I'm still waiting for Essentia Carts.Mana in a minecart, and thought I'd seen everything.
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I'm still waiting for Essentia Carts.Mana in a minecart, and thought I'd seen everything.
Quick, someone go bug Covert Jaguar and/or Azanor! This needs to be a thing!I'm still waiting for Essentia Carts.![]()
- DragonAPI: Added support for Time Torches/Torcherino
- DragonAPI: Added advanced ME System support
- DragonAPI: Fixed lag with TileEntityBase sendPacketToAllAround when lots of entities on the server
- DragonAPI: Updated Redstone Arsenal Handler
- DragonAPI: Updated Oreberry Bush Handler
- DragonAPI: Fixed Forestry Handler
- DragonAPI: Fixed MystCraft handler
- DragonAPI: Added a command to clear items
- DragonAPI: Added furnace fuel support
- DragonAPI: Made version checker more pack-friendly (end-users only see update notifications after two weeks or after falling more than one major version behind)
- DragonAPI: Expanded Twilight Forest handler
- DragonAPI: Fixed FontRenderer mod interaction issues (?)
- DragonAPI: Updated TiC handler
- DragonAPI: Fixed XML ThaumCraft researches kicking player
- DragonAPI: Expanded ThaumCraft handlers
- DragonAPI: Fixed TC warp removal NPE
- DragonAPI: Added foundations of MT support to add custom recipes
- ChromatiCraft: Fixed aura cleaner crashes
- ChromatiCraft: Added Aspect Jar
- ChromatiCraft: Added Elemental Farmer
- ChromatiCraft: Added Growth Wand
- ChromatiCraft: Added ball lightning to Rainbow Forests
- ChromatiCraft: Added "Attentive Listening" ability
- ChromatiCraft: Added Water Strider ability
- ChromatiCraft: Added Shockwave ability
- ChromatiCraft: Added Breadcrumb ability
- ChromatiCraft: Added Health Leech ability
- ChromatiCraft: Completed some textures and renders
- ChromatiCraft: Improved pylon networking performance
- ChromatiCraft: Pylon throughput now drops as pylons discharge; this reduces "are you recharged yet?" lag
- ChromatiCraft: Fixed a few progression errors and blockages
- ChromatiCraft: Made shielding stone fabricable
- ChromatiCraft: Casting stands now make a sounds and particles
- ChromatiCraft: Added recursive item elemental component calculation; supports crafting, smelting, CC casting, RC worktable, and ThaumCraft
- ChromatiCraft: Tile Accelerators now make sound
- ChromatiCraft: Power Crystals now make sound
- ChromatiCraft: Added crystal glow (decorative lighting)
- ChromatiCraft: Fixed lumen relays dropping wrong items
- ChromatiCraft: Added page for lumen relays
- ChromatiCraft: Added recipe for relay source
- ChromatiCraft: Added chroma alloying process
- ChromatiCraft: Fixed liquid chroma being cheaper with liquid XP than player XP
- ChromatiCraft: Changed several recipes
- ChromatiCraft: Transition wand now has "Exposed" and "Volumetric" modes
- ChromatiCraft: Added ability to use speed bonus on Crystal Charger
- ChromatiCraft: Added NEI handling for Item Fabricator
- ChromatiCraft: Added a lot of new documentation
- ChromatiCraft: Transition wand now has a HUD
- ChromatiCraft: Fixed pylon compass behaving oddly
- ChromatiCraft: Added recipe for Item Collector
- ChromatiCraft: Changed GUI sounds
- ChromatiCraft: Made relay range configurable from 8-24
- ChromatiCraft: Added ore-finding pickaxe
- ChromatiCraft: Added ore harvesting pickaxe
- ChromatiCraft: Added multitool
- ChromatiCraft: Added Aura Pouch
- ChromatiCraft: Items pulled by Magnetism ability now noclip
- ChromatiCraft: Nerfed cave crystal regen
