What's new in modded minecraft today?

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Oh you know what I have always wanted in one of these powered machines. A enderchest/tesseract link. I mean I can literally eat through mountains of material but keep having to stop and send the material back home. Having the machine do that for me would be so much better. With an appropriate cause for the upgrade.
And using that system to power the drill remotely from home would be nice as well.

And no this would not be OP powerfull yes but this upgrade would be end tier (I have automated everything, punched herobrine between the legs, inslaved notch to grind cobble for me, and now I want to dig up a few hundred stacks of yellorium to make a max sized reactor) use.
It may not be perfect, but the tools from Gany's End can be linked to a remote inventory. Once linked, they can dump everything they mine/harvest/get slaughtered mobs to drop in that inventory instead of your own. I'm almost sure that the TiC tools made with Endium have that feature as well. Just slap a capacitor on it and have fun.
It may not be perfect, but the tools from Gany's End can be linked to a remote inventory. Once linked, they can dump everything they mine/harvest/get slaughtered mobs to drop in that inventory instead of your own. I'm almost sure that the TiC tools made with Endium have that feature as well. Just slap a capacitor on it and have fun.

I'm not seeing anything that allows Tic tools to be made out of enderium. But Ender utilitys tools seems to have that function. That said we shouldn't let him find out about those options. It's fare more likely to add it himself if he things no one else has though of of it first. :P
I'm not seeing anything that allows Tic tools to be made out of enderium. But Ender utilitys tools seems to have that function. That said we shouldn't let him find out about those options. It's fare more likely to add it himself if he things no one else has though of of it first. :p
I think he meant Endium, not Enderium. I looked at Gany's End, and it looks like the mod is updated, so I would assume to Endium tools work. :P
new day, new update, and today it's @TehNutJenkins with Redstone Armory
TehNutJenkins said:
Redstone Armory 1.2.0-29
  • Nick: Make sure Baubles is loaded before creating the capacitors
  • Nick: Better way to show durability bar for armor/tools
  • Nick: Switch to String.valueOf() instead of the stupid way I did it
  • Nick: Switch to an annotation based Block/Item registry
  • Nick: Upgradle
  • Nick: Update dependencies
  • Nick: Add CoFH_at
  • Nick: Include the Gem Storage block. Temporary texture...
  • Nick: Add Capacitor Amulet -> Capacitor recipe for upgrading purposes
  • Nick: Fix Capacitor values
  • Nick: Hide durability bar on Creative Capacitor Bauble
  • Nick: ItemBaubleCapacitor -> ItemCapacitorAmulet
  • Nick: Remap old capacitor name to new
  • Nick: Clean up Item recipes a bit. Power now carries over for tools and armor
  • Nick: Additional tooltip info for armor
  • Nick: Fix Enderium boot and helmet crafting

and @Guichaguri with BetterFps
Guichaguri said:
BetterFps is a Minecraft mod that changes how Minecraft calculates sine & cosine, giving a performance boost.

If you have two screenshots comparing with and without, PM me

  • The algorithm is configurable, with in-game config screen
  • Easy installation: just install Forge and drop it in the mods folder
  • It's even useful for servers, since the server needs sine & cosine to generate chunks, calculate entity acceleration, etc
[I'll add more information here later]

Riven's, Full, Half Algorithms seems to be the best

Taylor's and Java Math seems to be worst than vanilla algorithm

LidGDX's Algorithm is the same as Riven's Algorithm with a few changes.

  • Optifine: Full
  • Fastcraft: Full
  • FpsPlus+: BetterFps will override FpsPlus sine & cosine improvements
Differences between FpsPlus and BetterFps
  • FpsPlus works in vanilla Minecraft, while BetterFps needs Minecraft Forge to run.
  • FpsPlus have a hard installation process: It needs to be installed on the minecraft.jar and it needs a few java arguments
  • FpsPlus+ have some others improovements that can help you
  • FpsPlus have different versions for each algorithm, while BetterFps let you change the algorithm in the config file
  • BetterFps is configurable in-game
  • BetterFps have more algorithms
I'm not saying that my mod is better than FpsPlus, its just another version.

