What's new in modded minecraft today?

  • The FTB Forum is now read-only, and is here as an archive. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord! https://ftb.team/discord
WAWLA (by Darkhax) and Crafting Tweaks (by BlayTheNinth) have been ported to 1.8.8

mezz also brought us two updates of JEI
  • Find more sub-items (was missing items from Buildcraft)
  • Fix rendering of ISmartItemModel items (was rendering Charset wires incorrectly)
  • Handle /give for items with very long dataTags (requires JEI on server)
  • Fix rendering for some ISmartItemModels

Fun fact: 1.8.8 versions of these mods are getting more downloads than the 1.8 versions
Hammerz Update: 1.7.10-
Steel and Actually Repair Enchant Compatible Thaumium Hammer

  • Fixed Hammers mining improper block materials in 3x3.
  • Changed hammer registering process, any instance of correlating blocktype will enable a hammer.
  • Added Thaumium hammer (with repair and repair 2 compatibility)
  • Added optional second texture set to follow Vanill Minecraft, and Thermal Foundation textures.
  • Added Steel hammer
  • Added Configurable enabling of all hammers
  • Added Default-disabled tooltip info about tool materials.
  • Removed required dependency on EnderCore if EnderIO is not installed

Jewelrycraft 2 Update 1.1.4 for Minecraft 1.7.10
  • The guide now also shows the total number of pages, besides the current page
  • A new luck stat has been added to the Curse API
  • A bunch of new config options, such as changing the potion id's, if any of the different types of hearts can spawn, the chance of each structure spawning
  • Red hearts sometimes containing items
  • Ender Eye ring modifier displaying the wrong message
  • Grammar issues in the guide
  • Storage Displayer font issue
  • Items in NEI have a weird shade if you hover over an item in the guide
  • You can no longer increse your health via White hearts past double the amount of original max health
  • Rabbits Paw noe increases the chance of spawning hearts rather than spawning hearts itself
  • The displayer's info now has a solid purple color
  • The Storage Displayer's info now also shrinks in height, not just width, when the text is too big, making it much more readable
  • Reduced the time for the ritual to finish to half
  • Hearts now have a much lower chance to drop
Reika updated all his mods to V10

