What's new in modded minecraft today?

  • The FTB Forum is now read-only, and is here as an archive. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord! https://ftb.team/discord
new day, new update, and today it's @P3pp3rF1y with Reliquary
P3pp3rF1y said:
Reliquary 1.11.2-
1.11.2 port

and taking forward fixes from 1.10.2 as well

- Fix for dupe bug with pedestal allowing a stack to be put in by hand but only taking 1 stacksize from player

- Fix for crash of harvest rod in pedestal when used with Pam's harvestcraft crops, now these are properly supported

and @Guichaguri with BetterFps
Guichaguri said:
BetterFps 1.4.0
I know this update took so much time, but it's finally here!

  • Recoded the whole patching system, fixing incompatibilities with other mods.
  • Recoded the options screen. For now there aren't noticeable differences, but the new code supports stuff that I'll be using in the future
  • Recoded the installer. There are more options now, it supports translations, creates a profile, etc
  • Updated to 1.11.2!
  • Added translations!
  • Added Brazilian Portuguese translation
  • Added German translation (Thanks to QuImUfu)
  • Fixed a bunch of bugs all around the mod
As there were a lot of internal changes in the mod, there are also new bugs. Please, send me any bugs or crashes.

Thank you for using BetterFps :)

and @raoulvdberge with Refined Storage
raoulvdberge said:
Refined Storage 1.2.19
  • Added integration for Collosal Chests for the External Storage, Importer and Exporter improving performance (way2muchnoise)
  • Exposed the Network Card inventory of the Network Transmitter so other tiles can interact with it (raoulvdberge)
  • Increased size of Detector textbox (way2muchnoise)
  • Autocrafting bugfixes (way2muchnoise)
  • Fixed stack upgrades not working in exporter when stack size is 16 (way2muchnoise)
  • Fixed crash when rotating External Storage (raoulvdberge)
  • Handle breaking and placing blocks better for Constructor and Destructor (way2muchnoise)
  • Updated cable part back texture and Construction and Destruction Core textures (CyanideX)
  • Updated Forge to 2221 (raoulvdberge)
  • Fixed disk textures not working on latest Forge (raoulvdberge)
  • Updated Chinese translation (TartaricAcid)

and @KurodaAkira with RPG-Hud
KurodaAkira said:
RPG-Hud 3.1
  • Complete remake
  • Initial upload
  • added
    • Hud Types (Vanilla, Default, Extended, Full Texture, Hotbar, Modern)
    • Added item details (Durability, Item count, Arrow count)
    • Clock Widget
    • Hunger preview
    • Debug settings

and @OreCruncher with Dynamic Surroundings
OreCruncher said:
Dynamic Surroundings 1.11.2-

What's New!

  • Added Coyote spot sound to a bunch of biomes. Chance of playing at night when it isn't raining.
  • Village sounds. Sounds that can play when a player is in a village. Requires server side mod installation for this feature to work. (Minecraft village information is available server side, not client side.)
    • Rooster will crow during sunrise when the player is outside and it isn't raining.
    • Blacksmith hammer/anvil will play periodically during the day when the player is outside and it is not raining.
    • Sounds play in addition to biome sounds. Village sounds are attached to the "player biome".
    • "In a village" defined as within a given village radius.

  • Destroy footprint particle when block beneath disappears.
  • Tickable repeat sounds now fade in/out in a timely way.
  • Fix intermittent sound handler crash reported via OpenEye (hopefully).
new day, new update, and today it's @Mr_Crayfish with Dab Mod
Mr_Crayfish said:

This is a simple mod which allows players to Dab in Minecraft. This was created as a part of Mod Week (an event where MrCrayfish created a small mod everyday for one week).

To Dab, press R while in-game. You can change the key in the controls menu.

This mod requires the RenderPlayerAPI in order for it to work.
new day, new update, and today it's @Mr_TJP with Project Red 1.10.2-

and @BlayTheNinth with Ex Compressum
BlayTheNinth said:
Ex Compressum 1.10.2-2.0.77
Hotfixed compressed mob madness.

  • Fixed Extra Utilities' Compressed Blocks no longer working in the Sieve & Hammer in latest Extra Utilities' versions
    Note: This means that if you're running an older Extra Utilities version still, you should either switch to Ex Compressum's compressed blocks or update to the latest Extra Utilities version
  • Fixed rabbit bait accidentally promoting cannibalism
  • Fixed rabbit bait not actually working due to lack of environment data
  • Fixed compressed hammers destroying unhammerable blocks instead of dropping them normally
  • Possibly fixed an issue where dead compressed mobs would still be counted as occupying an area, causing problems with baits and EnderIO's powered spawner
  • Added clicks per second option for the Heavy Sieve
    In case you miss the super-speed sieving. I'd leave it at default for bigger servers though, to discourage click spam.
  • Removed bundled COFH API and COFH support (seems like it was causing issues with another mod, and every RF mod should support Forge Energy by now), also renamed RF => FE in GUI screens
  • Like
Reactions: DreamMasterXXL
after a long time lurking in the shadows, i have returned to say that i have released a brand new version to the curseforge page of Ars Magica!


