What's new in modded minecraft today?

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new day, new update, and today it's @MattsOnMc with MacroKey Keybinding
MattsOnMc said:

MacroKey allows you to bind commands to keys.

When you find yourself in a situation where you want to be able to access a command fast, you may realize you can be 1 click away.

One of the biggest complaints I have found about macro mods in the past is that they aren't for forge, but also that they sometimes just don't work on servers without the mod installed on the server.
With MacroKey I made that the mod is fully functional while in single- and multiplayer worlds. No server side mods required!

MacroKey has easy to use and understand GUIs and powerful commands.

I will start with the commands:
To retrieve all current bindings, simply use "/bind list".
To add a binding, you can use "/bind add <key> <command>".
If you feel stuck at any time, feel free to use the "/bind help" command.

The default GUI button is set to K (you are able to change this in your *game* control options.)Once opened, you will see a interface that looks a lot like the default game options.

To add a binding; click "Add Keybinding", here you will be asked for the desired command you want to run.(tip: use '/' infront of text to make sure it gets interpreted as a command).Once you have typed your command you can press the button to bind a key. Do note that when using a key that is already being used by vanilla, the button will turn gold, this indicates that this keybinding may break stuff / trigger when playing.Then you are finally ready to press "Save Keybinding" and go back in-game to see what you have created!

To edit a key of a command; click the button that is showing the current key in use, and then click any other key. If you press "escape" on your keyboard, it will disable the command, leaving it without any quick access binding.

To remove a binding; click the X behind the command you wish to remove.

If you have any suggestion, issues or questions; feel free to shoot me a PM, or leave a comment!


To server mods/admins:This mod is NOT a hacked client nor can it be used as one. This mod does not give benefits to players using it.

and @Kloonder with Grapple Hooks
Kloonder said:

Well, what should I write here.

My mod is stable and available on both 1.8.9 and 1.9

Have fun playing :)

Crafting recipes.


This is only 1.9, in 1.8 you can only find these in chests.

You only need one diamond block, not 64 :)


No need to ask, you can add my mod to modpacks.

and @RazzleberryFox with FTB Trophies
RazzleberryFox said:
Hi guys!

This is a mod made for the FTB mod packs, that adds a trophy for the mod packs custom achievements.

and for those who not yet know, Infinity Evolved Skyblock has been released, but do note, there's been several versions released to fix some quick bugs, so you may need to update a few times.
new day, new update, and today it's @jaquadro with Storage Drawers
jaquadro said:
Storage Drawers 1.9.6
  • Added redstone upgrades.
  • Taking items from drawers will try to put them directly in your inventory first, then drop them in front of drawer.
  • Obsidian storage upgrade gives drawers higher blast resistance.

and @Bartz24 with Sky Resources
Bartz24 said:
Sky Resources

The mod where all materials come from alchemy and technology in the sky.

-Spawn on a sand platform with a cactus and sand

Other spawn platforms types (Dirt/Snow) will be implemented later.

Select Sky World world type for platform spawn.


-Create a sapling from a cactus through life infusion

-Grind down rocks into sand and gravel with a rock grinder

-Combustion heater multiblocks


-Create metal crystals through combustion and melt them down into liquids in the crucible


-Condense metal liquids into ingots

-Iron, gold, copper, tin, silver, zinc are default metals


-Melt down a Blaze Powder Block down into Lava

-Extract water from cactus with a Water extractor

-*NEW* Fluid dropper that pulls fluids from nearby tanks and places them in the world

JEI (Just Enough Items) is highly recommended for recipes.
new day, new update, and today it's @xZakem with Dragon Egg Replicator
xZakem said:
With this mod you can replicate the dragon egg for further usage such as decoration, other mods or whatever you can think of.

Requires Minecraft 1.7.10 with Forge

Also visit the Minecraft Forum for further information.

You start off by crafting the Dragon Egg Replicator:


The second recipe is the Measuring Device:

Spoiler (click to hide)
The Measuring Device can be used for measuring the replication progress.

