I am! :3
I'm also very tired...
I'm also very tired...
Clearly this is the indication that railcraft and buildcraft are merging. Can't everyone see that? Open your eyes sheeple!Chugga chugga choo choo!
It's not a train, but it looks like a train
As Eyamaz and I have started looking towards official 1.7 modpack builds we have noticed many changes in MC mods. We are not comfortable with continuing to attempt to balance multiple energy systems against each other in every pack. Packs always end up feeling like they have one main energy system and every other system is just on the side. There are also less mods with native support for only IC2 or BC at this point. Most mods have swapped to or are at least compatible with RF. Going forward to 1.7 modpacks our main energy system will be RF. We may make packs that focus on other energy systems as well depending on how viable it is to find enough addons for other energy systems. With the ID change in 1.7 it will not be nearly as difficult for players to drop mods into the packs after creation or even to combine many of the packs into 1 large pack. This is nothing against IC2 or BC. Most of the modding community has adopted or added support for RF and for the first time in quite a while modded minecraft has a nearly universally accepted energy system.More and more it feels off to place a few mods that don't support RF in packs that are mainly powered by RF.
What this means:
- Mods we will be looking at most closely for inclusion in most 1.7 official packs will be mods with native RF support.
- Mods without native RF support but with native MJ support will be considered based on what they add that isn't present in the other mods.
- EU mods will probably be in their own pack assuming there are enough of them to fill out a pack that is significantly different from the main packs
- Our goal going forwards is to keep a consistent modpack feel in the main packs. 1 energy system per pack not 3 or 4 or 5.
This means our Flagship pack and Tech 3 will be RF based with only mods that can be powered by or provide power for RF. Magic 3 of course won't have an energy system unless someone adds a magic energy system. The plan is to make a magic themed pack that isn't just a collection of every magic mod we can find. Lite3 will probably closely resemble Lite2. A new to be named pack or packs may be created to showcase the other energy system mods. More quest books and more maps will be making an appearance in 1.7 since we won't need to spend so much time dealing with ID conflicts. As we get closer to having official 1.7 packs we will be providing you with more information and lore. Right now Eyamaz and I are making our modlists and planning the themes for 1.7.
We realize this decision may upset some die hard traditionalists. However the modpack team has decided to move forwards with the rest of the MC community. For those that absolutely have to have every mod in a single pack 1.7 will make it possible for you to do so on your own. Again this does not mean that non-RF mods will not be in any packs, just that the main packs will be focused on a single energy system.
Edit to Add: The only mods not natively supporting RF one way or another are IC2, BC, RC and Forestry. And the last 3 can be powered by RF through conversion.
- RotaryCraft: Added Composter NEI handler
- RotaryCraft: Fixed some localization issues
- RotaryCraft: Fixed PneumaticCraft crash
- RotaryCraft: Flywheels now decelerate when driving non-RC shaft machines
I think that if mojang is seriously changing and fixing code, thy should, in 1.9 or 2.0 UPDATE THEIR OPENGL. i think that minecraft is still using 1.9? and 3.0 or above is out? just my humble opinion.
CovertJaguar said:
- INFO: Minor tweaks for public beta release. (broken):
- FIX: Fix startup crash, oops.
- CHANGE: Lockdown, Holding, and Boarding Tracks merged into a single Locking Track. Change modes with a Crowbar.
- API: Reduced the importance of TrackIds, they are now only used for legacy support and network sync. TrackTags strings are used for everything else, including serialization. (unstable):
- FIX: Stomp network bugs. (unstable):
- INFO: Update Thaumcraft & IC2 APIs.
- NEW: Villagers are aware of Trade Stations and find them interesting.
- FIX: Fix Steam Oven and Turbine Textures. (unstable):
- FIX: Walls no longer crash.
- FIX: Sounds have returned! (unstable):
- FIX: Fix Post<->Signal connections.
- FIX: Metal Posts are no longer called Platforms.
- FIX: Fix issues with Trackman's Goggles initialization.
- FIX: Fix Golden Ticket GUI. (unstable):
- NEW: Added Trade Station (work in progress). A block that can trade with Villagers.
- NEW: If the Bore stops for any reason, it will now activate any attached Locomotives (must be in Run mode to work).
- CHANGE: Master block of all MultiBlocks moved to the center of the structure if possible to make it possible to rotate them intact.
- FIX: Cart content rendering.
- FIX: Force Locomotive renderer to explicitly specify the standard blend function (no more Ghost Trains).
- FIX: Moved CloudMaster code into its own project and out of Railcraft.
- FIX: Stairs and Slabs no longer crash.
- FIX: Signal Aspects blink again. (unstable):
- INFO: Updated Thaumcraft API.
- FIX: Package the BC API in the jar removing the hard dep.
- FIX: Fix key-binding issues. (unstable):
- FIX: Fix crashes when checking player armor.
- FIX: Attempt to work around SpecialSource limitations.
- INFO: Updated to MC 1.7.2. The only testing done so far is to create a new world and look around.
- KNOWN ISSUES: No sounds, vanilla minecarts are not being replaced, Bore won't mine, some blocks harvest weirdly, Buildcraft is hard required because the API isn't being packaged correctly.