    • DragonAPI: Updated MystCraft handling
    • DragonAPI: Updated Forestry handling to 4.0
    • DragonAPI: Added MobTargetingEvent
    • DragonAPI: Updated to Forge 1558
    • DragonAPI: Fixed mouse grabbing issue with version notification
    • DragonAPI: Added Mac Support for LCTRL key
    • DragonAPI: Fixed ore drop handling
    • DragonAPI: Fixed some BlockArray errors
    • DragonAPI: Added TiC slime trees to ModWoodList
    • DragonAPI: Updated FluidHashMap to avoid inconsistent keysets due to Forge fluid behavior
    • DragonAPI: Added Fluid Name legacy support
    • DragonAPI: Added TiC/Mantle Pulsar handling
    • DragonAPI: Fixed some issues with TiC materials and crashes
    • DragonAPI: Added Carpenters' Blocks handling
    • DragonAPI: Updated HungerOverhaul handling
    • DragonAPI: Updated RedstoneArsenal handling
    • DragonAPI: Added player data to Block Break and Drop collection functionality, and added HarvestDropsEvent code
    • DragonAPI: Added DSU support to ItemCollection and InventoryHelper
    • DragonAPI: Config system now deletes "orphaned" entries (i.e. nonfunctional lines corresponding to long-removed options)
    • DragonAPI: Added G1GC enforcement if on Java 8 to prevent CC crashes
    • DragonAPI: Expanded Biome classification and temperature mechanics
    • DragonAPI: Added support for Harder Wildlife seasons affecting biome temperature
    • DragonAPI: Added support for Thaumic Tinkerer infused grain to ModCropList
    • DragonAPI: Fixed Draconium OreDict names in ModOreList
    • DragonAPI: Added side information to chat stacktraces for TileEntities
    • DragonAPI: Improved BlockReplace command
    • DragonAPI: Added SinglePlayerLogout event
    • DragonAPI: Expanded Config system flexibility
    • DragonAPI: Added "replace ingredient in recipe" functionality
    • DragonAPI: Fixed isLiquid() testing
    • DragonAPI: ModOreList now recognizes ProjectRed Electrotine as Nikolite
    • DragonAPI: Permission checks now include spawn protection
    • CaveControl: Added Dungeon spawn rate option
    • CondensedOres: First release
    • ChromatiCraft: Fixed Pylon Compass behavior
    • ChromatiCraft: Added API hook for crystal potion controller
    • ChromatiCraft: Improved Casting Delegate GUI
    • ChromatiCraft: Improved lexicon appearance
    • ChromatiCraft: Added "Save Position and Exit" button to lexicon
    • ChromatiCraft: Lexicon tabs now have labels
    • ChromatiCraft: Finished "Notes" lexicon tab
    • ChromatiCraft: Improved "fill bar" textures to aid visibility and improve appearance
    • ChromatiCraft: LSHIFT now doubles the size of the manipulator "wheel"
    • ChromatiCraft: Fixed Desert Structure generation
    • ChromatiCraft: Made desert structures more common
    • ChromatiCraft: Added Cloaking Tower
    • ChromatiCraft: Greatly improved lexicon structure rendering
    • ChromatiCraft: Added Lumen Broadcaster
    • ChromatiCraft: Fixed some NPEs when crafting certain recipes
    • ChromatiCraft: Fixed Aura Locus render jitter
    • ChromatiCraft: Fixed ExtraCells-related fluid handling
    • ChromatiCraft: Pylon turbocharging can now overload the network if connected
    • ChromatiCraft: Liquid chroma colors now propagate along the flow
    • ChromatiCraft: Added particle setting control for Crystal Altar
    • ChromatiCraft: Fixed glowstone dust metadata on lighted leaf drops (again)
    • ChromatiCraft: Void cells now show the stored item when LSHIFT is held
    • ChromatiCraft: Added ChocolateQuest support
    • ChromatiCraft: MystCraft generation now controlled by custom pages
    • ChromatiCraft: ME Distributor is now easier to use
    • ChromatiCraft: Repeaters now render a "dotted line" connectivity effect to make placement easier
    • ChromatiCraft: Vacuum Gun no longer breaks bedrock
    • ChromatiCraft: Fixed "Elements" lexicon page hiding most of the info
    • ChromatiCraft: Fixed lexicon showing total "obtainable" page count as one too many
    • ChromatiCraft: Improved "progress stages" lexicon page, lines always render properly now
    • ChromatiCraft: Crystal charger can now have each color toggled with the GUI
    • ChromatiCraft: Transport Windows and World Rifts can no longer be linked to themselves
    • ChromatiCraft: Fixed duplication wand using items in creative
    • ChromatiCraft: Improved Crystal Network performance
    • ChromatiCraft: Fixed some crashes when plugging ThaumCraft nodes into the Crystal Network
    • ChromatiCraft: Mineral Extractor now jams rather than spilling items
    • ChromatiCraft: Fixed some Mineral Extractor issues
    • ChromatiCraft: Added some new lexicon info pages
    • ChromatiCraft: Fixed Tiered Ores sometimes turning partially transparent
    • ChromatiCraft: Fixed Redstone Flux Radiator particles overshooting the target
    • ChromatiCraft: Particle setting and distance now affect Crystal Altar rendering