It tells you how far the progress is done.

Place the Dragon Egg Replicator block on top of Endstone and the vanilla dragon egg on top of the Replicator and power the it.

Take a look at the screenshots for the setup and what how much damage a replication process can cause.

and @raoulvdberge with Refined Storage
raoulvdberge said:
Refined Storage 0.5.2
Forge version 1826 or higher required!


  • Items that don't exist anymore, won't be added to storage again to avoid crashes
  • Fixed not being able to run the mod without JEI

Changes in 0.5


  • Fixed clicking sound in Grid
  • Fixed a bunch of crashes
  • Fixed Exporter not exporting is some cases
  • Fixed Importer not importing in some cases
  • Fixed Controller drawing RF every 20 ticks instead of every tick
  • Fixed not being able to shift click from Crafting Grid crafting slots
  • Fixed new items inserted after crafting in Grid being laggy
  • Fixed flickering of items in Grid
  • Fixed getting a stack of unstackable items from Grid
  • Fixed Cable not having a collision box
  • Check if the Constructor can actually place said block in the world

  • New textures
  • Updated to the latest Forge and JEI
  • Renamed Drives to Disk Drives
  • Renamed Storage Cells to Storage Disks
  • Removed Wireless Transmitters
  • Wireless Grid is now bound to a Controller instead of a Grid
  • Drives have a better interface and there are now blacklist and whitelist filters for the Storage Disks in it too.
  • Destructors have the ability to whitelist and blacklist certain items now
  • Shift clicking stuff in the Interface
  • Scrollbar in Grid and Crafting Grid
  • Made the normal Grid 1 row larger
  • Display of connected machines in the Controller GUI
  • Deep Storage Unit integration (with this several barrel mods are now supported too!)
  • Machines don't need to be connected with cables anymore, they can be next to each other too
  • Made the amount text in the Grid for items smaller
  • Nice formatting for items >= 1K (pressing shift while hovering over an item will still display the real item count)
  • When placing Importer, Exporter or External Storage with SHIFT, it will have the opposite direction. This is for easy placement behind other blocks (furnaces for example)
  • Added mass crafting of items with shift in Crafting Grid
  • Added JEI recipe transfering in Crafting Grid
  • Grid can synchronize with JEI
  • Side buttons in machine GUIs are now left, not right
Special thanks to GustoniaEagle for the new textures, and tomevoll for providing a bunch of patches and helping me debug some bugs.

and @FuzzyFuzzzz with Beacon Watches
FuzzyFuzzzz said:
You may be asking yourself 'What is a "beacon watch"?'. Well, a beacon watch is essentially a mobile beacon. When right-clicked, each different type of beacon watch gives you a different buff, the same as those available through the beacon block. The difference is, you can have these watches with you anywhere. There are currently 6 types of watches, one for each beacon buff. More types of watches will be coming soon! This mod is only available for minecraft version 1.8.9.

and @kokolihapihvi with Ore Pings
kokolihapihvi said:
Allows you to craft single use ore pings from ores.

When used you and players near you will be able to see said ores through the world for a short period of time.


Uses ore dictionary to dynamically create pings for all ores.

Inspired by FortressCraft Evolved ping ores function.

and @Speiger with IC2 Classic
Speiger said:
IC2 Classic
Finally After 4 months (well 3,5-3,8 months) the big update is done and released. You can not imagine how happy i am...
Now we did test a lot and we found a lot of bugs so that the end of the testing people could not find much at all...
But before we get to the Changelog i want to put out to a lot of Special thanks.

