What's new in modded minecraft today?

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Agreed. I follow some. But feed spam is horrible from some. The shenanigans currently haven't been that bad.

Also great news on KL absorbing the jetpacks mod to stop the drama.
Aye It makes me happy to see someone stand up for the little guy, Like hearing TB sticking up and helping Milb's fight for his channel back. Modded minecraft has certainly taken a sour turn lately...

It's good to know folks stuck up for the creator of the mod and are actually looking into this. I'm going to put it in my pack, make a potato pack, and name it after the author as a thank you I think.
Just posted last week's news: Last week had a lot of drama (which I try to avoid), but couldn't find much actual content news to cover. So it is a bit light. Sorry for that.

Modded News: 1.7 Launchers, Gregtech & Railcraft
I approve of everything about avoiding the drama. It's getting too much attention as it is. Can't we all get along and love the game we play?
BuildCraft Update tonight. :) Available on the BC website.
SpaceToad said:
This time, we’re doing a synchronized release on both 5.0 branch and 6.0 branch. As it stands right now, 5.0 is considered stable. 6.0 is moving to beta stage, centered on the builder issues and a few additional features. Should converge in the coming weeks to get out of beta stage. This is a big synchronized release, with the involvement of a lot of people from the community. Thanks everyone that participated!

Here’s the list of improvements and fixes in 5.0.5, that are also applicable to 6.0.7:

#1637 Allow oil generation on more biome, with possible configuration [CrustyJew]
#1584 Added protection in case of world corruption [Robin4002]
#1583 Removed minor buildnumber [AbrarSyed]
#1576 Fixed fluid pipe crashing world [anti344]
#1569 Biome Ids are auto assigned [fabricator77]
#1568 Fix crash in BiomeInitializer when used in non standard WorldTypes [fabricator77]
#1563 Fix flood gates when creating finite liquids [Thutmose]
#1468 Tranceparency is not rendered correctly on facades [Cisien]

Here’s the list of improvements and fixes specific to 6.0.7:

#1642 implemented Phased/Advanced [dmillerw]
#1640 fixed quarry arm building [SpaceToad]
#1639 fixed stalling graphic [SpaceToad]
#1632 fixed quarry dropping frames [SpaceToad]
#1629 fixed laser animation [SpaceToad]
#1626 fixed various fillers [SpaceToad]
#1625 fixed NPE in energy API [AlexIIL]
#1623 builders now save their destroying items [SpaceToad]
#1622 builders properly clear out location of flowing water [SpaceToad]
#1620 fixed building sequence for the builder [SpaceToad]
#1617 fix support for bed in blueprints bug-minor [SpaceToad]
#1615 removed innerclass references in API [SpaceToad]
#1614 blueprint library now properly support templates [SpaceToad]
#1610 fix server crash bug-major [robin4002]
#1607 added NextGen achievements [TXX59]
#1606 added creative engines [dmillerw]
#1604 fixed cylinder filler crash [SpaceToad]
#1603 implemented first elements of new graphic blocks [dmillerw]
#1601 implemented bucket emptying in survival [SpaceToad]
#1598 fix horizon filler pattern [SpaceToad]
#1597 fix support for cactus in blueprint [SpaceToad]
#1585 fix top of doors not properly cleared [SpaceToad]
#1580 fix support for trip wire, skull, anvil and ender chests [SpaceToad]
#1575 builder now save the items in process of being built [SpaceToad]
#1562 architect now allows to cancel clearing out air blocks [SpaceToad]

As you can see, there’s lots of work, so there’s potential glitches here and there. As usual, we need your help to report these.

I don't see how GT is different from other mods in that regard. Anytime I play GT, there is a machine that I will always build first, because it's the easiest path to take. If I wanted to, I could do things out of order, but that isn't the best way to go about it, time and material wise. I don't see how that is really different from other mods.

This is the problem. Most mods don't have such severe penalties for building out of order. I have built more or less the same thing over and over again using other mods but I never built even remotely the same way twice. The very idea that there is such a thing as "the right way to do it" and only one right way to do it is part of the problem many people have with GT. Greg has a severe my way or the high way mentality. He once stated "that he sees the people who use his mod as customers." He's selling his mod to you. And it makes it seem like he's competing with other mods.
Most mod devs see players as something more like partners or even parts of there mods. That they are integral to the development of there mods. that the devs and players work together to make great things. Greg is to isolated to ever work well with any other. Players and other devs a like.

Also, greg wouldn't disable other mods ore gen, unless he had a really good reason. He may say you could disable all other mod oregen, and leave his in, as his mod spawns (probably) the largest veins of ore, and any more isn't necessary. Plus, his ores would have compatibility with all other mods that add that ore, so nothing changes really.

The problem here is that his definition of a good reason might not be the same as others. In fact I can't think of any good reason why he would even need to mess with vanilla ore gen. Except for messing with other mods. It's certainly not to adjust ore spawn as replacing the ores wouldn't be required for that.
We know that he has no problem messing with core functions of other mods with out there devs permission as previous drama has proven. And with this update he could simply remove iron compatibility with many or any other mod machines and many mods wouldn't function. And with his obsession with doing things his way I would not be surprised if he did just that. With this power he could easily disable any machine he thinks messes with the progression of his mod.