    • ChromatiCraft: Fixed some ownership detection issues on Ritual Altar and other blocks
    • ChromatiCraft: Fixed RF Radiator StackOverflow crashes
    • ChromatiCraft: Finished Crystal Fence
    • ChromatiCraft: Fixed some issues with dimension structure generation
    • ChromatiCraft: Fixed Ethereal Doors being unmineable
    • ChromatiCraft: Portal now spawns players at their spawn point, not the world spawn
    • ChromatiCraft: Mekanism Boxes can no longer move CC tiles
    • ChromatiCraft: EnderIO travel staff can no longer teleport through shielding stone
    • ChromatiCraft: Fixed Ball Lightning despawns not working
    • ChromatiCraft: Fixed CodeChickenLib dependency
    • ChromatiCraft: Fixed some Auto Enchanter derpiness
    • ChromatiCraft: Enhanced pendants can now not apply their effects in the Nether (config option)
    • ChromatiCraft: Transition wand can no longer break shielding stone
    • ChromatiCraft: Pylons cannot be used while being turbocharged
    • ChromatiCraft: Fixed free aspects in Aspect Former
    • ChromatiCraft: Changed Aspect Former recipe to be more visual
    • ChromatiCraft: Fixed very large images overloading some GPUs; removed related config option
    • ChromatiCraft: World Shift ability now obeys permissions
    • ChromatiCraft: Item Stand behavior now more intuitive, no longer uses double-clicks
    • ChromatiCraft: Improved Item Stand render
    • ChromatiCraft: Improved Crystal Tank render performance
    • ChromatiCraft: Fixed Item Collector NPEs
    • ChromatiCraft: Casting Delegate now needs a clear LOS to the table
    • ChromatiCraft: Casting table now gives progress to crafting player, not owner
    • ChromatiCraft: Increased Crystal Tank max internal storage to 2MB
    • ChromatiCraft: Dimension Biome IDs now check for ID conflicts
    • ElectriCraft: Dyes on resistors no longer consumed if not correct or already present
    • ElectriCraft: Resistor recipe now OreDict-compliant
    • ElectriCraft: Improved performance regarding highly topologically complex networks
    • ElectriCraft: Network now passes power source info properly
    • ElectriCraft: Meter now has comparator output
    • Expanded Redstone: Fixed some issues with Wireless devices
    • GeoStrata: Added capability for mods to add custom generation patterns
    • GeoStrata: Removed Quartz being OreDicted as Nether Quartz
    • GeoStrata: Added Vent Density option
    • LegacyCraft: Added "No Horses" option
    • LegacyCraft: Added "Hostile Mobs in Creative" option (beta 1.8.1 behavior)
    • ReactorCraft: Modified NeutronShield API
    • ReactorCraft: Radiation now falls into one of several intensities; these intensities determine danger and shieldability
    • ReactorCraft: Fixed an exploit regarding fission reactors across biome boundaries
    • ReactorCraft: Fuel cores and irradiation chambers now have connected textures to reflect their Feedability
    • ReactorCraft: Pipe pump now works on Gas Ducts and Magnetic Containment pipes
    • ReactorCraft: Waste containers now effectively tick (i.e. time passes) while the game is closed
    • ReactorCraft: Solid Corium blocks now cause radiation
    • ReactorCraft: Injector multiblock now easier to build (direction sensitivity more intelligent)
    • ReactorCraft: Fixed neutrons spawning radiation even if absorbed by proper shielding materials
    • ReactorCraft: Graphite is now a Friction Heater recipe
    • ReactorCraft: Breaking the TileEntities inside multiblocks now triggers the multiblock to fail
    • ReactorCraft: Fixed neutrons impacting parts of the fusion reactor (eg toroids)
    • ReactorCraft: Steam line now remembers source when going through a pipe pump
    • ReactorCraft: Fixed Synthesizer temperature mechanics
    • ReactorCraft: Neutron Irradiation Chambers now feedable
    • ReactorCraft: "Ethereal" entities no longer can melt magnetic pipes by discharging them
    • ReactorCraft: Toroid magnets now only work if charge > 1000V
    • RotaryCraft: Sound volume options now controlled clientside
    • RotaryCraft: GPR colors now have a config to specify additional blocks
    • RotaryCraft: Accelerated/controlled heat machines no longer fluctuate the temperature
    • RotaryCraft: Rewrote and improved Aerosolizer
    • RotaryCraft: Fixed an NPE in PowerTransferHelper with World Rifts
    • RotaryCraft: BlastGate option now supports the OreDict properly
    • RotaryCraft: Specifying multiple BlastGate entries now makes all of the specified materials required (up to 4)
    • RotaryCraft: Fixed Deco Tank recipes crashing
    • RotaryCraft: Woodcutter can now cut slime trees, but gets sticky and jams; needs to be kept clean with sprinklers
    • RotaryCraft: Blast Furnace now supports the OreDict
    • RotaryCraft: Plant matter is now a chance output of dirt in the centrifuge
    • RotaryCraft: Bedrock Tools achievement fixed
