After a long period of silence from BuildCraft, I'm happy to announce the release of BuildCraft 3.4.4 for Minecraft 1.4.7 - with important bugfixes and small performance optimizations.
TheNecr0 said:Convenient Additions 1.0.16-build26
* Seed Box: added auto animal feeding
* Filtered Proxy: added blacklist functionality
* Platforms: now dyable
* Semi-Solid Blocks: introduced; full-block Platforms
* set provider;item transmitter;item receiver;inventory proxies;bandage: new 32x32 textures
* Platform: thinner bounding box
* Ring of Saturation: buff: should take longer to discharge and at about the same rate
* Inventory Proxies: added blacklist config options
Fixed Bugs:
* Tome of Transmutation JEI integration broken
* Compost Soil item stacks with different degradation merged on pickup
* Sap Bottle voided on breaking tree tap
* Charge Items durability bar color opposite of intended
* Charge Items charge in the whole inventory
#Note: This build is the same as 25 but it is compiled against 1.11.2 instead of 1.11
Ollie_Lansdell said:Calculator 1.10.2-3.1.4
You must update SONAR CORE!
- Added Docking Stations again!
- Added Pause Button to Greenhouses
- Added ability for Greenhouses to keep crop positions allowing them to grow 9 different plants at once.
- Added compatibility with Immersive Engineering Hemp
- Fixed Circuits not being outputted properly.
Henry_Loenwind said:This mod the loading screen memory bar to the ingame HUD. The key to show it can be configured in the normal game config.
Portablejim said:Simply makes the Angel Ring from Extra Utils 2 be able to be put into the ring slot of Baubles.
(As of 0.2.0) You need to craft the bauble version shapelessly in any crafting grid. You can also shapelessly craft back.
Inclusion in modpacks is allowed.
shadowfactsmc said:Crafting Slabs 1.10.2-1.10.2-2.3.1
- Port to 1.10.2
- Allow the Crafting Slab to store items
RWTema said:Extra Utilities 2 - 1.10.2 - 1.1.3b
- Added 'Creative Harvest Block'. Right-click with another block to create a block that can be infinitely mined without breaking.
- The Deep Darkness has reawoken
- Rainbow generator now gives 2,500,000 RF/T (still balancing)
- Speed upgrades now require only 2 GP each regardless of the number (still balancing)
- Deep Dark mobs now have double health and attack power
- Drum recipes that use previous tier of drum will keep fluid stored in the input drum
- Changed "Demonically Gargantuan Drum" recipe
- Changed several recipes that used dispensers to use droppers
- Drum tooltips now use comma formatting
- Fix null IFluidTankProperties[] being returned in machine's fluid handlers
- Fix unloaded GP mills giving incorrect values
- Fix energy dupe with Rainbow generator
shadowfactsmc said:Adds incredibly rare, super-massive ore veins to the world.
Large Veins uses a JSON configuration file allowing users or modpack developers to modify the minimum/maximum Y coordinate the large vein can spawn at, the size of the large vein, and the chance the large vein has to spawn (higher number is more rare), and even add their own large veins. More information about the configuration file format can be found on the wiki.
The default configuration file for Vanilla only can be found here and the configuration file with Vanilla and all the included mod support (Actually Additions and Substratum) can be found here.
Coal Ore Large Vein:
Iron Ore Large Vein:
Redstone Ore Large Vein:
Substratum Aluminum Ore Large Vein:
Substratum Tin Ore Large Vein:
Tombenpotter said:Sanguimancy 1.10.2-2.0.0
Updated for Minecraft 1.10.2. Basically everything was remade, so this is almost a completely new mod!
EdgarAllen said:![]()
Super Sound Muffler is a simple mod that helps muffling annoying sounds in the game. i.e chickens. Unlike other sound mufflers, which mute all sounds in an area, Super Sound Muffler allows you specify which sounds you want to muffle.
Modpack Permission: Granted
NicosaurusRex99 said:This mod adds in a regular knife, craft able with 2 iron ingots and 1 brick, a 1000 Degree knife craft able temporarily by cooking the regular knife, which when right clicked on wool (and soon many more things) will have a special effect. This mod has an Easter egg, can you find it!
Credits to MCreator, i felt lazy today!
gr8pefish said:![]()
Open Glider adds a hang glider to Minecraft, allowing you to soar through the skies and explore your world's beauty.
Notable Features
- A fluid flight motion and naturally immersive controls.
- A novel system of wind that you must combat to stay on course while in flight.
- The ability to deploy the glider and have it visually appear, both in first person and in third person view, as well as to other players if you are playing on a server.
- Gorgeous models and item sprites that change based on deployment.
- It is specifically coded to be efficient and computer friendly.
- Extremely configurable so that it can suit any playstyle.