Chocohead & Mine_Sasha: For the Helping for everything. Textures, Doctumentation, Testing, Ideas they helped out. And i can not be thankfull enough for their help.
Freezy: For helping out with Textures and testing. Without him this version would be still in progress.
Dr0n1k: For testing. He found some critical bugs even if he was not always around he tested in the hidden xD
McAztec: For Testing and giving suggestions to some features that were usefull... He did speed up the Final testing.
Robotia: For general Testing. Finding the Huge Lag Points, improving my Programming Skills by a lot and idea throwing outs.
KitsuneAlex: For the Final Textures that were nessesary to finish the IC2 Classic Update. We had a lot of quere and he did get ride of it so quick...
Myrathy: For allowing me to add the old Chargepads mod into IC2 Classic
Also thanks for the IC2 Team for supporting IC2 Classic. Without their permission this would be not existend.
And everyone i forgot i am really sorry about that ^^"
Without these people IC2 Classic were not possible.

So that we have done that we can go to the important notes (If you did not read them then i will not bother helping you):
1: Texture Packs have to be dissabled if they contain IC2 Classic stuff. They will cause crashes.
2: You can update directly but i suggest to download the compat version and activating the: Dissable Luminators config.
3: Converting back is possible but very annoying since i switched blocks. Luminators are no longer 2 Blocks. Remove all types of luminators if you want to convert back.
4: Backup your world. If you follow the rule nr 2 or have no luminators placed it should not break anything. But still there can always something be... I tried to write it as compatible as possible

If anything happens outside i am here to helpout.

Also a note: MultiPart Luminators do not mean that i Support FMP... I never support something buggy like that...

Now to the Changelog: I wish you fun reading it because its almost as big as all changelogs together that were released before..

and @Reika with DragonAPI, ChromatiCraft & RotaryCraft
Reika said:
DragonAPI, ChromatiCraft & RotaryCraft V12e
  • DragonAPI: MESystemReader can now support NBT matching or ignoring
  • DragonAPI: SpawnMobs command can now handle entities with spaces in their names (use "_")
  • DragonAPI: File hash comparison is now disableable in config
  • DragonAPI: Fixed PlayerAPI compatibility (finally)
  • DragonAPI: Made ASMConflictException more useful
  • DragonAPI: Added PlayerHasItem and RemovePlayerItem events
  • DragonAPI: Classes being ASMed will be output to the MC directory if ASM fails, for aid in debugging
  • ChromatiCraft: ME Inventory ability now extends to Construction and Transition Stars
  • ChromatiCraft: Added a rune to Aura Pouch recipe
  • ChromatiCraft: Added "Home" and "End" capabilities to Casting Delegate GUI
  • ChromatiCraft: Particle Spawner can now have its settings copied
  • ChromatiCraft: Fixed a relay rendering bug
  • ChromatiCraft: Item Inserter can no longer be used to power manual machines
  • ChromatiCraft: Fixed another Lumen Repeater serverside crash
  • ChromatiCraft: Fixed freshly crafted Lumen Repeaters failing immediately
  • RotaryCraft: Bedrock pickaxe now breaks EiO facades much more rapidly
Totemic 1.8.9-0.7 is released! The new boss Baykok is there.
  • Added Baykok, a skeleton-like boss monster who can be summoned with a ceremony and attacks with invisible arrows. Killing him will grant you his bow. Still kinda WIP.
  • Changed the way how Tipis are rendered. They are no longer a TESR, instead they are using a Wavefront OBJ model now. The rendering should be faster now.
    It also means that resource packs can customize the model. Unfortunately the z-fighting issues remain until the model's topology is redone, and the lighting can be quirky when blocks are placed inside it.
  • The wind chime item now uses a JSON model instead of the deprecated tile entity item render hook
  • The wind chime can now be used for selecting ceremonies even when it is already playing
new day, new update, and today it's @BlayTheNinth with Ex Compressum
BlayTheNinth said:
Ex Compressum 1.1.111
Hotfixed buffs from Enchanted Books not actually being applied.

