Tuhljin (author of Automagy) seems to be working on something interesting :3
Change Log said:- All errors involving the JSONs should be handled now and not result in a unexpected crash
- Right clicking on an entity with the Dev knife will now also tell who it is extended from (If it has none then it will just return its own name). This is to help with creating wildcard entries.
- Dev knife will now tell which of the JSON files is missformatted
- Fixed a grammer mistake...
OreCruncher said:Thermal Recycling
- New textures and icons courtesy of Grom PE!
- Vending Machine for multiplayer trades. Similar to IC2 Trade Station and Trade Booth's Trade Booth.
- Capability to rotate machines using a Crescent Hammer
- Feed chickens Handful of Worms to accelerate growth into adults and speed up egg laying
- Bottles of Enchanting when scrapping enchanted items
- New and updated translations
- The Scrap Value of a damaged item is fixed. Prior it would always be "Standard".
- Added missing text for the "Lotto Winner!" Achievement
- Item drops from scrap boxes should now be correct. Prior things like diamonds and nether stars could have damage values set making them unusable.
- Phyto-gro scrap loop has been closed.
- Repair values for scrap has been nerfed. Modpack authors can now tune the values by changing the config file.
- Shift+Click of a core into a Thermal Recycler will not longer put it into the INPUT slot. It will only go into the Core upgrade slot. If you want to scrap a core you will have to manually place it into the INPUT slot.
- Fixed compatibility issue with BuildCraft 7.0.x when BuildCraft Additions is installed. The Iron, Diamond, Gold, and Emerald chipset recipes for the Assembly table were getting wrecked.
- Disabled scanning of BuildCraft Integration table recipes. The API changed in a breaking way.
- Built against BC 7.0.9 API. Did general testing of the build against a modpack containing BC 6.4.14 and things looked fine.
- Built against Forge 1448. Should be compatible with 1291.
- Backup you world before installing this update. You may need to wrench machines to get them back to their original facing due to the fact the internal orientation tracking mechanism changed.
Tschallacka said:![]()
Magic Cookies is a mod that expands on the adventure of Thaumcraft 4.
This mod is compiled against Minecraft 1.7.10, forge 1231, Thaumcraft and Baubles comes automatically with Thaumcraft so usually you don't have to worry about that)
I'm not really sure where this mod will lead too eventually but until then it adds some new challenges for you adventurers to explore, for builders some nice blocks and for tinkerers some nice new tools and for alchemists some yummy cookies.
In the image below you can see a quick summary of the main features of the mod. There aren't that many items or blocks, but they all have their own special things.
A basic summary of some of the things added(don't think this is a comprehensive list... I'm way to lazy for that) Important to remember though... I built this mod for the tinkering figuring out types. You will have to experiment with a lot of things to get everything or figure out what does what because I might have been somewhat cryptic in my descriptions...
Thanks and things like that
- Cookies! more cookies! yummy cookies! Mana beans are unpredictable... but what if you'd mix them with a nice chocolate chip cookie hmmhhh.... Might turn out great, might turn out as a disaster...
- Golems... They have evolved! One has grown at peace with his inner self. Focusing on the higher wisdoms of life instead of labor. Another has grown fondly attached to you... some would say overly attached... and one... we shall not speak of the void golem... he creeps me out.
- Shears of the shepherd, for when you want to take your pets flying in your thaumostatic harness.
- Magic ice.. tough durable ice in which you can encase your enemies with the Heart of Ice focus
- Grog... drink it, meet your drinking buddies, speak slurred language(the slurred language doesn't work on cauldron
let me know if there are vanilla forge servers where it doesn't work either.) become drunk and hear and see things. Grog is great!
- Fences.... walls, blocks, slabs... let your inner designer go wild
- Golden bars, emerald studded bars, void bars, thaumium bars... you can finally have that creepy or luxurious look you always wanted.
- Ladders... gold, iron, thaumium void... to suit your designing needs
- The one ring to rule them all. It gives a nice vis discount and recharges ALL vis containers in your inventory indefinately. It does not need recharging but be warned... This is not for mere mortals but for very experienced thaumaturges!(or you like wasting resources, that's cool too)
- There are rumors of a big entropy temple in the nether where you can walk in hallways and get lost in them... but those who presevere will find the fabled dechanting table... Be warned though... it will not come easely with you, and to those who use it... it does not take experience to use it... it takes your lifes blood and makes you repulsive. This is only for wise thaumaturges.