I would also recommend using FpsPlus+ with BetterFps for other improvements than only trigonometry

Source Code

and @cout970 with Magneticraft
cout970 said:
Magneticraft 0.1.0
  • multiblock now show the blocks needed.
  • new version system.
  • new Item electric sword.
  • new Item chainsaw.
  • nei compatibility with the crafter.
  • copper is more common
  • sulfur is less common
  • pumpjacks now move correctly

and @Justinian6 with Death-Messages
Justinian6 said:
Have you ever wanted to customize the default Minecraft Death-Messages? Well then you've come to the right place! Death-Messages is a tool that enables server administrators to customize the Minecraft Death-Messages. The plugin is very versatile in the sense that it supports color codes, Unicode characters, and newline marks. Death-Messages also supports Mob Identification allowing messages to incorporate the names of mobs. This plugin is applicable to all types of Minecraft Servers, soon you will see what an incredible tool this is!
  • Edit default Minecraft Death-Messages
  • Supports Color Codes
  • Supports Unicode Characters
  • Supports newline marks
  • Easy to use config
  • Customizable arguments
  • Lightweight
  • Bukkit/Spigot 1.8.4

and @RiskyKen with Armourer's Workshop
RiskyKen said:
Armourer's Workshop
WARNING This update makes massive changes to how skins work in code. I recommend that you save any skins your care about into the library BEFORE updating. After updating skins should show as an error item, simply put them in a crafting grid to restore them. Oh and make backups!
  • Added more info the skin tool tips
  • Added /armourers clearModelCache command
  • Added new system to the API that lets mods resister new skin types.
  • Added configuration option to disable some skin types.
  • Added recipe to lock skins on swords.
  • Added recipe to get skins from swords.
  • Added new item wand of style. (unfinished will allow skins to be place on some NPC's)
  • Added download link the to update chat message.
  • Added extra into to the F3 debug text.
  • Added a skin type filter drop down to the library.
  • Added ability for clients to save server skins locally. (this is turned off by default in the config)
  • Added concept GUI to the mini armourer. (still not finished)
  • Added a lot of missing localizations.
  • Added ability for equipment cube faces to be coloured independently.
  • Changed location of the database folder to the world folder.
  • Changed to how skins work, skin now have a text id instead of a number.
  • Changed how data is stored on equipment skins.
  • Changed glowing equipment cube recipe to require glowstone instead of redstone.
  • Changed armourer sword hand model now clearly show what part is sold.
  • Fixed sync for players in off-line mode.
  • Fixed guide book so that it changes size to fit the current language.
  • Fixed crash when loading a corrupt skin file.
  • Fixed lag spike when setting armourer or mannequin skin.
  • Fixed items not rendering on mannequins with no game profile set.
  • Fixed Integrated Circuits extra items not rendering on mannequins.
  • Fixed old player skin info staying in memory.

and @hilburn with Steve's Addons
hilburn said:
Steve's Addons 0.10.6 & 0.10.7
  • Liquid Crafting: the crafter can use the contents of tanks in recipes with buckets of the fluid in them (you still have to set the recipe with buckets)
  • SFM crafting item dupe bug
  • Delete Button enhanced behaviour

and @XCompWiz with Mystcraft
XCompWiz said:
  • [API]New API provider system
  • [API]Reinstates some lost parts of the API
  • [API]Flags some areas as unstable (Beta annotation)
  • [BugFix]Gives the BlockGas grammar token a default (empty) expansion
  • [ModCompat]Symbols (Block Modifiers) registered via IMC now associate properly with registering mod
  • [ModCompat]Fluid and Biome symbols generated by Mystcraft are attributed to Mystcraft