    • RotaryCraft: Hydrokinetic can now run (slowly) off of Streams mod streams
    • RotaryCraft: Fixed bedrock shears causing some issues with some plants
    • RotaryCraft: Nerfed Steam Turbine (2x steam consumption)
    • RotaryCraft: Machines now can get Oxygen from GalaticCraft bubbles
    • RotaryCraft: Fixed some power transfer issues
    • RotaryCraft: Fixed gearboxes not checking lubricant and damage at times
    • RotaryCraft: Fixed some GUI progress bars overshooting the GUI during multiple-operation-per-tick mode
    • RotaryCraft: Gravel gun now does more damage to strong mobs
    • RotaryCraft: Fixed Air Compressor Angular Transducer crash
    • RotaryCraft: Added mode for Item Vaccum to not suck items if full
    • RotaryCraft: Added various effectivity settings to cooling fins
    • RotaryCraft: Fixed HSLA tools harvest levels
    • RotaryCraft: Added some GPR ComputerCraft/OpenComputers LuaMethods
    • RotaryCraft: Fixed fuel-powered engine working without lubricant if had ECU
    • RotaryCraft: Fixed Fuel Enhancer trying to convert fuel if full
    • RotaryCraft: Added option to dramatically increase Rotational Dynamo cost
    • RotaryCraft: Added two new upgrade items - Converter Efficiency boost and Rotational Dynamo Flux upgrade
    • RotaryCraft: Added config to increase Borer power requirement
    • RotaryCraft: Added ruby as an emerald ore byproduct in the Extractor
    • RotaryCraft: Pulse jet can no longer be placed upside-down
    • RotaryCraft: Reduced wood and stone gearbox "ticking" noise
    • RotaryCraft: Industrial Coil now makes sound
    • RotaryCraft: Added some missing handbook info
    • RotaryCraft: Fixed gear unit uncrafting exploit
    • RotaryCraft: Heater now has a higher max temperature but requires tungsten in the recipe
    • RotaryCraft: Enlarged Spawner Controller "mob count" range
    • RotaryCraft: AutoCrafter no longer accepts non-recipe type patterns
    • RotaryCraft: Fluid crystallizer temperature behavior more consistent with other machines
    • RotaryCraft: Fluid oxygen can now be piped into engines in lieu of an atmosphere or ReC oxygen
    • RotaryCraft: Input speed now accelerates the Liquefaction Machine speed
    • RotaryCraft: Pneumatic Item Pump now supports DSUs
    • RotaryCraft: Fixed Shaft Cross behavior
    • RotaryCraft: Fixed Liquid Spiller spawning liquid
    • RotaryCraft: Added mesa to Terraformer tables
    • RotaryCraft: Added Surrogate Bedrock API hook
    • RotaryCraft: Improved grinder ore yield
    • RotaryCraft: Fortune now affects canola yield
    • RotaryCraft: Fixed step assist persisting when removing spring boots from an armor slot
    • RotaryCraft: Fixed Music Box saving and loading
    • RotaryCraft: Fixed Mob Harvester not working if the player was not logged in and noone else was nearby
    • RotaryCraft: Changed fluid names to avoid conflicts
    • RotaryCraft: Fixed solar towers only working if they did not have water inside
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new day, new update, and today it's @InfinityRaider with AgriCraft
InfinityRaider said:
AgriCraft 1.4.6-hotfix
  • ADDED: The peripheral should now also work for OpenComputers
  • ADDED: Support for ResourcefulCrops
  • ADDED: API implementation example
  • ADDED: Added config option to disable specific NEI handlers (config setting is enforced via the server)
  • ADDED: Waila tooltips to seed storage & analyzer
  • ADDED: Placing cross crops will make wood sound
  • ADDED: Placing crop sticks while sneaking will now instantly create cross crops
  • ADDED: Support for Garden Stuff's candelilla crop
  • ADDED: Support for Millenaire's crops
  • ADDED: Support for Pam's Harvest the Nether crops
  • ADDED: Support for The Kitchen Mod crops
  • CHANGE: Updated Botania drum/horn of the wild interaction: crops will now be harvested instead of uprooted
  • CHANGE: Updated to Forge
  • CHANGE: [API] IGrowthRequirement is now specified via the ICropPlant it applies to
  • FIXED: Changed the way growth stages are rendered in the journal, fixing rendering for animated textures
  • FIXED: Tanks in greenhouses not correctly forming a multiblock on world generation
  • FIXED: Plants being able to be bonemealed while sneaking even though they shouldn't be
  • FIXED: Blue Power flax not dropping fruit on harvest
  • FIXED: NPE when storing Canola seeds in Seed Storage
  • FIXED: Seeds no longer have to be instance of ItemSeeds to be able to change the base block with MineTweaker (no idea how this survived so long)
  • FIXED: Seed icons rendering wrongly for some IIcons
  • FIXED: Bugs concerning automatic input and output with Seed Storages and Analyzers
  • FIXED: Crash when Botania is not present
  • FIXED: Weeds being removed as long as you don't have an empty hand with rakes enabled
  • FIXED: [HOTFIX] crash on startup when plants are registered via the API

