What's new in modded minecraft today?

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I'm glad that a well-recognised public voice in the MC community like Aureylian is around to encourage more pink things. That Angel ring looks great too. Creative flight is so useful for building it is the thing I miss most when playing survival.
Hey guys, it seems like regular, Vanilla Minecraft is going to get a proper overhaul of world generation soon. Should be enough to satisfy even those who felt Amplified was lacking.

[/Caps Lock to attract attention].
EDIT: Caps Lock removed. Looks like somebody got the thread back on track without using it. Well done!

The latest 1.8 snapshot almost made me wish mods could hurry up and upgrade to 1.8 already. Then again, since I'm only playing Ultimate at the moment, even the 1.5 packs would bring a lot of novelty, so I think I can settle for the 1.7 packs when they come out. All those funky new biomes to play with...

oh yea.
they opened up the terrain generator itself for customization.
better drums?
Q.E.D. crafting table looking thing in the middle, and it all has similar textures to the ender quarry and components, so lots of obsidian, lots of ender pearls.
and I see those transfer pipes sticking up into the surrounding blocks.
Sounds good to me. And On that note hasn't anyone posted any of this?

From RWtema's Twitter. "" Means direct quote.

"Working on somethin'..."

"New blocks for 1.7. It's called the "Q.E.D.". What's that stand for? Well you'll have to wait and find out."

Either upgraded drums or drums that autoeject. The Q.E.D has a crafting grid on top so its obviously used to make something. The pedestals around it are attached to transfer pipes which means it takes items, power, liquids, or some combination automatically.
IC2 forum quoting is being retarded...

But anyway, this is rather interesting... Apparently, Greg's world gen configs will allow you a lot of control over how ores spawn, and even allow you to define up to 16 custom ores and 16 custom ore clusters to generate:

Greg said:
UNG_God said:
@ores: so basic, we are gonna play somewhat like terrafirmacraft? where on the beggining we depend on small "spare" ore blocks found randomly, to make the first metal tool, then start looking for the real vein. I still dont know, because i did not play yet, but this dont look so much good, that all ores block are now in control of gregtech alone, can on some case makes things easier, but can also make it alot harder, on current gregtech is already dificult to spot such veins, now they will be rarer, have more types of ore, and without any certain position, it will give alot when found, but the "when" is the problem... so much dependency on luck...
Don't worry you can set the Ore Spawn Rates to as much as you want. That includes Spare Ores. Heck with enough knowledge you can even use the Config to add up to 16 other custom Ores to the spare Ores Worldgen, and also in addition to that 16 custom "Ore Mixes" aka huge Veins with up to 4 Different Ores inside them.
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IC2 forum quoting is being retarded...

But anyway, this is rather interesting... Apparently, Greg's world gen configs will allow you a lot of control over how ores spawn, and even allow you to define up to 16 custom ores and 16 custom ore clusters to generate:

I may have to add GT purely for ore gen purposes.
0.18.0 Witchery update, you'll be able to find all the information for the new stuff within a week or so. nope, got it done within about 4 hours of pretty much only wiki work. you're welcome :P

