inventory and yours.
Kill Them and Get Their Stuff!
With this mod, when a villager is killed by a player, they'll drop their inventory as items into the world.
Both these features can be enabled or disabled using an in-game configuration menu.
For more information, please visit the Minecraft Forum thread:

and @elucent with Roots
elucent said:
Roots 2-0.008

- Pyre -- use this to cast Rituals

- Knives -- break logs with them to get bark

- Hammers -- slow weapons, can break most blocks effectively, can also be used in some recipes

- A Ritual system, for large area of effect over-time magical effects

- Ritual of Life -- grows nearby crops and boosts mob regeneration

- Ritual of the Storm -- causes rain, extinguishes all nearby mobs

- Ritual of Fire Storms -- rains down fire around the ritual

- Ritual of the Wind Wall -- keeps away monsters with a blast of wind

- Ritual of Regrowth -- grows out existing forests and grows grass and flowers

- Ritual of Light -- ends rain, burns nearby undead creatures, makes days longer, makes nights shorter

- A new crop, the Spirit Herb, based on nether materials

- New materials, dwindle dust and totem fragments, that can be crafted using a hammer

- Sprouts, a rare new passive mob which has three distinct color variants

- Barrows, a buried dungeon that can spawn skeletons and zombies


- Default spawn rates for Roots 2 structures and mobs have been reduced

- All spawn rates are now configurable


- Moonlight circle not working after the first night in a world

- Some awkward hut placement

- Duplication bugs using the mortar

- Tall grass smelting to thatch blocks, not straw as advertised

- Thatch blocks being broken instantly

- Powder pouch filling recipes deleting items

- All custom IRecipes are now registered properly with the forge RecipeSorter

and @CreativeMD with OnlinePictureFrame
CreativeMD said:
NOTE: It requires CreativeCore as well

This mod allows you to pick any picture of the internet and bring it to minecraft. You can choose the size, rotate or flip it. You can do basically everything.

No need for uploading files to the server (no need for storage) and no laggy server (no need for sending pictures to all clients). The idea is to copy a link from the internet and paste it into the frame. So all client will download the picture themselves, because nowadays everybody has internet, especially if he is playing on a server.

To add your own pictures, i recommend to use imgur or similar websites.

LittleTiles support

This mod also adds support for LittleTiles providing more freedom of placing your pictures everywhere you want to. You can also make a structure out of it.
new day, new update, and today it's @Torojima with Torojima's Buildhelper
Torojima said:
This mod adds different wand items to the game. These wands can be used for convenient and fast building of walls, filling of bodies of water of ditches and valleys, creating of islands and digging of shafts or removing of mountains.

I have created this mod for my own convenience. I have released it on special request. This mod will definitely screw up the game balance, so if you do not like it, don't use it. I do not recommend adding this mod to any servers, since it can be used to seriously screw up the game world in just two clicks. If used without caution, the items in this mod can kill the player in an instant and destroy every creation in a jiffy, there are no safety features whatsoever ... You have been warned!

The exchange wand does work correctly only for standard blocks. Special blocks with different types can produce some unexpected exchanges. For example flowers will only exchange correctly the basic vanilla flowers (roses and dandelions).

drackiseries has done a wonderful review.

Recipes and usage:
There are currently ten wands:

The recipes are in a diagonal line from bottom left to top right. A

gold nugget, a stick, and one item described below. (For example add a
cobble stone for the stone digger wand or a diamond shovel for the cube
digger wand. Special bottom items are mentioned.

Sand in Water Wand (sand on top, water bucket on bottom)
Universal Fill Wand (diamond)
Exchange Wand (diamond on top, emerald on bottom)
Dirt Fill Wand (dirt)
Iron Ore Fill Wand (iron ore)
Cobble Fill Wand (cobble)
Stone Fill Wand (stone)
Cube Digger Wand (diamond shovel)
Air Wand (iron shovel)
Gap Filler Wand (emerald)
Water Filler Wand (bucket of water)

Remove Water Wand (bucket)

* The Sand in Water Wand can be used to fill bodies of water with sand. If a block next to water is clicked, block of sand will be created above the water falling into the water and filling it to the level of the clicked block. Click a block next to water on top and every coordinate around it will be filled in this way.

* Universal fill wand can be used to fill gaps with any block. Click on an block and the block type is noted, second click will remember the coordinate and the third click will fill every block between the second and third clicked blocks with the block of the first click.