The simple fact is taking absolute control of vanilla ores ores is to much power for any dev. And no other dev would ever think of doing such a thing.

(Sorry for quote spam, fortunately the forum automatically compresses them)


And this has to be my favorite change:

And i haven't even caught up to the latest page of the Gregtech thread yet...

EDIT: Oh, oh jeez, um...


That's a lot of ores...



Now is the best time to be a GregTech player.
This is the problem. Most mods don't have such severe penalties for building out of order. I have built more or less the same thing over and over again using other mods but I never built even remotely the same way twice. The very idea that there is such a thing as "the right way to do it" and only one right way to do it is part of the problem many people have with GT. Greg has a severe my way or the high way mentality. He once stated "that he sees the people who use his mod as customers."

I'd say this definately isn't the case for me. I've never started GT the same way twice. Sometimes I don't even start with it at all, I'd go into railcraft ore processing and then go into GT. Just depends on how I'm feeling.

He's selling his mod to you. And it makes it seem like he's competing with other mods.
I'd say selling not as in we're paying for it, but selling as in selling the idea of his mod. Then again, he's also said that his mod is made for him to play with, and anyone else can play with it if they want to.

Most mod devs see players as something more like partners or even parts of there mods. That they are integral to the development of there mods. that the devs and players work together to make great things. Greg is to isolated to ever work well with any other. Players and other devs a like.
Greg is actually really good at accepting suggestions. I've made quite a few and most have made it into the mod. It just depends on what you suggest, and if it makes sense. He is very isolated, but then again, the Ic2 forum is a very isolated community. He takes our opinions, as we are the target audience for the mod.

The problem here is that his definition of a good reason might not be the same as others. In fact I can't think of any good reason why he would even need to mess with vanilla ore gen. Except for messing with other mods. It's certainly not to adjust ore spawn as replacing the ores wouldn't be required for that.
Eh, I said the same thing when he added his meta-item (an item with damage values of every material added to his 'material index, even vanilla ones'. It's probably included by default, and it makes sense to include it with his regular generation. (there will almost certainly be a way to turn this off however).

We know that he has no problem messing with core functions of other mods with out there devs permission as previous drama has proven.
Greg has said multiple times that something like that will never happen again, and also, Greg wasn't the only guilty party (not trying to start a war, just stating a fact).
And with this update he could simply remove iron compatibility with many or any other mod machines and many mods wouldn't function.
There is absolutely no reason for him to do this, and this would make him lose the current players that he does have. Why would he even think about that, he isn't trying to cause drama anymore. He stays out of it.
And with his obsession with doing things his way I would not be surprised if he did just that. With this power he could easily disable any machine he thinks messes with the progression of his mod.
Seems like you've got your mind set on Greg = Dick. He's actually a pretty cool guy if you get to know him (minus the cruel sense of humour).

The simple fact is taking absolute control of vanilla ores ores is to much power for any dev. And no other dev would ever think of doing such a thing.
Again, not complete control. There will almost certainly be a config for this, so if people want their vanilla ores back, they can have them.

Now is the best time to be a GregTech player.
Hell yea! :D
... In fact I can't think of any good reason why he would even need to mess with vanilla ore gen. ...
The simple fact is taking absolute control of vanilla ores ores is to much power for any dev. And no other dev would ever think of doing such a thing.

Sure they would.

Better Ore Distribution. (And the new version thereof).
Custom Ore Generation. (And the first revival).

There may be others, that's just off the top of my head.
I'd say selling not as in we're paying for it, but selling as in selling the idea of his mod. Then again, he's also said that his mod is made for him to play with, and anyone else can play with it if they want to.

Greg is actually really good at accepting suggestions. I've made quite a few and most have made it into the mod. It just depends on what you suggest, and if it makes sense. He is very isolated, but then again, the Ic2 forum is a very isolated community. He takes our opinions, as we are the target audience for the mod.

There is absolutely no reason for him to do this, and this would make him lose the current players that he does have. Why would he even think about that, he isn't trying to cause drama anymore. He stays out of it.

Seems like you've got your mind set on Greg = Dick. He's actually a pretty cool guy if you get to know him (minus the cruel sense of humour).

Selling the idea is still selling. A good mod doesn't need it and a good mod dev shouldn't even need to bother thinking about it.
And on that note I would like to sell you a time share in Florida. All the cool and really popular kids are doing it.

That first paragraph doesn't really mesh with the next two.

If you minus a persons defects even the worst person is pretty cool. (So tempted to go through a list of histories most infamous to make this point.)

By the way on a simi related question win is the last time you played a pack without GT? If you played such a pack how many times did you think if only GT was in it?[DOUBLEPOST=1398719489][/DOUBLEPOST]
Sure they would.

Better Ore Distribution. (And the new version thereof).
Custom Ore Generation. (And the first revival).

There may be others, that's just off the top of my head.