  • NEW: Witch hunter Armor set, leather armor with durability of iron. If the full set is worn: Bearer has 90% immunity to Curses of Misfortune and Waking Nightmare. Wearer has 90% immunity to Rite of Transposition pulls. Wearer is 100% immune to Vampiric Poppets. Wearer cannot use protection poppets. Wearer has a 25% chance of avoiding general Magical Damage (including voodoo poppets).
  • NEW: Witch Hunter Crossbow Pistol. Load by shift using (change ammo by shift-using again). Fire by using, has the same strength as a charged bow. Charge use to get crit. Different ammo types are available. Hand Crossbow may be enchanted (infinity halves durability loss instead of giving infinite ammo).
  • NEW: Wooden Bolt - Default ammo for the Pistol Crossbow. Effective against bark belt wearers and baba yaga.
  • NEW: Bone Bolt - Causes 1.5x damage against undead and demons (including players under the effects of the Infused brew of the grave).
  • NEW: Splitting Bolt - Splits into 3 Wooden Bolts fanning out in front of the crossbow, each bolt does half damage.
  • NEW: Nullifying Bolt - A wooden bolt that does not take the enchantment effects of the Crossbow. If fired by a player wearing the full Witch Hunter armor set, the bolt will reduce the power of a struck magic using player by 1/3 of their max level. Poppets (Death protection, vampiric, etc.) in poppet shelves will not function for the hit. Firing a nullifying bolt will completely drain the magical power level of the shooter.
  • NEW: Universal Antidote - Potion that when drunk will nullify poison and wither effects (stacks to 4).
  • NEW: Poppet Shelf Compass - Device with gems that light up as the player nears a poppet shelf. The more gems illuminated, the closer the shelf (has a range starting at 128 blocks).
  • NEW: Mob Witch Hunter - When a player uses black magic (voodoo poppets, parasitic poppets or curses) there is a chance that the Witch Hunter guild will notice and dispatch agents to track down the witch. These agents will appear from the shadows some time after the black magic is used, and attack the witch.
  • NEW: Binky's Skull can now be dropped upon defeating death. Using this skull on the ground will summon death's horse Binky. When Binky is killed, its skull will be dropped ready to be used again.
  • NEW: Death's Footwear, Robes and Hood. Defeating death may result in one of these pieces being dropped. The set (there are no legs) is iron armor with the durability of diamond. The chest piece grants fire immunity, the feet allow walking on liquids. The hood allows seeing in the dark and slowing those who the wearer looks at.
  • NEW: Hand of Death. Defeating death may result in this being dropped. Attacking with it causes a chill touch against the target (15% max health damage ignoring armor). Using (right-click) this while wearing all death's clothes will summon death's scythe (use again to dismiss). Death's scythe drains your hunger constantly. The lower your hunger the more damage the chill touch will do. Hitting with the scythe restores hunger and life depending on how low your hunger bar is. The scythe can hit multiple targets.
  • NEW: When a player summons Death, if a player is wearing all the Death Gear set and holding Death's Hand, that player will be summoned instead of the death mob.
  • NEW: As an experiment into block protection, all block altering effects on the Mystic Branch now generate the Forge BlockBreak event and will not perform their action if the event is cancelled. As long as servers are correctly using this event for block protection, this should be a good solution. Confirmed to work on Thaumcraft warded blocks.

  • TWEAK: Increased the spawn rate of Wispy Cotton in the Spirit World, to be more frequent.
  • TWEAK: Changed the spawn rate of Spirits in the Spirit World, to be less frequent.
  • TWEAK: Placed Spirits will not despawn.

  • FIX: An issue with Brew of Substitution and Solidifying Brew (Erosion).
  • FIX: Using a Boline to hit a Thaumcraft plant caused a null reference exception to occur. I think this is a "bug" in Thaumcraft, but this workaround stops the exception.
  • FIX: Spirits will now despawn when the player moves far enough away.
  • FIX: Brazier recipe for Drain Growth was too expensive and could cause lag.
  • FIX: Tinkers Construct has now fixed the issue with Heart canisters and being poisoned, so the Bark Belt UI icons now have to not do the workaround they did.
EDIT: not sure why that bulletpoint is there...
Vauthil edit: Because you closed the LIST tag outside the spoiler tag rather than inside it. Fixed. =)
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I want it for the mixed ore veins.
If that's all you want, I wouldn't reccomend using Gregtech, then... Just wait for Custom Ore Gen or similar to come out and use that.

Though, if you happen to like or think the many, MANY other changes Gregtech makes, then by all means, do not let me dissuade you.
This reads to me like GregTech is going the way of Better Then Wolves and TerraFirmaCraft. That is, a Minecraft Total Conversion. It might not be as intentionally incompatible as BTW, but entirely replacing Vanilla ore gen as the default option certainly won't make it easier to be compatible with others. Be interesting to see if he leaves behind the philosophy that complexity = depth which seemed to plague the mod last time I played it.

A bit late, but what on earth makes you say this?