Shrines to entropy are strewn throughout hell. There is a rumor of a hidden room of loot and tons of quartz at the lava sea shrines... but there might be a cost to pay for all that quartz...- Void crystal..... infinite storage of a stackable item... just... to figure out how it works....
- Your gain a green thumb when you eat a herba cookie... all those blasted weeds sprouting up all over the place!
- Golems holding items trigger item updates. This means a void crystal will attract its linked item if a golem holds it... there might be some use in that with a hungry chest and a mob trap... go fancy
- Oh... and ehm... you might have to kill a tamed puppy.... it has to do with the void golem... better not to speak about it...
Feel free to use this in a modpack that is free, but please notify me if you include this in a modpack, i'm curious like that
- Special thanks go to Azanor for letting me use his golem code in my mod and for providing Thaumcraft to build on ;-)
- Thanks and gratitude to to _Tydin_ for making the beautiful logo
- Special thanks go to Yanadi who has supported me in the creation of this mod and stood by me patiently whilst I coded this instead of demanding me to be more husband like.
- Thanks to all the people on The Thaumcraft server for suffering the not so perfect earlier versions.
- Thanks to Kartosael for giving the design of the entropy temple segments
- Thanks to the guys at forge who make this this all possible! Keep up the good work
. Don't charge for this mod or include it in a paid modpack without explicit consent.
Feel free to use this on your server as long as its free. I do love getting notified on which servers use my mod so send me a tweet or message me the link of your server
You can contact me on twitter with @tschallacka or contact me via curseforge profile or on the minecraft forums or via http://thaumcraft.duckdns.org/forum or via my account on minecraftforge.net or via github
© Tschallacka 2015 This mod (plugin, patch to Minecraft source, henceforth "Mod" or "The Mod"), by the terms of http://minecraft.net/terms are sole property of the Mod author (Tschallacka, henceforth "Owner" or "The Owner"). By default it may only be distributed on minecraftforums.net or thaumcraft.duckdns.org by the Owner. They may only be mirrored or reposted with advance written permission of the Owner. URL shorteners or other attempts to make money off The Owner's Mods are strictly forbidden without advance written permission. This mod isn't open source.
ganymedes01 said:Gany's End 1.10.0
- New texture for the infinite bucket
- Infinite Bucket and Infinite Water Source now fill up Botania's Petal Apothecary and cauldrons
- Endium can now be casted into Endium Nuggets using Tinker's Construct
- Fix a dupe bug involving JABBA barrels and the Block Shifter
- Added a Anchored Ender Chest minecart
Nauktis said:Solar Flux 0.8
- Connected textures for the Solar Panels. (on/off in config)
- Changed some recipes: Energy cell frames instead of Energy cells.
1.4.1 changelog said:
- [CHANGED] CoFHCore is now required! Delete the CoFHLib .jar file and replace it with CoFHCore to launch the mod!
- [CHANGED] Switching mining modes is now done using the CoFH "Empower" and "Cycle modes" keys instead of sneak+right-click
- [FIXED] Tools not being able to mine while they were recharging
- [FIXED] Waila tooltips being all kinds of wrong
R1.6 193
- Added evil dev stuff. And more goldfish.
- Added Nuggets for Manasteel, Terrasteel and Elementium.
- Added the Drum of the Canopy. (TheWhiteWolves)
- Changed some lexicon text about the decay mechanic a bit to be more obvious how it works.
- Changed the procedure for flower binding a little. This may fix flowers sometimes being unable to bind to spreaders after a chunk unload or world reload.
- Changed the way Mana Spreaders and the bursts they fire communicate. This may fix spreaders sometimes being unable to fire after a chunk unload or world reload.
- Fixed the Ring of Loki not working properly. (TheWhiteWolves)
- Hardcore Passive Generation is now enabled by default at 2 days (24000 ticks). This is the config that makes passive flowers decay after some time. Old configs won't be affected, but you should change yours to reflect this, especially if you're a modpack author (please D
- Made the Elven Portal's components' recipes to be easier to make.
- Made the Endoflame produce a bit less.
- Mana Petals are now cheaper, making starting off a lot easier.
- The Force Relay now gives a ding sound when properly bound. (TheWhiteWolves)
- (Technical) Introduced a Pinging system between Mana Spreaders and Mana Bursts. Addon authors must adapt.
- [API] Added IIdentifiable and IPingable.