and @OreCruncher with Better Rain
OreCruncher said:
Welcome to Better Rain!
This mod is based on the Better Rain mod by Wirsbo. Since he hasn’t been active I developed a mod based on what he has done.

For those that aren’t familiar, this mod will change how rain and snow is experienced on the client in several ways:

  • Rain and snow have an intensity. This intensity is generated by the server when rain starts, and is sent to all attached clients. Each player experiences the same intensity effects.
  • The number of rain/snow particles is increased with higher intensity.
  • The volume of rain increases with higher intensity.
Rain and snowfall are modified for worlds that are considered “surface worlds”. For regular Minecraft this means that it will only apply to Overworld since neither the Nether or The End experience rainfall. For modded dimensions if the World returns true to isSurfaceWorld() Better Rain will apply rain/snow fall mechanics as needed.

As a bonus, desert biomes now have blowing sand and sound when it is raining in the dimension. Because deserts never had something like this there is an option in the restructured.cfg file that allows a player to turn it off. Sometimes a player likes the solitude of desert and wishes to hide from the elements. Note that it still does not rain in Savanna biomes.

Better Rain has a single command, /rain. It is usable by an OP and can do several things:

  • /rain <0-100> Sets the rain intensity to the specified value. The effects are only visible if it is currently raining. Applies to the dimension where the OP is standing.
  • /rain status Prints out debug information related to the current status of rain in the current dimension.
  • /rain reset Resets rain and thunder state of the current dimension. Should be pointed out that the rain timer is randomized during this process unlike when /toggledownfall is used.
  • /rain setmin Sets the minimum bound for rain intensity for when rain starts.
  • /rain setmax Sets the maximum bound for rain intensity for when rain starts.
Note that rain is started and stopped by using /toggledownfall.

The configuration file for Better Rain can be found in ./minecraft/config/betterrain.

# general options apply to how the server side thread handles the various dimensions.
# In SMP these do not apply to the client as the server will send information to the
# client as to how to handle.
general {
# Treat dimension ID list as a black list [default: true]
B:"Black List"=true

# Comma separated dimension ID list [default: 1,-1]

# Default maximum rain strength for a dimension [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 1.0]
S:"Default Maximum Rain Strength"=1.0

# Default minimum rain strength for a dimension [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.0]
S:"Default Minimum Rain Strength"=0.0

# logging affects both server and client
logging {
# Enables/disables debug logging of the mod [default: false]
B:"Enable Debug Logging"=false

# Enables/disables online version checking [default: true]
B:"Enable Online Version Check"=true

# rain options are client side only. These can be changed by a player to
# tune some of the mods behavior.
rain {
# Always override Vanilla rain sound even when dimension is blacklisted [default: true]
B:"Always Override Sound"=true

# Factor to apply to rain sound level to adjust [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 1.0]
S:"Sound Level"=1.0

# Allow desert dust when raining [default: true]
B:"Desert Dust"=true

  • Dimensions that are black listed will have the Vanilla textures and behavior for rain/snow. A blacklisted dimension will use the Vanilla textures, and the sound will be Vanilla unless the player has set “Always Override Sound”.
Updates, updates, updates...