Added Auto Hammer

  • Normal version of the Auto Compressed Hammer
  • It's faster and requires less energy than the Auto Compressed Hammer
  • In return can only smash normal blocks (like a normal hammer)
Added Squid Bait

  • Needs to be placed in water
  • Requires at least 10 blocks of water nearby
Fixed Auto Heavy Sieve ignoring the speed boost

Fixed the blocks placed by an Ore Smasher not showing up for other clients until they get updated

Fixed the Ore Smasher placing blocks even if an entity is in the way (causing suffocation)

Fixed books enchanted using NEI not working within the Auto Sieves

Fixed power level of blocks not always updating in the GUI

Fixed the decaying of enchanted books within the Auto Sieve

Changed recipe of Auto Compressed Hammer to not be as crazy expensive

Changed the behaviour of the Auto Sieve tooltip

Added missing tooltip to Mana Sieve
Just released the first beta of RFTools Dimensions (dimensions addon for RFTools) for Minecraft 1.9. This version of RFTools Dimensions is almost the same as the 1.8.9 version with the following differences:

  • There are new structure dimlets for Ocean Monuments, Igloos, Desert temples, Jungle temples, and Swamp Huts
  • Most structure dimlets (except for villages) now ignore biome requirements. So you can get ocean monuments in deserts for example
  • Chestloot is not implemented yet so you can't get dimlet loot bags from them. They should still drop from enderman though
Download: http://mods.curse.com/mc-mods/minecraft/240950-rftools-dimensions

Have fun!
new day, new update, and today it's @TarynWinterblade with Crafting Harmonics
TarynWinterblade said:
What the Mod Is:

Allows users to add and remove recipes from the game's crafting manager, similar to MineTweaker, using a JSON-based config format. Multiple config files are supported. More functionality may come as time permits.

Config Format:

When you first run the mod, it will generate a config/CraftingHarmonics/Sets folder, in which you can put one or more .json files to define your item sets. It's intended that, later on, you can run commands in order to add sets to users, allowing for a more dynamic experience, however, at current, only the 'default' set is implemented, and run once on start.

Currently, the file is expected to look like the sample file here. Each operation is specified as an object that gives a type (described below), and one or more additional options.

Operation Types

Currently, the following operations are implemented:

  • remove: Removes any ability to craft the specified item
    • what (required): The name of the item. This can be in the format of mod:itemname, mod:itemname:metadata or just itemname (this will assume you meant minecraft:itemname). Optionally, it may also be "*", if you want to remove all crafting recipes for whatever reason.
  • addShaped: Adds a shaped recipe
    • output (required): The output of the recipe, format is mod:itemname, mod:itemname:metadata, or mod:itemname:metadata:quantity. Metadata and quantity are optional, and metadata can be * if you want to set quantity here instead.
    • quantity (optional): The output quantity of the recipe; will be either set from the output string, or, if both are unused, will be 1.
    • with (required): The shape of the recipe itself; provided as an array of between 1 and 9 strings in the same format as the output, with blank spots represented as an empty string.
  • addShapeless: Adds a shapeless recipe
    • output (required): The output of the recipe, format is mod:itemname, mod:itemname:metadata, or mod:itemname:metadata:quantity. Metadata and quantity are optional, and metadata can be * if you want to set quantity here instead.
    • quantity (optional): The output quantity of the recipe; will be either set from the output string, or, if both are unused, will be 1.
    • with (required): The ingredients of the recipe itself; provided as an array of 9 or fewer strings in the same format as the output.
  • addFurnace: Adds a furnace recipe
    • output (required): The output of the recipe, format is mod:itemname, mod:itemname:metadata, or mod:itemname:metadata:quantity. Metadata and quantity are optional, and metadata can be * if you want to set quantity here instead.
    • quantity (optional): The output quantity of the recipe; will be either set from the output string, or, if both are unused, will be 1.
    • with (required): The ingredient of the recipe itself; provided as a single string in the same format as the output.