- [API] IManaSpreader now extends IPingable for the new Pinging system. Addon authors must adapt.
- [API] Modified IManaBurst with new methods for the Pinging system. Addon authors must adapt.
- [API] SubTileGenerating and SubTileFunctional's NBT reads now set the cached spreader/pool to null if the pos Y tag is -1.
- [API] Increased version number to 52.
techbrew said:JourneyMap 5.1.0rc4
JourneyMap 5.1.0 for Minecraft 1.7.10 is now in public beta and can be downloaded from Curse. A public beta is for general use and feedback, but not recommended for use in modpacks.
Bugs and issues should be reported on the Espernet IRC channel #journeymap. If you don’t have an IRC client, you can use your web browser to join #journeymap.
Performance Improvements and Metrics
JourneyMap 5.1 has many internal changes to improve CPU and memory usage. Initial tests have shown significant FPS improvements for people using laptops/notebooks and older PCs.
I’ve made it a priority to help you see how much work JourneyMap is doing and exactly how long it takes to render the chunks around you. Minecraft’s Debug Screen (opened by pressing F3) now shows JourneyMap’s map generation statistics while you’re playing. For even more detailed information, use the Shift-F3 Debug Screen.
There’s even a new action in the Actions screen to disable/enable mapping if you want to stop JourneyMap from doing any mapping work around you for a time. This can help you troubleshoot any performance issues in Minecraft (especially with modpacks) and eliminate or confirm JourneyMap as part of the problem.
Fine-Tuned Control over Map Generation
JourneyMap 5.1 has a number of new Cartography Options which let you fine-tune how many chunks are mapped around you on both the surface and underground. The Option Manager shows you exactly how many chunks are mapped as the result of your choices, and shows you a running statistic of how long it takes for the chunks to be mapped.
Other new Cartography options give you control over how often JourneyMap updates the map around you, and whether to use a round or square mapping pattern.
If you’re unsure about what an option does, hover your mouse over it and a tooltip will give you more information.
New Features
- The new About Dialog shows you highlights of the release and lets you click on them to go directly to the features. It also has a Wall of Fame for patrons of JourneyMap (via Patreon) and the developer team.
- The new Grid Editor lets you customize the chunk grid color, opacity, and style. You can have different grids for day, night, and underground map mods. Open the editor with Shift-Click on the Fullscreen “Show Grid” button, or from within the Options Manager in the Minimap or Fullscreen map sections.
- Actions > Delete Map . Handy when your world has reset but your map has not.
- Actions > Disable Mapping. If you think JourneyMap is slowing the game, this will help you see the performance impact without having to remove the mod and restart.
- Options > Cartography has these new options: Cave Render Distance, Surface Render Distance, Render Frequency, Render Passes, Reveal Shape, Always Map Caves, Always Map Surface.
- Keybindings for ‘[‘ and ‘]’ now both switch between day/night/caves on the minimap. This should help resolve a common keybinding conflict with Morph. The map type icon is also now briefly shown so you’ll know what you’re looking at. As always, you can change keybindings with Minecraft > Options > Controls…
- Support for Carpenters Blocks: Map colors are now based on the inner block rather than black.
- Torches in these mods no longer cast shadows: “Applied Energistics 2″, “Carpenters Blocks”, “Chisel”, “Extra Utilities
- Experimental fix for biome coloring in TerraFirmaCraft SaltWater and SaltWaterStationary
- Experimental bugfix for getting the colors of Botania double-height flowers
- In-game waypoints are now hidden when Minecraft’s HUD is disabled (F1 key)
- @SidedProxy has been implemented to make the jar harmless when somebody mistakenly puts it in a server.
- Added check for Java 7/8. If you’re still using Java 6, JourneyMap just disables itself instead of being broken.
- Removed Options > Advanced > Chunk Offset, Chunk Poll
- Player icons weren’t showing on the map
- Waypoint Manager didn’t save waypoint changes if you pressed ESC instead of the close button
- Waypoint Manager scroll behavior was inverted when using mouse wheel
- Options Manager didn’t properly refresh JourneyMap’s behavior if options were changed using only keystrokes
- Color Palette would render as all black when some mods changed, requiring manual deletion of colorpalette.json
- Minimap didn’t update if underground and player only moved vertically to new chunkY
- Entities implementing INpc no longer considered hostile
- Expired textures weren’t properly disposed of on main thread.