* Exchange wand can be used to exchange a block type against another in a set area. First click will determine the block you want to have, second click will determine which blocks you want to have exchanged, third click will remember the coordinate and fourth and final click will exchange all blocks set by the first click with the blocks set by the second click.

* Dirt Fill Wand is used to fill the space between two blocks with dirt. First click will store the coordinate, second click will fill the area between first and second click with dirt blocks.

* Cobble Fill Wand same as the Dirt fill Wand, except the filled in block is cobble stone.

* Stone Fill Wand, same as the Dirt fill Wand, except the filled in block is smooth stone.

* Cube Digger Wand, if a block is clicked it will remove the blocks from a 3x3x3 area in the direction of the click.

* Air Wand, is used to remove all blocks in a selected area. The first click will store the coordinate, second click will remove all blocks in the area between first and second click.

* Gap Filler Wand, is used to fill all gaps in an area with a selected block type. The first click will select the clicked block type, second click will store the coordinate and the third click will fill all gaps (air blocks) in the area between second and third click with the block selected with the first click.

* Water Filler Wand, is used to fill all gaps in an area with water. The first click will store the coordinate, the second click will fill all gaps (air blocks) in the area between the first and second click with water.

* Remove Water Wand, is used to remove wate. The first click will store the coordinate, the second click will remove all water blocks in the area between the first and second click.

Building limits for the fill wands are 1000 blocks in x and z direction and 300 blocks in y direction. If these limits are exceded, the wand will be reset. (I have implemented this to prevent overloading the system by to many exchanges, don't know if this is actually needed, but to be on the save side. Eventually I'll put this into the config file, so if somebody has the need to exchange more than 300.000.000 blocks at once can do so...)

The wands should not be able to remove or exchange bedrock.

Create an island:
Build a pillar from bottom of the sea to the surface somewhere in the ocean. Click on any block on the ocean floor, click onto the top block of the pillar and instantly fill the x, y and z coordinates between the two clicked block with respective blocks. Use smooth stone for the bottom and dirt for the top three layers.

Fill valleys:
If you want a flat surface for building projects, use the dirt filler block and fill valleys layer for layer until the valley is filled.

Remove hills and mountains:
From top to the desired level, build parallel shafts right next to each other with the digger wand, thus removing the hill...

Build a house:
Build a pillar in the desired hight of the house. Click the top of the pillar and one block on the bottom to create a wall. Repeat for all four walls, now with a block on the top side of the last wall. Remove blocks in the walls for windows and doors. Add two blocks at the level of the desired floors in the corners opposite of each other and fill in a floor by clicking one after the other.


and @RWTema with Extra Utilities
RWTema said:
Extra Utilities 2 - 1.11.2 - 1.2.0
Initial port to 1.11.2.

This is functionally identical to the '1.10.2-1.2.0' version except Tinkers Construct integration has been removed (since TCon hasn't updated yet).

This 1.11.2 jar is not backwards compatible with 1.10.2 or below. I'll continue to support 1.10.2 with separate jar uploads.

There are probably many subtle bugs left undiscovered so use at own risk.