First off, for 1.7.10:
Accidentally Circumstantial Events 1.10.1 (by Zavviasso)
- Quick fix for entity passing to Ender trigger (ticking entity problem)

Iron Chest Minecarts 1.0.4 (by ganymedes01)
-Allow changing minecart types by right-clicking them with the chest upgrades (the same ones you'd use in the normal chests)

And then for 1.8:
JEI X.12.0 (by mezz)
  • Update German translation
  • Fix Recipe Gui Title goes black when certain items are shown
  • Allow multiple searches by using | character
  • Add Config option: Search for mod name without @ in front.
  • Improve search performance for huge (future) packs
  • Drag items to item list in cheat mode to delete them (requires JEI on server) (config option)

JEIAddons 0.5.2 (by mezz)
  • Prevent crash when running on a server (JEIAddons is client-only)
  • Fix version checker

CompactStorage 3.0 alpha (by tattyseal)
This is not for 1.8.8 (1.8.0 is what it's for) but that will come soon.

So what this changes:

  • Removed Builder now you change the settings in the tab of a chest
  • To craft a chest surround an iron ingot with planks and the same for a backpack but with string
  • This version will be buggy so report all bugs you find to https://github.com/tattyseal/IssueTracker/issues
  • Upgrading chests doesn't take materials so free chests for a while (think of it as a christmas present :P)

More aimed at developers:

  • Switched from item renderer to JSON system but still using tesr for rendering of chests
  • Removed item block chest and added automatic sizing to 9x3 on placement

As I said if you report bugs they'll be fixed quicker.

Happy Holidays!

In addition to those, Lunatrius has also ported Stackie, InGame Info XML, Schematica & Laser Level to 1.8.8
In todays news, I'm holding a ProjectE fan art contest over on my new subreddit, anyone is welcome to enter: https://www.reddit.com/r/sinkillerj/comments/3xvosr/projecte_fan_art_contest/

To celebrate the new subreddit a ProjectE fan art contest is being held. To enter simply upload your image to the site of your choice (Imgur, DeviantArt, etc) and post it as a link on this subreddit with the fan art flair.

Prize: Your art will be featured in various places of interest including my Twitter. In addition you will be permanently added to the ProjectE high alchemist list, which announces you as such whenever you join a server which has ProjectE.

Deadline: All entries must be submitted by January 31st 2016.
Yes, I finally got around to making it, after months of procrastination, lack of motivation, and any other word that ends with tion.
Note: nothing is implemented and everything is placeholdery. There are basic tools that work however, and they are craftable. Other than that there is nothing implemented yet, but it will come soonish~
It can be found here: http://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/lyras-magnificent-trinkets-2
EDIT: I know I said the project was dead on twitter and that I was going to continue LMT1, but I couldn't find the program that obfuscates code, so this is born :3
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Quartz Party 1.4
Quartz Party 1.4
FIXED: Finally Fixed Servers
NOTE: Should Work on servers now. The code was doing something weird with the proxies, causing a crash.
And since I typically play Singleplayer, I never noticed the bug.
FIXED: Cleaned up some code.
Update can be found here: http://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/quartz-party/files/2272036
Hammerz Update: 1.7.10-
Botania Manasteel and Elementium hammer, RotaryCraft HSLA steel and Bedrock hammers