- Bugfix: Thaumcraft boss mobs no longer have name tags displayed on map
- Added fi_FI
- Added fr_CA and fr_FR
- Added de_DE
- Added partial ru_RU
Tuhljin said:Automagy 0.25
- Added soul stone, jar of enchanter's concentrate, and phial of enchanter's concentrate.
- Added Advanced Node Jarring research and an accompanying mystical construct, allowing nodes to be jarred without damage.
- The items an Amnesiac's Stone can drain experience from are now configurable.
- Experience orbs generated by the Amnesiac's Stone now have a cap in size. The total XP value will be the same but more orbs will be generated when draining many levels at once. This partially mitigates "lost" XP due to the brain in a jar's behavior where it will consume an orb even if the amount of XP gained would put it over its cap (wasting the additional XP).
- Added phial of enchanter's concentrate to loot tables. (Configurable.)
- Hungry hand mirror now properly requires the Magical Hand Mirror research.
- Adjusted Entropic Refining recipe.
- The Inventarium GUI's search text field now automatically receives focus when the GUI appears.
- Fixed empty thirsty tanks sometimes removing the wrong source block when different types of fluid blocks are adjacent to each other.
- Fixed Inventarium GUI showing no items after another GUI was temporarily shown while it was open (e.g. NEI recipe GUI).
- Fixed inability to place blocks like torches or redstone on Siren's Lure and Dimensional Lure.
- Fixed a potential issue with Unseen Scribes on a server ignoring the wrong blocks. (Related to the Inventarium container blacklist config option.)
- Tinkers' Construct: Using the default Automagy config, the Amnesiac's Stone will now turn concentrated essence berries into experience orbs. (As with bottles o' enchanting, the value is slightly above average.)
- Waila: Brains in jars now show how many levels and how much experience they contain. This can be disabled with the Automagy config.
polaris_iv said:Links
This is a server mod I wrote to automatically restart our FTB server every day. Given the nature of FTB, we needed this but I could not find a solution that involved complicated wrappers, rcon commands or control panels. I would like to share it to help other admins who may need it.
I called it "ForgeAutoShutdown" as technically speaking, the mod's only purpose is to shut down the server at a given time. It is up to a shell scriptor Windows service control to bring the server back up, but it is not necessary.
Please feel free to report any bugs or suggest/pull request additions. I have tested this for over a week on our server and already fixed a hang, which I believe was caused by the shutdown being done in another thread.
I am working on a voting featureto allow players to trigger a shutdown on their own accord. I make no promises in completing this.
- Warns all players of scheduled shutdown every minute, five minutes prior
- Shuts down the server at a scheduled hour and minute within 24 hours of server uptime (e.g. 07:00 or 13:00)
- Configurable warning and kick messages
- Made for Forge 1.7.10
GregoriusT said:6.00.44:
[CHANGED] The way Biome Temperature is calculated, after I noticed that the value could be negative, resulting in negative Kelvin in Taiga Biomes, what is not really logical. Warm Biomes now have 3 Kelvin less due to Water Freezing at a MC Temperature of 0.15 (what I see as 0°C), while Cold Biomes now use a whole "new" way of calculating Temperature.
[FIXED] Diamonds Achievement for the different TFC alike GT Gems.
[FIXED] Butchery Knife Color.
[ADDED] Recipes for Gem Plates and Gem Sticks.
[ADDED] Tooltips for Tool Quality, Speed and Durability to the raw Materials (Dusts, Ingots and alike).
coolAlias said:Zelda Sword Skills 3.0.2
- Mobs: Skulltula and Golden Skulltula
- Item: Golden Skulltula Token with associated quest (very nice rewards for this one!)
- Item: Zora Flippers
- Added Guardian to list of lootable entities
Fixed Bugs:
- Zora Helm and Zora Mask are now enchanted by default with Respiration III (granting better vision underwater)
- Armor with the Respiration enchantment reduces the speed at which the Zora Tunic takes damage (Zora helm gives extra bonus)
- Goron Helm and Goron Mask provide better vision while submerged in lava
- The Zora and Goron helms may no longer be crafted
- Any pair of Hero's Trousers can be dyed into any other type of Hero's Trousers (Kokiri <=> Goron <=> Zora)
- Octoroks sometimes drop rocks, which can be thrown, with optional crafting recipe
- Certain treasure items are now stackable (Knight's Crests, for one!)