Java 8 is still required.
Updated AbyssalCraft (1.8.9) (1.9) (1.9.4) (1.10.2) (1.11.2) to
  • Demon Animals now starts spreading fire if they get in contact with any source of fire
  • Something happens if you use Shears on Evil Animals
  • Improved the rendering of the Visage of The Depths overlay (should fix any rendering issues regarding it)
  • A fully usable ritual formation no longer generates along with the Temple of J'zahar (you have to do the Necronomcion part)
  • Applying the Coralium and Dread enchantments through rituals works now
  • Improved cave and ravine generation in the Abyssal Wasteland and the Dreadlands
  • Caves and ravines now generate in the Dark Realm
  • Reduced the amount of smoke Shadow mobs emit while inside the Dark Realm
  • Shadow mobs (and Lesser Shadow Shoggoths) are all translucent
  • When a Lesser Shoggoth spawns a child, the child will be of the same type as the parent
  • Added a config option for setting whether or not Lesser Shoggoths should have a chance of spawning in the Overworld
  • Added Crystal Fragments (even smaller pieces of Crystallized Elements)
  • Set proper map colors for the various blocks
  • Shadow mobs now have a chance of spawning in all Darklands biomes (but they're still more common in the mountains)
  • Changed some internal code for the Essence of The Gatekeeper Item Entity (fixes crashes with Extra Utilities 2) (1.9+)
  • The Dreadlands Grass now has the correct bottom and particle texture (1.9+)
  • Mob spawning in the Dreadlands should be more frequent, while mob spawning in the Abyssal Wasteland should be a bit less frequent
  • Lesser Shoggoths no longer spread a layer of ooze below the layer they've already spread
  • Applied the correct colors for the last 8 Crystal Clusters (1.10.2+)
  • Fixed numerous crafting recipes for crystal items/blocks (1.10.2+)
  • Changed the color palette for the Darklands biomes (now uses a indigo-esque color instead of the previous purple)
  • Made the color of the various Darkstone blocks a shade bluer
  • The foliage color in the Abyssal Wasteland now matches the color of the Fused Abyssal Sand
  • Removed the random blindness from the Darklands biomes
  • Lowered the height at which Items placed on Altars/Pedestals are rendered
  • Updated a bunch of pictures in the Necronomicon (anything involving either Darkstone or the Darklands)
  • Remnants no longer say 2 insults at once, and no longer tell you they're busy when you initialize a trade with one (1.9+)
  • Added an API hook to enable Gateway Keys to function in any dimension registered there
  • The Darklands Oak and Dreadlands Tree are less randomized, and taller in general
  • Increased the amount of Darklands Oaks that generate in Darklands Forests
  • Replaced the Darklands Oak Log texture with a different animation and darkened both the Log and Plank textures
  • The Ritual of Fertility now also targets Rabbits
  • Added a config option to change the opacity of the overlay displayed when wearing the Visage of The Depths
  • Re-balanced armor smelting recipes to match Vanilla's (for AbyssalCraft armor) (1.11.2 only)
  • Now runs on Forge (1.11.2 only)
new day, new update, and today it's @Shadow_Hawk with Omniscience
Shadow_Hawk said:
See invisible creatures and players!


  • Enable/disable viewing invisible entities as partially transparent.
  • Enable/disable viewing invisible players as partially transparent.
  • Allow access to Highlight Players keybind in any game mode (normally only available in spectator mode).
How to Install:

    1. Install LiteLoader.
    2. Download the .litemod file for your version of Minecraft and save it into your version's mod folder.
      (e.g. .minecraft/mods/1.11.2).

  1. Run the Minecraft client.
  2. Configuration options are all located in the LiteLoader panel, which can be found via the small tab along the right edge of the screen at the in-game menus.
Old Download Links:



An invisible player and their invisible baby wolf.



* Unplanned feature added while investigating Spectator gamemode possibilities: Player Highlight keybind.

* Compatibility with MC/LL 1.8.
v1.0.1 (backport of fixes from upcoming 1.1.0 release)
* Permissions inclusion fix.
* Entity-type differentiation fix.
* Configuration saving fix.
* Initial release.

Source Code:
All source code is publicly available on GitHub.

For the best visibility, all bug reports and feature requests can be submitted on GitHub here. You may also submit them here as comments, but GitHub is strongly preferred.

and @61352151511 with Supply Drop
61352151511 said:
At midnight of each night, every player within the world will have a chest appear at their location. They must kill this non-hostile chest in order for it to drop its loot. The loot dropped is random loot that could be found within naturally generated structures. If in the nether it will come from Nether forts, if in the end, it will come from end cities. The overworld will randomly choose from any one of its naturally generated structures such as dungeons, mineshafts, strongholds, or villages, and drop one random stack. Some days you may get lucky and get an enchanted golden apple, while others you may receive sand.


and @TrinaryLogic with Muon
TrinaryLogic said:
Muon is a Forge mod for Minecraft versions 1.9 to 1.11 inspired by Quark. Its primary focus is to improve and enhance Villages in keeping with the style and spirit of Vanilla Minecraft.


Muon is by nature a CoreMod. This means it hooks parts of the minecraft source in ways not usually required by Minecraft mods and is therefore is limited to a specific range of Minecraft versions. Versions for newer versions of minecraft may become available as we start playing them. :)

Every aspect of this mod has been given a config option so you can tweak it to your heart's delight and use as much or as little of it as you wish.

Generally the config options that fix deficiencies in Vanilla default to True, and setting all options to False will revert to pure vanilla behaviour. Options that significantly enhance or change vanilla mechanics need to be enabled explicitly. The default settings should result in improved vanilla world generation and gameplay without adding anything new.