- Wind, damage, distance traveled, visual effects, and the nuances of those are all configurable, and can even be easily done in-game via the mod options config GUI.
Open Glider is the spiritual successor to Open Blocks' hang glider. Open Glider, however, has been rewritten, rebalanced, and refined for MC 1.10+.
In addition, there have been some notable changes to make this mod fit alongside Vanilla's Elytra. Most notably this is handled by wind, a concept explained more in detail in the section below. For now simply know that great care has been taken to ensure that the hang glider still has a place in the game without overshadowing Vanilla mechanics.
To get started, craft the hang glider like so:
Next, you simply right click the hang glider item to deploy it. You will know it is deployed as the item will change to resemble bars, and the glider will be visible on your back in third-person mode or above your head in first-person perspective.
You can press shift and will increase your speed to fly faster, but note that this does come at the small cost of not quite as much overall distance traveled.
Now simply jump and glide away into the sunset!
The elytra is a nimble thing, able to propel the player. The hang glider is much larger, and therefore catches drafts of wind that the elytra does not. Unlike the elytra, the hang glider will deviate from its course, as wind may knock the player to the side.
Generally wind comes in gusts, and there are pockets of windy areas compared to sections of calm air. A prudent flyer will constantly correct his/her flight as they travel so as to stay on course.
Wind is affected by:
Of course, all of this is configurable.
- Speed of the player
- By traveling quickly, the relative power of a sideways gust of wind is lessened due to havign so much forward momentum.
- The weather (if it is raining or not)
- Storms have been known to cause huge gusts; players must eb more vigilant if they wish to fly during a storm.
- The height of the player
- More powerful air currents are found high up in the sky, while staying close to the earth means there is less wind to buffet the player about
- The durability of the glider
- The more damaged the hang glider is, the more vulnerable it is to wind.
The hang glider is damaged whenever it is used. Eventually, it will break and must be repaired in an anvil by using leather, similar to the elytra.
Bug Reports
Open Source
- Please report them on the issue tracker. Feedback and feature requests should also be directed there.
Contact Me
- Yes please, feel free to include this in any normal (i.e. EULA-compliant) modpack. If you expect the pack to be popular, all I ask is that you please just give me a heads up so I can more easily track the playerbase. Thanks!
- What works best for me is either through the messaging system here on CurseForge, or on IRC on channel #gr8pefish, or on the typical modded MC Discord channels (e.g. MMD, FTB, etc.).
- If you like my work and want to help out, please consider donating. I would sincerely appreciate it and could definitely use the support! Thanks
Check out my other mods!
LordSaad said:Refraction 1.3
Visual Changelog
NOTE: We still didn't fix the trailing text in the tablet on some long pages. Sorry about that.
- Beams are now 100% instantaneous
- GUNS!! The photon cannon shoots a continuous beam of light.
- Beams now have flickering particles at bounce points
- Grenades now have a fizzing effect
- Grenades and discoballs now shine with a star effect
- The tablet's gui now resizes to your screen properly, and it's been revamped with pictures.
- A redstone beam (orange) that powers redstone components it touches (with respect to facing) with a weak signal of 15
- Gravity beam disables entity gravity and protects blocks.
- Pink place beam now places blocks at the end of it, even if there's no block to place at against at it's end.
- Assembly table no longer crashes and properly crafts now. Most recipes where impossible to craft
- Added a VERY temporary model for the reflective alloy while wiiv works on one.
- Fixed 1000 crashes related to multiplayer and particles.
Chocohead said:Industrial Craft 2-2.6.142-ex110
Happy New Year from the IC2 team
- Added Industrial Workbench
- Added Batch Crafter
- Fixed placing reactor chambers in a 1 block gap between multiple reactors
- Fixed depleted MOX fuel being impossible to process in the Thermal Centrifuge
- Allow charging of jetpacks attached to non-electric armours
- Fixed reactor chambers sometimes falling off reactors on chunk loading
- Fixed dynamite recipe not existing
- Added client side command to simulate right clicking (for debugging purposes)
- Allow a pump with water next to an empty compressor make snowballs again
- Fixed obscured blocks crashing when their block damage lines are drawn (sort of)
- Allow TeBlocks to have transparent textures (fixes glass fibre cables)
- Allow the pump output to be taken out of any side other than the top (rather than only the bottom)
- Cleaned up default config
- Fixed rubber + resin sheet recipes outputting too little
DrasticDemise said:This is an unofficial continuation of the project Aura Cascade found here:
This mod has been straight ported from its 1.7.10 and 1.8.9 iterations. This mod is filed under MIT in correspondence to its parent license. Content will be added sparingly if time allows, follow the git page for more info and issue tracking.