Version 0.4:

  • Added in the ability to add/remove furnace recipes.
  • Added in a more concise syntax for setting quantities.
  • Allow removal to specify metadata matching.
  • Added quality of life improvements around shaped recipes; recipes will automatically use the minimum amount of space necessary.
  • Added comments and more examples to the sample file. Any entries starting with __ will be ignored when parsing the file (well, technically, they're just not fields on the models...) so you can use these as comments.
Version 0.3:

  • Added the ability to add in shapeless recipes.
  • Added in 'with' as an alias for 'shape' in the shaped recipe config format; shapeless only uses 'with'.
Version 0.2:

  • Made it work outside of the dev environment (sorry; forgot to reobfuscate the jar...)
  • Added the ability to add in shaped recipes.
Version 0.1:

  • Added ability to remove recipes.


This project is fully open sourced; feel free to help commit to it, comment on the code, etc at https://github.com/legendblade/CraftingHarmonics

Short disclaimer: While I am a professional software developer by trade, this is my first mod and first real attempt at open source... silly company rules preventing me from posting our projects online. :)

and @Corail31 with Corail Tombstone
Corail31 said:
This mod allow to keep the dropped items when you die in a tombstone (and also prevent the xp loss in the config file) .

This is a beta version but it works with all dimensions.

The mod has translations for english and french.

NB : you must be in survival mode and without the keepinventory rule ;)

Next Releases :

* config option => personal access to the tombstone based on an item "key" (based on UUID) that stay in the player inventory all the time until the tombstone is empty

This mod is really new, so bugs could exist. Feel free to contact me to correct any problems. (i prefer in french ;) )

I put the source code, so dont hesitate to help me to improve this mod ;)

NB: The mod requires forge
Updated AbyssalCraft (1.7.10) (1.8.9) (1.9) to 1.9.1:
  • Demon Animals now have a 50% chance of not burning when spawning in the Nether
  • Added a mimic fire (exstinguishes after 6 seconds, can't be sustained by netherrack)
  • Integrations no longer need to be registered (added a plugin annotation that allows for 100% soft dependencies)
  • Fixed animations for the Dreadium Samurai Armor (arms should move correctly)
  • Improved the buttons in the Necronomicon GUI (they don't overlay anymore, and a transparent gradient displays on a button when hovered over)
  • Fixed potential crashes related to CraftingStacks where the recipe uses the OreDictionary
  • Automatically fetched crafting recipes will now also fetch the output quantity from the recipe
  • Sacthoth no longer spawns in the Dark Realm
  • Added a Misc Information section to the Necronomicon (displays things not mentioned anywhere else, among them crafting recipes)
  • The range from J'zahar in which you need to be in order for him to drop his essence has been increased to 32 blocks (previously 10)
  • The Engraver can be used again now (apparently broke in 1.9.0a)
  • Oblivion Deathbombs and ODB Cores now animate like TNT when primed
  • The death animation time for J'zahar has been increased to 40 seconds (so you can keep up with his speech)
  • The dialogues shown upon Asorah's and Cha'garoth's deaths now display each sentence with a 3 second pause between them
  • Added a ritual that allows you to respawn J'zahar (can only be performed at his temple)
  • Depths Ghouls now have their own hurt sound
  • Lesser Shoggoths now have their own living/hurt/death sounds
  • Increased the PE requirement for a few rituals
  • Nerfed the various tool materials a bit (reduced efficiency and durability)
  • A lot of API related things have been refactored
  • Inventory syncing for when the Staff of Rending gives you a essence/shadow gem should be a lot better now
  • Fixed any remaining issues related to tracking entities within close proximity of a block
  • Demon Animals now have a 50% chance of not burning when spawning in the Nether
  • Added a mimic fire (exstinguishes after 6 seconds, can't be sustained by netherrack)
  • Integrations no longer need to be registered (added a plugin annotation that allows for 100% soft dependencies)
  • Fixed animations for the Dreadium Samurai Armor (arms should move correctly, and armor renders correctly on Armor Stands)
  • Improved the buttons in the Necronomicon GUI (they don't overlay anymore, and a transparent gradient displays on a button when hovered over)
  • Fixed potential crashes related to CraftingStacks where the recipe uses the OreDictionary
  • Automatically fetched crafting recipes will now also fetch the output quantity from the recipe
  • Sacthoth no longer spawns in the Dark Realm
  • Added a Misc Information section to the Necronomicon (displays things not mentioned anywhere else, among them crafting recipes)
  • The range from J'zahar in which you need to be in order for him to drop his essence has been increased to 32 blocks (previously 10)
  • Oblivion Deathbombs and ODB Cores now animate like TNT when primed
  • The death animation time for J'zahar has been increased to 40 seconds (so you can keep up with his speech)
  • The dialogues shown upon Asorah's and Cha'garoth's deaths now display each sentence with a 3 second pause between them
  • Added a ritual that allows you to respawn J'zahar (can only be performed at his temple)
  • Depths Ghouls now have their own hurt sound
  • Lesser Shoggoths now have their own living/hurt/death sounds
  • Increased the PE requirement for a few rituals
  • Nerfed the various tool materials a bit (reduced efficiency and durability)
  • A lot of API related things have been refactored
  • Inventory syncing for when the Staff of Rending gives you a essence/shadow gem should be a lot better now
  • Now runs on Forge
  • Fixed any remaining issues related to tracking entities within close proximity of a block
  • Depths Ghouls now have their own hurt sound
  • Lesser Shoggoths now have their own living/hurt/death sounds
  • The ritual for respawning J'zahar will appear before the various Charms in the Omothol ritual section
  • Increased the PE requirement for a few rituals
  • Now runs on Forge
  • Biome ID config options have been removed (as they are assigned automatically)
  • Nerfed the various tool materials a bit (reduced efficiency and durability)
  • A lot of API related things have been refactored
  • Right-clicking with a bucket should no longer crash the game
  • Inventory syncing for when the Staff of Rending gives you a essence/shadow gem should be a lot better now