Updated ZSS Manual:
- Arrows unable to break ceramic jars or cause bomb flowers to explode
- Secret stone and dungeon core blocks not reverting to regular blocks after secret room breached
- TileEntityDungeonCore's verifyStructure method not fulfilling contract set forth by IDungeonBlock
- Fixed some more incorrect translation strings when wearing masks
- Possible class cast exception in EntityMobThrowable
- Wizzrobes casting spells at players in Creative Mode
- Prevent certain interactions / dialogs if villager is a child
- Modded blocks missing name translation when picked up with Gauntlets
- Crash if a block with no item is picked up with Gauntlets
- Blocks picked up with Gauntlets possibly using incorrect damage value for ItemBlock
- Item NBT update graphical glitch in bombs and magic mirrors: requires Forge or higher
- Pick block returning a Light Barrier when clicking a Heavy Barrier
- Added section detailing all lootable entities and their possible loot (i.e. items stolen with the whip)
McJty said:RFTools 3.10beta2
GUI Related changes:
Security System:
- Every GUI in RFTools now has a little '?' button next to it. Press that button to open the relevant page from the manual (works even if you don't have the manual).
- Every GUI in RFTools now has a little 's' button. With this button you can toggle between two (currently) different styles: flat and bevel. By default this is set to 'flat'. Changing that will change the appearance of some of the lists (currently only the modular storage, the storage scanner, the crafter, rf and liquid monitors and the shield system support this). This setting is remembered per player.
- Improved the GUI's for a number of devices: dialing device, matter transmitter and receiver, rf monitor, liquid monitor, and crafter. The crafter now has a nicer line in the list of recipes.
- Moved the player settings for the buff icons to the player data. That way it is now also possible to change the buff icon locations when playing on a server. This does mean that you have to do the /rftcfg buffs command again in case you have customized this.
- Added a /rftcfg reset command to reset all player specific preferences to defaults (currently only gui style and buff bar location).
- Added a /rftcfg setstyle to set the current GUI style (same effect as changing the style from within the gui itself).
- Generalized gui support for item gui's
- The network monitor item gui is now improved
- Improved layout for the chamber card overview window
- All blocks (when placed down) will automatically be assigned an owner (which a non-admin cannot change). As such ownership does nothing but in combination with a security setting that you can control with security cards and the security manager you can control who has access to the GUI of that block.
- New security manager block and security cards. Both blacklist and whitelist mode are supported. Changing the security settings on a card automatically updates that security on all machines that are linked to that card.
- The 'remote cycle' button is now disabled if you have a non-remote storage module in your tablet.
- Changed an init/shutdown message in RFTools so that people no longer mistakenly think that RFTools causes the 'server to shutdown'
- The Simple Dialer now also supports 'Dial Once' mode. Hit it with a wrench to toggle modes.
- Apparently you could also crash RFTools by trying to put a tablet into itself containing a remote module. I already fixed this for non-remote but it was buggy for remote too.
- Fixed a missing classification as a craftable dimlet for terrain flat
- Made liquid bedrockium more expensive and rare.
- Made the WAILA tooltip for the absorber blocks more compact
MrComputerGhost said:Runic Dungeons 1.1.5b
- Warning: Move all your stuff out of the dungeon dimension and delete the dimension before updating. Otherwise most of it will dissappear.
- Doorways now open fully
- Fixed Guardian Id bug
- Fixed Rider crash
- Fixed WitherProof blocks being unbreakable by players
- Fixed WitherProof block duplication bug
- Added Thaumcraft Aspects
- Added config for old chest generation
- Fixed /Instanceconfig/ folder being created
- Older configs will now be ported into the new config, avoiding having to redo everything from the older one
- Added Runic Steel (Dropped by Guardians)
- Added Runic Steel Sword
- Added Runic Steel Pickaxe
- Added Runic Steel Hatchet
- Added Runic Steel Spade
- Added Ore Room
- Ores have a chance of exploding upon being broken in dungeon
- Added Air Crystal (Texture is not Final)
- Added Earth Crystal (Texture is not Final)
- Added Fire Crystal (Texture is not Final)
- Added Water Crystal (Texture is not Final)
- Removed Dye Belts Completely
Fixed wormwood growth.
Updated wormwood textures for easier identification (thanks all the complainers).
GregoriusT said:6.00.45:
[FIXED] Hardness and Stacksizes Config not being applied Serverside.
[FIXED] Book NBT of creative Books being too large.