Initial CurseForge release


- Growth spell causing a crash with Mushrooms - Credits to Orinion

- Concurrent Modification Exception from items joining the world while the item watcher is iterating through


- Random Teleport - Credits to Orinion

- Disarm spell component not working on mobs - Credits to Orinion

- Mana Battery desynced - Credits to Orinion

- Pierce modifier not working properly

- Lectern not displaying dyes correctly

- Slipstream generator not working correctly - Credits to Orinion

- Mana Martini causing conflicts with Extra Utilities - Credits to Orinion

- Magic broom not having a texture - Credits to Valentin616

- Tarma Root not spawning from growth spell - Credits to Orinion

- Arcane Deconstructor not outputting contents from small spells - Credits to Orinion

- Ender Affinity not affecting mana costs

- Fortune spell modifier not being applied(combat is being worked on)
new day, new update, and today it's @BlakeBr0 with Mystical Agriculture
BlakeBr0 said:
Mystical Agriculture 1.11.2-1.4.0
Release 1.4.0


  • Updated to latest forge
  • Added the ability to edit the configs ingame, you still need to restart for them to take effect
  • Replaced the textures of all blocks (except crops) to new 16x textures
  • Added decorative storage blocks for all the ingots
  • Added the "Seed Reprocessor"
    • Used to convert your extra seeds into essence
    • Added complete JEI support for it
    • MineTweaker support is planned
  • Added decorative blocks "Mystical Machine Frame" and "Glowstone Lamp"
  • Added Mining and Attack AOE charms; makes Supremium tools mine a 3x3, and swords attack in a 5x5

and @Arkan with Thumpcord
Arkan said:
Discord plugin for the Thump mod - allows Thump to make a chat bridge between Minecraft and Discord.

Configuration is in config/thump/services/discord.cfg, which is commented to help you set up the connection.
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Reactions: DreamMasterXXL
new day, new update, and today it's @masa with World Primer
masa said:
World Primer can automatically run a set of commands when a new world is first created.

There is currently only one config option that you need to care about:

  • worldCreationCommands - put the commands you want to run on world creation here, one command per line. They can also be added via the in-game config menu.
In addition to this, there is also the enableDebugLogging option, which just prints all the command output to the console (which seems to happen anyway via the vanilla command execution...).

Future plans
I'm planning on adding a system to generate structures based on some rules in a config file, or alternatively read from pre-built template ('schematic') files. Those will then be added to the world when the world is first created. This will not be a fully featured "content structure" generator like for example Recurrent Complex, but rather a simple structure "injecter", which can automatically place things like command block contraptions to the world when the world is first created.

Mod packs/permissions
  • Mod packs: go ahead!
  • Re-hosting the mod file otherwise is not cool, mmkay?

and @OreCruncher with Dynamic Surroundings
OreCruncher said:
Dynamic Surroundings 1.10.2-

What's New!

  • Facade support for EnderIO/Chisel. Sound and footsteps are based on the facade of conduits. Will expand to other mods with facade capabilities over time.
  • Light Level HUD. Bound to the "L" key by default:
    • First mode shows block light
    • Second mode shows combined block and sky light
    • Light level renders as a text number above the block.
    • Pressing L repeatedly will cycled the modes

  • Footsteps on snow blocks as well as snow layers.
  • Micro variation of footstep Y to minimize z-fighting. This reduces the flicker effect greatly for overlapping footsteps.

  • Reworked fog system. Should be smoother and handle transitions better.
  • Reduced aurora transparency so they are more ephemeral.
  • Water drop TLC:
    • Water drop into lava produces hiss
    • Lava drop into water produces hiss
    • Water drop into water produces drop sound
    • Drops from leaves are still ignored
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Reactions: DreamMasterXXL
new day, new update, and today it's @raoulvdberge with Refined Storage
raoulvdberge said:
Refined Storage 1.4