This marks the last release for Minecraft 1.7.10 (if any version of the mod was to be released for that branch again, it would most likely only contain bugfixes, or balancing done in the other branches)
new day, new update, and today it's @Phylogeny with Extra Bit Manipulation
Phylogeny said:
Extra Bit Manipulation 2.0.0

  • Chisels & Bits v8.x is required - older versions are not supported.


  • Added Dawn Mode to Sculpting Tools:
    • Bits are added/removed to/from a shape that symmetrically fills the cuboid specified by left clicking on a portion of a block and releasing on another.
  • Added hollow mode to Sculpting Tools:
    • Shape is set solid/hollow with alt right click.
    • Ends are toggled open/closed with alt left click (for shapes with ends).
    • Wall thickness is set with mouse scroll wheel.
  • Added shapes to Curved Sculpting Tools (in addition to sphere and drawn ellipsoid):
    • Cylinder and drawn elliptic cylinder.
    • Cone and drawn elliptic cone.
  • Added shape to Straight/Flat Sculpting Tools (in addition to cube and drawn cuboid):
    • Square pyramid and drawn rectangular pyramid.
  • Shapes are cycled with control right click.
  • The direction of shapes that are not symmetrical in all axes can by cycled with control mouse wheel
  • When in local/global mode, either bits (diameters are odd) or vertices of the bit grid (diameters are even) can be targeted:
    • Targeting Bits: the shape is centered on the center of the bit looked - the diameter is one (the center bit) plus/minus x number of bits (semi-diameter is x + 1/2 bit).
    • Bit Grid Vertices: the shape is centered on the corner (the one closest to the cursor) of the bit looked at (i.e. centered on a vertex of the grid) - the diameter is 2x number of bits (x is a true semi-diameter).
  • All Sculpting Tool data can either be stored/accessed per tool (stored in item stack NBT) or per player (stored in player NBT), as set by configs.
  • The default values of all Sculpting Tool data are set in configs.
  • Changes in Sculpting Tool data is displayed in a spam-free manor in chat (each can be disabled by config).
  • Sculpting Wires now have the ability to remove only certain types of bits, as set in same way sculpting bits are selected for Sculpting Spades: shift left clicking the desired bit (shift left click air to clear filter).
  • The giving/taking of bits to/from the player when sculpting in survival mode now supports Bit Bags (thanks to new C&B API methods).
  • Sculpting operation can be undone/redone (thanks to new C&B API methods).
  • Default/max semi-diameter configs are now set with all other sculpting settings and are no longer item-specific.
  • All sculpting settings are displayed in tool tips of Sculpting Tools while holding shift, and all sculpting controls are displayed while holding control.

