What's new in modded minecraft today?

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new day, new update, and today it's @SilentChaos512 with Super Multi-Drills
SilentChaos512 said:
Multi-Drills are effective on anything a pickaxe or shovel would be able to mine. With a cheap upgrade, they can also work on wooden materials! They also make a decent melee weapon. All customization is done with ordinary crafting.

Energy Usage
By default, the energy consumption when mining a block depends on the hardness of the block, the drill head material, and the level of the Efficiency enchantment on the drill. The formula can be changed in the config file. There are also some unused variables, such as the level of Silk Touch and Fortune.

Drills require four components to craft, a head, a motor, a battery, and a chassis. There are recipes for Thermal Foundation and Ender IO, with fallback vanilla recipes if neither mod is detected.
  • Head - Affects mining speed, energy efficiency, and attack damage. Can be made from a wide variety of metals and gems.
  • Motor - Affects the harvest level. There are three tiers, with the harvest level of each being configurable.
  • Battery - Affects the energy capacity (configurable, five tiers). Charge level is retained when crafting.
  • Chassis - No effects, just pick your favorite color!
  • Craft an existing drill with new parts to swap them out. The old parts are even returned to you! Maybe you could carry a spare battery?
  • Use the material of a drill head (such as an ingot or gem) to change the appearance of the head without changing its stats.
  • Use dyes to change to chassis color without crafting a new one.
  • Drill Upgrades add additional effects, usually enchantments. The saw upgrade allows your drill to harvest anything an axe can.
Mod Packs
Yes, you may use this mod in mod packs, no need to ask!

and @Guichaguri with TickrateChanger
Guichaguri said:
Watch the example video

  • Let you change the server tickrate
  • Let you change your client tickrate
  • Let you change any player tickrate via server command
  • Good for videos (slow motion, timelapses)
  • Good for custom modpacks/maps (maybe you wanna change how the game works?)
  • Good for building (a fast tickrate let you place blocks faster)
  • Good for testing (a slow tickrate let you have time to see before everything happens)
  • Good for FUN! (I had a lot of fun testing this mod, i'm sure you'll have too)
You may add this mod to your modpack if I'm credited (Guichaguri) and you link this page.

/tickrate [ticks per second] - Changes the server & client tickrate
/tickrate [ticks per second] server - Changes the server tickrate
/tickrate [ticks per second] client - Changes the client tickrate
/tickrate [ticks per second] [player name] - Changes the [player name]'s tickrate​

Source Code

and @Piepenguin with RF Windmills
Piepenguin said:
RF Windmills 0.5
  • Complete overhaul
  • Windmills are 3D
  • Rotors are now separate

and @Modbder with Buffed Tools
Modbder said:
Buffed Tools is a small mod, created more for a tutorial, then to be an actual mod. But it makes the game a little bit different, so you may want to include it into your modpack. Buffed tools adds the "buff" system from Terraria into minecraft. For those, who are unaware - the system makes it so when you craft any tool, it will get a random set of buffs - or debuffs to it - making it stronger or weaker.

The mod adds the random buffs feature, that you could see in Terraria. While using this mod the tools you craft will have a random prefix, meaning, that they have sertain features to them.

Currently, there are 43 buffs, and 4 main effects they add. These are:
Durability - make your tools more or less durable. Basically, whenever you break a block (or hit a mob) there is a chance of either not loosing the durability of the tool(if this buff is positive) or to loose more(if the buff is negative)
Speed - increases(or decreases) the mining speed of the tool.
Damage - increases(or decreases) the damage your tool does to mobs. Remember, that the additional damage will be dealt after the main damage, and the blue number in the description of an item will always stay the same.
Crit - gives you a chance to triple the damage you deal to the enemy.
If you want - there is an option to add buffs using the config file.

You can take tool out while holding shift to do not apply any buff to your tool(if you feel unlucky).

To apply a random modifier to an existing tool, or to change the existing you can craft the Reforging Anvil:

If you have any steel adding mods the Anvil in the recipe will be replaced by a Steel Block. After that you can open the GUI by right-clicking the block. It will have 2 slots - 1 is for your items, and in the second one the reforged item will appear. It costs experience to reforge any tool! And yes, it works with Mod tools:

Installation:1. Install MinecraftForge2. Install DummyCore3. Download the mod itself
4. Put the downloaded .zip in mods.

and @DrunkMafia with Thaumic Infusion
DrunkMafia said:
Thaumic Infusion 4
  • Complete Rewrite and redesign of the mod!
  • Stable and new Block System
  • Data Strucutre improved
  • Improved performance
  • Less crashes with blocks
  • New Infusion System
  • Foci
  • All known bugs fixed
  • Effects polished off
  • Research Fixed
  • Should be 100% Compatible with all blocks
  • Now Compatible with tileentities
Half Life 3 needs to get released first ;)

Now now lets be serious here. I'm not talking bout Soaryn updating Xycraft for 1.7 but using FyberOptic's intermediary mod to make the Xycraft that already exists work for 1.7.
Even if he has to code a new version of intermediary from scratch to do so it will still probably be done in a proper amount of time.
Can anyone here speak/read japanese? I think it might be a good idea to check mod section the japanese minecraft forums, they might have some interesting stuff, it can be either amazingly great or very weird
"BaaaAAAaaack to Coding! I've got so much code."
... Lolz. Sigging.