  • Added Security Manager (raoulvdberge)
  • Added Security Card (raoulvdberge)
  • Added Wireless Fluid Grid (raoulvdberge)
  • Added craft-only toggle to Exporter (raoulvdberge)
  • Added Reader (raoulvdberge)
  • Added Writer (raoulvdberge)
  • Added blocking mode to patterns in autocrafting (InusualZ)
  • Added Grid size toggle (stretched, small, medium, large) (raoulvdberge)
  • Added dismantling mode to the Wrench (raoulvdberge)
  • You can now bind multiple crafters with the same pattern to machines, to spread or balance out autocrafting (way2muchnoise)
  • Autocrafting bugfixes (way2muchnoise)
  • Fixed Regulator mode not working (InusualZ)
  • Fixed Fluid Interface still being sided (raoulvdberge)
  • Fixed Constructor not working on Botania flowers (raoulvdberge)
  • Fixed Wireless Transmitter working even if it was disabled with redstone mode (raoulvdberge)
  • Fixed Solderer not accepting books created in an Anvil (raoulvdberge)
  • Fixed bug where network machines stopped working on chunk borders (raoulvdberge)
  • Fixed memes not working (raoulvdberge)
  • Fixed External Storage crashes (raoulvdberge)
  • Fixed Constructor in liquid mode being able to place fluids <1000 mB (raoulvdberge)
  • Fixed Solderer recipe conflicts, allowing for easier automation (raoulvdberge)
  • Fluid Grid now first tries to get buckets from your inventory instead of the storage (raoulvdberge)
  • Remove sidedness from fluid interface (way2muchnoise)
  • The Stack Upgrade in a Constructor in item dropping mode will drop stacks of items at a time (raoulvdberge)
  • Ignore damage for damageable items when transferring into crafting grid (way2muchnoise)
  • Ignore tags from given items when transferring into crafting grid (way2muchnoise)
  • Add Ore Dictionary grid filter (use $ as prefix like in JEI) (way2muchnoise)
  • Made sure External Storage always has the correct inventory in world (raoulvdberge)
  • Using tab in a grid that isn't in autoselected mode will focus on the search box (raoulvdberge)
  • Added integration for Collosal Chests for the External Storage, Importer and Exporter improving performance (way2muchnoise)
  • Exposed the Network Card inventory of the Network Transmitter so other tiles can interact with it (raoulvdberge)
  • Increased size of Detector textbox (way2muchnoise)
  • Fixed stack upgrades not working in exporter when stack size is 16 (way2muchnoise)
  • Fixed crash when rotating External Storage (raoulvdberge)
  • Fixed disk textures not working on latest Forge (raoulvdberge)
  • Handle breaking and placing blocks better for Constructor and Destructor (way2muchnoise)
  • Updated Forge to 2226 (raoulvdberge)
  • Updated Chinese translation (TartaricAcid)
  • Added filtering slots for the Crafting Monitor (raoulvdberge)
  • Added way to hide tasks created in an automated way in the Crafting Monitor (raoulvdberge)
  • Added Grid sorting by ID (way2muchnoise)
  • Added Solderer particles (raoulvdberge)
  • Fixed crash when placing head with Constructor (raoulvdberge)
  • Converting blocks instead of ingots to Printed Processors is now a little faster (raoulvdberge)
  • Pressing shift while starting a crafting task will skip the crafting preview (raoulvdberge)

and @Tomson124 with Simply Jetpacks 2
Tomson124 said:
Simply Jetpacks 2 1.10.2-
- Added Vanilla Jetpacks (not tested yet, could be highly unstable)

- Added Fluxpacks (only visually, not finished yet)

This is untested alpha build, use with caution and backup your world before using it.

Please report bugs and crashes in the "Issue" section above, and please provide crashlogs and information to your problems.
and @grundyboy34 with Lighting Editor
grundyboy34 said:
This mod adds simple functionality of allowing the user to define light values for blocks.

There is three configs:

I:Baseline - this config is what all blocks with a light value > 0 will initially be set to

S:Blocks - this is a list of blocks and their values to use

B:Whitelist - this declares whether or not to use our baseline for all blocks that are naturally illuminated but not listed

and @CorwinJ with MobTotems
CorwinJ said:
MobTotems 0.3.0
This release features a complete overhaul in the way totems work and adds new totem effects.

  • Added documentation for all new features in the guide-api book
  • Totems are now a multiblock structure comprised of up to 3 totem wood blocks, an offering box, and (optionally) a sacred light block.
  • Added Carving Knife to carve totem designs into the totem wood blocks.
  • Totems require offerings in the offering box or a Sacred Light block in order to function, costs are described in the in-game documentation
  • A new hard mode recipe for the sacred light block has been made the default
  • Added variants for totem wood blocks
    • Creeper - Disable aggressive mob spawn
    • Ender - Trap teleporting endermen
    • Blaze - Set mobs on fire
    • Spider - Poison mobs
    • Cow - Disable passive mob spawn
    • Ocelot - Increase range
    • Wither - Decrease range
    • Llama - Add damage
    • Rabbit - Increase effect speed
See in-game documentation for details.

and @XxRexRaptorxX with Customized Dungeon Loot
XxRexRaptorxX said:

Adds vanilla items with special abilities to the dungeon chests, like enchantments, custom names, attributes and more cool features!

> Adds no new items and blocks! That means if you delete the mod later, you have still all custom items!

> ~25 new custom dungeon loot! And more will come soon!

> Items spawns in dungeons, mineshafts, tempels, nether, end, ...

> If you review or test the mod can you activate the "Review Mode" in the config file. This makes the spawn chance of the items higher!

Create your own loot!

You can add or delete your own items to the game! You must only modifie the loot_table.json files in the Mod. (But be carefull)

Or simply change the spawn values or the stats of the items.

> Open the mod archive (Customized Dungeon Loot.jar)

> Go in the folder: assets/customizeddungeonloot/loot_tables

> And change the loot_table.json file that you need.