- ChromatiCraft: Crafting lumen trees now needs the player to have crafted Power Crystals
- ChromatiCraft: Fixed some white-screen/white-block-text lexicon issues
- ChromatiCraft: Pendant recipes now use the same runes as crystal seeds
- ChromatiCraft: Fixed some rune conflicts
- ChromatiCraft: Outer ring of crystal stone in Casting Complex can now be Crystal Stone Bricks
- ChromatiCraft: Added fragment about mod-added recipes
- ChromatiCraft: Pylons can no longer be accelerated
- ChromatiCraft: Fixed some blocks not being breakable
- ChromatiCraft: Made lumen lamp controller much cheaper
- ChromatiCraft: Made path blocks much cheaper
- ChromatiCraft: Added some ComputerCraft/OpenComputers integration
- ChromatiCraft: Auto enchanter can now reach Fortune, Looting, and Respiration 5
- ChromatiCraft: Fixed lag when opening loot chests
- ChromatiCraft: Increased fragment spawn rate
- ChromatiCraft: Added some ThaumCraft wand parts, including crystal wand core (several thousand vis cap)
- ChromatiCraft: Tweaked fragment algorithm a bit to give a few fragments with priority
- ChromatiCraft: Stronger no-mob enforcement in Rainbow Forests
- ChromatiCraft: Lumen trees no longer work without sky view
- ChromatiCraft: Fixed Casting API
- ChromatiCraft: Tahara crystals now only clear negative potions
- ChromatiCraft: Fixed structure particles being visible from the surface
- ElectriCraft: Fixed RF cables not working
- ElectriCraft: Added ore tweaking configs
- Expanded Redstone: Fixed Camo block not inheriting textures properly
- GeoStrata: Fixed slab and stair crafting and rendering
- GeoStrata: Fixed stairs causing lighting issues
- GeoStrata: Added ThaumCraft aspects to vents
- LegacyCraft: Fixed potion overrides (.postfix issue)
- LegacyCraft: Added option to allow ice to create water in the nether
- ReactorCraft: Made turbines and reactors harder to make (later RC endgame)
- ReactorCraft: Fixed neutron "n must be positive" error
- ReactorCraft: Added command to clear steam
- ReactorCraft: Added steam absorber block
- ReactorCraft: Moving multiblocks now violently fail if broken while active
- ReactorCraft: Changed Corium fluid ID (Added "rc ")
- ReactorCraft: Changed heavy water fluid ID (Added "rc ")
- ReactorCraft: Changed fusion plasma fluid ID (Added "rc ")
- ReactorCraft: Changed UF6 fluid ID (Added "rc ")
- ReactorCraft: Changed HF fluid ID (Added "rc ")
- ReactorCraft: Changed hot fluid IDs (Added "rc ")
- ReactorCraft: Added NEI handler for Electrolyzer
- ReactorCraft: Added ore tweaking configs
- ReactorCraft: Expanded CPU range
- ReactorCraft: Made HTGR size have a strong effect on power
- ReactorCraft: Added another ferromagnetic ingot recipe with nickel
- ReactorCraft: Fixed generator having 270400x too large output for RF
- RotaryCraft: Autocrafter now interfaces with ME systems properly
- RotaryCraft: Fixed AutoCrafter, but it no longer has OreDict support
- RotaryCraft: Added recipe to centrifuge TiC XP berries into liquid XP
- RotaryCraft: Bedrock pick is now faster on Mimichite
- RotaryCraft: Bedrock pick is now faster on EiO facades
- RotaryCraft: Pulse jet can now make fluxed ingots without pyrotheum (much like it does enderium)
- RotaryCraft: Changed jet engine recipe to use a compound compressor
- RotaryCraft: Fixed spawner harvesting XP exploit
- RotaryCraft: Fixed shaft junction weirdness if looped
- RotaryCraft: Flipping gearboxes and engines now flips fluid input
- RotaryCraft: Fixed fireworks machine