and @jakimfett with Werkbench
jakimfett said:
Werkbench 1.2
Furnace integration release! Also a bunch of backend changes in how containers, slots, and the GUI background works to prep for future plans. As always, if you run into any bugs, please report them on the issue tracker.
  • Code whitespace and ordering fixes — jakimfett
  • Refactor method name to be more descriptive — jakimfett
  • Add gui offset values to enum — jakimfett
  • Put double chest check into updateSideChecks — jakimfett
  • Refactor background drawing per side — jakimfett
  • Add furnace packet config and localization — jakimfett
  • Use ordinal from message — jakimfett
  • Render progress bars for furnaces — jakimfett
  • Organize methods — jakimfett
  • Update background for furnaces — jakimfett
  • Helps if the values actually get set — jakimfett
  • Remove whitespace — jakimfett
  • Register furnace update messages — jakimfett
  • Prune dead code — jakimfett
  • Create max GUI packet limit — jakimfett
  • Get client world object for client message — jakimfett
  • Send update requests every few ticks — jakimfett
  • Rough draft of furnace value retrieval — jakimfett

and @jaquadro with Storage Drawers
jaquadro said:
Storage Drawers 1.4.0-alpha1
  • Added 'Trim' block for decoration and as a connector in drawer networks.
  • Added 'Controller Slave' block to expose more faces as an extension of the drawer controller.
  • Added void upgrade. Any items inserted through the sided inventory will be voided if the drawer is full.
  • Changed lock upgrades to a reusable drawer key.
  • Updated renderer to improve and brighten drawer labels.
  • Locked or voided drawers will display a small indicator on their front trim.
  • Third party plankWood that is correctly registered in the ore dictionary can be used to craft drawers.
  • Updated fr_FR language file. Thanks Mazdallier.

and @TomEV with Router Reborn
TomEV said:
Router Reborn 1.1.17
  • Optimized rendering (caused fps drops a times)
  • Enabled the old block (you can craft the old block from the new block and vice versa)
  • Added config options to enable/disable new and old router

and @Divisor with Smart Render
Divisor said:
Smart Render replaces the player renderer and all its models with a system that much more follows the pattern of a "scene graph" than the standard Minecraft player renderer and its standard Minecraft models and therefore enables the creation of much more complex animations using much less code.

This is a project for the convenience of the users of the curse client.
All other users and developers should visit the Smart Moving Minecraft Forum thread.
(Smart Render is currently packed together with Smart Moving)

and @GoldenAppleMinecraft with RFDrills
GoldenAppleMinecraft said:
This little addon to Thermal Expansion and EnderIO adds drills. They can mine both hard materials, like stone, and soft materials, like dirt! Also, they are upgradable in a similar fashion to Simply Jetpacks: with 4 tiers of drills for Thermal Expansion and 2 tiers for EnderIO.

Requires either CoFHCore or CoFHLib to run!

and @Vazkii with Botania
Vazkii said:
Botania r1.6-184
  • Baubles no longer render on players with the invisibility effect enabled.
  • Fixed tossing items in mana pools when there's no mana ending up in the items not being stackable with other items.
  • Pixies no longer apply potion effects to players. Easiest fix for a crash when a player takes damage from a ComputerCraft turtle.
  • Setting an entity's shedding item to an empty value while not setting the rate to -1 will no longer crash the game when opening that entity's page in the shedding entry.
  • The Petal Apothecary can now be crafted with any ore dictionary cobblestone slab. Took me long enough.
  • Tweaked the way double flowers are placed a bit. This won't have any effect in gameplay but should fix a rare crash on worldgen.

and @ganymedes01 with Gany's Surface
ganymedes01 said:
Gany's Surface 1.11.0
  • Fix vanilla sticks being uncraftable if Ladders are disabled (wut)
  • Slow Rails use Railcraft-like recipe if Railcraft is present
  • Removed no-item-despawn radius (nobody liked it and it was dumb)
  • Added gunpowder block
  • Added sugar block
  • Added dye blocks
  • Fix worldgen crash with Coarse Dirt
  • Fix Coarse Dirt not allowing things to be planted on it

and @TimtheBrick with Tiny Storage
TimtheBrick said:
Tiny Storage 1.10.0-dev.1
  • Added a Peaceful Chest, a chest that will passively generate mob drops in a peaceful world (can be changed with config options)

and @Gem2578 with Neuro Control
Gem2578 said:
Neuro Control
This mod use the MindWave headsets from NeuroSky and the ThinkGearConnector to use your brainwaves in game.
At the moment this is just a proof of concept, if you like the mod and what it to continue please leave a comment.