Current features are:

  • A fix for vertical building placement in villages to eliminate the all too common problem of inaccessible elevated or buried doors.
  • A fix for "broken" terrain around villages, ensuring paths are always accessible within a village and don't drop off the side of mountains.
  • Alternate code for path generation to make them look a bit better, and also create simple bridges across small rivers.
  • Code to ensure scattered features like temples and igloos are always accessible. Igloos would sometimes spawn *INSIDE* hills.
  • No change in the number of randoms taken from the seed pool, so your world seeds still generate the same world!
Future development direction is intended to add tweaks to the mechanics of villagers, and add additional villager types for miners and foresters.


All commited code has had rudimentary testing, but has not yet been given significant exercise in the real world of multiplayer minecraft.

If you want to use it in a modpack you are most welcome to with proper attribution, but given the ALPHA state of the mod please keep in mind that you will bear full responsibility for all support as a result of doing so.

Development news and notice of other mods by us will be listed on http://mc.izno.gd/

Also, dropping us a note to tell us where you're using it would be most appreciated! Send us a link and we might check it out! :)
new day, new update, and today it's @OreCruncher with Dynamic Surroundings
OreCruncher said:
Dynamic Surroundings 1.11.2-

What's New!

  • Use Minecraft's footprint particle to leave a footprint trail as the player walks. The footprints will fade after a short period of time. Soft blocks (sand, dirt, grass, etc) will have footprints; hard blocks (stone, sandstone, etc) will not.
  • Started EnderIO block/item support.

  • Walking on EnderIO conduits should no longer crash the client. Should fix walking on other blocks that do not use one of the standard Minecraft material types.

  • Separate armor footwear sound overlay from main body. There will now be two overlays: overlay from the chest/leggings slot, and the foot. This will provide further variation if a player wears mixed sets of armor and allows for more footfall sound accents due to armor.
  • Added new Medium armor class. The Minecraft chainmail is in this class.
  • Implemented config file versioning. This will allow me to reset various options as needed.

and @MrRiegel with Crop-Eating Animals
MrRiegel said:
It's not necessary anymore to breed animals manually.

They will harvest the crops (and replant them) when they are ready to make love.

With the new configs you can easily build a crop farm.

Only required on server.

and @Orange1861 with Improved Villagers
Orange1861 said:
Improved Villagers 2.0.1
Major update.

Adds the Village Generator that was added to Configuable Villagers.

Changes the config file to use 0 and 1 instead of booleans since booleans are broken.

Adds a villager that replaces other villagers. These villagers have a name and you can rob them.

You can rob villagers now, by making a thieving nose, this will hurt villagers and give you emeralds, BUT, this will greatly hurt your village rep.
  • Like
Reactions: DreamMasterXXL
new day, new update, and today it's @TeamBRModding with Assisted Progression
TeamBRModding said:

Assisted Progression is a mod aimed at helping you throughout your modded Minecraft journey. While the mod does not have its own "tech tree" or "progression"; you may find that it has many tools that will help you in other mods. This is the goal of this mod and will continue to be the main goal going forward.

All Information about blocks and items are available on the Wiki.

Dyonovan and I (pauljoda) have always wanted a grab bag mod to just implement little ideas without the need to fit it into a bigger project. This project is open ended and many things can be added. You may find machines, tools, items and maybe even mobs. Who knows?

This mod requires the Bookshelf API also developed by our team. Make sure you have that downloaded

Requires Bookshelf API.

and @Davenonymous with Open Computers Refined Storage Driver
Davenonymous said:
OpenComputers + Refined Storage = ❤️

Allows OpenComputers to access Refined Storage grid nodes via Adapters. Just a toy project ✈️ for my own usage.

Known Issues
  • This is currently unrestricted, i.e. you can export items using just a cable - and fast. I'll probably restricted this in the future to Interfaces and Export Buses, but for now it is what it is.
  • You can not request crafting jobs at the moment.
  • No Fluid export at the moment.