[BugFix]Fixes a possible crash on profiling completion
[ModCompat]Revises the startup baseline profiling handling to better support custom main menus
[Balance]Changes instability calculations to better assess surface resources
[Balance]Cave worlds' inherent instability removed as accessibility is now better handled
McJty said:RFTools 3.10beta3
GUI Related changes:
Security System:
- Every GUI in RFTools now has a little '?' button next to it. Press that button to open the relevant page from the manual (works even if you don't have the manual).
- Every GUI in RFTools now has a little 's' button. With this button you can toggle between two (currently) different styles: flat and bevel. By default this is set to 'flat'. Changing that will change the appearance of some of the lists (currently only the modular storage, the storage scanner, the crafter, rf and liquid monitors and the shield system support this). This setting is remembered per player.
- Improved the GUI's for a number of devices: dialing device, matter transmitter and receiver, rf monitor, liquid monitor, and crafter. The crafter now has a nicer line in the list of recipes.
- Moved the player settings for the buff icons to the player data. That way it is now also possible to change the buff icon locations when playing on a server. This does mean that you have to do the /rftcfg buffs command again in case you have customized this.
- Added a /rftcfg reset command to reset all player specific preferences to defaults (currently only gui style and buff bar location).
- Added a /rftcfg setstyle to set the current GUI style (same effect as changing the style from within the gui itself).
- The network monitor item gui is now improved
- Improved layout for the chamber card overview window
Storage System:
- All blocks (when placed down) will automatically be assigned an owner (which a non-admin cannot change). As such ownership does nothing but in combination with a security setting that you can control with security cards and the security manager you can control who has access to the GUI of that block.
- New security manager block and security cards. Both blacklist and whitelist mode are supported. Changing the security settings on a card automatically updates that security on all machines that are linked to that card.
- Pressing shift while looking at the WAILA tooltip for a block will show the owner and security info.
Wireless redstone:
- The 'remote cycle' button is now disabled if you have a non-remote storage module in your tablet.
- The 'compact' button now works for a non-remote storage module too (previously it only worked for remote storage modules in the tablet or if a storage module was put in a modular storage block)
- Fixed a cheaty way to generate power. If you had a storage tablet with power and you extracted the storage module from it then the storage module would also have a (hidden) power tag. Combining that storage module with another (empty) tablet would immediatelly copy that power to the tablet (while the original tablet would also still have its power).
- Apparently you could also crash RFTools by trying to put a tablet into itself containing a remote module. I already fixed this for non-remote but it was buggy for remote too.
- It is now possible to link a button module to an already existing channel. That allows you to create more buttons for the same redstone channel.
- Redstone transmitters no longer delete their channel when they are broken
- It is now possible to link a redstone transmitter to an already existing channel (right click with transmitter on another transmitter/receiver).
- Dimension related changes:
- Fixed single biome controller. It was totally broken.
- Fixed a missing classification as a craftable dimlet for terrain flat
- Made liquid bedrockium more expensive and rare.
- Added a new config option to control how much power the endergenic generator can generate. By default this is set to 2 (double from what it did before) to encourage more people from trying this out.
- Changed an init/shutdown message in RFTools so that people no longer mistakenly think that RFTools causes the 'server to shutdown'
- The Simple Dialer now also supports 'Dial Once' mode. Hit it with a wrench to toggle modes.
- Made the WAILA tooltip for the absorber blocks more compact.
- Fixed a problem where placing a screen at a bad angle would sometimes fail to place the screen correctly.
People, you also need this !And today, we can celebrate the revival of some people's favourite mod from the Tekkit days.
CraftingTable IV
This mod is an complete rewrite of the CraftingTableIII mod. This mod does the same as the CraftingTable III mod, including the recursive recipe search, and even more! This is still in beta, and extremely large modpacks may result in slower loading of the recipes. However it is fully usable.
Crafting Table IV displays everything you can currently craft with the items in your inventory. How much of each item the recipe uses is displayed on the left as well, click on the item and the Crafting Table IV will automatically craft it for you without you ever having to remember recipes. As you add and remove items from your inventory the list of available items updates. Works with any recipe, including mods.
The recipes are sorted by mod, and you can prevent all recipes from a certain mod from showing up in the configs.
Download is available at CurseForge: http://minecraft.curseforge.com/mc-mods/231840-craftingtable-iv
FTB thread: http://forum.feed-the-beast.com/thr...or-of-the-famous-craftingtable-iii-mod.95818/