If you dont know, how to edit loot_tables, here is a little help for you:

- Custom Loot Tables

- http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Loot_table

- https://flyingpimonster.net/tools/loot_table_generator/loot_table_generator.php

- http://www.planetminecraft.com/mod/lds-loottable-generator/


These screenshots shows a few dungeon chest thats generated in the world (with the review mode):












1. Make sure you have already installed Minecraft Forge.

2. Locate the minecraft application folder.
3. Place the mod you have just downloaded (.jar file) into the Mods folder.

  • On windows open Run from the start menu, type %appdata%\.minecraft\ and click Run.
  • On mac open finder, hold down ALT and click Go then Library in the top menu bar. Open the folder Application Support and look for minecraft
4. When you launch Minecraft and click the mods button you should now see the mod is installed.

Rights and License - Important!

This MOD may only be distributed where uploaded, mirrored, or otherwise linked to by the OWNER solely. All mirrors of this mod must have advance written permission from the OWNER. ANY attempts to make money off of this MOD (selling, selling modified versions, adfly, sharecash, etc.) are STRICTLY FORBIDDEN, and the OWNER may claim damages or take other action to rectify the situation.

Mod reposts (without the rights of the mod creators) are STRICKTLY FORBIDDEN!


Youtube & Co.

Let´´´ s Plays, Reviews and videos are okay, but please write the link to this post in the descriprion. It would be nice to contact me if you recorded a video, so I could paste it in here ;)

> If you review or test the mod can you activate the "Review Mode" in the config file. This makes the spawn chance of the items higher!

Small help: Activate the review mode, create a new custom world and set the dungeon generation up. And use the Gamemode 3 to search the chests.


You want Advanced Sticks in your mod pack?
1. Your mod pack needs a link back to this post.
2. You cannot make any money off of the mod pack.
3. You cannot claim that you made any part of the mod, and you must give credit to the author of the mod.


Donate if you want^^ :3

Thank you all for donating! :)
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new day, new update, and today it's @vsbmeza with Achievement Books
vsbmeza said:
Achievement Books
The Achivement Books mod introduces the ability to create multiple achievement books for Minecraft.

It is highly configurable via JSON to have headers, free flow text and achievement checklists on multiple pages.

Why use this mod?
  • you can have multiple achievement books for different parts of your game
  • you don't need to deal with difficult formatting files
  • you can describe your books in an easy to read format
  • you can upgrade your configs without the need to reset the book process
  • you can reload the books from the config without restarting the game
User's Manual
Find the User's manual and other things on the project's github page


Can I use it in my modpack?
Hell yeah! Also, send me a link to your modpack so I could link it.

Only caveat is: don't make money off of it without asking for permission first.

What about 1.8, 1.9, 1.10, 1.11?
I'm working on it, it should be done very, very soon. Stay tuned.

and @vincentmet with Model Railroads
vincentmet said:
What this mod adds!Currently this mod adds several new track pieces, which you can see in the pictures.
Also trains, cos' who can have a model railway without trains?!

The Team!Darthrafael - Idea-man and initiator of the mod.
Vincentmet - Lead Coder
MrMC - Coder and Lead Modeler
Miner_9751 - Modeler
Smates - Modeler

Support!There are many ways you can support this mod!
To just name a thing, you can put this banner with hyperlink somewhere people can see it :D


The copyright stuff:

  • This mod may only be distributed by the the creators(either on Curse or http://vincentmet.com).
  • You may NOT make profits out of the mod in ANY way, including, but not limited to adf.ly and other money making links.
  • You may decompile the mod to look at the source code, but not redistribute and/or copy it.
  • You are welcome to use this mod mod in any modpack, as long as you don't make any money out of it.
Original thread:Minecraft Forum

and @MrTutankhamun with Storage Boats
MrTutankhamun said:
Storage Boats 1.5
*You can now create a Storage Boat by holding down the shift key and right clicking a boat while holding a chest!

*You can also add chests from Iron Chests and the Quark mod but right now there is no texture to the chest!

and @ObliviousSpartan with Spartan Shields
ObliviousSpartan said:
Spartan Shields 1.10.2-1.2

This version is temporarily in Beta in case something goes wrong with the internal name changes of this update.