Available Commands
Method Description
isConnected() Returns whether the grid node is connected to a network
getEnergyUsage() Returns the energy usage of the whole network in RS/tick
getCraftingTasks() Returns a list of crafting tasks the system has currently queued
getPatterns() Returns a list of all crafting patterns in the network
hasPattern(itemstack) Returns true if the system has a pattern for the given itemstack
getItems() Returns a list of all itemstacks stored in the network
getFluids() Returns a list of all fluid stacks stored in the network
extractItem(itemstack, amount, side) Extracts the given amount of itemstack to the specified side and returns the number of transfered items.
Drop all items you got more than 8192 of
Place a Trash Can below an interface connected to an OpenComputers Adapter.

local component = require("component")
local sides = require("sides")

local rs = component.block_refinedstorage_interface

local limit = 8192
local side = sides.down

for i,stack in ipairs(rs.getItems()) do
while(stack.size > limit) do
local dropped = rs.extractItem(stack, stack.size - limit, side)
stack.size = stack.size - dropped
if(dropped < 1) then

and @CreativeMD with LittleTiles
CreativeMD said:
LittleTiles v1.3.3 mc1.10.2
Added support for Chisels and Bits convertion

Fixed landing particles

and @456Xander with Fancy Battleaxes
456Xander said:
Fancy Battleaxes is a minecraft mod adds battle axes with really nice 32x textures.

The Battleaxes can be used as normal axes, but are a bit slower. Therefore they have a higher attack damage. In pre 1.9. Battleaxes deal 0.5 damage more than swords and in since 1.9. they deal about 2 damage more than the axes, but have an even lower attack speed.

Currently this mod features Battlaxes made of iron, gold and diamond, but I plan to also add some non vanilla materials. If you have any suggestions for new materials, feel free to leave a comment.



Note for Modpack Creators:

You are completely free to use this mod in your modpack.

Fancy Battleaxes is currently available for minecraft version 1.7.10, 1.8.9, 1.9.4, 1.10, 1.11
new day, new update, and today it's @thebest108 with Valkyrien Warfare
thebest108 said:
Valkyrien Warfare is an airships mod that aims to succeed where all other mods have failed. Unlike mods before this, Valkyrien Warfare incorporates world regions, GJK ray-trace collision, and a custom (in house) Physics Engine designed to make your airship experience as realistic, and enjoyable as possible.

It supports players walking on ships, rotation on all 3 axes, perfect block interaction (semi-perfect with other mods), SMP support, Multi-Threaded collision physics, and really whatever you can think of.

Its a labor of love, coming directly from all fans of airship combat in Minecraft, we hope you enjoy it.

Gifs and Photos:

Looks Great with Shaders:


Explosion Physics:


Airship Control:


Support for Massive Airships:

We also have an official discord:


Come whenever to suggest features, report bugs,

or just to plain hang out

Open Sourced on Github: https://github.com/BigBastard/Valkyrien-Warfare-Revamped

Support me on Patreon:


and @EPIIC_THUNDERCAT with Tameable Mobs
Tameable Mobs allows you to tame replicas of Minecraft mobs.

When using the correct item on a Minecraft mob it will convert it into a replica "Tameable Mobs : Sheep" when the sheep is tamed it will follow you, protect you by attacking anything that threatens you. When Tamed, they will act like a normal Minecraft mob but will have more health!

Create an army of Sheep! Attack your friends with Chickens! Lead an ARMY of Iron Golems! LeaD a Militia of The Undead!

Troll your friends with tamed CREEPERS!

The mod is still being very much worked on, some mobs may not work correctly at times (the bat, guardian, etc.)


In order to make the bad creatures tameable without using extremely advanced coding I had to tweak them a lot, as of now Many unfriendly mobs do not despawn when you set your world to Peaceful! this will be fixed in a later update!!

This Mod Also Adds Items, Book is WIP, and More!

99% of Mobs have babies! Baby Blaze! Baby Shulker!?! whaat?!

Full Information Guide!

Spoiler (click to hide)
The Polar Bear:
Larger than the average polar bear, Attacks entities using Melee, Has a baby
Can Be Tamed With: Fish

Can Be Healed With: Fish
Can Be Breed With: Fish
The Bat:

The Bat is VERY hard to tame and sit, has a Baby, Shoots PEE! yes PEE as its attack, When the Owner is hit by pee The Owner gets Buffed!

Can Be Tamed With: Bug

Can Be Healed With: Bug
Can Be Breed With: Bug
The Bug?:
The Bug is an Entity added for the Bat! When you kill "The Bug" you get a "bug" (hmm makes sense right?) you use that bug to tame a bat! Passive, does not do much yet!
The Squid:
Fishy, Annoying, Water Mobs are some of the hardest to maintain, It does have a baby but the squid may not be as useful!