Say what you will about his mod, but the guy can code. Even before these changes, his mod already took every "metal" from other mods and made screws, plates, and all the other bits. Yes, even if they aren't used in a recipe. Hi, I'm talking to you, HSLA Plates, Rods, Rings, Screws, etc. Compatibility shouldn't be a problem even with his oregen, because based off his handling of plates/screws/etc his code should say something to the effect of "Hai, all Metals come chill with me, I have beer" and all will be good.

From what it appears to me is he's trying to take the non-real ic2 power system and attempt to inject a bit of realism into it. The amperage limits for the cables should make for some interesting choices to be made on builds. Which to go with? High amperage, high loss? or lossless, but low current?

Also he is emphasizing his bronze age, hence the cannot.mine.iron.without.bronze.pick, which will slow the game down a lot. Ever get tired of reaching "end game" too quickly? I sure do. I like to build nice structures to house my things, and I always feel bad when I have to restart a map because I've already built all I care to.

All that said, I'm not quite sure how to feel about his oregen. If I can adjust it, fine.

Seems like those who play with GT might simply have never have truly tied without.
Could it really be that simple? Have I not tasted this sweet freedom you speak of? Sorry to break it to you, but this myth is

I've tried both flavors, with and without GT in 1.6. I was even a bit on the "screw greg" train during the TC debacle. My first two maps in 1.6 were GT-less, but Greg is back in my minecrafts, I'm enjoying it quite a bit more than I did even in 1.4, and given that these changes are coming, I doubt it will be uninstalled in the near or near-distant future.

It sure is a good time to be a gregtech player, imo. Why? I like to feel a progression while I'm working through my map. Call it linear'ity, call it whatever you want, but I get the same feels when I'm playing an old school jrpg. You must kill the 4 minions before you face the big boss and his ultimate final form!

Everybody is entitled to either like or dislike greg's mod, but please no blanket statements about his users. They are generally incorrect and probably best kept to yourself.
TeamCoFH now has a Patreon account.

What is most intriguing is the second goal: "King_Lemming will come back to code in some fashion" which will be reached at $1000/month
See, I knew KingLemming couldn't keep away, even if it takes "bribery and corruption" :P Be good that KL still has some input, he is always a voice of calm in a sea of chaos.
ok people, listen up. there's too much heated discussion about Gregtech in the past few pages, and I don't want this topic to turn into a GT debate.
so a new rule for ya'll, you're allowed to post updates on Gregtech, but you're not allowed to discuss them, if you feel like discussing them, feel free to create your own topic and have the discussion there.
I hope everyone will follow this rule, but just to be sure I'll add this rule to the OP aswell.
ok people, listen up. there's too much heated discussion about Gregtech in the past few pages, and I don't want this topic to turn into a GT debate.
so a new rule for ya'll, you're allowed to post updates on Gregtech, but you're not allowed to discuss them, if you feel like discussing them, feel free to create your own topic and have the discussion there.
I hope everyone will follow this rule, but just to be sure I'll add this rule to the OP aswell.
Amen to that, I follow this thread for news, not everyone's opinion on Gregtech. I have just been skipping over all of those posts.
ok people, listen up. there's too much heated discussion about Gregtech in the past few pages, and I don't want this topic to turn into a GT debate.
so a new rule for ya'll, you're allowed to post updates on Gregtech, but you're not allowed to discuss them, if you feel like discussing them, feel free to create your own topic and have the discussion there.
I hope everyone will follow this rule, but just to be sure I'll add this rule to the OP aswell.

Good rule. Consider it official. ;)
new day, new update, and today we start with @Vazkii again with a quick bugfix update for Botania
Vazkii said:
Beta 23
  • Fixed Mana Mirror and Floral Fertilizer recipes not taking any metadata.
  • Fixed Pyroclast Pendant losing fire resistance on dimension change.
  • If you still can't craft Manasteel with IC2 installed, update to

and @Vswe with an update for Steve's Carts 2
VSWE said:
Beta 11
  • Added the Color Randomizer.
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I'm just gonna tell the news about Fleshcraft here so we don't get anymore questions, as of now, we are still working on the mod. It's just we ran into problems, Solomon said he was on to figuring out the problem but then didn't reply since the 15th on any progress he has made. Hopefully we can get past this problem and get the mod into closed alpha within a few months. I am also working on my java skills to better deal with the problems that come up alone.