- RotaryCraft: Bedrock shovel now drops bonus items when mining
- RotaryCraft: Bedrock shovel and axe now have a harvest level of Integer.MAX_VALUE
- RotaryCraft: Fixed some machines not showing power I/O
- RotaryCraft: Made HSLA tools repairable with HSLA ingots
- RotaryCraft: Added range finder charged tool
- RotaryCraft: Fixed fan effect bounding box issues
- RotaryCraft: Fixed fractionator showing "Missing items" erroneously
- RotaryCraft: Added API for adding Extractor ores (like the configs allow)
- RotaryCraft: Added ability for Minetweaker to add custom grinder recipes
- RotaryCraft: Fixed NEI drying bed crash
- RotaryCraft: Fixed NEI and handbook display of alloying recipes
- RotaryCraft: Wind turbine now needs less elevation
- RotaryCraft: Cooling fins no longer work on some machines (eg Performance engine and Magneostatic)
- RotaryCraft: Fixed Pile Driver gravel crash
- RotaryCraft: HSLA scythe now takes damage properly
- RotaryCraft: Scythes now clear BoP coral
- RotaryCraft: Took away ECU ability to take lava
- RotaryCraft: Custom extracts can now produce vanilla ore flakes
- RotaryCraft: Added NEI "show all recipes" handling
- RotaryCraft: Fixed bedrock sword breaking bedrock armor
- RotaryCraft: Fixed industrial coil GUI showing incorrect energy storage
- RotaryCraft: Fixed centrifuge not connecting to lubricant hose
- RotaryCraft: Gearbox items now render lubricant
- RotaryCraft: Lubricant can be cleared from a gearbox by shift-right-clicking with an empty bucket
- RotaryCraft: Buffed fuel powered engine
- RotaryCraft: Made fuel powered engine cost tungsten
- RotaryCraft: Paddle panels and shaft cores can now be recycled
- RotaryCraft: Added configurable power converter loss
- RotaryCraft: Magnetizer max charge is now a function of input speed
- RotaryCraft: Fake players can no longer use the screwdriver
jaquadro said:Garden Stuff 1.5.3
- Added 'strange plant' block as a type of loot block for pack development.
- Fix some FML warnings on startup
- Fix tilled garden soil not dropping as regular garden soil when broken
jaquadro said:Storage Drawers 1.3.2
- Fix drawers to (once again) not block chests placed below them.
- Fix server crash when using Mekanism transport pipes with drawer controller.
- Fix items being voided in some transit systems when the target block is broken or cut off while the items are in transit, and the transit system is connected to a drawer controller.
- Fix stack overflow crash when placing two drawer controllers next to each other.
- Fix most pipe systems not connected to a drawer controller on world load.
- Fix labels to render larger on 1x1 drawers in fancy mode.
- Note: Mekanism pipes may not connect to drawer controller if the controller is placed second. Break and replace the transport pipe to fix this.
Dyonovan said:Modern Alchemy 1.1-B1
- Switch to OpenModsLib
- Super Tesla Coil (8 times a normal coil)
- Arc furnace now has to be built a specific way
- Tiles are configurable in the GUI
- Replicator now has quantity output
- Replicator is no longer a multi-block
Kentington said:Thaumic Horizons 1.1.1
- Instilled Loyalty AI should work on third-party mobs which don't extend EntityCreature
- Armored nightmare textures use the proper resource path
- Illumine and Echo lenses do not flicker
- Clones of a vanilla tameable mob no longer remember their owners, allowing you to give pets to other players. The Instilled Loyalty infusion still preserves ownership, however.