  • Added five new Shields
    - Copper Braced Shield & Tin Braced Shield, which act like mundane shields (no special effects). Both have more durability than the Stone shield but has less than Iron.
    - Silver Gilded Shield, which has a special property; it will damage undead mobs whose melee attacks get blocked by it. This won't apply to Skeletons as they attack indirectly via arrows.
    - Bulky Obsidian Shield, which uses vanilla Obsidian to make a high durability shield (more than Iron; less than Diamond). It is very heavy so it will slow the player down when equipped.
    - Infused Riot Shield, which works similar to the Fluxed Riot Shield. A new type of shield made from RFTools materials.
  • Updated Minecraft Forge to version
  • The Fluxed Riot Shield & the new Infused Riot Shield can accept Forge Energy now.
  • Backported the 1.11 version of Spartan Shields to 1.10.2, to combine the codebases of both due to changes in 1.11 (e.g. how the Spikes enchantment triggers)
  • Added remapping code so shields can be brought forward to newer versions of Minecraft. You *shouldn't* lose any shields in doing so. This version of the mod needs to be running upon loading the world for the code to work however.
  • Added the "Vanilla Only" config option. Setting this to true will disable all shields based off of modded materials.
  • Added a new logo to mcmod.info. Viewable in the Mods menu when you select Spartan Shields.
new day, new update, and today it's @bright_spark with Sparks Hammers
Bright_Spark said:
Sparks Hammers 1.10.2-1.6
Sorry, it's a big update! I was working on 1.11.2 for some new stuff, and realised I was previously working on different new stuff in 1.10.2! So I made all of it in 1.11.2 first and this is me now porting it all back to 1.10.2 XD

That's also the reason why 1.11.2 has had lots of updates recently :)

So hopefully nothing's broken, but you know the drill - if you find a bug, please report using the issues link (it will take you to my GitHub issues page)!

- Added Chinese localisation (Thanks TartaricAcid!)

- Added Powered Hammer

- Added a recipe for Powered Hammer using vanilla resources, and one using EnderIO resources if the mod is loaded - Fixed incorrect textures for some special hammers

- Fixed incorrect textures for some special hammers

- ItemAOE now overrides getToolClasses. This might fix some compatibility issues - Fixed achievements page showing mod id rather than mod name - Fixed Giant Hammer not being... giant

- Removed Iridium, Titanium and Tungsten tools

- Added Brass and Obsidian tools

- Increased attack damage of tools

- Added an attack modifier config option

- Added localisation for debug tool

- Added custom tools json

- Added configs for disabling tools - The JEI plugin no longer lists all the tools being blacklisted in the log - just says how many - Added recipe for Hammer Crafting Table using the Wooden Hammer Head if the Wooden Hammer has been removed - Tool modifiers in the config are now modifiers which scale their respective material traits. - Old config file will be deleted from the default config directory (I'll delete this later when I feel it's been long enough)

and @LatvianModder with FTB Utilities
LatvianModder said:
FTB Utilities 1.10.2-3.3.0
  • Added Warps GUI
  • Fixed crash with Tinkers Construct Guide page
  • Fixed Ranks
  • Fixed occasional crash on login
  • Other small bugfixes

and @SanAndreasP with Turret Mod Rebirth
SanAndreasP said:
Turret Mod Rebirth 1.10.2-4.0.0-beta.1
I changed dependency from Bookshelf to SanLib. Sorry for another(?) dependency change but in the long term it's for the better, since I have so little time currently and I want to have full control on new features and bugfixes w/o having to wait for approval.

new features:

  • added T3 Laser Turret (please let me know if the sound of it is alright or too obnoxious)
  • added T3 Flamethrower Turret
  • Assembly Table GUI now shows recipe when hovering over the currently crafted item
  • JEI compatibility for the Assembly Table
  • added upgrade "Ender Gain Medium" for T3 Laser Turret
  • added upgrade "Fuel Purifier" for T3 Flamethrower Turret
  • rendering bounding box frame like blocks on turrets when pointing at one
  • Electrolyte Generator now supports giving energy to blocks running on CoFH RF, Tesla and Forge Energy
  • Electrolyte Generator fuels now configurable in the mod config file
  • non-hanging, right-side-up Turrets now pushable up and down by pistons
changed things:

  • range grid renderer now non-transparent, monochrome and with outline for better visibility
  • all entity models (turrets and Assembly Table) are now JSON-based, thanks to SanLib
  • All new textures for all turrets!
  • new textures for repair kits (regen repair kit not done yet, though)
  • empty turrets now have a constant 1-second-delay on the fire sound (the dispenser-click sound) to prevent spamming it on fast-firing turrets
  • turret collision acts like a "solid block", entities (including players) won't be able to "pass through" turrets anymore (also you can now walk on them)
  • fancied up turret label renderer
  • removed CoFH Redstone Flux API from the mod, it now uses Forge Energy in code, RF as an unit is kept
  • non-hanging, right-side-up Turrets won't break if block below is destroyed, they'll just fall down like other entities
  • re-balanced some recipes for turrets
  • Turret Info Tablet recipe now needs a book for crafting in the Assembly Table
bug fixes:

  • glow layer of turrets won't render incorrectly anymore, causing them to partially hide transparent blocks behind them
  • projectiles now correctly calculate interceptions
  • "projectile based" projectiles (excluding laser, flamethrower) won't damage the Wither when in its armored stage
  • fixed particles for upside-down turrets
  • fixed filter upgrade for Assembly Table, now its actually showing the configuration in GUI and working filtering
  • dismantle error message in TCU GUI now properly translated
  • chest now properly consumed on dismantling
  • removed unused sound entry for a record, fixing an error message

and @Vanhal with Progressive Automation
Vanhal said:
Progressive Automation 1.10.2-1.7.0
* Added The Capacitor - A new block that allows you to storage and distribute power
* Added support for forge energy
* Added support for non vanilla inventories
* Added Wither gold
* Updated to newest forge version
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Reactions: DreamMasterXXL
new day, new update, and today it's @Guichaguri with BetterFps
Guichaguri said:
BetterFps 1.4.1
  • Added Fast Creative Search. It should be noticeable in modpacks with lots of items :)
  • Fixed options menu not saving
  • Changed the "restart" trigger for the options menu. It shouldn't ask you to restart when you don't even need :)
Please, help us translating BetterFps to your language!