--Old Description--
This is a magic mod that challenges the user to think of solutions to complex problems. At it's core is an innovative power system which is nearly impossible to fully optimize. All features are documented via an in-game book.
- Huge thanks to Vazkii. The lexicon code is taken from Botania, and the design philosophies behind Botania were a huge inspiration. Just because it wasn't clear, this is neither a Botania addon nor a knockoff in any way.
legobmw99 said:This mod was originally created by ZenDarva for Minecraft 1.5. Since then, it has been almost completely rewritten by myself. Regardless, permission was recieved from ZenDarva here
This mod adds the basics of Allomancy from Brandon Sanderson's Mistborn series to Minecraft
The first eight Allomantic abilities are fully added. This mod features the necessary world gen for said metals, but that can be disabled in the configuration and supports all the OreDictionary entries you would expect.
This mod is based around three key bindings and the use of both mouse buttons.
The basic mechanics of the mod are essentially the same as in the book series.
As of version 2.5.0, you will now spawn as a random Misting. You can move on up in the world by finding some dungeons, or perhaps looking at recipes involving the nether star...
Please leave feedback and other comments! I am very curious what you think!
MC_Pitman said:Biome Bundle 1.10
Rough patch notes:
- Forge version now working (with much much improved mod compatibility than the 1.7.10 version)
- Stair block rotation fixed across all structures
- Added 23 new edge/isle biomes to provide smoother biome transitions and more varied terrain
- Added more clay under larger lakes
- Added more Melons in jungles
- Added more coal to ore generation, a tiny bit more iron, fewer diamonds and emeralds
- Fixes for some biome colours not displaying properly when using forge client
- Added stricter checks to make some odd structure placement less likely
- Further rebalanced structure rarities
- Added more custom small lake and volcano variety
- Fixed surface 'gravel ores' always generating gold incorrectly
- Fixed wrong beach type for some biomes
- Added more diorite to some biomes
- Reduced number of jukeboxes in generated structures
insaneau said:Ex Nihilo Adscensio 1.10.2-0.1.9
- Barrels now check slightly further away when changing fluids [SnakeFang]
- Sieve enchantments are now prefixed with "Sieve" to avoid getting confused with the vanilla ones [SnakeFang]
- Flowing and still lava now have the same melting rate for crucibles thanks to a vanilla "feature" [SnakeFang]
- EnderIO Compatability should no longer SAG Mill everything into dust. Oops. [SnakeFang]
- Soul Sand from Dust in Witchwater is now a default recipe [SnakeFang]
- Compost Support added to JEI [SnakeFang]
- Brazilian Localization [NarigudoBR]
- All mod compatabilities (such as Tinkers melting and EnderIO SAGging) can be disabled completely in the config.
AtomicBlom said:Homecraft Mineware
Homecraft Mineware intentions are to fill the decorative gap left in the base game by adding useful fluff objects.
Right now Homecraft Mineware does not contain a great deal but what does exist is lovingly crafted by Rorax and AtomicBlom to give you a few useful and beautiful objects to decorate your minecraft bases with.
Currently the mod contains:
You can light the Lantern and Candle Holders with a flint and steel
- Four Post Bed
- Bed with Canopy
- Lantern
- Candle Holder
- Fluid Barrel
- Item Barrel
- Chest of Drawers
Fear not though in the future we intend to add many more objects and this is just our offering for our first release.
Some items to look forward to are tables, chairs, doors, desks, shelves, crates, and many more strictly decorative items.
No special permissions are required to use this mod in a modpack. We would love to hear about your experience with the mod in your pack.
Thank you for taking a look at HCMW and we hope you enjoy what you find.
insaneau said:Ex Nihilo Adscensio 1.10.2-0.1.10
- Multi-sieving should no longer throw items 20 blocks into the air, unless you have a block on top. Solution: Don't put a block on directly on top of the sieve.
- Infested leaves should hopefully no longer bug out on servers.
Also, infested leaves shouldn't infest themselves anymore.- Fluids should now properly transform in barrels if the transforming block is on the same level as the barrel.
- Silkworm food saturation nerfed pretty heavily. This wasn't my choice.
- Infested leaves can now be sheared. They will just drop themselves though, no string dupe for you.
- The multiplier for crooks on vanilla leaves is now configurable.
Kashdeya said:Tiny Progressions 1.10.2-1.0.15
Updated to the stable version of Forge
Updated and fixed the config file.
Nerfed the Birthday Pickaxe to hurt entities the same as a Diamond Pickaxe.
Changed Birthday Pickaxe Recipe to fix a Recipe Conflict.
Changed recipe for Reinforced glass to use Dirty Glass.
Changed Grow Crystal recipe to use new Compressed Bone Block.
Removed the following Items from Knob Control and added them here.
Added Dirty Glass. Added Diamond Apple. Added Medkit.
