If you really haven't figured out by now the maker of ic2s 32x32 textures is making textures for Greg
Jenkins changelog is actually from git commits, see https://github.com/aidancbrady/Mekanism/commits/masterIt is the Jenkins changelog...
And even up means that the power system is changing. It's outlined in this github issue
- Fixed Smeltery failing over time
You enjoy it requiring twice the amount of steps or more to make even a electric furnace as it douse any other mod? And that if you make any mistake it blows up on you and you have to start over againe? There is a reason it's in a fraction of the packs it used to be in.
It was supposedly balanced for difficulty and challenge. So why is it not in any of the hard mode packs?
In fact the only packs it's in are the super general and throw any teck mod in packs.
Face it as fare as pack makers and most players are concerned Ender IO is the new IC2. Fast effective powerful and well balanced. With out taking a week to set up a system that is half as effective as most others Like IC2.
This thread is for actual news on mod updates, not jokes and fake "gotchas". Let's keep it that way.
On another note, do not turn this topic into yet another debate about GregTech. This is not the place for it. You have been warned.
Sorry... *sadface*This thread is for actual news on mod updates, not jokes and fake "gotchas". Let's keep it that way.
On another note, do not turn this topic into yet another debate about GregTech. This is not the place for it. You have been warned.
Speaking of enderIO...
Some new stuff from the fantastic CrazyPants
Many (all?) of the machines now have input/output control per side which can be set in this fancy GUI
The SAG mill is now also up-gradable for increased ... everything
https://www.dropbox.com/s/9ejat22rfzgmxop/Screenshot 2014-04-22 20.47.00.png
Also, haven't seen much in this thread (may have just missed it) but some of the "new" power gen stuff is really cool, somewhat similar to mekanism's liquid based machines:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/uzade7x611drpt2/Screenshot 2014-04-17 10.13.32.png
https://www.dropbox.com/s/abtqg8asx9p8zeh/Screenshot 2014-03-31 14.54.25.png
Reika said:V21
- DyeTrees: TF animals can now spawn in the Rainbow Forest
- ElectriCraft: Fixed resistor negative resistance bug (max current now 990MA)
- EnderForest: Liquid ender now resets fall damage
- GeoStrata: Fixed slate not generating
- GeoStrata: Fixed connected stone not rendering in otherwise empty render subchunks
- GeoStrata: Made stone gen more efficient
- MeteorCraft: Fixed radar crash on server
- ReactorCraft: Fixed radiation poisoning disconnect/crash
- ReactorCraft: Sodium boilers no longer viable inside HTGRs
- ReactorCraft: Added fusion layout blueprint device
- ReactorCraft: Fire is no longer viable for heating Heat Exchanger
- RotaryCraft: Fixed electric motor crash
- RotaryCraft: Added option to turn off the terraformer
- RotaryCraft: Forcibly disabled TE hardened glass/blast glass recipe overlap
- RotaryCraft: Tungsten no longer required to craft turbines
ProfMobius said:v1.2.2
- Redesign of the tabbing. Each data gathering is in a tab inside categories for easier access.
- Added deeper network profiling. The network tab now shows the type of packet/channel and some other data.
- Added ping measurement. This will compute the round trip + data processing.
- Added rendering handlers client side.
- Added event profiling server & client side.
- Added a tool to detect orphaned and duplicated TileEntities.
- Added cumulative stats for Entities and TileEntities timing.
- Added list of TileEntities (doesn't require timing data).
- Massive network optimization. Data is send on request only and all strings are cached, providing a massive reduction in data transfered.
- Large refactoring of some areas, too many to list.
Face it as fare as pack makers and most players are concerned Ender IO is the new IC2. Fast effective powerful and well balanced. With out taking a week to set up a system that is half as effective as most others Like IC2.
Nope. As far as most modpack makers go TE3 and MFR are the new IC2 and ExU is the new BC. Players are of course a whole different ballgame.
There's a printing machine for that exact purpose!I wish he would either allow new players to generate those manuals using some form of crafting recipe or duplicate existing manuals!
do {
(Book || existing manual) + screwdriver + iron gear = Y_A_GT_manual;
while {manuals_exist};
So, as someone who's newly playing gregtech, it is nice to know that he's about to expand his ideas into a full blown mod. He's very thorough and structured in how he sets out the gameplay mechanics of his mod, and for that you have to hand it out to him.
Can someone post the link to the original thread in the IC2 where this discussion originated? The greg thread is over 1800 pages long and growing daily, and it is daunting to even know where to begin, to home in on this.
Whatever's bound to come from his stables is going to be thorough, structured and hard. Good luck to us (and to him) Let's hope he retains his compatibility with IC2 machines, since those were his roots.
The one thing that I really have a big gripe about greggie's mod, is that all of his in-game manuals are dungeon chest loot! Let's say, If you join a game midway when most raiding and looting is done already, there is no manual to go around. I wish he would either allow new players to generate those manuals using some form of crafting recipe or duplicate existing manuals!If anyone here can get this message across to him, that would be nice.
This makes me sad since a preponderance of players on these forums and other communities feel Mekanism is the proper successor to the IC2 throne.Nope. As far as most modpack makers go TE3 and MFR are the new IC2 and ExU is the new BC. Players are of course a whole different ballgame.
This makes me sad sincemostmany players feel Mekanism is the proper successor to the IC2 throne.