and @maxanier with Vampirism
maxanier said:
Vampirism 1.10.2-1.1.0-alpha+02-10-23-36
Changelog (vs 1.1.0-alpha+11-23-17-21)

  • Vampires do not need to breath, so they do not drown
  • But vampires are weakened by water. So if you plan to frequently cross water you might want to unlock a skill which makes you resistant to this.
  • Added alchemical fire which can burn indefinitely, but does not spread. As well as a new crossbow arrow type which uses this to create a flame wall.
  • Added obsidian armor (for hunters) which is very strong, but slows you down. Also protects you from any fire damage except lava.
  • Added Holy Water (In three different "purity"/"holy" degrees. Also available as splash potions to damage vampires and undead.
  • Added Holy Salt which can be used to craft Holy Water
  • Added new villager priest which trades Holy Water and Holy Salt
  • Added Alchemical Cauldron for hunters used to craft things
  • Added Garlic Diffusor, which repels nearby vampires and weakens them. (Available in two different tiers, and can be temporarily boosted (blinds players) with purified garlic)
  • Added cheat command option to unlock all skills at max level
  • Added some new items to some loottables
  • Added icons for Vampirism's potion effects
  • Advanced Hunters now drop valuable items (Vampire Blood, Garlic, Holy Water, Holy Salt)
  • Fixed castle block recipe #137
  • Fixed bat flying problems with some mods #139
  • JEI integration for Alchemical Cauldron
  • Modified vampire (spawning) behavior in vampire biome
new day, new update, and today it's @Bartz24 with Refined Exchange
Bartz24 said:
Refined Exchange is a link between Refined Storage and ProjectE!

Adds 3 main blocks:

  • EMC Solidifier
    • Solidifies items with EMC for auto-crafting use
  • EMC Crafter
    • Tell which items to craft with EMC to it (Max 9 per EMC Crafter)
  • EMC Converter
    • Converts between the different types of Solidified EMC
Uses Solidified EMC items to auto-craft (Does not have an EMC value)!

and @gigaherz with Tool Belt
gigaherz said:

  • Baubles compatibility!
  • 2 stock slots upgradeable to 9!
  • Quickly switch between tools using the handy Radial Menu! (Hold R down -- or change the keybind to your preference)
  • It holds any non-stackable item!
    • Item Whitelist, for those cases where "non-stackable" isn't enough to decide what can be inserted
    • Item Blacklist, for when "any" is too much

  • Item Display on Players -- show off your tools at all times!
Request for comments:

  • Are the recipes ok?
  • How can I improve the mod? Balance? Upgrade difficulty? Suggestions welcome!

and @Vazkii with Quark
Vazkii said:
Quark r1.2-78
- Automation: Added pistons moving Tile Entities.
- Building: Added Duskbound Blocks and Duskbound Lamps.
- Building: Added Netherwrought Stone and Bricks.
- Building: Added Stained Wooden Planks.
- Building: Added Sturdy Stone, a new stone block that pistons can't move.
- Building: Renamed Hardened Clay Tiles to Clay Shingles.
- Decoration: Made the Blaze Lantern texture interpolate.
- Management: Added better shift-click crafting. Items shift-clicked in your inventory in a crafting table will go to the grid rather your hotbar.
- Misc: Added a Note Block Interface.
- Misc: Added Soul Powder, an item that creates a spirit that flies towards the nearest nether fortress.
- Misc: Note Block Mob Sounds are now affected by the pitch the note block is set to.
- Tweaks: Added a new piston model and side texture to Better Vanilla Textures.
- Tweaks: Replaced Flint Tool Crafting with Better Stone Tool Crafting, which allows you to craft stone tools by mix and matching all types of stone, and flint.
- Vanity: Fixed Boat Sails not rendering. FOR REAL THIS TIME :|
- World: Buffed Wraiths, now that they actually have a good use.

and @TheRandomLabs with Nyan Cow
TheRandomLabs said:
Minecraft has always been missing something. *cliche wall of text* And that's why I created Nyan Cow! The best mod ever written for Minecraft, no doubt. Utilising revolutionary keyboard technology and writing code for minutes on end, I have created this not lightweight mod that adds one thing and only one thing. The Nyan Cow. The best part? It's completely server-sided. Install this on your server and vanilla clients can connect and admire the sheer beauty of this mod.