None of those mods remove vanilla ores entirely. They just modify the amount that gets generated. No one has ever made alt gold or alt iron before. They never needed to. There is no reason to. Except to control it's interaction with other mods.
Edit: With one exception I just remembered. Magical crops used to do that. Do to there alternate way of generating the materials. But that has since bin changed to simply use vinilla ores.
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Selling the idea is still selling. A good mod doesn't need it and a good mod dev shouldn't even need to bother thinking about it.
Then by that logic he isn't selling. Again, he has said before that he doesn't care if people use his mod or not (clearly this is the case).
If you minus a persons defects even the worst person is pretty cool. (So tempted to go through a list of histories most infamous to make this point.)
Greg is nothing compared to these people. He isn't the worst person, but he isn't the best. If you got to know him for him, rather than his mod, he's a nice guy. All I'm saying.
By the way on a simi related question win is the last time you played a pack without GT? If you played such a pack how many times did you think if only GT was in it?
I haven't, except for a magic pack that I can't remember the name of. I just enjoy the game more with the mod than without it.
I haven't, except for a magic pack that I can't remember the name of. I just enjoy the game more with the mod than without it.

I thought as much I originally used a GT pack. But I found I could get all the complexity and challenge I could want managing a number of other mods at the same time without the frustration and reparations behavior that GT caused. Please try it. Once you get into a pack like Monster or Agrarian skys on the FTB launcher or the Mad Pack or Sky factory on the AT launcher you will not look back.
The things you can do with those more open packs far exceed anything you are likely to do with a GT pack.[DOUBLEPOST=1398720304][/DOUBLEPOST]
Let's not get too much into GregTech please. We all know what that does to a thread.
Not trying to get into anything. I'm just trying to wrap my head around this blind loyalty to one mod dev. And I think I found it. Seems like those who play with GT might simply have never have truly tied without.
I thought as much I originally used a GT pack. But I found I could get all the complexity and challenge I could want managing a number of other mods at the same time without the frustration and reparations behavior that GT caused. Please try it. Once you get into a pack like Monster or Agrarian skys on the FTB launcher or the Mad Pack or Sky factory on the AT launcher you will not look back.
The things you can do with those more open packs far exceed anything you are likely to do with a GT pack.

To each their own. If he (or anyone else) enjoys playing with GT, then so be it.

Can we get back to some actual modded MC news now rather than drama and GT discussion? I think I've had enough of it for a year.
Not trying to get into anything. I'm just trying to wrap my head around this blind loyalty to one mod dev. And I think I found it. Seems like those who play with GT might simply have never have truly tied without.
1. Not blind loyalty to one dev. If he did something dickish I would admit it, same as when I said that Player did something wrong about the whole RF jetpack thing.
2. Believe me, I have tried without. I played Agrarian Skies for a few hours, but I didn't include it due to me not thinking I had played it enough to call it 'playing'. I just dabbled in the earlygame quests, and didn't get fully invested. And yes, I did look back. It's just a difference of opinion between me and you, nothing more. I'm not a bad person for liking what I like, neither are you.
Let's not get too much into GregTech please. We all know what that does to a thread.
To each their own. If he (or anyone else) enjoys playing with GT, then so be it.

Can we get back to some actual modded MC news now rather than drama and GT discussion? I think I've had enough of it for a year.
Good, this conversation is over.
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1. Not blind loyalty to one dev. If he did something dickish I would admit it, same as when I said that Player did something wrong about the whole RF jetpack thing.
2. Believe me, I have tried without. I played Agrarian Skies for a few hours, but I didn't include it due to me not thinking I had played it enough to call it 'playing'. I just dabbled in the earlygame quests, and didn't get fully invested. And yes, I did look back. It's just a difference of opinion between me and you, nothing more. I'm not a bad person for liking what I like, neither are you.

Good, this conversation is over.

Not to bait the fish, whenever someone says this conversation is over and precedes that by writing an extensive paragraph on this conversation, the conversation is not over.
To each their own. If he (or anyone else) enjoys playing with GT, then so be it.

Can we get back to some actual modded MC news now rather than drama and GT discussion? I think I've had enough of it for a year.

Sounds good to me. And On that note hasn't anyone posted any of this?

From RWtema's Twitter. "" Means direct quote.

"Working on somethin'..."

"New blocks for 1.7. It's called the "Q.E.D.". What's that stand for? Well you'll have to wait and find out."

"@aureylian requested more pink and I shall deliver - plus FMP support for transfer nodes."

"New item! The Angel Ring. An expensive item that grants you creative flight, plus a nice pair of wings to boot."

More here:



"@KaosRitual_ You just need it in your inventory but you can also put it in a ring slot if you're afraid of dropping it."
Hey guys, it seems like regular, Vanilla Minecraft is going to get a proper overhaul of world generation soon. Should be enough to satisfy even those who felt Amplified was lacking.

[/Caps Lock to attract attention].
EDIT: Caps Lock removed. Looks like somebody got the thread back on track without using it. Well done!

The latest 1.8 snapshot almost made me wish mods could hurry up and upgrade to 1.8 already. Then again, since I'm only playing Ultimate at the moment, even the 1.5 packs would bring a lot of novelty, so I think I can settle for the 1.7 packs when they come out. All those funky new biomes to play with...