  • Added Botania Manasteel and Elementium hammer, Added RotaryCraft HSLAsteel and Bedrock hammers
  • Some general tooltip cleanup
  • Fixed bug where hammers would mine all 9 blocks before breaking when they have less than 9 durability.
  • Fixed bug where hammers "don't work' on blocks with 0 hardness (sorry to those who tried harvesting plants with hammers)
  • Added Durability multiplier config option
  • Added Efficiency multiplier config option
  • Fixed misplace of catagory vs key in config file, this should be the last of them I promise
  • Added config option to disable shift-mining a single block - more to this later
  • Added config option for whether or not RotaryCraft's bedrock hammer gets silk touch
  • Changed default option for displaying the durability to false, it's added by forge itself >.>
You "may" and probably do want to reset your config file, but this should be the last time you need to do so, hopefully, maybe.
Feel free to comment on the CF project page what hammers you want me to attempt, I'm open to suggestions!
Updated AbyssalCraft to 1.9.0b:
  • Removed the achievement for mining Darkstone (the first achievement is now crafting a Necronomicon)
  • Setting "Evil Animal spawn rate" to 0 will actually disable them from spawning (instead of crashing the game when attempting to spawn one of them)
  • Items displayed in the Necronomicon now displays tooltips when hovered over
  • The smoke fired from statues when channeling PE to players is a bit more accurate now
  • Statues can now transfer PE to pedestals that are on a lower y-axis (up to 2 blocks lower down)
  • Stacked Statues won't transfer PE to anything (but can still trigger Disruptions)
  • Added a reputation system (ties your actions to worshipping a single Great Old One)
  • Rewrote the information part of the ritual section
  • Rewrote the majority of code realted to PageDatas (and removed the PageType enum)
  • A single turn-up can now display items/pictures/crafting recipes on both pages
  • Added Sacrificial Altars (allows you to draw PE from dying mobs)
  • Added tiered Energy Pedestals (Overworld, Abyssal Wasteland, Dreadlands, Omothol)
  • Added tiered Sacrificial Altars (Overworld, Abyssal Wasteland, Dreadlands, Omothol)
  • The Ritual section can now display up to 100 rituals per Necronomicon type (previously 20)
  • The page indicator in the Necronomicon has been replaced by a turn-up indicator (since it's not displaying pages, but full turn-ups)
  • Increased the amount of turn-ups per PageData to 20 (previously 10)
  • When a Monolith is constructed, the same sound as when you remove an item from the Anvil output slot will play
Just released the first beta of RFTools for Minecraft 1.8.8:

I just released RFTools188 4.13beta1 for Minecraft 1.8.8. This is heavy beta software. Many bugs are probably present. Use at your own risk and of course on a Minecraft 1.8.8 instance.

What can you find in this version?

  • Coal power generator (new in 1.8.8)
  • Crafter
  • Teleportation system (except for the simple dialer)
  • Modular storage system
  • Smart wrench
A known limitation is that the front covers of both the modular and remote storage systems do not show what is inside (as opposed to in 1.7.10). This will be fixed later. WAILA is strongly recommended. Java 8 is required! RFTools for MC 1.8.8 no longer works with Java 7 or older.
Reika is currently having trouble getting updated versions of rotarycraft and chromaticraft approved on curse (issue seems to be related to holiday staffing / time delay in gettings things approved).

The previously released 10b was broken; the new ones are waiting on approval.
Reika has released updated 10b for Rotarycraft and ChomatiCraft, *AND* a 10c for DragonAPI.

  • DragonAPI: Fixed PopupWriter crashing if initialized in preinit
  • DragonAPI: Added BlockTickEvent
  • DragonAPI: Permuted biomes are now registered to the Biome Dictionary under their parent's tags
  • DragonAPI: Added Classloader command

BlockTickEvent: The blocks that vanilla selects for random block ticks are now exposed on an eventbus.
Biome Dictionary: Forge does a really bad job of assigning biome tags to the +128 biomes.
Other two, I don't really know.
Another GregTech update is upon us. This time with the return of electric wires and the cover system! There are significant improvements compared to the previous version of these systems in GregTech 5.
GregoriusT said:
[API] Restructured the API in a way that probably crashes a lot of compat things of other Mods, that is why the secondary version number finally got bumped. The gregapi.tileentitiy package got a bit too full, so I made subpackages and also renamed some TEs to sort things out properly. I did keep a deprecated Version of ITileEntityEnergy at its old place however, because that one is already too widely used.
[FIXED] Pipes and Wires not displaying Color upon being painted. (Paint does NOT influence connection behaviour due to the new wrenching/wirecutting based connection system)
[ADDED] Tooltips to things that can damage you when touching them. Lack of said Tooltip automatically indicates that the thing is safe to touch. And yes there are Fluid Pipes that ARE Safe to touch (as of this Version).
Basic Covers back. Currently only the Plates and Foils are available as Covers.
Covers now also render in Inventory (and also on the NEI Overlay) when attached to stuff.
They Render no longer as if they were floating in the Air, when attached to Wires or Pipes.
They don't block Pipes or Wires when being placed inbetween them, since you can set that via the newer connection system anyways.
Plates as Covers can change Design by chiseling them.
Electric Wires, similar to the good old GT5 Wires with a few Bug fixes and slightly different stats and Voltages that are also between Tiers.
They behave like every other connecting Block does, just with the difference of using Cutter instead of Wrench.
Also now accept IC² Stuff as Energy Input, because the new connection behaviour for GT6 things makes it more efficient than the old Transformer solution.
The Electric Meter Sensor does work on those Wires and it displays the total EU transmitted after substracting loss.
The displayed Number is the amount of EU the adjacent stuff receives, so if it displays 31 then the adjacent receiver will receive exactly 31 EU.
new day, new update, and today it's @drekac with Winter Activities
drekac said:


Spoiler (click to show)


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Spoiler (click to show)





This mod took a lot of time. All the times everything broke because of glitches...

I used MCreator for most things, but fixed, edited and updated to 1.8 manually.
Everything else; video, pictures, buildings, map, textures were made by me.

Thanks for checking out my mod.

and @dan200 with ComputerCraft
dan200 said:
ComputerCraft 1.76
  • Ported to Minecraft 1.8
  • Added Ender Modems for cross-dimensional communication
  • Fixed handling of 8-bit characters. All the characters in the ISO 8859-1 codepage can now be displayed
  • Added some extra graphical characters in the unused character positions, including a suite of characters for Teletext style drawing
  • Added support for the new commands in Minecraft 1.8 to the Command Computer
  • The return values of turtle.inspect() and commands.getBlockInfo() now include blockstate information
  • Added commands.getBlockInfos() function for Command Computers
  • Added new “peripherals” program
  • Replaced the “_CC_VERSION” and “_MC_VERSION” constants with a new “_HOST” constant
  • Shortened the length of time that “Ctrl+T”, “Ctrl+S” and “Ctrl+R” must be held down to terminate, shutdown or reboot the computer
  • textutils.serialiseJSON() now takes an optional parameter allowing it to produce JSON text with unquoted object keys. This is used by all autogenerated methods in the “commands” api except for “title” and “tellraw”
  • Fixed many bugs
  • See http://www.computercraft.info for more information on this update!

and @The_Fireplace with Time HUD
The_Fireplace said:
Time HUD adds the time and date to the Minecraft HUD. By default, it uses the world's date and time, however, it can be set to use the real date and time in the config. This mod is client-side only, and works both in singleplayer worlds and when connected to servers.




and @boni with Tinkers Construct
boni said:
Tinkers Construct 1.8.8-2.0.1
  • Tinkers' Construct 2.0 - the rework!
  • Requires Mantle
  • This is an ALPHA version!
  • It only contains the tools, no smeltery yet. Most things are barely tested and bugs are bound to exist.
  • NOT compatbile with old TCon. No guarantee that future updates will be compatible.
  • As always, use a separate world and back up your stuff before adding the mod. Use at your own risk.
  • Everything is craftable without the smeltery.

and @Overreactedosbol with Overreacted's Horse Breeding Fix
Overreactedosbol said:

-Makes horse breeding more efficient by adding a tiny bonus of 5-10% of the maximum attribute to the newborn horse.

Detailed explanation:

In Vanilla Minecraft, when a baby horse is created, it will receive the average of both parents + a random number between the minimum and maximum of the attribute, resulting in it mostly tending towards the average amount of that certain attribute. As a result it usually takes players up to 10 generations or more before they even get a decent score. With this mod, the baby horse gets a bonus of 5-10% from the maximum amount of each attribute on top of this generalized amount, allowing for quicker and more efficient attribute growth rates.


Spoiler (click to hide)
1.0 - Initial release.

Found a bug?

Something not working? Crashing on startup? Simply post your bug report on the issue tracker over on the github:



The installation is the same as any normal mod, simply install the Forge client and drop the mod in your mods folder.


Credits go out to Xuaran for suggesting this.