Added Mycelium Seeds. (Can be used on Dirt to make Mycelium.)
Added Compressed Bone Block.
Added Recipe for Compressed Bone Block.
Added Andesite Brick.
Added Diorite Brick.
Added Granite Brick.
Added Ore Dictionary to a couple of blocks.
SetyCz said:Chickens 4.2.2
Main improvements:
* analyzer added
** a new item which can analyze chicken stats and other properties
** stats are not shown in WAILA until chicken was analyzed (this can ve overwritten in the configuration file)
** solves problems in modpacks without WAILA where stats could not be determined
* chicken for all dyes added
** you can breed color chickens to create new color
** or you can craft a color eggs and throw them to have a chance to spawn the chicken
* EnderIO tank overflow caused by liquid eggs fixed
** tank capacity is respected
* Compatibility with More Chickens:
Caught exception from More Chickens (morechickens)
Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Duplicated name!
* Compatibility with More Chickens:
Caught exception from More Chickens (morechickens)
Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: com.setycz.chickens.ChickensRegistryItem.setParents
Minor improvements:
* DE translation updated
* log messages improved
DarkCow said:About
This mod was created as a way to solve moving mutli-block sized plants and plants that can't be picked up. Namely tea trees from Apple Milk Tea mod which require silk touch to be moved.
Supported Plants
- Minecraft Reeds
- Minecraft Cacti
- AppleMilkTea Tea Tree
- AppleMilkTea Cassis Tree
M4thG33k said:Tomb Many Graves 1.10.2-2.1.15
- Compatibility with the Tinkers' Construct soulbound modifier
- A blacklist config for items (with/without damage "meta" values) which will keep items from entering the grave (and spilling onto the ground unless handled by another mod)
- A few items default to be on this list. Important one: Death Item Lists. If this line is removed, you could corrupt a chunk of your world due to a grave becoming too large for memory (nesting death lists are a nasty, nasty thing)
- A blacklist config for enchantments. Enchantments having a value higher than one in the list will keep it from entering a grave (and spilling onto the ground unless handled by another mod).
- EnderIO's Soulbound enchant comes on the list by default
- Holding a Death List in either hand will spawn a trail of particles toward your grave which turn white when you're within 10 blocks of the grave. These will still happen if you are in the wrong dimension, so be careful! (They will lead to the corresponding coordinates to whatever dimension you're in.) Configs are available to completely turn off this feature and also to toggle whether or not the player needs to SNEAK with the list in-hand to have the particles spawn.
- The giant red square taking up your texture maps. Sorry about that.
BlayTheNinth said:Ex Compressum 1.10.2-2.0.68
Added rabbit bait (carrot & melon seeds)
Added support for Ex Nihilo Adscensio's custom sieve enchantments (Sieve Efficiency & Sieve Fortune)
Added consideration of the player's Luck attribute to the Heavy Sieve sifting
Added Compressed Netherrack and Compressed End Stone for hammering into Nether Gravel / Ender Gravel
Added tooltip "Combine with Blasting for best results" to Double Compressed Diamond Hammer
Prevented the Blasting modifier's drop destroy chance when hammering to allow using it on Smashing II tools without loss
Fixed Smashing II not dropping anything on non-hammerable blocks
Fixed Smashing II not hammering when canHarvest checks fails
Fixed lighting of Auto Hammers, Auto Sieves, Heavy Sieve and Wooden Crucible content blocks
- This allows pickaxes to hammer gravel and sand (although it will be as slow as breaking it with your hand - add Blasting to your tool to gain back regular speed)
OreCruncher said:Dynamic Surroundings 1.10.2-
What's New!
- Background thunder during storms!
- Refreshed sounds; Minecraft thunder replacement sounds.
- For those wanting to develop their own sound/block configuration files there is a new configuration option "Enable Debug Dialog". Setting to "true" will cause a Java dialog window to appear displaying the state of all the script variables and their current values. Dialog will only be active when a world is loaded. The dialog will dynamically update as you move through the world.
- Config options for disabling ASM transformations. Dynamic Surroundings weather effects can be turned off completely using these options. Useful if using shader packs and the weather just doesn't work right.
- Rain/snow/dust will be auto-disabled if Localized Weather and Stormfronts (Weather2) is installed. Weather2 does a lot with weather and rendering, and Dynamic Surroundings would interfere with all that.
- Config GUI can now be translated! Russian translations provided by Xottab-DUTY! Thanks!
- Updated README with new attributions for sounds. Depending on the attributions monetizing streaming channels may be a challenge.
- Speech Bubbles, Entity Chat, and Entity Emojis disabled by default. These can be turned back on in the configuration.
- Speech bubble range reduced to 16 as a default range. Affects player chat as well as entity talk.