The MindWave can pick up how focus and relax my are IRL and send it to to the mod, the mod can only use this data if your character is wearing a MindWave in game each item use the data for example the Attention Sword will do more damage if you are more focus and the Mind Ignition only works over a threshold

Getting started (in game)
To start you need Curds then cook it to make Milk Plastic then use the plastic to make the MindWave and other items. When you have the MindWave place it in the head armour slot and when you are connected to the game a red and blue bar will appear in the top left

Adds(Recipes are in Images)
  • MindWave
  • Relaxed Shielding(damage reduction base how relax you are)
  • Push Away
  • Throw Away
  • Mind Ignition(like a Flint and Steel for blocks only. Only works over a threshold)
  • Attention Sword(do more damage if you are more focus)
  • Spontaneous Combustion(like a Flint and Steel for mobs only. Only works over a threshold)
  • Meditation Hoe(like a Hoe. Only works over a threshold)
  • Focus Fuel(like a coal. can be charge up by Focus to smelt for longer)
  • Curds
  • Milk Plastic
  • Milk Plastic Helmet
  • Milk Plastic Chestplate
  • Milk Plastic Leggings
  • Milk Plastic Boots
  • Milk Plastic Block
“/chs" or “/connectheadset" to connect if you start a game with out the ThinkGear Connector running
“/dhs" or “/disconnectheadset" to disconnect or quit to the main menu

download forge for 1.7.10 then install than add the .jar file into the "mods" folder in .mincraft or the server folder
AppleMilkTea...I need to check that one out some time

It's a fun little mod which encourages using physical space rather than the magical void of chests. I've just barely gotten into the food and other items it adds, but I can see anyone who's a fan of stuff like Mr Crayfish's Furniture Mod and Bibliocraft using it as one of their standard installs.
Presenting even more useful stuff from GregTech!
[FIXED] That stinkin' Hoe again...
[FIXED] Granite Crucibles being uncraftable thanks to the Stone Crucible.
[FIXED] The Check for the Default Fluid Temperature when adding Fluids.
[FIXED] A missing Side Check in TileEntityBase1. This caused a crash in Open Peripherals. However the Crash itself should not happen for such a tiny thing. Imagine the shitstorm happening if I would scan the Code of all other Mods for Programming mistakes, to crash upon a tiny Error being detected, because that is what they did, essentially.
[ADDED] Mold Shape for the File Head.
[ADDED] Book explaining the Smelting Crucible with all possible Mold Shapes and made it Dungeon Loot.
[ADDED] Automatic Input Mode for the Molds when using the Monkey Wrench on them properly.
[ADDED] The possibility to cast Solid Blocks inside the Crucible if it contains exactly 9 Material Units.
[CHANGED] The way Environmental Heat applies to the Smelting Crucible, due to the almost nonexistent Heat up, when using low tier Burning Boxes.
[CHANGED] Scrap Box Drops to drop Scrapmetal instead of Dusts. This is also a nerf of Scrapboxing!
[CHANGED] Nether Brick Melting Point in order to make Steel actually possible.