Can Be Tamed With: Ink Fish

Can Be Healed With: Ink Supplement (Ink Sak + Water Bottle = Ink Supplement)
Can Be Breed With: Fish
The Villager:


Can Be Tamed With: Emerald

Can Be Healed With: Emerald
Can Be Breed With: Emerald

The Witch:

When Tamed she will throw projectiles at your enemies! if the projectile hits you, you get the buffs!

Can Be Tamed With: Witch Compound (Stick + Redstone + Sugar + Glowstone = Ink Supplement)

Can Be Healed With: Sugar
Can Be Breed With: Glowstone
The Zombie:
The Zombie does follow the PeacefulMode Rules, Can be healed and tamed! Does a simple Melee Attack, dies in daytime! ROOFS SAVE LIVES - Zombies!

Can Be Tamed With: Rotten Flesh

Can Be Healed With: Rotten Flesh

Can Be Breed With: Rotten Flesh
The Spiders:
Creepy! Has babies, Will Protect you!

Can Be Tamed With: Spider Tamer

Can Be Healed With: String

Can Be Breed With: Fermented Spider Eyes
The Snowman:
Friendly as is, Take him around with you! He will melee attack and shoot snowballs for ya!

Can Be Tamed With: SnowBall

Can Be Healed With: SnowBall

Can Be Breed With: Pumpkin
The Slime:
Gross! Still, a bit buggy if you get near it, may bite you!

Can Be Tamed With: Slime Ball

Can Be Healed With: Slime Ball

Can Be Breed With: Slime Ball
The Skeleton:
Clink Clank! Get yourself a Boni Friend!

Can Be Tamed With: Bone

Can Be Healed With: Bone

Can Be Breed With: Bone
The Silverfish:
Nasty Little Creatures, But as an army! you can conquer the world!

Can Be Tamed With: Iron Ingot

Can Be Healed With: Iron Ingot

Can Be Breed With: Iron Ingot
The Shulker:
Little Boxes, Good Luck Getting Them to Follow You!(yes thats a bug..)

Can Be Tamed With: Ender Tamer

Can Be Healed With: Ender Pearl

Can Be Breed With: Ender Pearl

The Sheep:
Meehh Bahhh! The sheep are strong when feeling threatened! Get yourself a fuzzy buddy!
(sitting animation is bugged with wool!)

Can Be Tamed With: Taming Wheat

Can Be Healed With: Nutritious Wheat

Can Be Breed With: Wheat
The Rabbit:
Skippity Hop! The Rabbit are nice little creatures who protect you! love them.

Can Be Tamed With: Taming Carrot

Can Be Healed With: Nutritious Carrot

Can Be Breed With: Carrot, Golden Carrot, Yellow Flower
The Polar Bear:
A little larger than the average Polar Bear however, very fierce!

Can Be Tamed With: Fish

Can Be Healed With: Fish

Can Be Breed With: Fish
The Pig Zombie:
ERGGRR! Careful! they may not like being tamed?

Can Be Tamed With: Gold Ingot

Can Be Healed With: Rotten Flesh

Can Be Breed With: Gold Ingot
The Pig:


Can Be Tamed With: Taming Carrot

Can Be Healed With: Nutritious Carrot

Can Be Breed With: Carrot, Beet Root, Potato
The Mooshroom:
Cow with Mushrooms.

Can Be Tamed With: Taming Wheat

Can Be Healed With: Nutritious Wheat

Can Be Breed With: Wheat
The Magma Cube:
Lava Slime, It Bites Too TM

Can Be Tamed With: Slime Ball

Can Be Healed With: Slime Ball

Can Be Breed With: Slime Ball
The Iron Golem:
Iron Giant! Robot Soldier...

Can Be Tamed With: Iron Ingot

Can Be Healed With: Iron Ingot

Can Be Breed With: Iron Ingot
The Guardian:
Have a hard time sitting, has a baby, Likes the water... Duh...