- Speech bubbles will only render if the player can see the entity. No more "X-ray" of mobs and the like.
- A ParticleWaterSplash instance can have only one outstanding sound playing. Reduces pressure on the Minecraft sound engine. (Each block you see splashes around is an instance.)
- Adjusted the ParticleWaterSplash creation so that it will not spawn in simple water flows, like dumping a bucket of water on the ground. Intent is to reduce client and rendering impacts with large falls.
- Created a new waterfall OGG sound rather than reuse the rain drop.
- Additional checks for bad sounds when debug logging is enabled. Minecraft does do checks at startup but I have seen some bad ones during runtime that are currently not explained.
- Move default location of the Potion HUD to be the upper left. Main reason is that a lot of mapping mods put their maps in the upper right and the intent is to reduce the amount of configuration the player has to do.
- Changed how the configuration options are used for feature control. Most option changes will not require a restart of the client.
- The sky will darken when it starts raining rather than having some sort of variable gray sky. This is because I refactored how rain intensity affects Minecraft to eliminate ASM. Goal was to simplify, work more within the Forge framework, and minimize issues related to mod interactions.
- Implemented area scanner for "always on" particle effects such as water splashes and steam jets.
- It's recommended you make a backup copy of your configuration file and let Dynamic Surroundings create a new one. There were changes made to default settings that would affect things like sound.
115kino said:Aether Legacy 1.2
Major Fixes:
-Fixed issue with Aether II donators not being able to use Aether Legacy donation perks.
-Fixed odd tool bug issue making all aether tools the same strength
-Fixed issue with Sponge servers spawning large amounts of Zephyr's and Aerwhales making the Aether un-playable.
-Increased spawn-rates of Aechor Plants and Swets due to their rare amount.
-Fixed unusable darts and their weird gravity
Other Fixes:
-Fixed Aether portals not updating properly when broken.
-Fixed bug with achievement sounds never using the right sound category.
-Fixed Client and Server de-sync with poison.
-Fixed Slider not being able to attack you after respawn.
-Aerbunnies should move around normally when jumping.
-Aether portal now uses vanilla portal system allowing for custom portal sizes.
-Changed Sentry Stone texture to it's original form
modmuss50 said:Reborn Storage
A Refined Storage Addon
The first thing we added was a multiblock pattern crafter. It works just the same as it did back in AE 1.
The max size is 16x16 and it must have at least one CPU and one storage block.
Adding more CPU's to the multiblock will speed the crafting up.
Adding more storage blocks will allow you to store more patterns.
Modmuss50 - Code
Gigabit101 - Code + Textures
jaredlll08 said:Clumps groups XP orbs together into a single entity to reduce lag when there are many in a small area. Ontop of this, it also makes the player immedietly collect the orbs once they touch the player, so you are not stuck with a bunch of orbs in your face.
LalalaStab said:Usage
Felling is a very simple mod, and fits very well into the original feeling of the game. The mod introduces a new enchantment to the world, Felling. It can be enchanted on any axe and when chopping down trees, cuts the entire tree down at once. It is quite common (occurring about half the time with a good number of bookshelves) and works just like you would expect any other enchantment to.
Assuming you have forge installed:
When you have done this, the enchantment will be available in game.
- Open your minecraft folder
- Drop the jar file in your mods folder
- ???
- Profit
boni said:Tinkers Construct 1.10.2-2.6.2
Requires Java 8!
Recommended Forge: (minimum
Requires Mantle 1.1.4 and (if used) JEI
- Add caching for table models. This should increase performance in busy chunks a lot
- Slime boot colors
- Buff redstone modifier at higher speeds (yes, additionally to the fix below)
- Increase cluster size for cobalt and ardite ores
- Add a config option to blacklist TEs from the crafting station side inventory
- Increase chance to get a point for the luck modifier after blockbreak by 50%
- Fixed a bug in redstone speed scaling calculation at higher speeds (buff)
- Glowing modifier does not replace liquid blocks anymore
- Glowing modifier places lights not only in caves, but also when it's dark outside
- Fix crash when looking at modifiers with some addon modifiers
- Fix tanks of all sorts not being recognized as tanks when empty
- Fix a few cases where items would stay in the casting table/basin after casting
- Fix stone parts melting into the wrong amounts of stone
- Fix bows not being repairable with both bowlimb materials
- Fix endrod arrows being able to hit yourself when moving forward
- Fix only one fish showing up for the fins modifier (Mantle fix)
- Several situational crashes
gbanbubble07 said:The Minecraft Circuits Mod allows the player to downsize real redstone circuits to a single block backed by a Java implementation, provided that they produce a functionally-equivalent circuit. Unlike many other mods for Minecraft which add circuitry, there is no special separate interface to learn for circuits built in the mod, and the crafting costs of all circuits depend on the way the player originally constructed them -- every block counts!