Mechanics: All entities have a floating Nyan Cow above them. That's right, even XP orbs and dropped items! When the entity is killed/removed, the Nyan Cow drops onto the ground and does its own thing. Even non-Nyan Cows can have Nyan Cows!

Nyan Cow is compatible with Minecraft 1.10.2, 1.11.2, and 1.Nyan.2.

Planned features

  • Double/triple-decker Nyans.
NOTE: Do not install this mod on a world you care about. Seriously. If you can't tell already, this isn't exactly a serious mod.



new day, new update, and today it's @GenDeathrow with Hatchery
GenDeathrow said:
Hatchery 0.2.10
- 0.2.10

  • Wrenches can now turn nesting pens without losing the chicken and items.
  • Nesting pens no longer lose items on world restarts.
  • Switch support from just Wailia > HWYLA (which is a continuation of waila)
  • Fixed rooster breeding not working correctly if the eggbreeding config was false
  • HWYLA updated and fixed the spam in console and causing players to get booted from servers

  • Removed unused Code

  • Made sure old mating AI was getting replaced with new AI

  • Added new rooster only breeding option (WIP)(Not really compatible with modded chickens) Eggs no longer give you a chance to get 5 chickens in one egg.. not sure how that got in there.

  • Added in-game config gui

and @JamiesWhiteShirt with Plant Drops
JamiesWhiteShirt said:
Plant Drops changes the way plant drops work allowing you to reduce inventory clutter. It adds Garden Clippers, which along with shears will allow you to harvest items from plants.

Garden Clippers are simple to craft:


For users: Plant Drops cannot automatically detect modded plants. Please see the configuration to get it working.

For developers: Plant Drops provides an IMC API that can be used to register plant blocks and harvester items.

and @WayofTime with Blood Magic
WayofTime said:
Blood Magic 1.10.2-2.1.1-70
Version 2.1.1-70:

- Fixed the Living Armour Sacrificial Upgrade
- Fixed Bound Tools not draining LP
- Implemented the Blood Tank
- Current recipes are temporary?
- Empty flasks can now be refilled to create a new flask
- Fixed Aura of Expulsion whitelist
- Added the Altar's Charge value to the Waila Tooltip when holding a Seer's Sigil
- Fixed meteor config error caused by EnderCore reloading configs early into startup
- Fixed meteor config not generating new entries
- Blacklisted Sentient Spectres from the Well of Suffering
- Fixed Sigils drawing from the user instead of the bound network
- Added Fluid routing to the routing nodes - this is done by using the Fluid Filter and placing a fluid container as the filter.
- Made it so the book does not give the filling recipe when the Blood Orb recipe is queried.
- Added a null check for the Will getter for the Aura incase the WillChunk somehow does not generate.
- [API] Added a new IMC API for modders to register their blocks as an altar component.
- Example: Chisel Glowstone can now be used for the Tier 3 caps (once Chisel implements it)

and @Winter_Grave with XP Book
Winter_Grave said:
Hi there. This mod offers just one item, it's an experience logbook to store your XP.

You craft a logbook using a vanilla book, and 4 ender pearls. You just sneak-right-click the book to store up to 1500 XP points (that's 30 levels from 0); and you right-click to retrieve whatever points the book has.

When the book has experience on it, it glows.

Modpack Permissions: You are granted permission to use this mod on your modpack.

and @Landmaster_phuong0429 with PlusTiC
Landmaster_phuong0429 said:
This mod adds integration of Tinkers Construct with some other mods.

Current mods supported:

Planned for support:

Materials added:

  • Biomes o Plenty - Sapphire, Ruby, Peridot, Malachite, Amber, Topaz, Amethyst
  • Advanced Rocketry - Iridium, Titanium
  • Botania - Manasteel, Terrasteel, Elementium
  • Mekanism - Osmium, Refined Obsidian
  • (Osmiridium alloy will be added if both Advanced Rocketry and Mekanism are present)
Traits added:

  • Anticorrosion - chance every tick to cure poison
  • Apocalypse - adds increasing levels of Wither to foe
  • Bloody Mary - bonus damage to foe that has already lost more health; chance to drop Coagulated Blood on each hit
  • Devil's Strength - bonus damage outside of Overworld
  • Elemental - possible positive effects on player on each hit; destroys entire column of gravity-affected blocks
  • Lightweight - increases mining, attack speed
  • Mana - can use mana from player's inventory instead of durability
  • Nature's Blessing - chance to drop bread or heal player on each hit
  • Nature's Power - chance to give player speed or strength; may set foe on fire
  • Nature's Wrath - chance to heal player or set foe on fire
  • Terrafirma - heals player each tick
new day, new update, and today it's @RWTema with Extra Utilities
RWTema said:
Extra Utilities 2 - 1.10.2 - 1.3.0
-Added 'Trash Chest' (voids excess items).
-Added 'Flat Transfer Nodes' (can be placed between blocks to transfer items/fluid between neighbours).
-Added 'Opinium' (stupidly expensive ingots used for crafting the Kikoku).
-Added a recipe for vanilla hoppers that uses 5 iron and 2 wood logs.
-Klein Flasks can now be placed in world.
-Added restriction check to prevent vanilla squids spawning adjacent to tile entities (may break some squid farming setups but can be disabled).
-Zombies spawned by cursed earth will now have their 'reinforcement chance' set to 0.
-Cursed Earth will attempt to spawn mobs off-center
-Rewrote sickle 'right-clicking' to allow harvesting crops to work with 1.11/1.10 changes
-Temporarily disabled 'unloaded chunks GP tracking' since it caused GP use to randomly rise infinitely
-Fix textures being missing on some systems
-Set 'synergy' blocks to disabled-by-default as they are not finished.
-Due to 1.11 rendering changes, XU blockmodels can no longer be overriden (hopefully to be reenabled later).
-Dropped items are now always dropped as a single stack
-Fix null items in machine inventories (1.11.2)