Bug Fix

  • Fixed bug where Sculpting Tool semi-diameter cycling was using maximum damage config.

and @Gliath with Soundless Background
Gliath said:
This mod allows the user to mute Minecraft when it is in the background.

This option is configurable in multiple ways.

  • Disable/Enable the functionality in the config (and mod options in-game)
  • In the menu, Options -> Music and Sounds -> Music in Background
New release of RFTools 4.23beta41 for Minecraft 1.9. The main focus in this release is the environmental controller that I ported from 1.7.10:


  • Ported the environmental controller from 1.7.10 to 1.9 with a totally new look.
  • Added the syringe as that is needed to craft some of the modules for the controller.
  • Fixed a bug in the shield system where it would fail to check for allowed player names correctly.
  • Make the matter transmitter safer by storing the player name during teleportation instead of the actual player. That way there is no longer the risk of crashing when the server/client is stopped while someone is in mid-teleportation

Have fun!
new day, new update, and today it's @alex1the1666 with Biome Reactors
alex1the1666 said:
Biome Reactors adds a sole block: The Biome Reactor. This block allows the exchange of Redstone Flux(commonly referred to as RF) in order to change the biome in a 7 block radius. Different blocks have to be put inside the reactor for each different biome. It usually uses around 400,000 RF to change the biome.

We have a page on the Minecraft Forums! http://www.minecraftforum.net/forum...e-reactors-1-0-0-change-biomes-using-redstone

An API for modders who want the machine to be able to convert their own custom biomes is available here: https://github.com/Alex-the-666/BiomeReactorsApi
new day, new update, and today it's @mezz with No Potion Shift
mezz said:
A simple mod that stops potion effects from moving guis to the right.


and @MiningMark48 with Misc Configs
MiningMark48 said:
This mod adds miscellaneous config settings to the game. It's intended use is for mod packs or modded servers to control certain aspects of the game, whether it is disabling vanilla crafting tables or to slow down tree growth.

More config settings coming soon!

This mod was originally made for and because of Parcel31u's mod pack, Material Energy^Natural Capital.

and @css_maya with Village Info
css_maya said:
Put the mod inside your mod folder, when you are near a village (200 blocks away from the border of village or closer) hit the V key (Configurable) then you can use combination of control key + numbers from 1 - 6 (Configurable) to toggle different info display. I hope you enjoy this mod.

When you start showing information, every 6 seconds, the server will find every village that is considered close by, then it will draw information for every one of those villages in one go. It is really useful for making your own Iron farm design or villager breeding system.

MOD PACKS : Feel free to use my mod in any mod pack you want, you don't need to ask for permission, have fun with it

and @Aroma1997 with Industrial Craft
Aroma1997 said:
Industrial Craft 2-2.3.180-ex18
Numerous bugfixes and added ChunkLoader.

and @feldim2425 with More Overlays
feldim2425 said:
More Overlays 1.0-mc1.9
  • Chunk Edges now render in a 1 chunk radius (Configurable)
  • Added a option to disable the chunk middle (yellow line)
  • Chunk boundary renderer has now 3 modes ( off, only edges and middle , grid )
  • Added a option to turn off the 2 block space check for the light overlay (less lag)
  • Empty slots now have no overlay if the filter text is empty
  • Fixed JEI Version in the dependencies