- NEW: Using a Magnifying Glass on a structure will give you some information about why it won't form. Not sure how useful it is.
- CONFIG: Anchor Fuel options expanded to support multiple items.
- API: Added framework for creating alternative Locomotive skins.
Azanor said:
- Baubles: requires Baubles
- increased the spawn rate of 1's
- moved thaumcraft research and scanning data from player data to custom savefiles (*.thaum)
- a backup file is also saved each time in case the main one becomes corrupt.
- automatically revert to backup file if main one cannot be loaded. If both cannot be loaded revert to old player data format. This will also insure that data from previous tc versions will be loaded the first time.
- travelling trunk upgrades now properly sync when it is picked up and placed again
- added one 1 to everything once
- fixed crash related to pickaxe of the core right-click ability
- increased default scanning caps to 10 (per aspect) and 100 (total per aspect). You will need to alter or recreate your config files to use these caps otherwise old values will be used.
- harvest golems have been acting up again. This time I needed to get out some charts and graphs to properly explain things to them.
- alchemy golems will no ignore the facing rules for alembics so it doesn't matter what side you place them on alembic stacks or the alchemical furnace
- alchemy golems will now take from the fullest alembic in a stack, instead of the topmost one
- fixed some syncing issues with tubes
- primal charm flavor text isn't stored as NBT data anymore. It was messing with recipes.
- you will once again be able to see what items contain what aspects in the Aspects entry of the thaumonomicon
- fiddled with crusted taint and tainted soil rendering. Hopefully it should prevent the crashes some people have been experiencing.
- runic augmention recipes should no longer cause crashes when trying to upgrade items without starting shield values
- brain in a jar should once again be able to absorb xp. It will also display particle effects when it is full.
- incremented increments incrementally
- jars are now noisy again
IMO, a lot will change because the barrier to entry for putting mods you want in your game is significantly lowered in 1.7. The benefits of 1.7 to the modded player base are massive. Especially players who are new to mods. MCF threads for mods for example have always been a disaster due to how many new players post full logs w/o spoilers of things like item ID conflicts. Usually several each page of a thread. If nothing else at least the mods threads will become a lot easier to read!I'm curious as to why you think that and what mods you think stand to benefit (yours perhaps! There has been an encouraging trend in mods which add aesthetic blocks and I just checked out Valued decor and I like the textures. Green blocks especially are in short supply in my opinion, so thanks).
I must say I am encouraged by what you and @VapourDrive said. I haven't put too much thought into 1.7 yet because I have been having such good fun in 1.6, but I can definitely see that advantages with the new ID system. I might even try and look into implementing some of my own ideas for 1.7, who knows. To be honest, I don't really have much to add to this discussion, I just wanted to acknowledge it and show some appreciation for some of the thoughtful responses I have seen here.IMO, a lot will change because the barrier to entry for putting mods you want in your game is significantly lowered in 1.7. The benefits of 1.7 to the modded player base are massive. Especially players who are new to mods. MCF threads for mods for example have always been a disaster due to how many new players post full logs w/o spoilers of things like item ID conflicts. Usually several each page of a thread. If nothing else at least the mods threads will become a lot easier to read!
And (all Curse drama aside) if what is planned with the new Curse launcher actually happens with 1 click installs, wow. As it is now such a huge part of the player base is entirely reliant on packs to be able to play with various mods together. With 1.7 that changes significantly, and will also likely change the scene for mods. Newer mods are going to have a lot easier time finding testers, and users where that has always been a challenge in the past since such a large part of the player base is reliant on packs that don't want to test buggy mods in their packs (for good reason) or just favor traditional mods.
YesThe would but there are quite a few who'd computers can't handle the new versions. Should they lose the ability to play the game just so that others can play it a bit better?
Don't assume that updating the OPENGL will fix anything. A crappy computer will be a crappy computer no mater what. In fact updating it would probably make it worse for your computer.Yes
As a person who can barely play vanilla 1.7 I do think it should be fixed.
And? If it fixes ANY issues (IIRC that causes the permanent shift glitch in inventories) I would be ok with it. I can barely run 1.7 anyways, they should fix the issues.Don't assume that updating the OPENGL will fix anything. A crappy computer will be a crappy computer no mater what. In fact updating it would probably make it worse for your computer.
You and me both. I can get up to 150fps on a 1.6.4 modpack with 60 mods installed, but only about 15fps on Vanilla 1.7. It's ridiculous.And? If it fixes ANY issues (IIRC that causes the permanent shift glitch in inventories) I would be ok with it. I can barely run 1.7 anyways, they should fix the issues.
Okay everyone, this should be a Modded News thread. Not a war thread. We already had a mod come yell at us for this (admittedly about GregTech), just recently.
I just skipped through part of the video, but doesnt ATLauncher do that as well?I don't think anyone posted MultiMC doing another great thing here yet.
This could be really amazing once 1.8 comes out / 1.7 stops being buggy and gets updated / some kind of universal configs that change IDs and have default everything else are added to this idea for 1.6 as well.
whenever you say something in color, i imagine a giant, booming voive from the sky.Indeed.