What's new in modded minecraft today?

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Just to provide some factual information on the situation with Minecraft and its MASSIVELY outdated OpenGL version:


Essentially Minecraft is using OpenGL 1.1. Its one of the only games left that uses an OpenGL version below 3.0. Moving to a newer version will see significant performance improvements. Computers old enough to not support OpenGL versions 2.1 and above are likely not fast enough to play Minecraft anyways. If you look at the Wikipedia page for OpenGL, you will see the version Minecraft currently uses is from the late 90's. Just let that sink in for second. . . Even when Minecraft does move to OpenGL 2.1, its still 8 years behind the modern versions.
Just to provide some factual information on the situation with Minecraft and its MASSIVELY outdated OpenGL version:


Essentially Minecraft is using OpenGL 1.1. Its one of the only games left that uses an OpenGL version below 3.0. Moving to a newer version will see significant performance improvements. Computers old enough to not support OpenGL versions 2.1 and above are likely not fast enough to play Minecraft anyways. If you look at the Wikipedia page for OpenGL, you will see the version Minecraft currently uses is from the late 90's. Just let that sink in for second. . . Even when Minecraft does move to OpenGL 2.1, its still 8 years behind the modern versions.

so you simply outmode peoples toasters that are already below minimum specs.

I approve.

another game I play, World of Tanks, is going sort of the same way- recent improvements mean that the very large fraction of the playerbase playing the game on something BELOW minimum specs are now having a worse and worse time trying to keep playing. I just wish they would go ahead and boot the people running a commodore 64 already.
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Alright. Enough pictures, Quick demo of the basic multiblock formation. Thoughts? Effort has gone into making these as tick-friendly as possible, and also be more forgiving about placement than some other mods.

I expected a choochoo :(

also people, hey, hey ,hey,,, hey,,,, HEY PEOPLE, WE PASSED 1500 POSTS!!1!!!11!


new day, new update, starting with @WayofTime with an update for Blood Magic
WayofTime said:
  • Allowed most sigils to be bindable to the Sigil of Holding
  • Told off the demons being bound to the pickaxes, so the binding ritual now works more than once
  • Odd issue with Crusher ritual fixed
  • Allowed a config to give access to removing potions from the Alchemy set
  • Fixed client sync issue with Sigil of the Green Grove
  • Bunch of other stuff that I forget about! What, I'm sick! :3

and @progwml6 who has updated Natura to 1.7
progwml6 said:
  • Initial Public 1.7.2 version
  • Requires Mantle 0.2.8+
Natura's overworld (and a few of the nether) additons and mechanics were always brilliant. This is good to know it made the first baby step towards 1.7.

Next we await.... Forestrryyyy :) Except it might be relegated to fan-made mod packs by the looks of the contents of another thread :sad-face: :(
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Natura's overworld (and a few of the nether) additons and mechanics were always brilliant. This is good to know it made the first baby step towards 1.7.

Next we await.... Forestrryyyy :) Except it might be relegated to fan-made mod packs by the looks of the contents of another thread :sad-face: :(
Actually if you look at Jaded's post she says:

  • Mods we will be looking at most closely for inclusion in most 1.7 official packs will be mods with native RF support.
  • Mods without native RF support but with native MJ support will be considered based on what they add that isn't present in the other mods.
How I understand this is that mods would be more likely to get into the main pack if they have RF support, BUT mods that don't would still be used if they have content that other mods don't. Last I checked I don't think there are other mods out there like Forestry, so I don't think you will have to worry about it not ending up in a pack.

Additionally I think the new rule doesn't apply to all of the packs, just a few of the main ones although I could be wrong.
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Actually if you look at Jaded's post she says:

  • Mods we will be looking at most closely for inclusion in most 1.7 official packs will be mods with native RF support.
  • Mods without native RF support but with native MJ support will be considered based on what they add that isn't present in the other mods.
How I understand this is that mods would be more likely to get into the main pack if they have RF support, BUT mods that don't would still be used if they have content that other mods don't. Last I checked I don't think there are other mods out there like Forestry, so I don't think you will have to worry about it not ending up in a pack.