OreCruncher said:Dynamic Surroundings 1.10.2-
What's New!
- Added a not ! operator to the conditional string grammar. Does the same thing as the function NOT but without all the extra verbiage.
- Removed regex support for conditional strings. Must use the new scripting syntax.
- Added weapon/tool sound support for TConstruct things. Now you can swoosh! with style with that cleaver. (Thanks lukiono!)
- Added some debris enhancements to explosions. Just light some TNT and watch. Or use flint and steel on a creeper. Let me know what you think.
- Embellished the Debug Dialog with additional tabs.
- Don't initialize state on a Netty thread. :\
- Fixed a delayed acoustic bug that's been around for a while. Landing on blocks should sound better.
- Blending of biome sounds at biome boundaries would sometimes result in lower volumes. Fixed that.
- Changes focused on performance and memory utilization.
- Increased default special effect range from 16 to 24.
- Improved fade in/out of biome sounds when moving between biomes. Shouldn't sound as abrupt.
horsewithnoname said:![]()
Download – PMC post – Minecraft Forum post – AdFly support link
Metamorph (from Metamorphosis) – a Minecraft mod for 1.10.2 (there is also build for 1.9.4), which allow players to morph into different vanilla mobs. Heavily inspired by iChun's Morph mod and zacuke's Shape Shifter Z mod.
Mod review made by me:
Mod showcase by xJSQ:
Install Minecraft Forge, then go to releases and download the latest stable version (not a pre-release) of jar file. Put it in minecraft's mods folder, and launch the game.
After that, Metamorph mod should be installed and will appear in Minecraft's mods menu. If Metamorph didn't appear in the mods menu, then something went wrong.
How to play
To morph into other creatures, you must to acquire a morph first. To acquire a morph, you have to kill a mob, then a ghost of a mob will appear (that's a morph), and when you'll pick it up, you'll acquire a morph. Only vanilla* mobs have their own morphs.
Once you have at least one morph, you're able to transform into that morph. Use [ and ] keys for advancing through the list of morphs. Use enter key for transforming into selected morph. To demorph, you scroll left until you select your character, and then press enter to demorph. Or you can press demorph key (which is . by default).
You retain your morphs even after death (although . In creative, you can select any available morph via "Creative Morph Menu" which can be opened by pressing B key in the game.
The outer look of morphs are quite limited, so you cannot kill a child pink sheep and turn into a child pink sheep. Instead, you'll turn into a white adult sheep.
* – vanilla mobs that are listed below.
About morphs
Every morph you equip or apply grant you different look, size, and health capacity. Except those properties, every morph also has special abilities, attack and action.
Abilities give special properties to morphs. Chicken morph will slowly fall and get no fall damage. Spider and CaveSpider morphs will be able to climb on the wall. Bat morph will be able to fly and has a night vision.
Attack is an effect which is applied onto attacked entity. For example, if you hit some entity while being in CaveSpider morph, your target will gain poison potion effect. If you'll hit an entity while being in VillagerGolem morph, you'll throw your target high in the air.
Action is a special ability that is triggered by "action key" (which is V by default). Examples: in Rabbit morph, you'll jump high; in Creeper morph, you'll explode like a creeper, and so on.
Available morphs
A full list of which vanilla morphs are available in the mod (as of 1.0), you can find here.
If you wonder about the future of this project, and what new updates might bring in, then make sure to checkout issues page on GitHub.
If you found a bug, or this mod crashed you game. I'll appreciate if you could report the bug or crash to me either in issues or on Twitter. Please, make sure to attach a crash log (pastebin please) and description of a bug or crash and the way to reproduce it. Thanks!
This project is licensed under MIT. See file.
For reposters
When reposting my mod on your own website, please do following (if you want to support me and this mod):
For YT reviewers
- Don't distort the mod name, it's not MetaMorph or METAMORPH. It's Metamorph.
- Make sure that information and description of my mod is legit. Misleading information, like Minecraft version support, is your responsibility.
- By uploading a custom build of this mod, the build becomes your responsibility.
- Provide the source link, please. Either it's GitHub page, Planet Minecraft or Minecraft Forum post.
- You can use Metamorph banner or cover for your repost page. Don't apply the watermark, though, that's just rude.
When reviewing my mod on your YT channel, please do following (if you want to support me and this mod):
- Don't distort the mod name, it's not MetaMorph or METAMORPH. It's Metamorph.
- Provide a link to my YouTube channel, please. This will be really appreciated!
- Provide the source link instead of reposter's page, please. Either it's GitHub page, Planet Minecraft or Minecraft forum post. However, if you have a website where you post some notes or instructions along with link to source link, it's also fine. AdFly link will be really appreciated!§
TheUnderTaker11 said:This is an unofficial re-make of the Advanced Genetics mod from 1.7.10 by TeamDNA. This was made from scratch and no code was taken from the original mod.