- Fixed several crashes related to the nightmare
- Fixed an issue where the vat would endlessly drain essentia
boni said:Iguanas Tinker Tweaks 2.1.4
- Fix a problem with BloodMagic and Override
- Fix Silktouch not being taken into account for part replacement
- Small fix to incorrect data in an edge case
ProfMobius said:Waila 1.5.10
- Fixed NBT syncing. Should remove all flickering observed in 1.5.9 [ Lordmau5 ]
- Fixed ExU drums [ Lordmau5 ]
- Fixed Thermal Expansion + added data for Caches [ Lordmau5 ]
- Added support for Thermal Dynamics [ Lordmau5 ]
CrazyPants said:Ender Zoo 1.1.24
- Verion 1.0.9 ported to Minecraft 1.8
octarine_noise said:Better Foliage 1.0.8
- fix color issue with light-emitting leaf blocks
- fix round logs color issue with Colored Lights Core
- add Better Foliage texture metadata section
pixlepix said:Aura Cascade 303
- Added Alternating pumps
- Added Draconic evolution's infuser and quantum flux to Fluxing node blacklist
- Fixed #37
- Fixed #35
- Fixed: Pump range is shorter than other blocks
- Massive changed to fluxing node blacklist
- 1.3 version bump
[B]@Reika[/B] has updated all of his mods to v5.
Removed the need for putting this "beauty" on a server.
All the sub-emotes are now available to use by default and it does not increase the lag / loading time at all!
Gigabit101 said:Talismans 2 1.1.6
- Fixed Botania Recipe for water Talisman needing fire
- Fixed TalismanGuiFactory class not found error
- Fixed some localization issues
- Added Mana Infused talismans (drains mana from mana tablet to grant effects)
- Changed up some of the botania recipes for talismans
- Last build for 1.7.10!! unless a game breaking bug pops up.
jotato said:QuantumFlux 1.1.0
- Config option to disable the ZPE
- Default config values are lower.
- Recipe tweaks for the Exciter, Entangler, and ZPE
- Energy distribution across the RedfluxField is more efficient
- RF Exciters are rendered as smaller blocks and will only interact with the block they are facing
- EF Exciter/Entangler will give information when you sneak+rclick on it with an empty hand
- Rendering improvements for the Entropy Accelerator and RF Entangler
Quetzi said:Blue Power 0.2.918
- Several wire bugfixes
- Null cell recipe crash fixed
- Sequencer and Timer should now sync better with their animation
- Fixed relay backstuffing items when it shouldn't
- Added missing localizations
- Fixed a couple of wire performance issues
- Fixed Accelerator Z-fighting issue
Vanhal said:Progressive Automation 1.6.2
- Blocks can now be disabled by redstone
- Fixed dupe bug with the crafter
- Crafter will return buckets in crafting recipe
Reika said:DragonAPI, ChromatiCraft & RotaryCraft V5b
- DragonAPI: Fixed ChromatiCraft and RotaryCraft dependencies
- ChromatiCraft: Creative pylons only work in creative
- ChromatiCraft: Fixed ender TC wand cap crashing
- ChromatiCraft: Fixed ball lightning spawns
- ChromatiCraft: Fixed crystal glows not saving NBT state
- ChromatiCraft: Fixed Ritual Table not working
- ChromatiCraft: Fixed "Attentive Listening" ability not working
- RotaryCraft: Fixed AE dependency
- RotaryCraft: Fixed borer not mining ChromatiCraft ores properly
- RotaryCraft: Fixed drying bed renderer crash with honey
- RotaryCraft: Fixed Forestry fluid integration
*kneels to Don Squid, swears fealty to him, and kisses the proffered tentacle-ring*Also, I don't have to give permissions.
*Kneels before ljfa*No one is kneeling before meI only have a bucket of water to pour over your head
Have you read the bottom of my forum post? Or my website? Or my other forum post? Or the announcement I made in this thread earlier? Also, I don't have to give permissions.
I have no way to enforce that at all. Since I cannot comply with the license, I'll just say thank you anyways.Modpack users should report crashes to the modpack owner. The modpack owner is the only person that should report crashes to me.