Additionally I think the new rule doesn't apply to all of the packs, just a few of the main ones although I could be wrong.
Forestry, I would say, is a key mod, I would be surprised if it was not included. Just plop an REC (conduit, not cell) on the machines and you are good to go. Plus bees, butterflies, and trees. X
Forestry, I would say, is a key mod, I would be surprised if it was not included. Just plop an REC (conduit, not cell) on the machines and you are good to go. Plus bees, butterflies, and trees. X

Read the spoilers in the first post on that thread. Forestry is pretty much gone. RC/BC will be in a pack somewhere.
Read the spoilers in the first post on that thread. Forestry is pretty much gone. RC/BC will be in a pack somewhere.
Which thread is this? I think I have lost track, but I want to read about it and I have already been involved in too off-topic discussions right here and I don't want to do that again :rolleyes:
Btw... Forestry is updated to 1.7.2 (no link, just go to #forestry on esper.net). There is a "preview" version for testing. Just to say... To be honest, I am super suprised that ftb team is even considering that only mods that are supporting RF are considered in future modpacks. For me it sounds just like a joke. Mostly cause since I play modded minecraft there was many power systems. Some of them are gone (blue power system from RP2 was my personal fav). But that is just fine. Modded minecraft is superb when it comes to diversity. You can dl mods that you want to play, and make every world very unique. I don't get the idea of ftb team to make modpack based on one energy system, cause it will just cripple the uniques. One can prefere to use RF and other can prefere to use UE. Both ways are valid and I don't know why it's a problem...
Actually I did have lot's of fun when I tried UE based mods. They are really, really unique in ideas.
I kinda like RF, cause it's simple. But powering anything that is more complex seems to me just too easy. Hook up cables and be done with it. No transformers, no energy loss, no drawbacks. I would like to see an energy system that have some spin to it. Even quite recent MJ changes were superb for me cause playing with gates and pipes was extremly refreshing. IC2 is as always failing at delivering electricity based system, but at least some of the machines do present some challenge.
Personally I am playing in 1.6.4 world with 216 mods. And I don't have reika mods installed. Dunno why, but they just didn't fit my playstyle. I think that I have to give them another chance, but fot now I am content with my modpack.
Well, I would like to appeal to FTB team to reconsider their decision, cause it will just lower the quality of the modpacks. Players will be more alienated with their mods and will have to install by hand additional mods. Even now many people is installing mekanism to ftb based modpacks. I am not suprised, cause it brings some new mechanics, and super logical jetpack. (seriously, jetpack running on electricity or RF? seriously...)

PS. about OpenGL 3.0. I would be really suprised if that would be needed for minecraft. It's a voxel game without any postprocessing or advanced light effects. I would say that mojang should grab their shit together and fix all stupidity in vanilla codebase. Make a simple API for modders. C'mon it's Java. It's super simple language to write clean API.

(Sorry for quote spam, fortunately the forum automatically compresses them)

GregoriusT said:
aka13_404 said:
Greg, since yoa are working on cables, maybe a whole "new" concept of cable's losses/limits?
Shocking etc would be happening because of voltage, melting/destruction because of amperage, and finally cable limits basing of power?
Shocking Damage is Voltage*Amperage, the Voltage itself is for the Range.
Melting is only Amperage, because otherwise there would not be enough destruction going on when misusing Cables (since Voltage decreases every Meter)
And Cable Limit = Limit of not Melting = see above.

Getting a bit more work done on Cables, there are 11 Versions for each used Material. I'll just copypaste my Code for adding the Copper Variant.
        new GT_MetaPipeEntity_Cable(1020, "cable.uninsulated.copper.01",  "1x Copper Wire" , 0.125F, Materials.Copper    , 2,  1,    128, false);
        new GT_MetaPipeEntity_Cable(1021, "cable.uninsulated.copper.02",  "2x Copper Wire" , 0.25F , Materials.Copper    , 2,  2,    128, false);
        new GT_MetaPipeEntity_Cable(1022, "cable.uninsulated.copper.04",  "4x Copper Wire" , 0.375F, Materials.Copper    , 2,  4,    128, false);
        new GT_MetaPipeEntity_Cable(1023, "cable.uninsulated.copper.08",  "8x Copper Wire" , 0.50F , Materials.Copper    , 2,  8,    128, false);
        new GT_MetaPipeEntity_Cable(1024, "cable.uninsulated.copper.12", "12x Copper Wire" , 0.75F , Materials.Copper    , 2, 12,    128, false);
        new GT_MetaPipeEntity_Cable(1025, "cable.uninsulated.copper.16", "16x Copper Wire" , 1.00F , Materials.Copper    , 2, 16,    128, false);
        new GT_MetaPipeEntity_Cable(1026, "cable.insulated.copper.01"  ,  "1x Copper Cable", 0.25F , Materials.Copper    , 1,  1,    128, true);
        new GT_MetaPipeEntity_Cable(1027, "cable.insulated.copper.02"  ,  "2x Copper Cable", 0.375F, Materials.Copper    , 1,  2,    128, true);
        new GT_MetaPipeEntity_Cable(1028, "cable.insulated.copper.04"  ,  "4x Copper Cable", 0.50F , Materials.Copper    , 1,  4,    128, true);
        new GT_MetaPipeEntity_Cable(1029, "cable.insulated.copper.08"  ,  "8x Copper Cable", 0.75F , Materials.Copper    , 1,  8,    128, true);
        new GT_MetaPipeEntity_Cable(1030, "cable.insulated.copper.12"  , "12x Copper Cable", 1.00F , Materials.Copper    , 1, 12,    128, true);

Greg said:
There are also a LOT of Cable Materials with different properties. Lead Wire for example can withstand twice as much amperes as Tin Wire, but Lead has twice as much Cable Loss (Both are LV).