Have you ever wanted to become superhuman? Be able to edit your genes to your liking? Well now you can! Genetics Reborn adds the ability to take genes from animals and mobs in the world and infuse them into your own DNA.
Wiki can be found at my GitHub. It explains everything you need to know about using the mod! (Including modpack info)
This mod is in BETA, please report any bugs you come across here. Any problems reported should be fixed within 1-2 days, but I check pretty often so it will probably be quicker.
There are also more planned things, such as mob cloning, so more content is on its way!
Have any suggestions for genes to add?- Leave them at the link given above for bugs marked with [Suggestion] before the title! Genes from other mods Entities are welcome! If it is something a lot of people wouldn't like I might still add it but have it disabled by default(Assuming it's not more trouble than it is worth to make).
ALL genes can be disabled through the config, it won't stop players from getting the genes into their blood, but it will make the genes do absolutely nothing for them.
EwyBoy said:Info:
ITank is a simple to use, smart tank that can be stacked vertically where each tank can store up to 8000mB by default. The focus of this mod is to make a good looking fluid storage alternative. The mod is super lightweight with a jar size under 50KB and with optimized rendering that should not stress even slowest computers. The tanks uses the new capability system from forge and should be compatible with most other mod as long as they are following the forge standards when it comes to liquids and fluid transportation.
- Smart tank building [Right click a tank with another tank, to automatically stack the tanks vertically]
- Configurable storage amount [Set the tank to store how much as you want in the config file]
- Gravity drain [Fluids automatically drain to the lowest tank possible even through other liquids]
- Glowing liquids [Glowing liquids like lava, glow at night and emit light to surroundings]
- Liquid transparency [Transparent liquids like water render so you can see through em]
- Waila support [Tells you what liquid is stored in the tank and how much]
Want to do a mod spotlight? Just send me a link to it afterwards and I put it up here at the modpage!
Modpack:You has my permission to use this mod in any private & publicly distributed modpack whatsoever.
Live development: The mod is being developed live at my beam channel:
You can find me on twitter:
McJty said:RFTools 1.1x-5.80
- Screens now support truetype displays. This is also enabled by default but can be disabled in the config if you don't like it. Also you can change the setting per individual screen in the screen GUI
- Fixed a crash that could occur after first selecting a recipe in a tier 3 crafter beyond the first four and then pressing apply in a tier 2 crafter
- Fixed a potential crash in the storage filter item
desht said:Modular Routers 1.10.2-1.2.3
- Added the Puller Mk2 module - pull items from inventories within 12 blocks (24 with range upgrades). Can be adjusted in config/modularrouters.cfg if desired.
- Colour for sender & puller particle beams changed: sender mk1/2 beam is orange, sender mk3 is magenta, puller beam is blue.
- Removed spurious debug messages (pertaining to explosions) mistakenly left in the 1.2.2 release.
- Increased the default range of Sender Mk2 from 16 to 24 blocks (max range 32 -> 48). Can be adjusted in config/modularrouters.cfg if desired.
TheUnderTaker11 said:This is an unofficial re-make of the Advanced Genetics mod from 1.7.10 by TeamDNA. This was made from scratch and no code was taken from the original mod.
Have you ever wanted to become superhuman? Be able to edit your genes to your liking? Well now you can! Genetics Reborn adds the ability to take genes from animals and mobs in the world and infuse them into your own DNA.
Not only can you give yourself genes, but you can also give them to animals/mobs in the world also! Want a horse that is immune to fire and always has speed II? Well now it is possible!
Wiki can be found at my GitHub. It explains everything you need to know about using the mod! (Including modpack info)
This mod is in BETA, please report any bugs you come across here. Any problems reported should be fixed within 1-2 days, but I check pretty often so it will probably be quicker.
There are also more planned things, such as mob cloning, so more content is on its way!
Have any suggestions for genes to add?- Leave them at the link given above for bugs marked with [Suggestion] before the title! Genes from other mods Entities are welcome! If it is something a lot of people wouldn't like I might still add it but have it disabled by default(Assuming it's not more trouble than it is worth to make).
ALL genes can be disabled through the config, it won't stop players from getting the genes into their blood, but it will make the genes do absolutely nothing for them.
Kashdeya said:Tiny Progressions 1.10.2-1.0.19
Fixed Tier 1 Growth Crystal recipe to use glowstone instead of redstone.
Fixed a couple of bugs that was never reported.
Fixed Growth Crystal Tier 2 distance to be 9x9 not 11x11.
Changed the hardness of the growth crystals so any pickaxe will work to break block.