Can Be Tamed With: Fish

Can Be Healed With: Fish

Can Be Breed With: Fish
The Giant Zombie:
???? Secrets lie within this mod ??? :O

Can Be Tamed With: Rotten Flesh(for now)

Can Be Healed With: Rotten Flesh (for now)

Can Be Breed With: Rotten Flesh(for now)
The Ghast:
Good Luck Catching one of these! Will Shoot at your enemies. But Friendly Fire! and burning homes.
has a hard time sitting!(for now)

Can Be Tamed With: Creeper Tamer

Can Be Healed With: Creeper Healer

Can Be Breed With: Ghast Tear
The Endermite:
Cute little Creatures! Get yourself one from an Enderman!

Can Be Tamed With: Ender Tamer

Can Be Healed With: Ender Pearl

Can Be Breed With: Ender Pearl
The Enderman:
Who doesn't want an Enderman Pet? Hello! Its baby likes to scream always.

Can Be Tamed With: Ender Tamer

Can Be Healed With: Ender Pearl

Can Be Breed With: Ender Pearl
The Creeper:
TSSSSSSS BOOM! Creepers are unstable friends, they will attack for you then blow up your enemies, beware, friendly fire and home explosions are a thing!(Hope to make their explosions break no blocks and not kill them!)

Can Be Tamed With: Creeper Tamer

Can Be Healed With: Creeper Healer

Can Be Breed With: Gunpowder
The Cow:
Goes MOO, other than a milk friend, She will protect you!

Can Be Tamed With: Taming Wheat

Can Be Healed With: Nutritious Wheat

Can Be Breed With: Wheat
The Chicken:
or Duck.. whatever.

Can Be Tamed With: Taming Seeds

Can Be Healed With: Taming Seeds

Can Be Breed With: Any Seeds
The Cave Spider:
no one wants you.

Can Be Tamed With: Spider Tamer

Can Be Healed With: String

Can Be Breed With: Fermented Spider Eyes
The Blaze:
Friendly Fire Warning, Knows how to sit, and has a cute baby!

Can Be Tamed With: Blaze Powder

Can Be Healed With: Blaze Rod

Can Be Breed With: Blaze Powder(may change, could be overpowered)

Tons of Credit to TheRealP455w0rd! Helping with a lot of the taming code and more! Check out his amazing mods and support him!

Bugs do exist! None are game breaking mainly visuals!

and @Nuchaz with BiblioCraft
Nuchaz said:
BiblioCraft v2.2.0
Updated for Minecraft v1.10.2

and @maxwell_lt with Title Changer
maxwell_lt said:
This mod is very simple. All it does is change the title of the Minecraft window.

The text it sets the title to it gets from the configuration file. Just launch the game once to generate the default config, and edit to fit your needs.

There are a few replaceable inputs, too.

%mcver% will be replaced with the current version of Minecraft

%modcount% will be replaced with the number of loaded mods

%time% will be replaced with the current system time (Time format can be changed in the config file)
new day, new update, and today it's @Ivorius with Recurrent Complex
Ivorius said:
Recurrent Complex 1.2.8-1.10
+ Lots more village buildings!! (thanks gibraltarMC and Defoxx)

+ Improved Ruins Transformer!! Ruins now look a lot more dynamic and actually perform a lot faster, too.

* Mazes now generate a lot more reliably as well as fast!

* More big and huge mazes underground!

* Some trees spawning from saplings didn't spawn on the saplings!

* Big structures now spawn a lot faster (more performance)!
* Decoration sometimes crashed the game! (Now it only logs an error)

+ New Command! /#convertschematic directly converts a schematic file to a structure file.

* /#importschematic can now handle uncompressed schematic files

* Schematic Files now correctly load old vanilla tile entities that didn't before

* Natural Generation Categories can now try spawning structures more than once per biome (structureSpawnChances)

* /#fill and /#sphere now run a lot faster

* Some trees spawned where they shouldn't (and kept two more types of rocks from spawning)
* Fixed an issue that prevented some village buildings from spawning (whoops!)!

* Village Houses now rotate towards the street correctly

* Item Generation Component weight sliders now scale correctly like all weight sliders

* Generic Solid and Space blocks now appear in the creative menu again

and @ljfa with Totemic
ljfa said:
Totemic 1.10.2-0.8.0
  • Added Medicine Bags: A new item which allows you to carry a Totem Effect with you and use it on the go.
  • (@Sunconure11) Added new Totem Effects: Buffalo which gives you Haste, and Enderman which gives you Night Vision
  • (@nisaacfuri) Added Japanese localization
  • Crafting Totem Torches will now yield 2 instead of 1
  • Added lexicon entry for Totem Torches
  • Fixed Horse Totem Effect not having any effect
  • Fixed a bug where stack sizes on items were not shown in the lexicon
  • Fixed a potential problem with Spider Totems related to step height
  • Major API changes, mostly related to Medicine Bags
new day, new update, and today it's @TheRelaxedHoundoom with Better Lupine
TheRelaxedHoundoom said:
This is a little project of mine that, while not intended for a broader audience, would be nice to have some outside support!