[FIXED] A shitload of Issues regarding Hit, Collision and Selection Boxes. MOJANG Y U NO FIX YOUR CHEST AND ANVIL COLLISION BOXES!?! I KNOW IT IS POSSIBLE!!!
[FIXED] Lang File not generating properly, because of the pure existence of Books inside the Localisation.
[FIXED] GT Books not being "Rightclick into Air" Openable.
[FIXED] Another tiny Sync Problem on the PrefixBlocks.
[FIXED] GT Dungeon Loot not being added at all.
[FIXED] Engines not connecting to RF Conduits, due to not implementing the RF Interfaces. Added a Default Implementation in TileEntityBase1 in order to not have to worry about that anymore in the future.
[DISABLED] NEI for my Recipe System, since there is no Machine using it.
[CHANGED] The 3 Crushed Ore Items are now worth 11/9 of a Material Unit per default.
[CHANGED] MOST METALS DO NOT SMELT ANYMORE IN ANY FURNACE!!! This is because I finished the Smelting System and the Molds.
[ADDED] 0.25 large Nugget to have somethign that is worth 1/4th of a Unit and considered an Ingot Type of thing.
[ADDED] Small Graphite Ores to the Worldgen, which are as rare as Diamond.
A Functionality to my Metal Chests which enables them to generate Dungeon Loot inside once they are opened/broken the very first time.
That way they generate the Loot in an always up to Date state (too bad the World doesn't generate them :p).
Also added Debug Versions of those Chests to test Dungeon Loot without running around everywhere.
Those Debug Chests require Debug 1 to be enabled for being visible in Creative/NEI.
Material Dictionaries in Book Form.
They can be crafted in survival by putting 4 Units of a Material around a writable Book, or you just grab them from creative, or collect them from Dungeons.
They randomly spawn in Blacksmith Chests, Stronghold Libraries, Stronghold Corridors, Mineshafts and regular Dungeons.
Bonus Chests can randomly spawn a very select few of those Books (with Information about starting Materials), as well as the Book of Alloys.
If a Material Dictionary (or the Book of Alloys) goes over 50 Pages it gets a larger Book Icon and it also recycles into twice as much Paper and Aspects.
Those Books do not update their Content when I change or add things, because they are Books for crying out loud.
That is why there is a Timestamp on the Book itself with the Date and Time of the last Serverstart/reboot before its creation.
Due to them being automatically generated I disabled Localisation for them, because it would not work properly.
The highly anticipated Molds.
In order to fill a Mold, place it horizontally "adjacent" to a Smelting Crucible and rightclick the Side of the top of the Mold at which the Crucible of your choice is next to.
If you want to automatically empty it Hoppers and alike have to wait until the Temperature is up to 50 Degrees higher than the Environmental Temperature. If you do it manually you will get damaged.
They can produce pretty much every Metal thing, as long as it has a simple shape. Sometimes a File is required to sharpen the Edges and things. If your Mold is a failure it will instead produce Nuggets, the amount of Nuggets depends on how many squares you chiseled out, any amount between 1 and 24 is possible (the all 25 variant is the Plate Recipe).
And now for some screenshots!
There are books for each material, describing every detail about a given material, including which ores you can get it from, ore byproducts, what alloys it can be used for, thaumaturge aspects, the attributes of tools made from it, and more!

There's a lovely manual on how to use the new smeltery

And there's a large book with some basic information about every single material.

GT metal chests spawn in dungeons templates villages mineshafts and strongholds!

And here I am creating arrow heads made of gold.
new day, new update, and today it's @TehNutJenkins with Redstone Armory
TehNutJenkins said:
Redstone Armory 1.2.0-30
  • Nick: Make sure Baubles is loaded before creating the capacitors
  • Nick: Better way to show durability bar for armor/tools
  • Nick: Switch to String.valueOf() instead of the stupid way I did it
  • Nick: Switch to an annotation based Block/Item registry
  • Nick: Upgradle
  • Nick: Update dependencies
  • Nick: Add CoFH_at
  • Nick: Include the Gem Storage block. Temporary texture...
  • Nick: Add Capacitor Amulet -> Capacitor recipe for upgrading purposes
  • Nick: Fix Capacitor values
  • Nick: Hide durability bar on Creative Capacitor Bauble
  • Nick: ItemBaubleCapacitor -> ItemCapacitorAmulet
  • Nick: Remap old capacitor name to new
  • Nick: Clean up Item recipes a bit. Power now carries over for tools and armor
  • Nick: Additional tooltip info for armor
  • Nick: Fix Enderium boot and helmet crafting
  • Nick: Fix a serverside crash with new annotation system