and @Kashdeya with Tiny Progressions
Kashdeya said:
Tiny Progressions 1.10.2-1.0.21
Cleaned up code.

Changed Textures for Growth Crystals.
Changed the Bucket Event to try to fix another mod.
Changed the Config handler to match the config.
Changed recipe for the birthday pickaxe.

Changed tier 1 Growth Crystal to new texture.

Changed the . effects to only show if there is growable blocks around the growth crystals

Added all new Flint and Bone tools for a later date.
Added Stone Dust for a later date.
Added Bone and Flint armor for a later date.
Added bone block and flint ingot to oredict.
Added a config for the skull drops.
Added Dirty Glass and Reinforced Obsidian to Ore Dict.
Added tooltips to all Cobblegens.

Added a tier 3 Growth Crystal.

Reworded the config file to make it easier to understand.

Redid the config file to make it easier to read.

Fixed medkit code.

Fixed the Distance on growth crystals.

and @LordDusk with Hardcore Questing Mode
lorddusk said:
Hardcore Questing Mode 1.11.2-5.1.0alpha1
  • Update to 1.11.2
  • Old quest files, won't be compatible sometimes.
  • Multiplayer works properly again.
This release was made available by Canitzp, all credits are his.

and @BlayTheNinth with Cooking for Blockheads
BlayTheNinth said:
Cooking for Blockheads 5.2.3 for Minecraft 1.11.x
Ported to Minecraft 1.11. Currently marked beta since I'm not entirely sure if everything is working correctly. There were a lot of internal changes this Minecraft version.

Nothing new in terms of features yet, just wanted to release this now for those waiting on a port.

I'm currently in talks with model-maker-people to update the block's looks and make the kitchen look more conjoined, so that'll be coming as soon as it's ready.

Also secretly planning out a new kitchen component - I've ordered a Minecraft chicken plushy and will conduct some research on how to integrate it in the best manner possible. That was a joke reference to my How to get a Cow in a Jar video.
My new small but growing utility mod for mc1.11.2:

Json Recipe Edit

Its a small utility mod to use Json to edit crafting and furnace recipes + adding OreDict entries
In future as the mod stabilizes additional mod pack tweaks will be configurable from this json format.

include - Include, and evaluate, an additional Json Script
delete recipe - remove a crafting recipe
shaped recipe - add a new shaped crafting recipe
shapeless recipe - add a new shapeless crafting recipe
register ore - register (add) item(s) to a OreDictionary entry
delete furnace - delete a furnace smelting recipe
add furnace - add a furnace smelting recipe
hide in jei - hide an item form the JEI ingredient listing

For examples and JsonSchema for validation see the wiki: https://github.com/ezterry/JsonRecipeEdit/wiki
(the documentation is still a work in progress but all commands but include are used in the sample json)
new day, new update, and today it's @elucent with Roots
elucent said:
Roots 2-0.010

- Fairies, a new mob!

- Fairy Pools that come to life with fairies at night!

- Fairy dust, a new light block!

- Rituals! These were implemented previously, but they are now documented so you can know how to use them!

- Nature spirits! These can be summoned using a ritual that is now documented in your Book of Herblore!

- Lecterns! These allow you to call the knowledge of a nature spirit in your vicinity to give you new information in a book!

- Divination Plates, a new block for letting you see more details about a Nature Spirit in your midst!

- Dwindle dust and Totem fragments, two new materials you can obtain and use in rituals!

- A new crop, the Spirit Herb! Plant this like Nether wart after growing it under a moonlight circle!


- All documentation books have new textures!


- Roots 2 crops not planting on Aqua Munda farmland.

and @Epoxide with Dark Utilities
Epoxide said:
Dark Utilities 1.10.2-
- Replaced the base black stone texture with an original texture.
- Updated all of the trap and vector plate textures to contain the new black texture.
- Fixed Pearl Blocks dropping wrong meta.
- Added Wither Dust Blocks (Can't be broken by wither)
- Added Dark Sugar
- Wither Dust + sand = Soul Sand, thanks to /u/Snacker6
- Vector Plates upgrades are no longer free!
- Sneaky Block recipe uses Dwindle Cream. Thanks to /u/Quantus