Aluminium Wire (EV) can withstand 1 Ampere per Wire and has the least loss of the EV branch, but Tungsten can for example withstand 4 times more Amperes with 1.5 times as much Loss as Aluminium. Even Nichrome is a Cable Material, but not a good one, it is more useful for heating up things than for conducting electricity.

Silver has the least loss of the HV branch but with only 1 Ampere per Wire, while Gold can withstand 3. Electrum is just a mix of both with only 2 Amperes per Wire.

For Insane Voltage I plan to use Graphene. I just don't have a way to produce it.

Here a List of all the Cables from left to right (the 16x Version cannot be insulated because there is no space left within the Cubic Meter)

-- LV --
-- MV --
AnnealedCopper (Copper into Blast Furnace)
-- HV --
-- EV --
-- IV --

Greg said:
Unlike IC2 where you have to make silly ON/OFF Contraptions to create electric Fences, the GT Cables can be used much more easyly, you basically need an Energy Storage and a simple Loop of Wires (3 would already be enough for doing that). Put a bit CFoam on the Wire to let it look good (or put a few 16x Wires inbetween as "Fence Posts") and BOOM Electric Fence.

I wonder if there will be Powerplants with a 2x2 of 16x Wires coming out of them (the uninsulated Wire can and SHOULD be painted for this setup for Cable Seperation), which have Wool Covers (aka Carpets, which can already be used as Wool Covers in 1.6) to look like a giant Black Cable (with optional Yellow or Red Stripes). This is since Cables are Limited to a maximum Voltage 2048 (except for Graphene and the probably upcoming Superconductor, but both are frikkin expensive). Aluminium Wires which are the most Efficient EV Wires are pretty cheap, so it would be reasonable.

Another Note: IC2 Cables won't work on any GT Machine (If you think about using IC2 Cables instead), you have to put a Transformer right in front of the IC2 Generator/Storage Block in order to retrieve Energy from it (what isn't lossless at all). Inverted Transformers can take IC2-Energy from up to 5 Sides, regular ones only from the 4-Dotted Side.

And this has to be my favorite change:
Greg said:
Added Wooden Pipes. But don't use them for Lava or other hot things, they are flammable after all.

And i haven't even caught up to the latest page of the Gregtech thread yet...

EDIT: Oh, oh jeez, um...

GregoriusT said:
aka13_404 said:
I think the real reason behind not supporting microblock is "fuck you, that's why". Maybe it's some kind of jealosity because of being more popular, I don't know. I'm using both, and in the end, you still have almost everything you can imagine as a cover.
It is more of a "I already have my own System and I don't wanna change that" in combination with "That Stuff is bugged as hell and once there is a Bug I cannot fix it myself".


And now behold ALL THE ORES (There are also Netherrack and Endstone variants, but that is too much work to please each of them)

That's a lot of ores...

Greg said:
Note: every 3x3 of Chunks has a maximum of 1 Vein (which contains 4 different but very similar Ores), which is about 5 Blocks high and about 32x32 Large (not to mention that there is still a large partition of Stone inbetween left, since it isn't one giant Blob of Ore)

GregoriusT said:
invultri said:
That wall of ores seems to implement "partial" ores as it was suggested a while back (partial as in less yield / block so more blocks can spawn). Is this correct ?
It is not correct, at least "not now". Right now it generates large (16 to 48) x (16 to 48) x (5 to 7) Clusters of randomly placed Ore Blocks (more being placed towards the middle) with up to 4 different Types of Ore in each Cluster (for example Redstone spawns together with small bits of Cinnabar and Ruby), but I can add those small Ores anytime I want, since the Ores are Mini-MetaTileEntities (TileEntities which save only one value inside them and without any tick callback) and I still have about 29767 Slots free.

But Worldgen is now running somewhat properly, turns out it wasn't a Forge retrogen Feature I didnt know of (and which didn't exist), but instead I accidentially put an X-Coordinate where a Z-Coordinate was needed, turning that into loooooooong Veins of Ore.

I would still recommend using PFAA instead of my own Worldgen, because my own Worldgen is just a bunch of randomly placed Ores in Clusters.
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