and @theflogat with Technomancy
Theflogat said:
Technomancy 0.10.g
  • Fixes for Advanced Deconstruction Table
  • Improvements of the Thaumonomicon entries
  • Update Mana value to be more balanced
  • Improve Blood Dynamo production
  • Mana FluidItem Coil
  • Refraction removed (should improve loading speed)
  • Code cleanup

and @MineMaarten with In-Game Wiki
MineMaarten said:
In-Game Wiki 1.1.2-19
  • Added dk_DK localization (by GirafiStudios)
  • Added ru_RU localization (by Xottab-DUTY)
  • API: Added PageChangeEvent.
  • API: Added ITextInterpreter interface.
  • API: Made page locations to be prefered in the assets/<modid>/wiki/ folder now, instead of assets/igwmod/wiki/. The latter now is deprecated.
  • API: Item/Block names containing a ':' will now be converted into a '/', meaning a folder seperation. This is to fix not being able to add pages, because Windows.
  • Bugfix: Server wiki tab is actually located in 'igwmodServer/' instead of 'igwmod'. The former is now deprecated. Closes #12
  • Bugfix: Stack trace in logs on startup. Closes #17
  • Bugfix: Crash because of some mod which adds ItemStacks that don't have an Item... sigh. Closes #19

and @OpenMods with OpenBlocks
OpenMods said:
OpenBlocks 1.4.2
  • Feature: scaffolding (cheap blocks that decay after some time)
  • Feature: option to disable block and/or entity picking by magnet
  • Fix: magnet now tries to obey block placement/break restrictions
  • Fix: block breaker not pushing to BC pipes
  • Fix: better player data handling on Mini-Me
  • Tweak: elevator's XP drain is now off by default

and @warlordjones with SteamCraft 2
warlordjones said:
SteamCraft 2 B4.2
  • + Added sirens, with a variety of SFX (from freesound.org) The sound volume varies based on strength of redstone signal applied.
  • + Added Sticks, Fences and Slabs for the wood types. (Doubleslabs currently don’t work)
  • + Added a stasis field, which prevents item despawns at a power cost
  • + Added a special hammer for special people. Heh.
  • + Add Timebomb GUI still needs work. Enter a real time in 24 hour format, and the bomb will detonate at that time.
  • + Add dynamite (unstable tnt) and tinted rocks (TBOI:R style) to the Depths world generation.
  • * Prevent raw fluid blocks being added to the creative tab
  • * Greatly increased the amount of cast iron fence and railing outputted from the recipes
  • * Somewhat improved the capacitor output functionality of the battery
  • * Tea heals a little bit of hunger
  • * Reduce spawn chance of fissures.
  • # Possibly fixed a startup crash I couldn’t reproduce
  • # Fix missing texture on the edge of the cast iron railing
  • # Fixed the Cast Iron Gate crashing
A little warning for Technomancy. I tried moving all old files to CurseForge but instead I deleted them. You will have to grab the newest version. Also, all essentia coil links have been reset when you'll update.
This just in

Searge‏ @SeargeDP
We will have mostly new gameplay features in 1.9 and only very few internal changes, so that mods will be much easier to update from 1.8.x

Searge‏ @SeargeDP
What that means is, if you update your mods to 1.8 now, it won't be "wasted" time, because it's less painful to update to 1.9 later.

Except that it's already painful to update to 1.8 and those features sound like they will be easy to back-port.
Last edited:
Bad news everyone, looks like Ex Nihilo 2 has no chance of reaching it's kickstarter goal. $2390/$10000 has been reached so far, with only 58 hours to go. If anyone missed the link the first time it was posted here it is; https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/2010050934/ex-nihilo-2
Eh, it never really had much chance of succeeding. If it started around the time when Agrarian Skies got released, then maybe, but kickstarter just isn't the place for a mod.