EDIT: I somehow can't have more lines than I already do in my sig. I don't understand, because some people seem to have giant quote-libraries in their sigs. :P
If someone could explain how that works, it'd be great.
Last edited:
EDIT: I somehow can't have more lines than I already do in my sig. I don't understand, because some people seem to have giant quote-libraries in their sigs. :p
If someone could explain how that works, it'd be great.
A signature length limit was added, unfortunately that doesn't take into account spoilers. Due to this many old-time users decided to keep their old signatures and not change them. These still don't go over the actual limit though. I on the other hand thought that making a gist would be more useful because i could both change it and have it as long as I want
A signature length limit was added, unfortunately that doesn't take into account spoilers. Due to this many old-time users decided to keep their old signatures and not change them. These still don't go over the actual limit though. I on the other hand thought that making a gist would be more useful because i could both change it and have it as long as I want
Yeah, but adding a spoiler doesn't make my allow my sig to ridiculously long. :(
I may make a post in the tech support section if you/others can't resolve this in one more post. :P
Classic Carts re-adds the old minecart booster mechanics to 1.7.10. Essentially, if a slope or corner makes two minecarts get side-by-side, they'll accelerate.

It's hard to find a good video of a mechanic that hasn't existed for 4 years, but here's a simple one - when the outer cart dips down, both carts get boosted, here's a moderately complex station built using them (4.5-year-old video), and here's the old tutorial page on Minecraft Wiki.
Yeah, but adding a spoiler doesn't make my allow my sig to ridiculously long. :(
I may make a post in the tech support section if you/others can't resolve this in one more post. :p

To clarify sigs made before that restriction on sig length can be longer. Most of the members were forced to remove the ones that were that long by moderators. It's just that the ones that hid the length behind spoilers got past them.
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new day, new update, and today it's @jaquadro with Storage Drawers
jaquadro said:
Storage Drawers 1.4.4
  • Added fallback recipes for wood trim blocks using plankWood.
  • Changed sided inventory restrictions to allow all block faces to be interacted with.
  • Fixed void upgrade not dropping when a void drawer is broken.
  • Fixed fallback recipes for half drawers to use slabWood instead of plankWood.
  • Nerfed recipe output for trim blocks (recipe was originally more expensive) and added config option for it.

and @Rallias with FluxFyre
Rallias said:
Have you ever needed to power a machine that just doesn't take RF? It's a pain to dig out a piece of charcoal (or coal if you're a heathen) and shove it in a machine. So I made FluxFyre. A can made of Iron, Copper, Redstone, and filled with blaze powder, that once it's charged with power of the Flux, shaken, and shoved in a machine, emits a massive heat hot enough to cook food and melt metals.


Some implementation of ingotCopper
A mod that provides RF

Known issues considered to be bugs
Machines that can produce RF, EU, AE, UE, and Steam power are usable with this machine. If you find such a machine, please message me what mod and version of said mod you're using so that I can identify and squash the issue.

The textures are ugly.

and @SilentChaos512 with Super Multi-Drills
SilentChaos512 said:
Super Multi-Drills 1.0.1-12
  • Added Alumite, Cobalt, Ardite, and Manyullyn drill heads.
  • Changed steel's stats a little bit.
  • Tweaked some textures.

and @OreCruncher with Thermal Recycling
OreCruncher said:
Thermal Recycling 0.3.3ALPHA
  • Added a new non-powered machine called a Composter. It consumes 1 brown, 2 green, and some water to make bone meal which it then applies within a 9x9 area to make things grow.
  • Added mod support for Chicken Chunks, Iron Chests, and RFTools.
  • Better balancing of the scrapping tables.
  • Fixed issue when too much stuff dropped when breaking a machine that had inventory.
  • Fixed a Scrap Assessor inventory issue. Unfortunately this required relaying the ordering of the internal inventory. It is recommended that you empty Scrap Assessor inventories first before applying this update.

and @TomEV with Router Reborn
TomEV said:
Router Reborn 1.1.24
  • Fixed: mining tool placing torches when right clicking a inventory
  • Fixed enchants not being stored when switching mode on the mining tool
  • Enabled enchants on the tool
  • Added: Energy router (RF only for now) its marked [WIP] (work in progress), works but may have flaws.
  • Added liquid router Sender and extractor, marked [WIP] same as above

and @wesleyj44 with ElementalChemistry
wesleyj44 said:
ElementalChemistry is a mod for Minecraft, it focusses on bringing chemistry and physics to the the game. The main feature is an element system, where items can be broken down into their source elements, and these elements can then be used to make new items out of.

Overview of current features:

Currently it is in alpha and is not usable for survival. It's not balanced, and has no recipes.

Though I hope I will have a beta release out soon.