Downloads | To-Do and Known Errors

This modification adds:

  • 13 wolves into your world.
    • Red wolves are reddish-brown-black wolves that spawn in forested biomes. They are just like regular Minecraft wolves otherwise.
    • Arctic wolves are pure white wolves that spawn in cold biomes, but otherwise behave just like Minecraft wolves.
    • Island wolves are orange-gray wolves that spawn in ocean, river, and mushroom island biomes. They tame with raw fish (1/16 chance) and are a bit faster than normal wolves, and don't drown.
    • Stray dogs (german shepherds (white, black, black and tan), pit bulls, and golden retrievers) also spawn into the world. They can spawn into any biome, but can only spawn in packs of 1. They act like normal Minecraft wolves otherwise.
    • Netherhounds spawn in the Nether, and are red-black wolves with an attitude. Unlike the other wolves in this mod, they can despawn. Netherhounds tame with a single wither skeleton skull, which never fails, and have higher base attack than other wolves. They also can set enemies on fire, take no fall damage, and oh yeah - if left loaded and untame for too long, they might attack you.
    • End wolves spawn in the End, and are the same color as end stone just about. They take no damage from falling, tame with ender pearls (1/4 chance), and take damage from water. They also emit the same particles as enderman do!
    • Coyotes spawn in hot and deserted biomes. They're orange-brown and you'll notice they spawn pretty frequently. They act normal to other Minecraft wolves, however - they also have a chance to turn hostile to you at random. Uh oh!
    • Dingos are orange-white wolves that appear in desert biomes, and they spawn alone. They act normal to regular minecraft wolves otherwise.
    • African wild dogs are orange and white wolves with black spots. They act normal to regular minecraft wolves otherwise.
  • A food bowl block.
    • This block is purely decoration. It can be crafted by surrounding a cooked mutton with any 8 wooden planks.
  • Golden Steak
    • This is the only item that can breed Netherhounds. If you surround a steak with 8 golden ingots in a crafting table, you will get a single golden steak.
  • Breeding Logic for the wolves?
    • Any wolf can breed with any wolf, including vanilla Minecraft wolves. This is also randomized, meaning if you breed any one wolf with any other wolf, it can be either of the parents no matter who was fed first or how. German shepherds are especially randomized - for example, a black german shepherd and a white german shepherd could produce a tan and black german shepherd or any other kind of shepherd. Similarly, a black shepherd and a coyote could produce either a shepherd of any color or a coyote.
  • Tame items?
    • Remember-
      • Wither Skeleton Skull = Netherhound
      • Ender Pearl = End Wolf
      • Raw Fish = Island Wolf
      • Bone = All other wolves

Questions? Concerns? Please post below!

Also, please post your experience with this mod. This modification is still in beta, and while not necessarily geared towards a large community project, it is something fun I'd like to share with others. Specifically, it would be nice to think how others feel the mod is balanced - we tried to offer variety in the wolves while still keeping the game balanced and not too easy.

and @modmuss50 with TechReborn
modmuss50 said:
TechReborn 1.11.2-
(modmuss50) BumpVersion #releaseBuild
(modmuss50) Add Iridium plate recipe to ic2 compressor.
(modmuss50) Fix issues with getting item stacks, Closes #940 and fixes a bunch of other stuff
(modmuss50) Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/1.11.2' into 1.11.2
(modmuss50) Add a recipe for clay dust into the grinder, closes #945
(ourten) Fix recycler outputSlot
(modmuss50) Fix nukes.
(modmuss50) Fix #932
(modmuss50) Should remove the last few issues with the power net, closes #924 and #930
(modmuss50) Merge branch '1.11.2' of https://github.com/TechReborn/TechReborn into 1.11.2
(modmuss50) Fix rolling machine power storage value being large, closes #934
(github) Update README.md
(ourten) Fix steel jackhammer config values, closes #927
(ourten) Improve FluidGenerators performance with recipes check