Changed the hardness of charcoal block so any pickaxe will work to break block
Changed the hardness of Reinforced glass so any pickaxe will work to break block
Changed the hardness of Cobblegen Tier 1 so any pickaxe will work to break block
Removed tool requirement for the Flesh block. Can now be mined by hand.
Growth Crystal Tier 1 now detects 3 above and 3 below for grow-able plants.
Growth Crystal Tier 2 now detects 5 above and 5 below for grow-able plants.
GenDeathrow said:Hatchery v0.2.5
If you downloaded version 0.2.3 of hatchery you may have noticed your chickens disappearing and inventory getting lost.
This happened because of me trying to clean up some code to make reading bug reports easier. Instead I created one.
Only about 122 got this download before I was able to remove it.
If you upgrade from version 0.2.2 your will be ok, if you upgrade from 0.2.3 you will have to break nesting pens again and replace your chickens.
- 0.2.5 [Hotfix for jei recipe]
- 0.2.4 - 0.2.3
- Sorry for the quick fix, but realized jei was displaying wrong information for nesting pen drops with "Chickens mod"
- view below for all changes
- Fixed Chickens and loot disappearing from Nesting pens, because of lost Tile entities
- Fixed Visual bug of baby chickens not updating into an adult chicken when in the nesting pens
- Added New Roster for Auto-breeding (Not meant for crossbreeding from Chickens Mod). Rooters Spawn into the world and you will have to find them.
Animal Net can't be used in offhand
Hatchery eggs can now be used in Dispensers to throw eggs\
Hatchery Eggs have been oredic to work with harvest craft recipes.
Nest no long are allowed to interact with hoppers, since they weren't suppose and didn't work anyways
Removed about of unused code, and Unneeded code.
Updated Lang Files zh_CN.lang was added by TartaricAcid
Started new block, but isn't not active yet
Added Catch to prevent clients crashing when connected to DS and during death screen.
Changed how the AI replaced base chicken AI
Updated Configs file to include rooster
TheRealp455w0rd said:Introducing
Tough Expansion
A Tough As Nails Addon
Requires p455w0rd'sLib for 1.10.2 which can be found here.
Optionally supports Baubles for 1.10.2 which can be found here.
Portable Temperature Regulator
Maintains player temp to a comfortable level
Requires RF to function
Baubles support (any slot)
Thirst Quencher
Quenches player thirst as needed.
Requires RF and Water to function
Integrated water filtration/cleaning
Baubles support (any slot)
Temperature Regulator
Block version of the temperature regulator.
Maintains confortable temp for all players in radius of 20 blocks (default/configurable)
Air Conditioning Unit
Same functionality as TAN Cooling coil, but requires RF to run. (Recommended to disable TAN coils via a mod like CraftTweaker)
Heating Unit
Same functionality as TAN Heating coil, but requires RF to run. (Recommended to disable TAN coils via a mod like CraftTweaker)
Config Options:
- PortableTempRegulatorCap - RF capacity for the Portable Temperature Regulator
- TempRegulatorBlockRFCap = RF capacity for the Temperature Regulator Block
- TempRegulatorBlockRadius - Effective radius of Temperature Regulator Block
- ThirstHealthFix - Makes thirst health regen respect same logic as hunger
- ThirstQuencherRFCap - RF capacity for the Thirst Quencher
You are free to do as you wish within the confines of the MIT Lincese with this mod without permission.
Patron Cosmetics:
By becoming a patron over @ my Patreon page you will be given your choice of green, blue, or red bat wings! The wings will be visible to everyone on servers running any of my 1.10.2 mods![]()
Franckyi3 said:Item Editor GUI BETA is out for MC 1.11.x !
Thanks everyone for 100+ downloads
Item Editor GUI is a useful client-side mod for mapmakers and server admins. Simple GUIs system makes it very easy to use !
How does it work ?
Select an item in your main hand or hover it in your inventory and press "I" key. The hotkey is configurable in the 'Controls' menu. You must be in creative mod to access to the GUI.
Current features (1.11.2- :
If you have any problems or suggestions, please open a new issue.
- Change an item's name (colors supported !)
- Change an item's lore (colors supported !)
- Add safe & unsafe enchantments to an item
- Edit Hide Flags of an item
- New in : Edit Attributes !
elucent said:Roots 2-0.006
- A new hut structure, with some early plant-related loot
- Two books for documentation, both of which can be found in each hut
- Mortars, imbuers, several spells not working on servers.
ValkyrieofNight said:Environmental Tech 1.10.2-0.10.5i
Update 0.10.5i
- All multiblocks can be disabled with a redstone signal applied directly to the controller.
- Bug Fixes.
MrRiegel said:By default your potion effects will be shared with players around you.
There are config options to:
- change the range
- enable sharing with mobs
- enable manual sharing
Only required on server.